Promote Yourself to CEO | Small Business Strategy for Women Entrepreneurs

Racheal Cook MBA: Small Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Business Growth Strategist

If you're fed up with the non-stop solopreneur grind… I'm so glad you've found The Promote Yourself to CEO Show! Each week, join host Racheal Cook MBA for candid conversations about stepping into your role as CEO of your business, the hard lessons learned along the way, and practical, profitable strategies to grow a sustainable business without the hustle and burnout. Listen in to the latest show and connect with Racheal at or on Instagram @racheal.cook to continue the conversation!

  • 30 minutes 41 seconds
    3 Key Mindset Shifts to Scale Beyond 6 Figures
    You’re doing all the right things in your business. You have a great offer and clients you adore. Yet, you’ve hit a ceiling in your business. You can’t figure out why or break through it no matter how hard you try. If this feels familiar, then in this episode you’ll learn the three big shifts you need to make to get you and your business unstuck and back into growth mode.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    4:29 - Are you spending much of your time doing $10 p/h activities in your business? For big shift #1, I go over what $10, $100, $1,000, and $10,000 hourly tasks look like.

    12:28 - Many clients hit another plateau when they refuse to make the second big mindset shift. Here’s how doing so can pay dividends.

    15:05 - I reveal another challenge I often see among entrepreneurs (myself included), even when they’ve previously overcome the second mindset hurdle.

    17:46 - Where was my focus when I hit this business plateau? It took me a long time to admit this to myself.

    22:20 - I discuss the final shift needed and reveal an exercise I frequently do to help me get out of my own way.

    26:14 - To wrap the show, I recap the three shifts to think about if you’re feeling stuck and unsure about how to move the needle in your business.

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    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    9 May 2024, 10:00 am
  • 33 minutes 56 seconds
    6 Lessons to Work Smarter, Not Harder

    A lot of us entrepreneurs have seen (and heard) from our parents and others that success requires a lot of hard work and long hours. I used to be frustrated with the whole “work smarter, not harder” concept because I saw my entrepreneurial parents embrace the hustle. I thought to gain success, you had to do anything and everything and work 80-100 hour weeks.

    But you eventually reach a point where you just can’t work any harder! So how do you get to that next level of success? Working harder for it clearly isn’t the answer. You need to shift the way you think about your relationship with work. So in today’s episode, I talk about six lessons that will have you working smarter instead.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    3:48 - When you do this, you get an exponentially higher return on your time and energy. So what’s lesson #1 and how have I practiced it in my business?

    7:12 - What does the E in CEO not stand for? I learned this lesson the hard way!

    11:46 - You’ve probably heard this phrase before, and there is some truth to it. I’ve had to follow this lesson whenever my business crossed another threshold.

    17:03 - Many entrepreneurs, especially creative ones, find lesson #4 challenging to implement. But not doing so can eventually sabotage you.

    20:41 - Don’t love the idea of going into debt to invest back into your business? Here’s what I did early on in my business for lesson #5.

    25:32 - You can’t implement the final lesson through Google. You’ll face rites of passage in your business when you want this in your corner instead.

    Mentioned in 6 Lessons to Work Smarter, Not Harder


    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    2 May 2024, 10:00 am
  • 33 minutes 46 seconds
    How to Make the Most of Investments in Business

    In your business, you have to constantly make big decisions. Who’s going to be your coach or mentor? Who should you hire to join your team? What resources should you use to help run your company? How (and where) will you market your business?

    It can get overwhelming! So you want to only spend time and money where there’s a return on your investment. In this episode, I cover the five key ways to ensure you’re getting the most out of every business investment you make.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    2:09 - I reveal why relying on your feelings can sometimes lead you astray in making business decisions.

    3:45 - Tip #1 is one of the biggest things that ensures you’re not signing up for something or hiring someone who isn’t the right fit for you.

    9:40 - People often get stuck in their journey because they don’t follow tip #2. Even I’ve been guilty of it recently, and I tell you how.

