Find The Magic

Find The Magic

Helping you honor yourself, your children and your partner. Tips and strategies to create peace, integrity and love within your family. Support this podcast:

  • 19 minutes 29 seconds
    279 // Are You Choosing Attachment Over Authenticity?

    Belonging is a deep instinctual need we have as a societal based species, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that many of us as children (and adults) choose approval of other humans over authenticity and self trust inside of ourselves.

    Once we are aware of this instinct, analysis of our behavior choices become incredible interesting. We have now brought subconscious motives to the surface and can make decisions from a place of intention and consciousness, and this can prove to create beautiful moments of unconditional love and empowerment.

    Related Episodes:

    Authoritative Parenting / Arguably the MOST Effective Parenting Style

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    20 March 2024, 10:15 pm
  • 39 minutes 32 seconds
    278 // NO: a toddlers newly learned word

    Have you ever had the experience of when your toddler begins to say “no” to your request? It can be a puzzling experience, if not downright annoying. In this episode we share tips and tools for how to handle these situations in an unruffled way. 

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    12 March 2024, 10:20 am
  • 7 minutes 49 seconds
    Magic Moment // Trap of the "Too Good" Mother

    This episode Felica unpacks the tale of the too sweet mother and how we can learn to avoid extremes in our parenting from apathy to over parenting.

    We hope you enjoy!

    Remember to sign up ⁠here⁠ for our weekly newsletter where we send our favorite books, resources & parenting tips each week! 

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    5 March 2024, 12:34 pm
  • 39 minutes 21 seconds
    276 // Self-Care: How To Do It Right

    Self-care seems to be a buzzword that gets swept up in consumerism and consequently the real meaning and purpose of self-care gets blurry. In today’s episode, we talk about what self-care really is and how intentionality, mindfulness, and boundaries can help us connect better to ourselves and others.

    Related episodes

    257 // How to Handle Parent Guilt, Reinventing Ourselves, and Bossy Kids

    ⁠⁠How to: Create Pockets of Peace⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠Running a Household Without Resentment⁠⁠


    Freddie’s Laundry Sheets

    Taralyn, Felica, and I all are very big on using products that contain ingredients that are not only good for your body and the environment, but also do the job well. I’ve been on the hunt for a good laundry detergent to meet the criteria and Freddie’s Laundry Sheets check all of the boxes! They are are non-toxic, eco-friendly, plastic free, mess-free, and actually clean your clothes! I love them so much that I want to share them with you! You can save an additional 5% when you use discount code findthemagic at check out. Let me know how you like them!

    27 February 2024, 11:06 am
  • 14 minutes 49 seconds
    275 // Come What May–Be Present

    We all have times in our lives when we are apprehensive for what will come or even what's happening here and now, maybe we even dread it. In this episode, Katelin talks about the lessons she learned from a meaningful experience she had that can help us all as we encounter welcome and not-so-welcome events in our lives. 

    Related episodes

     223 // The Power of Being Present NOW 

    Staying Open to The Present

    Remember to sign up ⁠here⁠ for our weekly newsletter where we send our favorite books, resources & parenting tips each week!

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    20 February 2024, 11:37 am
  • 56 minutes 54 seconds
    274 // Respect; it's mutual with Joe Newman Author of Raising Lions

    It seems there is an epidemic of disrespect, whining, tantrums, talking back and in general, less respect than we saw in previous generations of kids. We are burned out as parents and we don't see a way out. This ends in being ultra strict or ultra passive because we just feel burnt out.

    In this episode Felica talks with Joe Newman about mutual recognition. This is the practice of back and forth respect that we should see to establish in our homes for a peaceful environment. Oftentimes the balance is shifted in favor of respecting our children but is not returned. There is a place in the middle where we can create a mutually respectful relationship with our kids.

    Related Episodes

    When Other People Disagree With Your Parenting

    The Martyr Effect. HOW TO Stop Offering Ourselves at the Altar of Parenting

     Raising Lions: The Art of Compassionate Discipline with Joe Newman

    Remember to sign up here for our weekly newsletter where we send our favorite books, resources & parenting tips each week! 

