Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin

Scicomm Media

Dr. Andy Galpin

  • 1 hour 41 minutes
    Nutrition to Support Brain Health & Offset Brain Injuries

    In this episode, I discuss nutrition and supplementation to reduce the risk of brain injury and enhance brain performance and long-term health. Most brain injuries, including traumatic brain injury (TBIs) and concussion, are not from sports and are actually quite common in non-athletes. I explain what happens in the brain when a TBI occurs and discuss science-supported nutrients to reduce the risk of brain injury, minimize symptoms, and improve recovery. 

    Summarizing both research and clinical studies, I explain the neuroprotective effects of specific nutrients, including creatine monohydrate, fish oil (DHA and EPA), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), choline, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), magnesium, and anthocyanins. I also describe the recommended dosages, frequency, timing, and potential adverse effects and provide options for supplementation and whole-food sources. 

    Listeners of all ages and backgrounds will benefit from understanding which nutrients can support acute brain injury and natural age-related cognitive decline.

    Access the full show notes for this episode at

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    Maui Nui Venison: 

    David Protein: 


    00:00:00 Brain Health & Injury

    00:03:58 Sponsors: LMNT & Continuum

    00:07:08 Nutrition & Supplements for Brain Injury 

    00:11:36 Brain Injury Categories, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion

    00:16:01 Brain Injury Pathophysiology

    00:21:08 Burst Capillaries, Initial TBI Response

    00:28:55 Delayed TBI Response, Neuroinflammation

    00:33:11 Sponsors: Momentous & Maui Nui

    00:35:44 Creatine Monohydrate; Second Impact Syndrome

    00:40:44 Strength of Evidence Scale, Creatine

    00:46:07 Creatine Doses, Frequency, Adverse Issues; Food Sources

    00:52:14 Sponsors: AG1 & David Protein

    00:54:57 Fish Oil, DHA, EPA

    00:59:30 EPA & DHA Dosage, Timing, Adverse Issues; Food Sources; Omega-3 Index

    01:03:38 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B

    01:07:49 Riboflavin Dosages, Timing; Food Sources

    01:10:17 Choline

    01:17:29 Choline Supplements & Food Sources, Alpha GPC, Dosage

    01:20:22 Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), Sleep

    01:23:56 BCAAs Dosage, Whole Food Sources

    01:26:54 Magnesium

    01:30:12 Magnesium Dosage, Timing, Supplements, Adverse Issue; Food Sources

    01:32:01 Blueberry Anthocyanins

    01:34:20 Anthocyanins Dosage; Food Sources

    01:36:09 Caffeine & Brain Injury Recovery

    01:37:42 Perform Episodes, Perform Newsletter, Acknowledgements

    01:40:11 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media

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    14 August 2024, 8:00 am
  • 2 hours 22 minutes
    How to Use & Interpret Blood Tests for High Performance

    In this episode, I discuss blood testing for athletic performance. I explain how performance-based blood testing differs from medical or disease-based blood panels and the pros and cons of blood testing for performance.  

    I explain how to choose specific blood markers based on your performance goals, scenario, and situation. I also discuss the timing, frequency, and preparation for blood tests to increase the accuracy and validity of results. I explain how to contextualize blood test results, interpret reference ranges, and account for the natural variability of blood markers. I also discuss how to improve blood test results through nutrition, behaviors, training, or supplementation.

    Listeners of this episode will understand how to determine appropriate blood markers for yourself or your client based on specific training goals and how to interpret blood results so you can look, feel, and perform at your best.

