The Introvert, Dear Podcast

Jenn Granneman and Bo Miller

The Introvert, Dear Podcast is devoted to helping introverts live more peaceful, meaningful lives. We're here to remind you that you don't have to be an extrovert to be happy — and there's nothing wrong with being quiet and spending time alone. This biweekly show is hosted by Jenn Granneman, author of The Secret Lives of Introverts and founder of, and Bo Miller, founder of and The INFJ Personality Show. Featuring prevalent introvert influencers and experts, we help introverts (and those who love them) understand themselves better and grow.

  • 38 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode #24: How to Navigate Romantic Relationships as an HSP

    Are you an introvert who’s also a highly sensitive person? There’s a good chance you are, because 70 percent of HSPs are also introverts. If you’re a highly sensitive introvert, you know how challenging that can be, and most likely, one of your biggest challenges is love and relationships.

    In today’s episode, we talk about the challenges of being an HSP in a romantic relationship with a non-HSP. We’ll hear from a couple who’s doing just that — Jenn and her partner Andre, founders of Highly Sensitive Refuge, a new community just for HSPs. Also, stay tuned, because we’ve got a big announcement about this podcast later in the show. 

    Links Mentioned:

    The Introvert, Dear Store
    Looking for awesome introvert gear? Check out the new Introvert, Dear store and find funny and inspirational t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and much more! Click here to browse the selection. 

    Other Resources
    Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!

    26 March 2019, 10:00 am
  • 38 minutes 45 seconds
    Episode #23: How to Nail the Job Interview as an Introvert

    An interview can feel like small talk on steroids for introverts. Only the stakes are raised as you need to put your best foot forward because a job you want is on the line. The thought is enough to give you sweaty palms and a queasy stomach. What’s an introvert to do?  

    Today, we’re talking with Amanda Glover about how to nail the job interview.  

    As a journalist at heart, Amanda combines her love for writing and business to help introverts create compelling resumes and interview stories. As an introvert who discovered personal acceptance late in life, she founded Rising Introverts to help introverts nail the job interview and generate greater confidence in their everyday lives.

    Links Mentioned:

    The Introvert, Dear Store
    Looking for awesome introvert gear? Check out the new Introvert, Dear store and find funny and inspirational t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and much more! Click here to browse the selection. 

    Other Resources
    Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!

    26 February 2019, 11:00 am
  • 43 minutes 7 seconds
    Episode #22: How to Cope with Anxiety as an Introvert

    When many people hear the word introvert, they picture a nail-biter, cowering in his or her bedroom, refusing to interact with the rest of the world. Frankly, this definition of introvert misses the mark by a long shot. But it is true that introverts sometimes feel nervous around certain people and for a variety of other reasons. While introvert and anxiety don’t necessarily go together, when they do, it’s helpful to know why and to have some strategies for coping with the challenges that come your way.  

    Links Mentioned:

    The Introvert, Dear Store
    Looking for awesome introvert gear? Check out the new Introvert, Dear store and find funny and inspirational t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and much more! Click here to browse the selection. 

    Other Resources
    Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!

    12 February 2019, 11:00 am
  • 43 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode #21: Why Introverts Make Great Writers

    Quiet, thoughtful, focused, insightful - these are a few words that describe a writer. And they’re words that also capture many introverts quite well. It’s no surprise, then, that a lot of writers are introverts. If you’ve ever thought about writing professionally or writing on the side, we encourage you to join us for today's conversation as we explore Why Introverts Make Great Writers

    The Introvert, Dear Store
    Looking for awesome introvert gear? Check out the new Introvert, Dear store and find funny and inspirational t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and much more! Click here to browse the selection. 

    Other Resources
    Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!

    29 January 2019, 11:00 am
  • 40 minutes 6 seconds
    Episode #20: The Benefits of Being an Introvert

    Modern society celebrates the strengths and virtues of extroversion. It’s no surprise: Extroverts are masters of tooting their own horn. While the outward-focus extroverts bring to life is helpful at many times and in many ways, the one-sided praise only tells half the story. Too many people still need to discover the wonderful benefits of introversion. A quiet, inward focus is just as important and valuable as its counterpart.  

    On today’s show, we’ll try to level the playing field and shed more light on why introversion is just as valuable and advantageous as extroversion. Tune in to learn a few significant benefits of being an introvert

    The Introvert, Dear Store
    Looking for awesome introvert gear? Check out the new Introvert, Dear store and find funny and inspirational t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and much more! Click here to browse the selection. 

    Other Resources
    Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!

    15 January 2019, 11:00 am
  • 43 minutes 32 seconds
    Episode #19: Yes, Even Introverts Need Friends

    Introverts need good friends and strong relationships, just like extroverts do, but they go about socializing a little differently. Usually they require just a few deep connections - instead of a rolodex of acquaintances - and it doesn’t take as much to fill their social quota. 

    For introverts to be at their best, they need authentic, close relationships. So on today’s show, we’ll be exploring ways to take care of our friendships as introverts. And joining us to lend her expertise is author SophIa Dembling.  

    SophIa Dembling is a writer and editor in Dallas, Texas. She is author of The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World and Introverts in Love: The Quiet Way to Happily Ever After. SophIa, who started her writing career at The Dallas Morning News, has had articles and essays published in more magazines, newspapers, anthologies and websites than she can list.

    The Introvert, Dear Store

    Looking for awesome introvert gear? Check out the new Introvert, Dear store and find funny and inspirational t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and much more! 

    Click here to browse the selection. 

    Other Resources

    Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!

