Iron Culture

Eric Helms & Omar Isuf

  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    Ep 317 - Training Volume: How Much Is Enough? (ft. Dr. Eduardo De Souza)

    In this episode, Drs Trexler and Helms are joined by Dr. Eduardo De Souza to discuss the complexities and misconceptions surrounding high volume training in the context of hypertrophy research. He shares insights from his extensive research background, emphasizing the importance of understanding participant experiences and the nuances of training volume. The conversation also touches on the challenges of research methodology, the need for improved reporting standards, and the future directions of exercise science research.


    Time stamps:

    0:00 Introducing Dr Eduardo De Souza and some housekeeping


    4:23 Eduardo’s background and work in high volume training research

    Scarpelli 2022 Muscle Hypertrophy Response Is Affected by Previous Resistance Training Volume in Trained Individuals

    Enes 2024 Effects of Different Weekly Set Progressions on Muscular Adaptations in Trained Males: Is There a Dose-Response Effect?


    19:55 Measurement methods and errors

    Barsuhn 2025 Training volume increases or maintenance based on previous volume: the effects on muscular adaptations in trained males


    26:00 The participant experience in high volume research and oedema


    41:40 Criticisms of research methods


    48:29 The applications of Eduardo’s research


    59:12 Trained and untrained participants and future research

    de Souza 2007 Acute effect of two aerobic exercise modes on maximum strength and strength endurance


    1:09:46 The aspects of future research which excites Eduardo (and a sneak peak into some sleep research)


    1:21:45 Closing out and where to find Dr Eduardo de Souza

    Instagram @dr.desouzaeo


    5 March 2025, 11:40 pm
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    Ep 316 - Lengthened Biased Training: Time To Cut Bait?

    In tonight’s episode of Iron Culture, Eric Trexler and Eric Helms discuss various topics related to fitness, training, and research. They share personal updates, including the toll that Helms' intense training regimen is taking on his face. The discussion then shifts to the upcoming NFL combine, highlighting the impressive athletic feats expected from past combine participants. In the main segment of the show, Trexler and Helms discuss the nuances of lengthened-biased training research – more specifically, why we shouldn’t give up on the strategy just because a few studies reporting non-significant results have come along. In this conversation, Trexler and Helms explore the concept of sampling error in research, emphasizing the importance of understanding some foundational statistical concepts and the need for several studies to draw reliable conclusions. They explore the challenges of uncertainty in evidence-based practice, the balance to strike between mechanistic and empirical approaches to understanding exercise and nutrition, and the resistance to change in learning. Finally, they engage in a rapid-fire Q&A session addressing a handful of fitness-related questions.

    The MASS crew records Iron Culture LIVE on YouTube, Monday nights at 7pm eastern time. Be sure to join us for a future episode and say hello in the live chat! 

    If you'd like to submit a question or topic for us to address on an upcoming episode, please use this link:

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction and why Trexler is worried about Helms

    6:40 Q&A NFL Combine analysis Trexler 2017 Fat-Free Mass Index in NCAA Division I and II Collegiate American Football Players 

    13:18 Getting into the science with Helms’ upcoming MASS article on long muscle length training

    Burke 2006 "Fat adaptation" for athletic performance: the nail in the coffin?

    Nunes 2022 Systematic review and meta-analysis of protein intake to support muscle mass and function in healthy adults

    Larsen 2024 The effects of hip flexion angle on quadriceps femoris muscle hypertrophy in the leg extension exercise

    Gschneider 2024 The effects of lengthened-partial range of motion resistance training of the limbs on arm and thigh muscle cross-sectional area

    Wolf 2025 Lengthened partial repetitions elicit similar muscular adaptations as full range of motion repetitions during resistance training in trained individuals

    Kassiano 2022 Does Varying Resistance Exercises Promote Superior Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Gains? A Systematic Review

    Pedrosa 2023 Training in the Initial Range of Motion Promotes Greater Muscle Adaptations Than at Final in the Arm Curl

    29:59 Simulating a large lengthened-bias training dataset

    42:28 Some points from Trexler

    Trexler 2019 Acute Effects of Citrulline Supplementation on High-Intensity Strength and Power Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    1:02:56 Mechanisms vs experimental trials (uncertainty)

    1:10:15 Using Large Language Models for statistical analysis (in R)