    Access the full show notes for this episode at

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    Eight Sleep:

    Vitality Blueprint:



    Renaissance Periodization: 


    00:00:00 Blood Testing, Albumin, MCV

    00:03:05 Sponsors: Eight Sleep & Vitality Blueprint

    00:05:55 Blood Testing for Performance

    00:09:24 Cons of Blood Work

    00:13:39 Pros of Blood Work

    00:19:30 Investigate: Blood Panels for General Health, CBC, CMP

    00:25:14 Blood Panels for Performance; Bodybuilding, Protein Turnover

    00:32:08 Sponsors: Momentous & LMNT

    00:35:21 Albumin, Hydration, Inflammation

    00:38:50 Endurance Training, Iron

    00:46:33 Essential Vitamins & Minerals: Zinc, Chromium, Magnesium, B12

    00:50:52 Sodium, Potassium

    00:56:48 Energy & Fatigue, Blood Glucose

    01:02:39 Sponsors: AG1 & Renaissance Periodization

    01:05:18 Tool: Getting Good Blood Data, 48-Hour Rule, Timing, Hydration

    01:12:55 Sensitive vs. Resilient Markers; Blood Test Consistency, Testosterone

    01:19:41 Interpret: References Ranges, Blood Glucose, Homocysteine

    01:28:44 Context & Interpretation, Strength vs. Endurance

    01:34:13 Sleep Apnea, Hemoglobin, Endurance Training

    01:37:33 Medical vs. Performance Blood Markers, Blood Volume, Creatinine

    01:46:18 ALT, AST, Athlete’s Paradox

    01:49:05 Optimal for What?, Context & Blood Markers

    01:56:35 Tool: Analytical, Diurnal & Biological Variability

    02:01:39 Patterns & Categories: Hydration, Inflammation

    02:09:01 Intervene: Big Solutions, Direct Markers vs. Systemic Solutions

    02:20:57 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Perform Newsletter, Social Media

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    7 August 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 43 minutes
    Genetic Testing for Sports Performance

    In this episode, I discuss genetic testing for sports and athletic performance. I describe the history of sports genomics and the search for genes that determine strength, endurance, and other performance markers. I explain how to interpret genetic test results, including how many genes determine a trait, the relative influence of a single gene, and the likelihood that a genetic variant produces noticeable performance effects. 

    I discuss the ethical issues and current limitations of using genetic testing for athletic talent identification. I explain whether your genetic profile can help optimize personalized training, exercise, and nutrition programs to further accelerate performance. I also discuss gene doping, gene editing, gene therapy, and the future of sports genomics.

    If listeners have done or are considering genetic testing for personal or client use, this episode will provide a framework for the validity, accuracy, and reliability of current genetic testing and how to interpret their results. 

    Access the full show notes for this episode at

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    Absolute Rest:

    Renaissance Periodization: 


    00:00:00 Genetics, Sports Genomics

    00:06:51 Genetic Testing & Human Performance

    00:11:21 Sponsors: AG1 & Rhone 

    00:14:33 Sports Genomics, Genome vs. Gene, Athlete Passport

    00:19:37 Genotype & Alleles; Variation, Polymorphisms, SNPs & Mutations

    00:25:12 Myostatin Mutation; ACTN3 & ACE Genes

    00:32:42 Sponsor: Momentous & Continuum

    00:35:36 Investigate: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing

    00:38:10 History of Sport Genomics, Candidate Genes

    00:45:41 Polygenic Traits, Polygenic Risk Score; Gene Editing

    00:53:12 Sponsors: Absolute Rest & Renaissance Periodization

    00:55:34 Interpret: 5 Questions About Genes & Traits; ACTN3 & ACE Genes

    01:05:36 Traits & Gene Number; Height

    01:11:14 Traits & Sports Performance, Elite Athletes; Athletic Talent Identification

    01:18:19 Genetic Contribution to Traits, Variance

    01:21:37 Likelihood & Magnitude of Genetic Effect; Ethnic Background & Genes

    01:28:46 Intervene: Gene Doping, Gene Editing

    01:31:56 Personalized Training, Precision Nutrition

    01:34:29 Future of Sports Genomics & Ethics

    01:37:50 Genetics & Athletic Performance

    01:41:52 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Perform Newsletter, Social Media

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    31 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 2 hours 5 minutes
    Avoid Fitness Plateaus, Overtraining & Mis-Timed Performance Peaks

    In this episode, I discuss training plateaus, overtraining, and peaking (aka “tapering”) to help you train smart for your goals and effectively use rest to maximize performance.