    1 January 2019, 5:00 am
  • 42 minutes 16 seconds
    Episode #18: How to Identify Energy Leaks and Get Energized

    Energy - none of us has an unlimited supply, and we introverts need to be particularly mindful of how we spend ours. Mismanagement can quickly result in stress, frustration, overwhelm, lapses in productivity, and the like. That we identify energy leaks in our life and prioritize wellbeing is essential. Today, Michelle Kerr of Wellbeing Weekly is going to explain how we can improve in both of these areas.

    Michelle is a qualified counsellor, successful entrepreneur, and wellness junkie. She is the creator of the platform Wellbeing Weekly, which provides mindset, wellbeing, and business tools and support for female entrepreneurs to thrive in their business and life.

    The Introvert, Dear Store
    Looking for awesome introvert gear? Check out the new Introvert, Dear store and find funny and inspirational t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and much more!

    Click here to browse the selection.

    Other Resources

    Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!

    18 December 2018, 5:00 am
  • 45 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode #17: An INFJ Career Coach Shares the Secrets to Finding Meaningful Work

    Finding a job that can hold your interest, capture your imagination, and inspire you is, to say the least, difficult for many introverts, but it’s especially challenging for intuitive introverts. The Myers-Briggs personality type known as the INFJ is no exception. Choosing just one of your many interests — as well as something that will pay the bills -- is anything but easy. 

    And often, the work that intrigues you most lacks security, is hard to come by, or requires years of study. So what’s an INFJ to do? If you’re an INFJ — or a similar intuitive introvert type like an INFP or even INTJ or INTP — and you’re feeling stuck, tune into today’s conversation because we’re going to tackle this topic head on.

    Special Offer: INFJ Career Course
    Are you an INFJ longing for meaningful work but unsure what to do next? Find the direction you need in Made for This!, the career course created by an INFJ just for INFJs. 

    You’ll learn…

    • How to discern your INFJ strengths, gifts, and abilities...
    • What your core work needs are...
    • Common work pitfalls for INFJs…
    • INFJ employment vs self-employment
    • How to minimize risk when transitioning to new work…
    • How to actually make money doing something you enjoy
    • How to create a career plan that works
    • And more!

    For a limited time, you can save 20% on the course for being an Introvert Dear Podcast listener! Just make sure to take advantage of the offer before it expires on December 18th at 11:59 p.m. Click here to see the deal.

    Other Resources

    Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!

    Grab a free copy of Bo’s book, The INFJ Personality Guide. Click here.

    DISCLOSURE: We use affiliate links. If you click one and make a purchase, we, at no extra cost to you, receive a commission. Thank you for supporting this show!

    4 December 2018, 5:00 am
  • 41 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode #16: How to Establish Life-Giving Boundaries as an Introvert

    We all need boundaries that keep the bad out of our lives and let the good in, but maintaining them is difficult for many introverts. It takes a lot energy and resolve to stand up to the demands of an often extroverted culture and do it on a daily basis. That’s why it’s critical to learn to say “No” and say it effectively, as well as stand up for yourself. Today, we’re fortunate to get to talk to Amy E. Smith about these important matters.  

    Amy is a certified confidence coach, speaker, and personal empowerment expert. Founder of, she uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment. Focusing on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert on Fox 5 San Diego and 

    20 November 2018, 5:00 am
  • 37 minutes 49 seconds
    Episode #15: Why Alone Time Is an Absolute Must for Introverts — and How to Get More of It

    What makes an introvert an introvert? A number of factors make us who we are, but one of the most important is that we need quiet time to recharge. Robbed of alone time, we grow tired and frustrated and feel overstimulated. We may even start to think we’re broken or subpar people when we don’t have the quiet we need to exercise our greatest strengths.

    So how do we ensure we get the alone time we need in a world that expects us to be “out-and-about” and “putting ourselves out there” on a regular basis? Tune into today’s episode for a conversation on this very topic. 

    The Haven Membership Community
    Have you ever been told, "you’re too quiet, too sensitive, and in need of thicker skin?” Do you long to find the tranquility, joy, and creative courage to make your unique and gentle impact in a noisy world? Check out The Haven, created by introverted musician Andy Mort. In it, you’ll find courses, inspiration, and a community of like-minded introverts. 

    However weird you might feel, there are others just like you. People who totally “get” you! The Haven is full of them. It’s a place of belonging, refuge, and self-acceptance for introverts and sensitive types who want to grow in self-awareness and understanding.

    For a limited time, you can sign up for a free two week trial. If you're interested, we encourage you to act quickly: there’re only a few days left!

    6 November 2018, 5:00 am
  • 55 minutes 25 seconds
    Episode #14: Maximize Your Creativity as an Introvert

    Creativity provides an outlet for many introverts and a means of authentic self-expression. Some of the most creative people in the world are quiet types like you and me. Just how you express your creativity depends on the kind of introvert you are.

    And yes, while some introverts are more creative than others, I believe there’s a part of each and every one of us that comes alive when we’re making something original, inventive, or beautiful. On that note, we enter into a conversation with introverted creative Andy Mort.

    Andy is a UK based songwriter, podcaster, blogger, online business owner, and — you  might be surprised to learn — a part-time undertaker. He writes and performs as Atlum Schema and published his 5th studio release, called The Arrow of Time EP, last year. Andy runs The Haven, an online membership community for introverted and highly sensitive creative types called who want support and encouragement in making their unique and positive impact on our noisy world.

    The Haven Membership Community
    Have you ever been told, "you’re too quiet, too sensitive, and in need of thicker skin?” Do you long to find the tranquility, joy, and creative courage to make your unique and gentle impact in a noisy world?

    Check out The Haven, a membership community for introverts and/or highly sensitive people. Starting this Sunday, for a limited time, you can sign up for a free two week trial. Click here to save your spot!

    Resources Mentioned in Today’s Show:

    23 October 2018, 4:00 am
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