    1:21:01 Q&A Rapid fire 1: Work and energy expenditure during eccentric contractions  

    1:23:22 Q&A Rapid fire 2: Waited vest upsides and downsides

    1:25:47 Q&A Rapid fire 3: Protein recommendations for individuals who don’t train their entire body

    1:29:20 Q&A Rapid fire 4: Sprint cycling for quad hypertrophy   1:35:04 Wrapping up See the entire MASS team speak at the Sports Nutrition Association Annual Conference

    26 February 2025, 10:56 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Ep 315 - Training Hard Versus Training Smart

    Iron Culture is officially part of the 3-plate club. In this episode of Iron Culture, hosts Eric Trexler and Eric Helms celebrate their milestone 315th episode while diving into various topics including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the efficacy of citrulline malate, training techniques for hypertrophy, managing tendinopathy, the health benefits of coffee, and programming for individuals with obesity. They also discuss how to improve training intensity and the importance of enthusiasm in lifting.

    Time stamps:

    0:00 Introduction to another addition of Iron Culture

    1:35 See the entire MASS team speak at the Sports Nutrition Association Annual Conference

    5:55 Questions about testosterone replacement therapy Iron Culture Ep. 136- All About Testosterone & TRT (Yeah We Go There) Tang Fui 2017 The effects of testosterone on body composition in obese men are not sustained after cessation of testosterone treatment

    20:42 An update on citrulline malate

    30:18 Quantifying volume of time-saving techniques Coleman 2022 Muscular Adaptations in Drop Set vs. Traditional Training: A meta-analysis Sødal 2023 Effects of Drop Sets on Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 

    34:09 Eric’s tips for working around tendinopathy

    40:43 Is caffeine bad for teeth and substituting coffee for decaf?

    47:31 Hip flexion training for rectus femoris hypertrophy

    49:35 Resistance training prescription for people with obesity trying to lose weight

    56:24 Defining and increasing training intensity

    1:00:46 Training Hard Versus Training Smart

    20 February 2025, 12:32 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Ep 314 - Science Is Broken (But Fixable)

    This episode of Iron Culture begins with a rant/story by Dr. Trexler that highlights some issues with scientific publishing. He describes a study on apple cider vinegar, his MASS article criticizing the study, and the subsequent letter to the editor (and response from the original authors). This discussion is followed by a Q&A session with Dr. Helms covering protein during weight loss, headaches from creatine, machines for joint comfort, mixing creatine + caffeine, low volume training for hypertrophy, biceps curl variations, fiber recommendations, and more.

    The MASS crew records Iron Culture LIVE on YouTube, Monday nights at 7pm eastern time. Be sure to join us for a future episode and say hello in the live chat! 

    If you'd like to submit a question or topic for us to address on an upcoming episode, please use this link:

    Time stamps:

    0:00 Introduction and where to submit your questions

    2:22 Sneak peak into a future MASS article and being careful when reading research

    Original Article: Abou-Khalil 2024 Apple cider vinegar for weight management in Lebanese adolescents and young adults with overweight and obesity: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

    Letter: Improbable data characteristics and extreme effects of apple cider vinegar on weight loss

    Response to Letter: Abou-Khalil 2024 Comprehensive clarification of statistical and data concerns on the effects of apple cider vinegar on weight loss

    21:23 Final thoughts on the papers

    28:18 Q&A 1 Protein intake during weight loss? Iron Culture Ep 313 - Is More (and More, and More) Protein Better for Muscle Retention Refalo 2025 Effect of Dietary Protein on Fat-Free Mass in Energy Restricted, Resistance-Trained Individuals: An Updated Systematic Review With Meta-Regression

    30:04 Q&A 2 Headaches as a side-effect of creatine?

    35:48 Q&A Rapid Fire: Machines for joints, hypertrophy of biarticular muscles with squats and deadlifts,  

    42:27 Q&A Rapid Fire 2: Creatine and caffeine, decaffeinated coffee 

    47:45 Q&A 3 Can low volume be optimal for hypertrophy?