    I discuss training plateaus, the underlying molecular mechanisms that cause plateaus, and how to overcome plateaus by targeting systems and nutrition-based approaches. I describe how overtraining reduces performance, which molecular biomarkers to measure to determine if you are overtrained, and how to recover from overtraining. I also explain how to use peaking (tapering) to significantly enhance performance, when to place a taper relative to competition, and how to effectively taper by reducing volume and increasing rest days.

    I explain multiple causes and solutions for diminished performance and describe tracking options for measuring your health, fatigue, and performance. Listeners will learn how high-performance athletes, down to general exercisers, should measure, monitor, and intervene in plateaus, overtraining, and taper effectively.

    Access the full show notes for this episode at

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    Eight Sleep:


    Vitality Blueprint:

    Renaissance Periodization: 


    00:00:00 Plateau, Peaking & Overtraining

    00:03:57 Sponsors: LMNT & AG1

    00:07:26 “Stress is Stress,” Training & Inactivity

    00:11:13 3 Scenarios for Plateau, Peaking & Overtraining

    00:15:43 Physiological Passport, Personal Variation

    00:20:45 Data Collection & Personal Load

    00:23:54 Tool: Minimal Viable Solution & Tracking

    00:28:00 Sponsor: Eight Sleep & Momentous

    00:30:45 Identifying Plateau: Muscle Growth Plateau, Newbie Gains

    00:36:41 Overcoming Plateau: Targeting Systems, Plateau Possible Mechanisms

    00:46:46 Overcoming Plateau: Nutrition, Protein

    00:53:19 Sponsor: Vitality Blueprint & Renaissance Periodization (RP)

    00:56:48 Identifying Overtraining vs. Functional & Non-Functional Overreaching

    01:04:33 Reduced Performance, Fatigue & Molecular Biomarkers

    01:10:40 Blood Biomarkers, Protein Status Markers

    01:17:45 Peaking (Tapering) & Performance

    01:27:04 Tool: Effectively Taper; Volume & Intensity

    01:33:38 Taper & Biomarkers, Testosterone

    01:36:34 Tools: Taper Styles; Rest Days, Taper Variables; Individual Variability

    01:45:05 Speed, Team Sports, Skills, Endurance & Taper

    01:48:35 High-Performance Athletes & Tracking, Human Digital Twin

    01:54:17 Tool: Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Respiratory Rate

    02:00:31 Tool: Acute & Chronic Actions; Caffeine, Carbohydrates

    02:04:18 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Perform Newsletter, Social Media

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    24 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 48 minutes
    How Lactate & Metabolism Influence Performance

    In this episode, I discuss lactate (or “lactic acid”) and its essential roles in metabolism and athletic performance. Lactate is commonly misinterpreted as the waste product responsible for muscle soreness and exercise fatigue. However, I explain why it is produced, how lactate positively affects multiple organ systems, and its critical function in metabolism and as a signaling molecule. 

    I explain the concept of metabolic flexibility and how lactate helps cells effectively transition between energy sources (carbs vs. fats). I describe why lactate is essential for mitochondrial health and how different muscle fiber types use lactate. I also discuss how lactate relates to endurance performance and training “zones,” the cause of exercise fatigue, and whether more lactate or lactate supplementation improves exercise performance.

    I explain the three I’s (investigate, interpret, intervene) to determine your lactate levels and lactate threshold and how to use different exercise intensities to improve mitochondrial health and reduce fatigue.

    This episode will help listeners appreciate the vital role of lactate in overall health and understand how lactate levels should inform training and exercise to improve metabolic flexibility, increase energy, and enhance performance.

