Mitolife Radio

Matt Blackburn

  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Using GMO Bacteria to Increase Our Fiber Intake with Zack Abbott

    Bacillus subtilis is a common bacteria that is found in the upper layers of soil, dairy products, and fermented foods. Zack Abbott, co-founder of ZBiotics, genetically modified that strain of bacteria to give it the unique function of converting a form of sugar called sucrose into a unique type of fiber called levan.

    In this episode he shares his thoughts on why the naturalist approach is not always best for human health, why fiber intake is crucial for optimal health, why he consumes 50-60 grams of fiber everyday, the anti stress effects of fiber, the health benefits of short chain fatty acids, his thoughts on the validity of stool tests, and more.

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    18 October 2024, 7:16 pm
  • 2 hours 40 minutes
    Proof that Powdered Zeolite is Safe and Effective with Jeff Hoyt

    There is a lot of noise on social media about the harms or usefulness of various supplements. Zeolite is one that is constantly under attack with information that always lacks nuance and specificity about the dosage and form of zeolite, whether its powdered, liquid or nano. While a lot of the misinformation was deconstructed in the first show with Jeff Hoyt, owner of Zeolite Labs, in this show the actual proof is provided that the right dosage and the right form of zeolite supplementation can actually lower heavy metal content in the tissues and increase vitamin and mineral status. This is contrary to what you hear about zeolite aggressively stripping your body of nutrients and leaving you worse off than when you started. My performance this year in spite of various challenges also disproves the myth that all you have to do is follow the bioenergetic approach to achieve peak health and no supplements are required. Since taking sufficient amounts of zeolite powder I have become more grounded, more mentally sound and less emotionally reactive. 

    About halfway through this episode we go through the past five months of my oligoscan results using spectrophotometry to measure the heavy metals present in the tissue of my hand. My aluminum has only steadily decreased since supplementing zeolite, which is made of aluminum silicate, and all other heavy metals are steadily dropping as well. 

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    11 October 2024, 7:06 pm
  • 2 hours 7 minutes
    Using Incandescent Light to Sweat and Charge the Cells with Brian Richards

    Did you know that the creator of Kelloggs corn flakes had a brother that became obsessed with light therapy? Brian Richards, founder of Sauna Space, joins us to talk about the history of light therapy and how it helped improve his past struggles with insomnia, brain fog and fatigue. We talk about the difference between sunlight and artificial light therapy, the potential dangers of sunlight, the importance of near infrared light, what comes out of your body when you sweat in a sauna, his personal sauna routine, what makes his Firelight bulbs different from chicken coop heat lamps, why he added EMF shielding to his product, how he shielded the cables for his product, and why he added a metal cage around the bulbs.

    I also ask him about flicker, how to use his lights to improve the health of the home environment, how long it takes to complete a full sauna session in his tent, his thoughts on red LED devices, his mineral supplement routine, thoughts on binders, and more. 

    Sauna Space:

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    Music by George Henner:


    4 October 2024, 5:15 pm
  • 1 hour 49 minutes
    Blending Homeopathy and Mineral Balancing with Dr Robert Selig

    What is homeopathy and where did it start? What is "like cures like", minimum dose and the laws of cure? How do you choose the right potency of a homeopathic remedy? Where should someone begin when working with the twelve tissue salts? Which homeopathic remedies should someone keep in their first aid kit? What is the astrology and homeopathy connection and how do you find which tissue salt is associated with your sun sign?

    Dr Robert Selig runs a natural health practice out of Chicago and returns to the show to explain the synergy between hair tissue mineral analysis testing, mineral balancing, and using homeopathy which is energy medicine. 

    Robert's website:

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    Music by George Henner:


    27 September 2024, 7:55 pm
  • 37 minutes 56 seconds
    Why I'm Building an Underground Bunker

    In this episode I explain not only why I'm moving again but why I've been moving frequently for the past few years. I talk about the 100 acres that I'm moving to soon and what I'm doing to restore an abandoned large underground bunker with a built-in pyramid. I break down my plans for how the tall capstone will be built, talk about pyramid energy and my experience with it, how I'm going to manage the lighting situation, my thoughts on sleeping underground, and the advantage of having geothermal cooling in the summer.

    I've watched a lot of YouTube videos over the years of people building various sizes of bunkers underground, from large cylinders with flooring installed to multi-million dollar luxury ones. I talk about why I think those are overkill and what threats you're reastically mitigating by having a bunker. The TLDR is that I'm seeking a healthy blend between aesthetics, functionality and safety. If I decide to host health retreats again this will be the most interesting venue in the world.

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    Music by George Henner:


    20 September 2024, 5:42 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Why Supplements are Necessary: The Acid Rain and NPK Effect

    I often see health educators talk down on the need for supplements, going as far as to say they are a waste of money or toxic. While these can be true for lower quality brands that put profit above quality, it is not always true. Nutritional supplements save lives and they're necessary in today's world. In this solo show I break down exactly why supplements are required. People will often defend supplements by only going as far as saying the soils are depleted, but will not go into details, especially about salt based NPK fertilizer and the catastrophic effects of acid rain on the soil. Iyr produce is not what it used to be, even if its certified organic or purchased from your local farmers market. Enjoy this deep dive where I talk about biosolids and how "forever chemicals" have gotten into our produce and meat, the devastating effects of acid rain on fungal mycorrhizae in soil, how metals compete for beneficial minerals, and the supplements that I recommend to stay in balance.

    Geoff Lawton on salt based NPK fertilizer:

    EPA on biosolids:,in%20every%20wastewater%20treatment%20facility.