    51:36 Q&A 4 Hammer curls for maximal bicep gains? Kassiano Distinct muscle growth and strength adaptations after preacher and incline biceps curl Zabaleta-Korta 2023 Regional Hypertrophy: The Effect of Exercises at Long and Short Muscle Lengths in Recreationally Trained Women

    58:30 Q&A 5 Up and downsides of fiber and some practical tips

    1:03:05 Q&A Rapid Fire 3: Muscle length and peak contraction, different training for upper and low body, aerobic fitness with time-saving techniques Varovic 2024 Regional Hypertrophy with Resistance Training—Does Muscle Length Matter?,to%20shorter%20mean%20muscle%20lengths de Salles 2010 Strength increases in upper and lower body are larger with longer inter-set rest intervals in trained men

    1:10:41 Closing out another wonderful episode of Iron Culture

    --- Music credit:

    Airport Lounge - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



    13 February 2025, 12:55 am
  • 1 hour 43 minutes
    Ep 313 - Is More (and More, and More) Protein Better for Muscle Retention?

    In this episode of Iron Culture, hosts Dr. Eric Helms and Dr. Eric Trexler are joined by Dr. Martin Refalo to discuss their recent meta-regression study on protein intake and its effects on muscle hypertrophy. They cover Martin's background, the initiation of the project, the methods used, and key findings, followed by a discussion of some critiques that have been generating discussion on social media platforms. The conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding statistical approaches in research and the implications of their findings for the fitness community. In this conversation, the Erics and Martin discuss the complexities of statistical modeling in nutrition research, the importance of parsimony, the risks of overfitting, and the challenges of controlling for covariates. The conversation also touches on the debate surrounding scaling protein recommendations by fat-free mass versus total mass, critiques of previous research on protein requirements for hypertrophy, and the ways in which these new findings support (and contradict) the authors’ previously held biases. Throughout the episode, they reflect on the evolution of research in the fitness industry and the importance of engaging with critiques and feedback. Ultimately, they emphasize the need for thoughtful, contextualized, individualized application of their findings while acknowledging key limitations of their work.


    Time stamps:

    00:00 Introducing Dr Martin Refalo

    Iron Culture Ep. 197- Training To Failure: A Comprehensive Overview

    5:28 How did we get to the meta-regression and an overview of the methods

    Refalo 2025 Effect of Dietary Protein on Fat-Free Mass in Energy Restricted, Resistance-Trained Individuals: An Updated Systematic Review With Meta-Regression

    Helms 2014 A systematic review of dietary protein during caloric restriction in resistance trained lean athletes: a case for higher intakes

    20:49 The main findings

    30:58 Addressing the critiques

    44:08 Scaling protein recommendations to fat-free mass vs body mass and why there was no break-point analysis

    Morton 2018 A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults

    Tagawa 2020 Dose-response relationship between protein intake and muscle mass increase: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

    Nunes 2022 Systematic review and meta-analysis of protein intake to support muscle mass and function in healthy adults

    1:07:45 The practical recommendations

    1:22:49 Types and the categorization of data and the secondary analyses

    Murphy 2022 Energy deficiency impairs resistance training gains in lean mass but not strength: A meta-analysis and meta-regression

    1:39:02 Quick Q&A Software for systematic reviews and meta-analyses

    1:40:45 Final thoughts on the research and closing out

    Where to find Martin:


    5 February 2025, 11:37 pm
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    Ep 312 - Muscle Soreness: What Does It Mean? (ft. Dr. Mike Zourdos)

    In today's episode of Iron Culture, co-hosts Eric Helms and Eric Trexler are joined by MASS colleague Dr. Mike Zourdos. After a brief chat about bodybuilding, powerlifting, and college football news, the crew addresses a number of questions about topics including optimal protein intake, what soreness can (or can't) tell us, detraining & retraining, vegan protein sources, heavy metals in protein supplements, training volume recommendations, pre-sleep meal guidelines, and much more.

    The MASS crew records Iron Culture LIVE on YouTube, Monday nights at 7pm eastern time. Be sure to join us for a future episode and say hello in the live chat!