    12:30 - So many of us have a hard time with the third tip. I discuss how I’ve seen this inside The CEO Collective.

    19:23 - What’s a good rule to follow whenever you’re learning or getting advice from others? Some of my best business breakthroughs have come as a result of this tip.

    23:20 - By following this final tip, you establish the ability to create your own economy. I explain what I mean by that and how I’ve benefited from it.

    29:26 - To wrap the show, I quickly recap the five ways to make your business investments worth your time, energy, and money.

    Show Links

    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    25 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 40 minutes 11 seconds
    You Have a Revenue Goal - Now What?

    After setting a revenue goal for your business, the next question on your mind might be, “How do I actually reach my goal?” If that’s you, then you’ll love this episode! In it, I dive even deeper into the actual math behind your revenue goal using real numbers to help you determine what to sell, at what price point, and to how many clients or customers.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    3:26 - I explain why figuring out how to hit your revenue goals can get a little tricky, especially if you follow so-called guru advice.

    10:11 - You have to understand your sales conversion rate which varies based on what you’re selling, to who, and at what price point.

    12:26 - What kind of sales call conversion rate do I see among people, even those without much sales experience?

    14:53 - Let’s take a look at conversion rates of some other popular promotional methods.

    22:56 - How do I know that the price point advice too many “gurus” give to entrepreneurs isn’t necessarily based on any real data?

    27:39 - I discuss the biggest problems I see with offering a one-session service and my minimum price point recommendation for your signature offer.

    31:39 - Here’s how building a baseline revenue with a higher-end offer can help you grow your income down the line, without sacrificing your time or salary.

    34:55 - Remember this about each product, program, or service you create for your business.

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    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    18 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 43 minutes 7 seconds
    How to Set the Right Revenue Goal for Your Business

    There’s a tale that’s rarely told in the business world. It’s a tale of two companies. Both make seven figures annually. But the business owners behind them receive a vastly different amount of money as actual take-home pay.

    What happens once money comes into a business? Where does it go from there? The lack of real disclosure on this in online entrepreneurial circles has led to lots of people focusing solely on revenue goals, not their business’ actual profitability.

    So in this episode, I break it all down, talk some numbers, and tell you exactly what it means to have a six-figure take home income, not just a six-figure business.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    3:29 - How much time do you have to invest in your business? Here’s how to take a look at your situation to see what works best for you.

    7:16 - How much energy do you have available to you? And what do you need to do to maintain it?

    9:48 - Instead of pulling a revenue goal out of thin air, ask yourself this question. I reveal the right way to come up with your number and a free resource you can use.

    14:28 - I briefly mention why defaulting to your last salary as your revenue goal won’t work.

    15:55 - I talk about what goes into running a business, how to use that information to reverse engineer your target, and a super simple way to figure out your revenue goal.

    23:46 - Setting aside a little bit of your profits every month really starts to change the game and your perspective. I break down some percentages in detail.

    31:08 - I look at the math behind a $100,000 annual revenue goal and how much you really need to earn to make that your take-home pay.

    36:27 - How much tax are you going to pay at this point? This is where you’ll want to get yourself a good CPA.

    39:10 - Before wrapping up, I go over the biggest piece of misinformation about growing a bigger business. It stops many from setting a higher revenue goal.

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    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    11 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 39 minutes 14 seconds
    Why a Big Enough Business Is Key to a Business & Life You Love

      You’ve seen the hype about small business and entrepreneurial success out there. It’s unreal! Not a day goes by when I don’t see photos of fancy cars, vacations, oodles of cash, and the typical success catch phrases that come with them on my social media.

    Here’s the conundrum, though: when your business crosses into the territory of making seven or eight figures, it can quickly become less about doing what you love and more about grinding things out as an entrepreneur to meet demand. 

    So does bigger actually mean better for you? Or is big enough... enough? In today’s episode, I talk about why I believe in creating a big enough business to create an actual business and life you love.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    5:54 - I discuss what it was like growing up around entrepreneurs, and the surprising information I recently learned from my mother.