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    13 February 2024, 11:36 am
  • 50 minutes 45 seconds
    273 // When Life Throws Us a Curveball with Brene Brown’s Atlas of the Heart

    273 // When Things Don’t Go as Planned

    We all like to plan for life and set expectations for how things should go, but what happens when life doesn’t go as planned? Or people or circumstances don’t meet expectations? We try to have a baby and are unable, we lose jobs, marriages end, we lose faith. In this episode we talk about the disappointment, regrets, discouragement, and frustration associated with these situations and tools we can use to view and navigate them with greater understanding and peace.

    Main Ideas

    • The language we use to define our emotions matters!

    • Disappointment vs. Regret - we feel disappointment when things don’t go how we wanted them to, and we feel the outcome is out of our control. We feel regret when things don’t go how we wanted, and we feel the outcome was caused by our own decisions, actions, or failure to act. 

    • Regret can be one of our greatest (and most uncomfortable) teachers

    • Tools we talk about - Involving God, “TFT”s from Brené Brown, Fear Setting from Tim Ferris

    Related Episodes

    263 // HOW TO Move Through the Stress Cycle and Stay Out of Overwhelm

    216 // What Resentment Reveals & Understanding Envy

    214 // Compassion: Where Love Meets Suffering and Remains Love

    Subscribe to our email for all the links, goodies, books and resources we share in each episode!

    6 February 2024, 11:01 am
  • 28 minutes 23 seconds
    272 // Facing the Waves of Life with Taralyn

    272 // Magic Moment: When Life’s Waves Tumble you

    Does it ever feel like you are just being thrashed by the waves of life? Most of us have felt that way. In this episode, Taralyn describes some things she learned about facing waves in the ocean in Costa Rica. Sometimes it is helpful to face them with peaceful warrior strength; sometimes, its easier to duck under and let the wave roll over us, and sometimes we can surrender to it and allow ourselves to rest as we roll through them. Also, let’s not forget the joy of riding the waves! Sometimes life is a joyful ride, and thats important to enjoy also.

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    Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes:⁠⁠⁠Open Find the Magic in the podcast app  ⁠⁠⁠Scroll to the bottom of the page

    30 January 2024, 4:27 pm
  • 17 minutes 20 seconds
    271 // 5 Tips for Implementing a Successful Quiet Time
    One of our most frequently asked questions we receive from listeners is "How can I implement quiet time with my kid?" Transitioning from nap time to quiet time can seem like a daunting change in your daily rhythm as a caregiver. We all need a little recharging time to refill our own cup and that can be difficult without any breaks. In this episode, Katelin shares tips for how you can implement quiet time successfully and how you and your kid(s) can make the most out of it.
    23 January 2024, 2:59 pm
  • 49 minutes 44 seconds
    270 // Protecting Your Children Against Sexual Abuse with Feather Berkower
    We all agree that we want to keep our kids safe from sexual abuse but we oftentimes don’t know where to start and how to go about doing this. In this episode Katelin interviews Feather Berkower, Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Educator & Author, to understand what we can do to protect our kids and therefore create safer communities for all children. You can learn more from Feather Berkower below: Off Limits: A Parent's Guide to Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse (Must-Read Parenting Book!) [email protected]
    16 January 2024, 11:02 am
  • 25 minutes 5 seconds
    269 // Weathering Winter

    All of us experience metaphorical winters throughout our lives—times of emotional upheaval, physical taxation, or perhaps just times when we need more rest. Many of us also live in places where the outward cycles of our environment shift from warm and sunny to cold and darker.

    In this episode, Taralyn explores the concept of wintering as a philosophy, where we actually give ourselves permission to rest, to lean into the darkness as we incubate and grow our deep internal strength we feel ourselves swing back into the light. 

    Books and links she mentioned:

    Wintering // Katherine May

    No blue light reading lights 

    How Light Affects Our Sleep, Fertility, Our Child’s Behavior, and More With Andy Mant

    Craving a Slow Down? Start With Your Mind

    Going With the Flow: Allowing Ourselves to Rest, Work, and Play With Meridith Bienvenue

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    Related EpisodesThank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes:⁠⁠⁠Open Find the Magic in the podcast app  ⁠⁠⁠Scroll to the bottom of the page

    9 January 2024, 11:03 am
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