    Access the full show notes for this episode at

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    David Protein:

    Renaissance Periodization: 



    00:00:00 Lactate

    00:04:21 History of Lactate Discovery  

    00:11:00 Sponsors: Momentous & David Protein

    00:13:58 Lactate vs. Lactic Acid

    00:17:00 L- vs D-Lactate, Gut Microbiome

    00:19:46 Lactate & Metabolic Acidosis, Ringer’s Solution

    00:22:43 3 Primary Roles of Lactate, Metabolism

    00:29:04 Glucose, Mitochondria & Lactate

    00:36:09 Metabolic Flexibility, Carbs vs. Fat

    00:40:25 Fat Metabolism

    00:44:07 Carbohydrate Metabolism, Lactate Shuttle

    00:50:29 Lactate Efflux, Fast- vs. Slow-Twitch Fibers

    00:53:01 Sponsors: AG1 & Renaissance Periodization

    00:55:42 Alcohol, Fat, Hangover & Exercise

    01:02:54 Is More Lactate Better?, Lactate Supplementation

    01:08:50 Sponsor: Continuum

    01:10:21 Cause of Exercise Fatigue

    01:14:52 Investigate: Lactate Analyzers, Lactate Threshold

    01:19:37 Lactate Threshold, Fatigue, Endurance Performance; Zone 2 Training

    01:26:52 Tools: VDOT Calculation, Measure Lactate & Lactate Threshold

    01:33:01 Interpret: Lactate Levels, Metabolic Flexibility

    01:36:12 Interpret: Lactate Threshold

    01:38:24 Intervene: Metabolic Flexibility, Training & Mitochondria; Fatigue

    01:46:52 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Perform Newsletter, Social Media

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    17 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 2 hours 2 minutes
    How to Enhance Performance With Better Sleep

    In this episode, I explain how sleep optimization produces a competitive advantage and the many tools available for improving sleep to maximize athletic performance. I explain how sufficient, high-quality sleep enhances speed, accuracy, reaction time, and competition performance and aids in injury recovery. I also describe why most athletes suffer from chronic suboptimal sleep, the athlete’s sleep paradox, the biochemical reason athletes need more sleep, and the most common sleep disorders affecting athletes.

    I explain the importance of optimizing three areas for sleep: duration, quality, and timing. I also discuss how to use sleep extension to improve performance and how to use sleep banking and/or adjust sleep timing during competition training or travel.

    I discuss the three I’s (investigate, interpret, intervene) for improving sleep and describe sleep solutions, ranging from free protocols and low-cost wearables to high-precision clinical sleep testing.

    Listeners will understand the importance of sleep for performance and how to create a precise, effective sleep program tailored to individual needs and goals for yourself or the athletes you coach.  

    Access the full show notes for this episode at

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    Absolute Rest:


    Eight Sleep:


    00:00:00 Sleep Performance

    00:08:16 Sponsors: AG1 & LMNT

    00:11:44 Sleep Deprivation vs. Extreme Sleep Restriction, Suboptimal Sleep

    00:15:49 Emerging Research & Sleep Performance

    00:20:51 Sleep Duration, Sleep Banking, Sleep Extension

    00:28:29 Tool: Sleep Extension to Improve Athletic Performance

    00:35:21 Sponsors: Absolute Rest & Momentous

    00:38:23 Injury Recovery; Tool: Sleep Banking

    00:45:38 Athlete’s Sleep Paradox

    00:50:08 Athletes & Sleep Needs, Adenosine & Sleep Pressure

    00:57:24 Sponsor: Eight Sleep

    00:58:46 Sleep Quality, Sleep Disorders in Athletes

    01:03:27 Sleep Timing: Circadian Rhythm, Jet Lag & Performance Timing

    01:09:40 Investigate: Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire, Sleep Disorders

    01:18:17 Analyzing Sleep, Polysomnography, Wearables & Orthosomnia

    01:28:56 Interpret: Sleep Duration, Sleep Quality

    01:36:08 Intervention: Sleep Education, Sleep Opportunity

    01:42:09 Intervention: Improve Sleep Quality & Timing

    01:52:38 Tool: Resolve Snoring

    01:55:58 Sleep Timing, Using Sleep for Performance Enhancement

    02:00:56 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Perform Newsletter, Social Media

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    10 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 2 hours 1 minute
    Build Muscle Size, Strength & Power With Science-Backed Programs

    In this episode, I explain protocols to build muscle hypertrophy (muscle size) and maximize strength and power for athletic performance, health, and longevity. I describe two science-supported programs developed by strength and performance experts that are appropriate for both men and women, no matter the sport or training level background.