    8:16 - Why should you beware of creating a business that grows too fast? I tell you what I’ve seen from businesses that experienced hyper growth.

    10:02 - I retell a parable about a CEO and a fisherman that illustrates my point.

    12:47 - I describe the time I was at a crossroads when I first heard the parable and the realization I came to after some reflection.

    15:30 - The big questions I want you to ask about your revenue goals, and defining a Big Enough Business, the kind that loves you back.

    17:10 - An early lesson in my business that serves as an example of why NOT to model your version of success after someone else.

    20:05 - An example of what my "Big Enough Business" looks like and why it serves me in creating a business and life I love.

    23:55 - How being intentional allows me to succeed without sacrificing my life and without causing me to be in a constant state of emergency in my business.

    25:20 - How a big enough business allows you to live in your business sweet spot, and stop dreading Monday morning.

    27:50 - How a big enough business and building a business and life you love will mean you must know your non-negotiables. 

    29:40 - Does focusing on a big enough business, mean you lack ambition?

     34:00 - The questions I want you to ask to define your big enough business.

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    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    4 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 45 minutes 27 seconds
    The Vulnerable Side of Visibility with Erica Courdae

    Visibility is scary. It’s one of the reasons why so many female entrepreneurs don’t seek out more of it for their business. Yet, it’s also the thing that’ll grow your business.

    So how can you feel more confident and empowered in the spotlight? In this episode, I talk with my friend Erica Courdae, a CEO Collective mentor and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consultant, about what it’s been like to have more visibility than ever before and how you can more confidently embrace greater visibility for your business and message.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    5:54 - What kind of visibility journey has Erica gone on? She talks about her roller coaster ride since 2018 and the dilemma she faced in 2020.

    11:51 - Erica used to say yes to every opportunity. Now a bit more discerning about what she takes on, she discusses the key pieces that helped her handle the demand for her time.

    15:21 - What does it take to get your message out into the world? We reveal why consistency is key to gaining and handling greater visibility.

    17:26 - Having this missing piece really makes things easier when you find yourself suddenly confronted with more demands for your time.

    23:25 - How has Erica navigated exposure to larger audiences with people who may vehemently disagree with her message?

    31:59 - There’s a difference between visibility for yourself as an individual and visibility for your message.

    40:50 - To wrap up, I go over a couple of key points I want to make sure you take away from this episode.


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    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    28 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 40 minutes 43 seconds
    Why TikTok Could Be an Incredible ATTRACT Strategy

    Do you think you’re attracting new people to your business through social media? The social media platforms that have been around for a while used to be that way. These days, though, fewer people see your content on most social media.

    So what is social media good for? Most of it now works best for nurturing your existing audience. But in this episode, I talk about my experiment with TikTok and reveal what I look for when leveraging it to attract brand new people to my business.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    2:36 - I discuss the social media landscape that existed when I first started my business and the magic space you need to best leverage a new platform.

    5:15 - What happens when you miss your window of opportunity on a social media platform?

    8:20 - I reveal my hypothesis about what makes TikTok different and get into how I decided to play around with it.

    16:38 - I’m committing to six months of posting to TikTok five times a week as my goal. What’s my secret to staying consistent on this (or any other) platform?

    19:17 - How is my experiment going? I share what I did and what has happened in the two and a half months since I started (as of this recording).

    27:02 - I disclose some of my videos that took off and reveal what I’ve learned so far using the platform. It makes me feel even more confident in my TikTok hypothesis.

    34:49 - What platform can you use to help you amplify your message? (It doesn’t have to be TikTok!) And why is passive marketing online a myth?

    Show Links

    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    21 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 35 minutes 15 seconds
    How to Prepare for Next Level Visibility (Even if You Feel Not Ready Yet)

    You know you must get in front of more potential clients to grow your business. So you make plans to get more visible, whether it’s through interviews or guest blog posts or videos or whatever. Yet, you feel this anxiety creep up at the thought of getting more visibility.

