The Carrie On Podcast w/Carrie Lloyd

Carrie Lloyd

  • 57 minutes 14 seconds
    Building Cases

    ‘Building Cases’ - In this episode, Carrie looks at how quickly we can build cases and the detrimental damage it can cause for an individual. She challenges those in authority as much as those in the pews, for authority can easily lose accountability, knowing those with the power should be fighting for the vulnerable. How many times have we all mistaken a story, and run with it, without doing our research? 

    1 November 2024, 5:41 pm
  • 45 minutes

    ‘Given the current climate of the church and church hurts, Carrie tackles the challenges the concerns of gas lighting behaviour amidst the church. Whether people are wishing to skip over the problem straight to the fix-it valve, or refusing a culture of feedback, we are beginning to see the church be recalibrated into a different space. How do we avoid gas lighting those who came to help build a church in the first place, and how do we avoid the pitfalls of hierarchy? It isn’t cancel culture. It isn’t refusal to attend at all. The solution is within our reach.’

    10 January 2024, 12:15 am
  • 1 hour 37 seconds
    Embrace Your Gethsemanes

    Carrie discusses the importance of facing difficult times. Jesus' demonstration of processing pain in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before his crucifixion became a recorded example of how we take the toughest questions to God. This was recorded at Magdalene Hope's annual women's conference in Bakersfield, California, in October 2023. 

    2 November 2023, 7:39 pm
  • 36 minutes 32 seconds
    Remove Your Cloak

    Carrie looks into the current era of discussing our trauma, how we can build entire identities on overcoming. From opinion to cancel culture, are we helping ourselves when it comes to our past? Or are we hindering our future by gaining validation on the stories of victory? In this honest episode, she challenges some of the issues of social media, content creation, and why focusing on what we overcame could be holding us back. 

    22 September 2023, 6:33 pm
  • 1 hour
    The Bitter Pill

    Carrie approaches the toxic increase of bitterness in society. What are the signs of someone functioning in bitterness and how can we avoid it ourselves?

    19 July 2022, 11:25 pm
  • 56 minutes 16 seconds

    Carrie shares her journey of qualifying to be a single foster parent! She walks through the seasons of life that led her here, the urgent need for society and the church to participate, as well the honest fears she's faced and what's helped her move forward.

    29 January 2022, 2:55 am
  • 51 minutes 54 seconds
    Shame and the Church

    Carrie explores whether the church helps or hinders shame for its devoted audience. Has the church created more shame than it's helped to remove? In an honest episode, she shares her own insights through the journey of shame in the church, and steps to overcome it.

    17 August 2021, 7:24 pm
  • 49 minutes 53 seconds
    'Women Tell All', a three-part series: Why Are They Still Single? (Changing the Narrative)

    Carrie talks to her single girl friends Kat Harris (author of Sexless in the City) and Kait Warman (author of Thank You For Rejecting Me). In this three-part series, each available on their own podcast shows, the women tell all in the world of dating in this day and age. Kat's episode explores whether she should marry a Christian and the challenges around the ratio of single men to women in the church, and Kait's episode discusses dating with an abundance mindset. On this episode, Carrie responds to the challenging question, "Why are they still single?"

    26 March 2021, 3:16 pm
  • 48 minutes 19 seconds

    Carrie shares her thoughts on deconstruction, drawing from her own experience in and out of faith and atheism. She explains the four stages of spiritual development, religion vs mysticism, and the power of loving others amidst their questions.

    19 December 2020, 7:25 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Failure (Part 2)

    (Part 2) Carrie joins Bryant Ellis, entrepreneur, founder of The Adventure Challenge, and host of ‘The Fail Journal’ podcast to discuss his thoughts on failure and success. From awkward auditions to experiences no one wants to repeat, Bryant gives us permission to get it wrong, and wrong again, until we find the end of ourselves and become free from the ‘must-have/must-do’ culture of our time.

    11 November 2020, 7:37 pm
  • 43 minutes 29 seconds
    Failure (Part 1)

    Carrie joins Bryant Ellis, entrepreneur, founder of The Adventure Challenge, and host of ‘The Fail Journal’ podcast to discuss his thoughts on failure and success. From awkward auditions to experiences no one wants to repeat, Bryant gives us permission to get it wrong, and wrong again, until we find the end of ourselves and become free from the ‘must-have/must-do’ culture of our time.

    22 September 2020, 10:38 pm
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