    Forever Chemicals farmer stories:

    Effects of simulated acid rain on fungus:

    Zinc for cadmium and lead:

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    Music by George Henner:


    19 September 2024, 7:40 pm
  • 2 hours 9 minutes
    Will Zeolite Rob Minerals From Your Body?

    It seems that every month on social media there is a new boogeyman in the health world, whether its a vitamin, mineral, or a safe substance like zeolite. The caveat to it being safe is found in this podcast with Jeff Hoyt, owner of Zeolite Labs.

    This is a "Best Of" show repost from earlier this year because I think its really important that this information gets out. I've never heard anyone else explain zeolite like he does, and go beyond theories with actual concrete proof of people detoxifying lead, mercury, and even aluminum, even though zeolite itself is made of aluminum.

    He breaks down what makes powdered zeolite different from liquid and nano products, why clean zeolite powder is not a stressful detox for the body, how it swaps beneficial minerals inside of its cage for metals, why more is better, why he prefers "catch and release" to "push and catch" protocols, the other toxins that zeolite binds to besides heavy metals, how zeolite can help your allergies, how the original use case for zeolite was for hangovers, and more.

    Try ZeoCharge:

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    Music by George Henner:


    13 September 2024, 6:24 pm
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    The Dangers of Too Little Magnesium and Too Much Copper with Rick Malter

    Rick Malter is a PhD and a veteran in the space of hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) testing. He was around when it was just getting started and in the early 2000s he decided to retire from his psychology practice and devote all of his time to refining the art and science of HTMA to improve human health.

    In this episode he talks about Dr Paul Eck and Dr David Watts and their knowledge of Hans Selye's work on stress. He expands on how widespread magnesium deficiency is and how excess copper wreaks havoc on the mineral system. I ask him his thoughts on ascorbic acid and ceruloplasmin, where the excess copper is coming from, his thoughts on vitamin A "toxicity", vitamin D testing, zinc and copper ratio, coffee enemas, saunas, binders, Abram Hoffer and niacin, homeopathy, and more.

    I have interviewed several HTMA practitioners at this point and I continued to be fascinated with how they each approach it in a slightly different way. Rick does not think that coffee enemas are necessary to detoxify metals and he really focuses in on magnesium deficiency but also one's ability to retain it in the cell which requires vitamin A and potassium. 

    Rick's website:

    The Strands of Health book:

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    Music by George Henner:


    30 August 2024, 8:20 pm
  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    Deuterium Depletion to Extend Lifespan with Victor Sagalovsky

    When you get deep enough into the natural health world, you learn about heavy hydrogen or deuterium. It is a natural contaminant that builds up in our body over time and stalls the nano motor in our mitochondria called the ATPase. 

    Victor Sagalovsky of Litewater joins us once again to talk about the health benefits of depleting deuterium in the body, not only for disease prevention but also to radically extend human lifespan. He talks about the cancer connection with deuterium, how the Russians discovered it, how your body will intelligently shuttle deuterium to less important tissues, on average how many molecules of HDO are in a glass of water, and how deuterium affects our reflex time.

    He also talks about human photosynthesis and why he loves melanin, we get into a friendly debate about whole food vs isolated supplements, he shares his theory on what the Ark of the Convenant was, and I ask listener questions including his thoughts on hydrogen infused water, sunlight to deplete deuterium, and the ideal PPM of deuterium in our drinking water.

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    Music by George Henner:



    23 August 2024, 5:45 pm
  • 57 minutes 36 seconds
    Living in a Geodesic Dome for Better Health with Morgan Bierschenk

    The environment that we live in has a huge impact on our health, both from a materials standpoint of what the home is made out of and even the shape of the structure itself. When I began studying nutrition over a decade ago I meditated quite a bit on the thought that we are always inside of boxes and maybe thats what keeps our ability to think critically constrained inside a metaphorical box.

    I slept and meditated underneath pyramids for several years and more recently began growing plants and spending time inside a geodesic growing dome. I've noticed that plants grow effortlessly in there, abundant and massive, and my mind always feels more still when I'm gardening inside it.

    A few years ago I came across Geoship, a startup company that uses a material that took 12 years to develop, a ceramic composite. There is no metal to corrode and no wood to rot or get eaten by bugs, so it is a structure that will last for hundreds of years. Having lived in cabins for the past 5 years, I can say that those structures are inferior and will eventually become obsolete.

    Geoship domes are mold resistant, energy efficient (70% reduction in heating and cooling costs), have grounded floors, the walls release far infrared light, they can be built in a few weeks interior included, and best of all, they are affordable. Earlier this year I invested in this company to secure the first Geoship in Idaho that will go on top of my subterranean bunker. I am confident that this company will explode in popularity over the next few years.

    Geoship website:

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    Music by George Henner:


    16 August 2024, 5:27 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Cordyceps Extract for Optimized Immunity with Dr Scott Sherr

    Cordycepin is the main compound in the parasitic fungus cordyceps that exerts numerous effects on immune health, respiratory health, energy, stamina, libido, and more. It has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine and recently we've discovered the exact mechanisms of how it exerts its beneficial effects.

    Dr Scott Sherr, COO of Troscriptions, returns to the show to talk about the various applications of supplementing cordycepin. He talks about how its an adenosine analog, high dosing it, its effects on improving sleep, its effect on decreasing inflammation, how it could help with infection, its effect on mTOR, how it can help counter negative effects from caffeine, and at the end I ask him some questions about methylene blue.

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    Music by George Henner:


    9 August 2024, 5:26 pm
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