    Time stamps: 0:00 Intro music

    2:25 Introduction to an episode with a rare Mike Zourdos sighting Ask your questions here:

    6:30 Helms brings some bodybuilding news (with some college football chat)

    17:15 2025 2025 Sheffield Powerlifting Championships recap

    20:35 Preview for a future episode with Dr Refalo on recently published protein meta-regression Refalo 2025 Effect of Dietary Protein on Fat-Free Mass in Energy Restricted, Resistance-Trained Individuals: An Updated Systematic Review With Meta-Regression

    21:55 Q&A 1 Rapid bounce back from a series of unfortunate events

    27:51 Q&A 2 Is soreness useful for determining volume? Gomes 2019 High-Frequency Resistance Training Is Not More Effective Than Low-Frequency Resistance Training in Increasing Muscle Mass and Strength in Well-Trained Men

    40:25 Q&A 3 Protein ‘rapid fire’: vegan options, protein supplementation, and heavy metal contamination Nunes 2022 Systematic review and meta-analysis of protein intake to support muscle mass and function in healthy adults

    1:06:10 Q&A 4 Strength progress, muscle growth and neurological adaptations Pelland 2024 The Resistance Training Dose-Response: Meta-Regressions Exploring the Effects of Weekly Volume and Frequency on Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Gain Ralston 2017 The Effect of Weekly Set Volume on Strength Gain: A Meta-Analysis

    1:13:06 Q&A 5 Individual volume recommendation specificity

    1:25:01 Q&A 6 Pre-sleep meal timing and other habits for sleep quality

    1:36:07 Closing out and a preview for next week’s live episode

    --- Music credit:

    Airport Lounge - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



    29 January 2025, 11:30 pm
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    Ep 311 - The Truth About Hormone Replacement Therapy

    In Episode 311 of Iron Culture, hosts Dr. Eric Trexler, Dr. Eric Helms, and Dr. Lauren Colenso-Semple deliver a comprehensive exploration of hormones, health, and performance optimization. The episode opens with a deep dive into recent research on stretching protocols and muscle adaptations, examining groundbreaking case studies that challenge conventional wisdom about flexibility training and muscle growth.


    The centerpiece of this episode focuses on demystifying menopause, with the hosts providing an evidence-based breakdown of symptoms, treatment options, and common misconceptions about hormone therapy. They tackle the complex landscape of medical misinformation head-on, offering listeners practical guidance for seeking specialized care and making informed health decisions. The discussion extends to critical examinations of hormonal contraceptives and their relationship with breast cancer risk, providing nuanced insights into inflammation mechanisms and risk assessment. The episode concludes with an illuminating segment on male hormone replacement therapy and "andropause," building on their previous coverage of testosterone optimization.


    The MASS crew records Iron Culture LIVE on YouTube, Monday nights at 7pm eastern time. Be sure to join us for a future episode and say hello in the live chat!


    Time Stamps:

    0:00 Introduction and Eric's upcoming contest prep plan

    3:34 Calf stretching case study breakdown

    22:33 Why you need to listen to the following section

    28:12 Menopause information and symptoms

    40:49 Menopause and hormone therapy misinformation

    50:54 The BS asymmetry principle, seeking specialist attention, and science communication

    1:01:50 Breast cancer risk and inflammation with hormonal contraceptives

    1:12:58 "Man-opause" and hormone replacement therapy for men

    1:24:48 Wrapping up

    22 January 2025, 2:31 pm
  • 1 hour 33 minutes
    Ep 310 - Are People Getting "Metabolic Stress" Wrong?

    In today's episode, Drs Trexler and Helms discuss a wide range of fitness topics including metabolic stress, "the pump," targeting the different heads of the biceps, individualising diets and supplement protocols, maximal rates of fat loss, blood flow restricted training, the philosophy of science, and much more!

    We had some technical issues while recording this episode live, but it's all fixed now with the wonders of editing. If you don't understand a couple of the jokes, they're referring to chaos that has been deleted.

    Time stamps:

    00:00 Straight into the topic: why should anyone care about metabolic stress? 03:13 Helms takes a deep dive into energy systems and muscle physiology 12:37 Subjective and objective measures of the pump and potential influencing factors 22:12 Arterial and venous occlusion 29:35 Update on Trexler’s training and Q&A 1 different curl variations 38:53 Q&A 2 Manipulating forearm position for the biceps? 42:42 Q&A 3 Can BFR increase vascularity? And an aside on muscle memory and testosterone 48:03 Q&A 4 Individualising supplements and diet 58:34 Q&A 5 Fat oxidation and maximum rate of fat loss per day with some applications for contest prep 1:13:42 Q&A 6 Science communicators/educators and the philosophy of science  Larsen 2025 Knee flexion range of motion does not influence muscle hypertrophy of the quadriceps femoris during leg press training in resistance-trained individuals  Kubo 2019 Effects of squat training with different depths on lower limb muscle volumes Iron Culture Ep. 109- Empiricism vs Rationalism: What Do We Really Know When It Comes To Fitness? 1:29:27 Q&A 7 Using BFR in practice 1:30:50 Closing out MASS Research Review 