    I discuss the key training concepts of strength-based programs, including progressive overload, intensity, Prilepin’s chart, autoregulation, block periodization, and how to train in multiple planes for well-rounded adaptations and injury prevention. I explain a straightforward program for improving muscle hypertrophy and discuss a more advanced program for enhancing speed and power that progresses weekly in volume, intensity, and specificity.

    This episode provides listeners with the fundamentals of effective strength training and practical applications of these principles, which can be further modified based on time, equipment availability, injury background, individual goals, and skill level.

    Access the full show notes for this episode at

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    Renaissance Periodization:


    Maui Nui Venison: 


    00:00:00 Hypertrophy, Strength & Power Protocols; Muscle Strength vs. Size vs. Power

    00:08:09 Importance of Skeletal Muscle 

    00:10:45 Sponsors: Rhone & Continuum

    00:14:00 Hypertrophy vs. Strength vs. Power Training: Repetitions & Intensity

    00:18:50 Hypertrophy vs. Strength/Power Training: Rest Intervals

    00:22:23 Programs Overview; Progressive Overload, Balance

    00:27:57 7 Modifiable Variables, “COVIFRP”; Programs Overview

    00:34:04 Sponsors: Renaissance Periodization (RP) & Momentous

    00:36:47 Tool: Hypertrophy Program, Autoregulation

    00:43:28 Program Specifics, ABAB Plan

    00:50:25 Hypertrophy Program Results

    00:53:30 Tool: Strength & Power Program, Mash Training Program, Velocity-Based Training (VBT), Prilepin’s Chart

    01:03:21 Sponsor: AG1 & Maui Nui

    01:06:09 Block Periodization

    01:11:27 Accumulation Phase

    01:19:39 Dynamic Warm-Up & Acceleration Development

    01:24:49 Speed & Power Development

    01:31:52 Day 1 & Weekly Progression

    01:37:48 Transmutation Phase

    01:45:20 Realization Phase, Overspeed

    01:53:24 Program Concepts & Modifications

    02:00:38 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media

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    3 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    How to Improve Your VO2 Max & Build Endurance

    In this episode, I explain practical applications for improving your VO2 max and endurance in order to prevent disease, promote longevity, and optimize overall health and performance. I also explain the training fundamentals and methods to consider when developing an endurance training program, such as general conditioning, warm-ups/cool-downs, tissue tolerance and recovery, injury prevention, and maximizing training time.

    I describe two endurance training programs suitable for individuals of all training levels: Metamorphosis, designed to improve VO2 max, and Faster in 50, a fifty-day marathon training program. I explain the specific methodologies of these programs, including the resistance training and endurance training elements, building volume and intensity (i.e., zones/"gears"), reps/sets, breathing, and how to assess your progress at the end.

    This episode focuses on specific programs and protocols for improving endurance that will help listeners develop/follow their own program or help coaches and trainers design programs for their athletes.

