Wise Traditions

Weston A. Price Foundation w/ Hilda Labrada Gore

  • 38 minutes 24 seconds
    484: Redefining Farm-Raised Fish

    What are our options when it comes to seafood? Farmed fish is often raised with antibiotics and even fed food coloring to dye its flesh to make it appear healthier. The process of wild-caught fish regularly leaves other sea creatures trapped in the nets, only to be discarded and wasted. Sustainable aquaculture shows us that there is a way to raise and harvest fish (and eat them) that is better for them, the environment, and our health!

    Ty Walker runs Smoke In Chimneys, a revitalized 1930s trout hatchery in Virginia, and today, he reveals what's possible when it comes to identifying and enjoying quality seafood. Today, Ty goes over what's going on with most farmed fish and industrial-scale wild fishing. He reveals issues with overfishing, the "fresh" label on our seafood, and microplastics in our oceans and fish. He points out that sustainable aquaculture is much like regenerative farming; it presents a sustainable and viable option that honors our environment and nurtures our well-being.

    Check out Ty's website smokeinchimneys.com

    Visit our website for more resources: westonaprice.org and realmilk.com for information on raw milk

    Visit our sponsors: One Earth Health and Optimal Carnivore


    22 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 39 minutes 43 seconds
    483: Must Health Be Sacrificed For Beauty?

    How far do we have to go to be deemed "beautiful" by society's standards? Many end up losing their health as they put their bodies through extreme dieting and cosmetic surgery. It's actually possible to cultivate beauty naturally and preserve our health in the process! This is the outlook of Lauren Berlingeri, the co-founder of HigherDOSE. Lauren is a former model who has first-hand experience trying to jump through the hoops of looking "perfect".

    In today's candid conversation, Lauren shares how striving to achieve that standard wrecked her health, leaving her exhausted and with gut issues. She tells the story of how she ended up getting breast implants and why she later decided to have them removed. She goes over her new health regimen which includes sunlight, infrared sauna therapy, and more. She explains why she advocates for a more natural approach these days when it comes to beauty and cultivating well-being.

    Visit Lauren's website: higherdose.com

    Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

    Check out our sponsors: The New Biology Clinic and Optimal Carnivore

    15 July 2024, 10:00 am
  • 36 minutes 26 seconds
    482: Overcome Your Fear Of Cholesterol

    When was cholesterol chosen to be the villain of good health? What is the history behind the campaign against cholesterol? Dr. Cate Shanahan, the author of "Deep Nutrition" and "Dark Calories", reviews the dark history of the misunderstanding related to this important nutrient. She discusses cholesterol's true (and important) role in hormone regulation and reducing oxidative stress.


    Cholesterol is so important, actually, that Cate suggests that we should celebrate when our cholesterol levels are high!


    Cate also answers the question: If cholesterol doesn't cause heart attacks, what does? 


    Visit Cate's website: drcate.com

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    Check out our sponsors: Maui Nui and Optimal Carnivore!

    8 July 2024, 10:00 am
  • 43 minutes 14 seconds
    481: Help! I Have High Cholesterol

    The doctor looks you in the eye and says, "You have high cholesterol." Now what? Statins are not the answer! Not by a long shot! Dr. Tom Cowan of the New Biology Clinic reminds us that there is no correlation between high cholesterol and heart attacks, heart disease, or early death. He sheds light on the HDL/LDL ratio questions and suggests that cholesterol tests, in the first place, do not provide helpful data in any case.

    Find out what Tom recommends instead to maintain a healthy heart and a healthy lifestyle.

    Visit Dr. Cowan's website:  drtomcowan.com

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    Check out our sponsors: Earth Runners and Paleo Valley

    1 July 2024, 10:00 am
  • 27 minutes 3 seconds
    480: Myths And Truths About Cholesterol

    What's the truth about cholesterol? Are we more prone to heart attacks if we have high cholesterol? Does cholesterol and saturated fat clog arteries? Are cholesterol-lowering drugs helpful or doing more harm than good? Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, today dispels myths and misconceptions related to cholesterol. 

    She explains the vital role cholesterol plays in the body for the brain and nervous system. She goes over its antioxidant functions and its role in fighting infections and toxins. She even covers what may be leading to heart disease, since cholesterol is not to blame.

    Visit Sally's blog at nourishingtraditions.com

    Visit realmilk.com for information on raw milk

    Check out our sponsors: Earth Runners and Sleep Science Academy

    24 June 2024, 10:00 am
  • 45 minutes 51 seconds
    479: Garden To Grow Your Own Food

    Do you have to be a good planner to start a garden? How can you avoid pests if you don't use pesticides? Are “companion” plants a thing? What plants are best near others?


    These are some of the questions addressed by Jill Ragan of Whispering Willow Farm in this week's podcast episode. Jill is the author of “The Tiny but Mighty Farm,” and she has lots of ideas for how to get started gardening. She made plenty of mistakes that she openly shares so that we can learn from her and avoid duplicating the bad stuff. She offers ideas for both the beginner gardener and the one with more experience under their belt.