    --- Music credit:

    Airport Lounge - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



    15 January 2025, 4:21 pm
  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    Ep 309 - Finding the Volume “Sweet Spot” During Plateaus

    In this episode of Iron Culture, Eric Helms and Trex discuss a variety of evidence-based fitness topics. In this conversation, Dr. Trexler and Dr. Helms delve into the complexities of muscle gain, recovery, and the role of nutrition in performance. They discuss the nuances of identifying plateaus in training, the impact of training volume, the importance of food quality, and how psychological factors can influence recovery and performance. The dialogue emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to training volume and exercise selection, as well as the impact of nutrition on overall health and performance in bodybuilding. They also discuss modern theories and practical applications surrounding body weight regulation and the neurophysiological factors influencing obesity. They explore the gravitosat theory, discuss the implications of muscle gain on body weight regulation, and examine the concept of upper and lower intervention points. Additionally, they touch on powerlifting training strategies and the significance of volume in strength training.


    Time stamps:

    0:00 Music

    5:08 Introduction to the new year and another episode (and learning through teaching)

    14:48 Q&A 1: Navigating injuries and recovery with training

    23:42 Q&A 2: Plateaus with low volumes and difficulties recovering from increasing volume

    31:08 Trexler on the importance of exercise selection and prescribing set volumes for clients

    45:31 Q&A 3 The role of food quality in performance and hypertrophy

    1:00:07 Q&A 4 Bodyweight regulation and intervention points with muscle gain

    1:04:14 Exploring the Gravitostat Theory

    1:10:50 Lower intervention points: muscle and fat gain

    Speakman 2011 Set points, settling points and some alternative models: theoretical options to understand how genes and environments combine to regulate body adiposity

    1:16:12 Neurophysiology and bodyweight regulation

    1:24:01 Practical Applications of Body Weight Theories

    1:29:35 Powerlifting Insights and Training Strategies

    Andoulakis-Korakakis 2021 The Minimum Effective Training Dose Required for 1RM Strength in Powerlifters

    Pelland 2024 The Resistance Training Dose-Response: Meta-Regressions Exploring the Effects of Weekly Volume and Frequency on Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Gain

    1:33:31 Closing out another episode of Iron Culture presented by MASS

    MASS Office Hours:

    12 January 2025, 2:31 pm
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    Ep 308 - The Future of Natural Bodybuilding (w/ WNBF Pros Alberto Nuñez and Steff Noble)

    In this episode, Eric Helms is joined by returning guest, his fellow 3DMJ coach and WNBF Pro bodybuilder, Alberto Nuñez, who is also the  male WNBF athlete rep. In addition, they are joined by first time guest Steff Noble, a WNBF Figure pro, experienced coach, and president of WNBF UK. The trio first reflects on what was arguably the most competitive natural bodybuilding season to date, and the overall state of drug free bodybuilding, which in many ways is flourishing. There is more interest, higher competitive levels, higher productive quality in some regions, and in some countries natural bodybuilding is growing faster than enhanced bodybuilding. In North America, while some federations are doing better than others, the market demand for natural bodybuilding is obvious, as the NPC has made a concerted push to enter the natural bodybuilding scene, promoting drug tested shows in the US and Canada (as well as overseas), and even offering the chance to turn pro at the biggest natural events, with promises of drug tested pro shows on the horizon. What does this mean for natural bodybuilding? Is this a good thing, a threat, the beginning of a new era, or the beginning of the end? Further, what does the natural bodybuilding community need to do collectively to secure its future? Join us in this episode as we review not only the 2024 natural bodybuilding season, but discuss the future of the sport.

    The MASS crew records Iron Culture LIVE on YouTube, every Monday night at 7pm eastern time. Be sure to join us for a future episode and say hello in the live chat!