    Access the full show notes for this episode at

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    Vitality Blueprint: 

    Eight Sleep: 



    00:00:00 Protocols to Improve VO2 Max

    00:03:08 Sponsors: LMNT & Vitality Blueprint

    00:06:28 Improve VO2 Max, First Principles

    00:10:43 Training Program Framework for Improving VO2 Max

    00:19:18 Tool: Protocol to Improve VO2 Max, Metamorphosis Program

    00:25:34 Sponsors: Eight Sleep & Momentous

    00:28:38 Metamorphosis Program: Easy Days

    00:37:08 Moderate Days, Tempo Intervals, Fartlek Training; Weeks 1-4

    00:42:25 Week 5; Easy & Moderate Days; Repeats

    00:47:25 Higher-Intensity Days, Power Intervals

    00:53:57 Week 8, Assess VO2 Max, Cooper’s 12-Minute Test

    00:55:16 Sponsor: AG1

    00:56:47 Tool: First Marathon Training Program, Faster in 50

    01:01:14 Faster in 50 Program: General Conditioning & Marathon Training Phases

    01:04:36 Phase 1, Day 1 

    01:11:08 Phase 1, Week 1: Tempo Run, Fartlek Run, Cross-Train, Recovery Accelerators

    01:15:21 Phase 2 & Increasing Endurance Training; Peak Week

    01:21:25 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media

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    26 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 55 minutes
    Why Muscle Matters & How to Build It

    In this episode, I discuss the essential role of skeletal muscle in health and performance. I explain what skeletal muscle is made of, how it works, and its role as an integral organ system for physical and mental health. I explain how to focus on skeletal muscle quantity (total muscle) and muscle quality (functionality, speed, power, strength) to ensure you function and perform at the highest levels.

    I explain the difference between slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers and why skeletal muscle is uniquely adaptable to exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle factors. I also explain why resistance training becomes increasingly critical for healthy aging and disease prevention.

    I explain how to use the "Three Is" of investigate, interpret, and intervene to determine if you have enough muscle, if it's functioning well, and protocols to improve muscle quality and quantity. Listeners of this episode will understand why skeletal muscle is so essential to care for and how to enhance muscle quantity and quality to optimize physiology, performance, and longevity.

    Access the full show notes for this episode, including referenced articles and additional resources, at

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    Absolute Rest:



    Maui Nui Venison: 


    00:00:00 Skeletal Muscle

    00:04:06 Sponsors: Absolute Rest & Momentous

    00:07:20 Quantity & Quality; Organ System; Health & Performance

    00:12:58 Plasticity, “Look Good, Feel Good, Play Good”; Muscle Types

    00:15:46 What is Muscle?, Muscle Fibers, Tendon

    00:21:37 Muscle Fiber Number, Hyperplasia, Anabolic Steroids, Age

    00:24:03 Myonuclei & Adaptability

    00:26:27 Muscle Fiber Types, Variable Muscle Functions

    00:32:24 Fiber Type & Lifestyle Factors

    00:34:54 Sponsors: David Protein & AG1

    00:37:37 Age & Muscle Loss, Slow vs. Fast-Twitch Fibers; Motor Units

    00:46:36 Muscle Size vs. Muscle Strength, Quantity vs. Quality

    00:50:56 Investigate: Muscle Quantity, Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI)

    00:56:21 FFMI, Elite Athletes, Muscle Mass

    01:00:59 Muscle Asymmetry; Too Much Muscle Possible?

    01:03:49 Interpret: Muscle Mass, FFMI Calculations & Percentiles

    01:09:28 Tool: Intervene - Increase Muscle Mass, 72-Hour Rule

    01:15:27 Sponsors: Maui Nui & Renaissance Periodization

    01:17:51 Investigate: Muscle Quality & 4 Movement Principles

    01:23:34 Muscle Quality & 3 Performance Principles

    01:26:42 Interpret: Muscle Speed, Age

    01:32:45 Muscle Power, Vertical Jump, Broad Jump

    01:36:17 Muscle Strength, Powerlifting Elite, Bench Press, Leg Press, Grip Strength

    01:44:05 Increasing Strength, Improve Health & Longevity

    01:46:44 Tool: Intervene - Improve Muscle Quality, 4 Training Principles, 3-to-5 Rule

    01:53:56 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media

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    19 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 58 minutes
    How & Why to Strengthen Your Heart & Cardiovascular Fitness

    In this episode, I discuss the critical importance of building a strong heart and how to do it. I explain why the human body needs to breathe, the importance of cardiorespiratory fitness for sleep and exercise recovery, and its long-term implications for physical health, disease risk, and mortality. I explain how the heart functions, what determines heart rate, why the heart never gets sore, and the unique advantages of cardiac muscle over other muscle types.