    So what do you do when the concept of putting yourself out there more feels scary and intimidating? In this episode, I dive into how to prepare yourself for more visibility (even if you feel like you’re not ready) so that more opportunities show up more quickly for you and your business.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    2:57 - Let’s start with the easiest place to set yourself up for success. Ensure these are ready to go before you start the process of increasing visibility.

    7:40 - How do I pitch myself? I give an example of how I have everything prepared before an interview and how you can do the same.

    10:33 - I make a pitching recommendation that helps if you’re already feeling nervous about putting yourself out there.

    12:26 - How do you pitch yourself cold to someone? Follow this process to get the most success out of it.

    13:59 - How can you prepare yourself for the mindset challenges that come with more visibility? I discuss my biggest worry about the first attract marketing method I used and how I got over it.

    19:19 - I encourage you to do this if you want your visibility strategy to involve video but you feel really self-conscious about it.

    24:03 - There’s a dark side to visibility, and it can feel scary for women in particular. What can you do about it?

    27:36 - When you pitch yourself and gain visibility, you’re going to get people rejecting you. Here’s the approach I take when that happens.

    Show Links

    Marketing Strategy Intensive

    “How to Go Pitch Yourself with Angie Trueblood”

    “From Not Ready Yet to Ready for Next Level Visibility with Nicole Otchy”

    “CEO Confession: The Darkside of Visibility with MegAnne Ford”

    “Patriarchy Stress Disorder with Dr. Valerie Rein”

    Need to write a bio? Use this. - Alexandra Franzen

    Yet another way t

    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    14 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 34 minutes 6 seconds
    Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working (& How to Fix It)

    You spend so much time posting on social media or writing blog posts or sending newsletters to your email list. But no matter what you do (or how much), your marketing just. isn’t. working! You’re not seeing results in the form of new, paying clients. Today, I kick off a new series all about marketing that converts. In this first episode, I dive into the top three reasons why your marketing isn’t converting and how you can fix it.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    3:10 - Do you only hear crickets when you get your message in front of people? I reveal two reasons why you might be making mistake #1.

    7:26 - Fixing the first mistake involves doing something that the current marketing ecosystem ignores.

    9:41 - Do you have a plan in place to prevent mistake #2? Here’s how to make sure you do.

    15:17 - Mistake #3 is a big one and the basis for my upcoming marketing strategy intensive. It’s where I see gaps in people’s marketing strategy.

    19:36 - I clarify attract marketing and discuss the pros and cons of the three primary attract strategies.

    29:30 - Where should you begin with attract marketing strategies? I reveal where I always start.


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    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    7 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 31 minutes 58 seconds
    The Business You Have Today is The Result of The Work You Did 3 Months Ago!

    Imagine you’re watching a movie about two solo entrepreneurs:

    One is so excited about her business but finds herself spinning her wheels. She has an amazing vision for growing her business but goes from one idea to the next because instant success eludes her.

    The other also loves the idea of growing her business. But instead of constantly changing course while trying everything under the sun, she takes the slow and steady approach and inevitably reaches her goals with the framework and consistency advocated inside The CEO Collective.

    So in this tale of two entrepreneurs, which one do you want to be? Tune in as I discuss why what you’ve done over the previous few months has resulted in the business you have now.

    On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:

    4:57 - What’s the real problem for women entrepreneurs struggling to get clients? I see this so often!

    10:58 - My mindset shift during my TikTok experiment thus far demonstrates why giving yourself enough time to try out strategies is so important.

    15:44 - Here’s another example of how this struggle plays out for a lot of entrepreneurs.

    19:36 - Are you a podcaster struggling to pitch yourself to others for interviews? I reveal what I’ve discovered in my ten years of podcasting.

    23:21 - Find out why you’ll never have to worry about bothering people with your offers again, as long as you adopt this shift in perspective.

    27:50 - Hiring a coach to hold you accountable isn’t going to do this for you.

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    Are you running your business… or is your business running you?

    It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO! Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series May 20th-24th to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

    RSVP at

    29 February 2024, 11:00 am
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