    If you'd like to submit a question or topic for us to address on an upcoming episode, please use this link:

    Time stamps:

    00:00 (Re)-introducing Berto and Steff while Helms discusses ‘sports’

    04:15 Steff’s WNBF World’s recap and natural bodybuilding journey

    10:35 The differences and similarities between the UK and US bodybuilding scenes (with some Eric seed-planting)

    17:14 Berto’s WNBF World’s experience and the rising standard of bodybuilding

    24:22 Regional differences in bodybuilding

    36:09 The promoting and production of shows

    46:00 The shift in the bodybuilding athlete mindset

    51:31 The growth of the sport and increasing number of federations

    59:12 Discussing comparisons with Powerlifting

    1:13:40 Time for natural bodybuilding to adapt or die

    1:26:03 Final perspectives on the future of bodybuilding

    1:33:00 Closing out


    4 January 2025, 5:02 pm
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    Ep 307 - Are Lengthened Partials Overrated?

    In this episode of Iron Culture presented by MASS, Dr. Eric Trexler and Dr. Eric Helms explore the science and debate surrounding lengthened partials, a training technique often celebrated for its hypertrophy and strength benefits. Drawing on recent studies, they discuss how emerging evidence challenges some hyperbolic claims of lengthened partials as a superior training method, suggesting instead that their effectiveness is highly context-dependent. The hosts advocate for viewing lengthened partials as a complementary, rather than revolutionary, tool in exercise programming. After the main discussion, the episode transitions into a series of listener questions, with Dr. Trexler sharing his renewed enthusiasm for training (and his current approach to training) as he recovers from surgery. The hosts also address topics like the importance of omega-3 intake during low-fat diets, the diminishing returns of high training volumes, practical applications of two-a-day training splits, and the impact of high-protein diets on digestive health, emphasizing fiber and dietary diversity. They also discuss caffeine’s role in sleep disruption, underlining caffeine timing as an easy way to improve sleep quality, among many other topics.

    The MASS crew records Iron Culture LIVE on YouTube, every Monday night at 7pm eastern time. Be sure to join us for a future episode and say hello in the live chat! 

    If you'd like to submit a question or topic for us to address on an upcoming episode, please use this link:

    Time stamps: 0:00 Intro music 2:30 Introduction to another episode of Iron Culture x MASS Office Hours 3:31 New pre-prints on lengthened partials Gschneider 2024 The effects of lengthened-partial range of motionresistance training of the limbs on arm and thigh musclecross-sectional area: a multi-site cluster trial Hinson 2024 Mixing Up Muscle Lengths: The Effects of Manipulating Peak Torque At Different Muscle Lengths in the Elbow Flexors 16:33 Helms’ breakdown of the literature Maeo 2023 Effects of hip extension training performed with full versus partial range of motion at long muscle lengths on muscle hypertrophy and sprint performance Kassiano 2023 Greater Gastrocnemius Muscle Hypertrophy After Partial Range of Motion Training Performed at Long Muscle Lengths Pedrosa 2022 Partial range of motion training elicits favorable improvements in muscular adaptations when carried out at long muscle lengths Werkhausen 2021 Adaptations to explosive resistance training with partial range of motion are not inferior to full range of motion 25:23 Live chat Q&A 1 An update on Trexler’s training 33:26 Q&A 2 Omega-3 intake with low fat diets 36:54 Q&A 3 Quantifying volume and finding the sweet spot Pelland 2024 The Resistance Training Dose-Response: Meta-Regressions Exploring the Effects of Weekly Volume and Frequency on Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Gain 43:25 Teasing the MASS research interpretation and statistics guide 54:37 Q&A 4 When to do two-a-days 58:05 Q&A 5 Digestive health with high protein diets 1:06:12 Q&A 6 Caffeine and sleep disruption 1:13:07 Rapid fire Q&A: efficiency tiers, kinetic chain, waking-up with earplugs, cross-fit athletes, Trex’s injury and intervention, resistance profiles at different muscle lengths Plotkin 2023 Hip thrust and back squat training elicit similar gluteus muscle hypertrophy and transfer similarly to the deadlift Kobayashi 2024 Distinct hypertrophy of the elbow flexors after incline versus preacher dumbbell curl training Zabaleta-Korta 2021 The role of exercise selection in regional Muscle Hypertrophy: A randomized controlled trial Larsen 2024 Dumbbell versus cable lateral raises for lateral deltoid hypertrophy: an experimental study 1:32:37 Helms’ objectivity from being a competitive bodybuilder and closing out

    --- Music credit:

    Airport Lounge - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



    28 December 2024, 3:25 pm
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