High Bar Podcast

Team Nori

  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    #26 - Coaching Round Table ft. Barbell Coalition
    Sean and Nathan sit down with Coaches Stephan and Tom from the Barbell Coalition to discuss their Group Dynamics for a Powerlifting Coaching Team.   For aspiring Coaches that are considering starting a Coaching team of their own or joining one, hopefully the conversation will share insights to some of the challenges, origin story, and operations that goes behind developing a coaching team. The Coaches discuss being able to make a living as a full-time coach, programming ideas, new lifter intakes, and more!
    3 November 2024, 9:08 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    #25 - Bench Press Programming Discussion

    All the coaches on Team NORi catch up after an extended break to talk shop about some of the strategies that Aidan is currently implementing for the Bench Press portion of his World's Prep. Listeners can expect a casual roundtable dialogue of the coaches and takeaway some insights on how Sean and Aidan's current training protocols are for their respective Bench Press training and how it could be applied to other lifters as well.

    24 July 2024, 1:40 am
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    #24 - Sean & Nathan: Faith & Fitness

    Sean and Nathan take a moment to catch up in 2024's first High Bar Podcast episode. From discussing the evolution of programming to sharing dialogue over Christianity in the fitness space, listeners will gain insight from this thought-provoking episode.

    14 February 2024, 2:07 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    #23 Interview Series: Nathan Tepus

    This episode covers the newest hire of Team NORi in Nathan Tepus as a welcome addition to our Coaching staff. Michael and Nathan sit down to discuss his background, athlete’s mindset, and introduction to Powerlifting for all of our listeners new to his story.

    16 October 2023, 9:31 pm
  • 1 hour 51 minutes
    #22 Round Table Talk: Raw Nats 2023 Recap

    The Team NORi Coaches return to the Highbar Podcast after a busy several months between Sean competing, Jaron expanding the Ukiyo Gym, and Raw Nationals in Memphis in September with over 30 athletes representing the team. The Team welcomes our newest addition to the team Nathan Tepus, as well as recapping the electric performances of the 90kg Primetime Session and more.

    16 October 2023, 9:15 pm
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    #21 Round Table Talk: Programming Discussion

    This impromptu episode features Coaches: Sean, Michael, Jaron, and Aidan starting the discussion off with differing philosophies in block durations within training. Former programming approaches such as Block Periodization and Emerging Strategies are referenced in tangent to the ways each coach has evolved their own operations for assessing a lifter's training performance over time. Questions are explored in detail regarding when to use % of 1RM and setting intensity/RPE caps in training, as well as dissecting the idea of pacing the progression of training intensity and differences amongst lifters. Case Study examples of powerlifters and their respective programming interventions will be provided to thought-provoke listeners as one of the more technical episodes to date! 

    28 July 2023, 2:37 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    #20 - Sean Talks: Alberto NĂșñez (@nunez3dmj)

    This long awaited episode covers a conversation between Sean and Lifetime Drug Free Bodybuilder Alberto NĂșñez from Team 3dmj. Listen to the discussions of the evolution of Powerlifting programming tangential to Bodybuilding, some of Alberto's thoughts on nutrition, and more!  

    3 July 2023, 9:48 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    #19 - Team NORi Ukiyo Hawaii Seminar Recap

    Sean and Aidan recap their first Hawaii travel experience alongside Jaron and discuss how the Team NORi Seminar at Ukiyo went and the topics covered. 

    27 May 2023, 10:19 pm
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    #18 - Sean & Jaron: Athlete Recaps, The Arnold, and More

    Sean and Jaron catchup before reuniting at the Rising Tide 110% Meet in Texas. Jaron discusses recaps over recent standout Team Yamane performances 
    with Sean Jin and Kyle de Leon respectively. Sean contextualizes his recent Arnold performance and reflects with Jaron on his initial
    hiring after the first NORi Coaching interviews held 3 years ago. 

    13 March 2023, 5:16 am
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    #17 - Sean & Aidan: Pursuing Powerlifting Coaching

    Sean and Aidan catch up on this episode to dive deeper into Aidan's development as a Coach amidst juggling Nursing school and his competitive years as a Powerlifter. Aidan recounts his experiences as a young emerging Teen lifter, and how this has translated into coaching his own roster's demographic today. 

    6 March 2023, 4:55 am
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    #16 - Sean Talks: Pedro Do Amaral (@thucydides_)

    Sean sits down with Pedro Do Amaral in this episode to discuss all things diet and health related. Talking about their respective academic backgrounds and in discussing ongoing research, Sean and Pedro unpackage their views on seed oils, the vertical diet, elimination diets, and challenging the popular "If it fits your Macros" perspective that has become popularized in the recent decades. 

    5 February 2023, 1:45 am
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