
Erica Djossa

  • 59 minutes 11 seconds
    235: Emotional Regulation Skills for Moms with Dr. Amber Thornton, Clinical Psychologist

    Developing our own emotional regulation skills isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes a lot of work, learning, and unlearning. The more awareness we can build about what triggers our dysregulation and how it shows up for us, the better we can become at responding and regulating our emotions. 

    This week on The Momwell Podcast, I’m joined by clinical psychologist Dr. Amber Thornton, host of Dr. Amber’s Know and Grow Podcast, to discuss how we can strengthen our emotional regulation skills and the importance of setting realistic expectations.

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    24 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 56 minutes 12 seconds
    234: Overcoming Anxiety About Introducing Solids to Baby with Jenny Best, Founder & CEO of Solid Starts

    Introducing solids to our babies can feel scary, but it doesn’t have to follow one strict guide. We can overcome anxiety and create an environment around food that establishes healthy long-term eating habits. 

    This week on The Momwell Podcast, I’m joined by Jenny Best, founder of Solid Starts, to discuss how we can rethink our approach to feeding and learn how to trust ourselves and our baby.

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    17 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 58 minutes 23 seconds
    233: How Intensive Mothering Creates Overwhelmed Moms with Jess Grose, Opinion Writer for The New York Times

    Intensive mothering, unrealistic pressures, and gender norms have created an unattainable ideal of motherhood—one that is taking a toll on modern moms. If we want to break out of this mom overwhelm, we need to recognize those expectations and determine what works for us. 

    This week on The Momwell Podcast, I’m joined by Jess Grose, author and opinion writer for The New York Times. We discuss why moms are so overwhelmed and what we can do to create more support.

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    10 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 54 minutes 39 seconds
    232: Fostering Emotional Development in Our Children with Alyssa Campbell, CEO of Seed and Sew

    Fostering emotional development goes beyond validating feelings or sticking to a set script—it takes inner work, nervous system regulation, and plenty of self-awareness and self-compassion. 

    This week on The Momwell Podcast, I’m joined by Alyssa Campbell, CEO of Seed and Sew and co-author of Tiny Humans, Big Emotions. We discuss the importance of emotional intelligence, the role our own upbringing plays, and how we can foster positive emotional development for our children.

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    3 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 53 minutes 5 seconds
    231: A Deeper Look Into Mommy Wine Culture with Amanda White, Author and Founder of Therapy for Women Center

    Mommy wine culture is often viewed as a lighthearted joke—with moms turning to wine or a mimosa to cope with stressful parenting moments. And plenty of moms can enjoy an alcoholic beverage without falling into unhealthy patterns. But alcohol use isn’t always lighthearted—for some moms, there are mental health concerns that are being overlooked and coping mechanisms that aren’t healthy. 

    This week on The Momwell Podcast, I’m joined by Amanda White, author of Not Drinking Tonight and founder of Therapy for Women Center. We discuss the drawbacks of mommy wine culture, the differences between healthy and unhealthy alcohol use, and the mental health concerns of motherhood.

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    26 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 55 minutes 7 seconds
    230: Navigating Culture and Mental Health in Motherhood with Sahaj Kaur Kohli, Founder of Brown Girl Therapy

    Our individual upbringing and the culture we were raised in impact the way we show up as parents and the way we approach our own mental health. It’s important to listen to voices in this area who understand firsthand the nuances of culture and mental health, breaking cycles, and carving out individual paths as moms. 

    One of those voices is Sahaj Kaur Kohli, founder of Brown Girl Therapy—the first and largest mental health and wellness community organization for adult children of immigrants. This week on The Momwell Podcast, Sahaj joins us to unpack the relationship between culture and mental health and its impact on parenting.

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    19 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 54 minutes 55 seconds
    229: Understanding Brain Development in Children with Tammy Schamuhn, Psychologist

    Meltdowns, defiance, and other behaviors are signals of needs—and if we can meet those needs proactively instead of punitively, we can support our children while still teaching and guiding them. 

    This week on The Momwell Podcast, I’m joined by psychologist Tammy Schamuhn, co-founder of the Institute of Child Psychology to discuss how to approach our children’s behavior from a brain development perspective.

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    12 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 50 minutes 8 seconds
    228: Overcoming Gender Bias in Healthcare with Dr. Karen Tang, MD and author

    Concerns like PMDD, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, or even universal experiences like menopause are still underresearched and underdiagnosed. The more we can understand these concerns—and advocate for doctors to take them seriously—the more we can help support women and moms everywhere. 

    Today, I’m joined by gynecologist and reproductive health specialist Dr. Karen Tang, MD, author of It’s Not Hysteria, to discuss how we can collectively and individually overcome gender bias in healthcare and advocate for women’s health.

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    5 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 45 minutes 29 seconds
    227: From the Vault: Encouraging Independent Play with Susie Allison, Founder of Busy Toddler

    Today, we’re reaching back into the vault to revisit one of our most popular episodes! 

    What if I told you that you didn’t have to play with your child all day? Moms put a lot of pressure on themselves to entertain their kids. They believe that “good moms” play with their kids as much as possible. But when we learn how to encourage independent play, we not only remove that pressure—we also give our children room to create, grow, and blossom. 

    Today, I’m joined by Susie Allison, founder of Busy Toddler, to discuss what play is, why it matters, and how to encourage your children to play independently.

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    29 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 55 minutes 2 seconds
    226: Navigating Mom Shaming with Renee Reina, Host of The Mom Room Podcast

    It isn’t easy to feel confident in a world full of mom shaming. When moms are already feeling lonely and unsupported, disconnected from their friends, and unsure about their abilities, this pressure and criticism can take a real toll on their self-esteem and their mental health. 

    Today, I’m joined by Renee Reina, Ph.D, host of The Mom Room Podcast, to discuss mom shaming, toxic mom culture, and how we can break away from the pressure and carve our own path in motherhood.

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    22 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 51 minutes 9 seconds
    225: Encouraging Healthy Screen Time Habits with Dr. Michael Rich

    It can be hard to establish healthy screen time habits for our children. But with the right framework in place, we can let go of guilt and fear and foster a positive relationship with technology within a healthy balance. 

    Today, I’m joined by pediatrician and author Dr. Michael Rich, known as “the Mediatrician,” to discuss how we can set kids up for digital wellness.

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    15 May 2024, 8:00 am
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