    I explain how to use the ‘Three I’s’ (investigate, interpret, intervene) to assess and improve your cardiovascular fitness. I explain what VO2 max is (and other related metrics, e.g., heart rate variability), describe ranges based on age and elite performance, and discuss exercise regimens to improve VO2 max.

    Listeners of this episode will understand why cardiovascular health is vital for performance and overall health and learn a series of actionable tools to improve their cardiovascular fitness.

    Access the full show notes for this episode, including referenced articles and additional resources, at

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    Vitality Blueprint: 





    00:00:00 Heart

    00:02:48 Sponsors: Vitality Blueprint & Rhone

    00:06:20 Muscle Types

    00:08:47 VO2 max, Health & Mortality

    00:14:42 Overall Health, Cardiorespiratory Fitness & All-Cause Mortality

    00:24:16 Sponsor: AG1

    00:25:47 Disease, Health & Mortality

    00:28:55 Cardiac Muscle & Heart

    00:37:22 Cardiac Muscle vs. Skeletal Muscle, Cardiac Advantages

    00:42:46 Pacemakers & Heart Rate, Vagus Nerve

    00:49:28 Why Doesn’t the Heart Get Sore?

    00:53:25 Heart & Exercise, Stroke Volume, Ejection Fraction, Cardiac Output

    00:58:14 Heart Rate Variability

    01:01:34 Sponsors: Momentous & LMNT

    01:05:47 Why Do You Breathe?: Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide & Respiratory Rate

    01:12:30 Respiratory Rate & Stress

    01:14:01 Tool: The “Three I’s”, Investigate: Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, VO2 Max

    01:18:46 Tool: Interpretation, Resting Heart Rate & Ranges

    01:22:09 Tool: Interpretation: VO2 Max & Ranges

    01:29:38 Athletes & Highest VO2 Max Scores

    01:34:46 Elite Athletes & Context for VO2 Max Scores

    01:40:35 Tool: Intervention, VO2 Max, Varying Exercise Intensities, SAID Principle

    01:47:13 Tool: Varying Exercise Intensity; Intervals & Continuous Training; Frequency

    01:57:41 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media

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    12 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 3 minutes
    Welcome to Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin

    This is Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin

    I'm Dr. Andy Galpin, a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton.

    With this podcast, my goal is to help you better understand and maximize your own physical performance, leveraging my two decades of experience with top-tier performers, including Olympians and world champions across numerous sports. We'll discuss a range of advanced tools, technologies, and strategies, striking a balance between the forefront of scientific research and simple solutions.

    The way we'll do that is by covering what I call the "3 I's". For every topic, we'll explore how to 1) Investigate (i.e., measure), 2) Interpret (i.e., what's good, bad), and 3) Intervene (i.e., change). We'll do this from the lens of high performance, letting you enhance your abilities from good to great.                                  

    In the upcoming episodes of Season 1, we'll explore topics like the science of muscle development, how to build endurance, the role of sleep and recovery in high performance, and how to create training programs for strength, improving VO2 Max and cardiovascular health, growing muscle and much more.  

    I'll share actionable insights ("do's and don'ts") and I'll discuss the effectiveness of various supplements, training equipment, and technology in elevating mental and physical performance.

    While not all of us are elite athletes, myself included, there are many lessons and tools that we can glean from those performing at the highest levels. And remember, as legendary coach Bill Bowerman stated, "If you have a body, you are an athlete." If you're not already, I hope you'll consider starting to train and recover like an athlete. 

    Stay tuned for Season 1, launching in Summer 2024.

    9 January 2024, 9:41 pm
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