    Since Jill is a “market gardener,” she knows how to scale up and what works for gardeners with a lot of lands and those with very little. She covers the importance of practical space usage, why string trellises work better than plastic cages, and more.


    Visit Jill's website:  thewhisperingwillowfarm.com  

    Join the Weston A. Price Foundation email list.

    Check out our sponsors: Maui Nui Venison and the New Biology Clinic.


    17 June 2024, 7:00 am
  • 43 minutes 47 seconds
    478: Stay Out Of The Hospital

    A hospital may very well be the last place to go if you want to stay well (and alive)! Did you know that medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States? The best thing to do is to steer clear of the hospital, whenever possible.

    Dr. Andrew Kaufman is a self-proclaimed "recovering physician" and skeptic of allopathic medicine. Today, he explains how to equip your household to avoid hospital visits and extended stays. He offers tips for building your home first aid kit and explains how even high fevers and appendicitis need not be cause for alarm (or a trip to the ER). He covers how to shore up your health, so the hospital needn't be your go-to, in the first place. He also describes just what to do if you do end up in the waiting room with a stack of papers to sign and a strong interest in protecting your medical freedom and sovereignty.

    Visit Andy's website for more info and resources: andrewkaufmanmd.com

    Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation

    Check out our sponsors: Pluck and Optimal Carnivore

    10 June 2024, 10:00 am
  • 34 minutes 22 seconds
    477: Get The Right Light

    LED lightbulbs. Flickering fluorescent bulbs. Laptops, iPads, smartphones. What is artificial light doing to our health? And can we mimic ancestral, healing light (like the light of fire or the sun) in our homes to mitigate the damage and/or boost our mood and wellbeing?


    Brian Hoyer of Shielded Healing is an expert on EMFs and the effect of light on our health. Today he gets specific about the damage our modern light can do to our health: from causing eye issues, to weight gain, to headache to lowering energy and melatonin production (needed for better sleep and improved digestion). He also goes over what we can do to improve our "light hygiene" at home to foster better health, improved energy levels and a more positive mood.


    Check out Brian's website: shieldedhealing.com

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    See our sponsors: NTI school and Lyte Balance

    3 June 2024, 10:00 am
  • 29 minutes 50 seconds
    Act Now to Defend Food Freedom with Congressman Thomas Massie

    More and more people are discovering and enjoying raw milk. But it's still not legal in some states. And regulatory hoops hinder the small rancher and farmer when it comes to processing animals and selling their products to the consumer.  

    How can we remove impediments so that consumers can buy the food they want from the provider they choose? And make it easier for providers to sell their products to said consumers without interference? In short, how do we defend our food freedom in the U.S.?

    Congressman Thomas Massie, the U.S. representative for Kentucky’s 4th district, addresses these questions on today's BONUS podcast episode. He offers insights on the raw milk landscape. And he also goes over the PRIME act, why he is backing it and what we can do to support this act’s inclusion in the Farm Bill through three simple phone calls (to our 2 senators and 1 representative) here in the United States.

    Visit Congressman Massie's website: massie.house.gov

    Click here to find your U.S. senator and here to find your congressional representative

    Register for our Wise Traditions conference in October 2024 at wisetraditions.org

    Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation (and use code pod10)!

    29 May 2024, 8:21 pm
  • 39 minutes 30 seconds
    476: Get Off The Therapeutic Treadmill

    Are you playing health whack-a-mole? Heavy metals and mineral deficiency may be playing a key role in your health issues. Dr. Leland Stillman today invites us to take a look at what we have too much of in our bodies (like aluminum, lead, and copper) and what we're missing (like zinc). He also challenges us to understand how deep-seated the "root cause" of illness can be. And why it's not a great idea to randomly pop supplements at high doses for a long period of time.


    Visit Leland's website: stillmanmd.com 

    Check out the Weston A. Price Foundation's resources in Spanish 

    See our sponsors: Earth Runners and Offally Good Cooking

    27 May 2024, 10:00 am
  • 41 minutes 37 seconds
    475: Nurturing Our Sons

    Normal boy behavior is too often pathologized and drugged and medicated. When our children "act out" or "act up," it doesn't mean that they have poor behavior, a learning disability or a mental illness. It actually indicates that they are in distress and it's up to us as adults to investigate the cause of the behavior and to attempt to meet their needs.


    Laurie A. Couture is a licensed mental health counselor and the author of "Instead of Medicating and Punishing" and "Nurturing and Empowering Our Sons." Today, she addresses the crisis our boys (and all of our children, really) are facing when it comes to physical and mental health. Laurie offers sound advice for supporting and nurturing our children through appropriate diet and attention. She makes specific recommendations for what foods to avoid to protect their health (like refined sugar and soy) and how to help them deal with trauma (like using protocols like EMDR, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing).


    Visit Laurie's website: laurieacouture.com

    Join the Weston A. Price Foundation email list

    Check out our sponsors: Maui Nui Venison and the New Biology Clinic

    20 May 2024, 10:00 am
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