
Ashlie Molstad

  • 26 minutes 56 seconds
    83. New vs Old Belief Patterns

    In chatting with a client this week, we unpacked an old belief she has about herself and what being successful means. She had it in her head that success looks a certain way, so she is always trying to achieve more, make more, be more. But recently she stopped and asked herself what truly makes her happy- and it wasn’t her bank account or title. Turns out, she has a new belief about what success means, but the old belief was still driving the car. In today’s episode, I go back to the mail bag and answer a question from a listener who is in a relationship that current her loves, but younger her feels nervous about. Again, old belief vs. new belief. Tune in and hear me break down how to handle cognitive dissonance, or when you’ve got two competing beliefs…. Likely when one is something you learned long ago but no longer resonates, and you’ve got a new one that you’ve formed as an adult. If you need help with anything, email me your question or visit my website to learn how we can work together! Details below. See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad —

    13 June 2024, 7:01 am
  • 26 minutes 51 seconds
    82. How to Release Judgement

    This week we have another mailbag situation. The specifics of this are around political differences within a family, and how to move through them… but the overall takeaway from this podcast is how to navigate when people do things differently than you and you find yourself judging them because of it. It could be regards to the way someone parents, conducts themselves in a relationship, handles conflict, votes, etc. It is normal for the human brain to think there way is the right way… but, that doesn’t make it easy. I share how I was able to move through judgment over differences, and I hope you can apply some of these strategies to whatever situation in your life is causing a divide between you and them. See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    6 June 2024, 7:01 am
  • 30 minutes 46 seconds
    81. What's The Worst Case Scenario

    One of my fave topics! This comes up so frequently in my coaching and mentoring sessions: “I feel like I am made of more but I am paralyzed by fear.” Cool. Welcome to being human. In today’s episode I dive into how to shift your brain from fear to focus so you can start taking action in the direction of your dreams. This is a topic I am so passionate about it, because I am living proof of how much things can change when you manage your mind and focus on the best case outcome. I can’t WAIT to see what you do when you finally do the dang thang. Of course, I’d love to work with you… so if you need a little more direction and clarity come find me! I’d love to help. See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    30 May 2024, 7:01 am
  • 30 minutes 58 seconds
    80. Mail Bag- Parenting Our Kids & Re-Parenting Ourselves

    Sometimes parenting is about parenting. And sometimes parenting is about re-parenting ourselves. In todays episode we go into the mailbag re: parenting triggers and reactions, and how we need to understand ourselves before we can show up and understand out kids’ needs. Whether you’re a parent or not, today’s episode can show you a peek into your brain and learned behaviors from your childhood, so you can work to become aware of what is triggering you, and how you can intentionally respond, instead of intrinsically. See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    23 May 2024, 7:01 am
  • 25 minutes 10 seconds
    79. Manifesting Peaceful Abundance with Raina Odell (Pt. 2)

    Today you get part two of my conversation with Raina, where we dive into what has happened since she finished writing her book, Bare. It was so cool, as her friend, but also as a fellow human, to actually feel the peace she created and energy shift as her book went on. It’s even cooler to see the life she has manifested now. Since she finished writing, she has met someone. In this part of our convo we share that with you. Along with how she was able to manifest so many of her blessings. I hope it inspires you, the way it did me, to grab life by the horns and make it what you want! You can find Raina on IG at @Raina.Odell You can find her book on Amazon or wherever you get your books! See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    16 May 2024, 7:01 am
  • 30 minutes 58 seconds
    78. Living Authentically with Raina Odell (Pt. 1)

    This episode is one of my faves ever, because I got to have a convo with one of my besties, and also one of my fave humans before we were ever even friends… Raina Odell. She wrote a book about her life and story and it blew me away. The lives she has lived, the things she has gone through, and then the lemonade she made out of lemons is beyond inspiring. We had such a great conversation that I split it into two parts. So, here is part one. All about her story and struggles, and how she was able to stay true to herself, while allowing herself to grow and evolve. I hope you enjoy! And if you do, share it! You can find Raina on IG at @Raina.Odell You can find her book on Amazon or wherever you get your books! See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    9 May 2024, 7:01 am
  • 24 minutes 47 seconds
    77. How The Brain Works

    I listened to a podcast episode this week that floored me. It was on Theo Von’s podcast, This Past Weekend. He had complex trauma specialist, Tim Fletcher on, and together they talked about what complex trauma looks like as a kid, and then as an adult. I always love learning about the brain and how it works. And if you do too, that episode is for you! I also share some of my other favorite resources that have taught me so much about how our brains work. Hopefully you love them as much as I do! See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    2 May 2024, 7:01 am
  • 40 minutes 32 seconds
    76. Human Design with Stefanie Joseph

    I am so excited to bring you today’s episode with Human Design Expert Stefanie Joseph. I was introduced to human design and Gene Keys when I went to my retreat in Sedona back in February. It opened up a fascinating world to me that I couldn’t wait to sign into more.  The idea is that based on your time, date and place of birth, you can start to learn more about how you were made, why you were here, what your likely pain points are, and where you’ll find your purpose. I learned so much in my first reading, and even more in today’s conversation. Unfortunately, we had quite a lot of technical difficulties, so I will be having her back on! But, if you don’t want to wait for that, you can find Stefanie on Instagram @_stefaniejoseph or her website See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    25 April 2024, 7:01 am
  • 25 minutes 48 seconds
    75. Powerful Pivots

    I’ve been a very productive pivoter for much of my life. Pivots can be scary because you’re leaving what is comfortable for the unknown. BUT, just because something is comfortable, doesn’t mean it’s where you belong. In this weeks episode I share some of the past pivots I’ve made in my life, what led me to those choices, and the outcomes of choosing them. And, I offer some encouragement for you to lean into the voice inside that is asking you to pivot. Whether that is to pivot your career, relationship, self talk, habits etc… it’s not life and death. So just keep walking towards what feels right-enough. You can always change your mind. If this podcast resonated with you, I would LOVE to hear from you. Leave a review, slide into my DM’s, share it on social, whatever feels good to you. Thank you for continuing to come back and hang with me. See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    18 April 2024, 7:01 am
  • 27 minutes 14 seconds
    74. The Power of Rest

    I just got back from a weekend away with some girlfriends, and I came home so much more filled up than when I left. More filled than I’ve been in a long time. 

    We had some beautiful discussions and got me thinking about what I want for my future. I’ve always had massive, big, scary goals… and I still do. But I also have had some time to reflect, and took this weekend to dig into what I want my life to look like. And I was surprised by what I found. 

    If you’re an achiever like me, or have trouble granting yourself rest or giving yourself permission to play: this episode is for you! 

    I hope it encourages to prioritize joy and pursue what makes you feel most alive, and grateful to be here. 

    See you insideđź’Ą

    Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    11 April 2024, 7:01 am
  • 33 minutes 14 seconds
    73. Mail Bag: Self Esteem

    In todays episode we go back to the mail bag and I get to dive into a topic I feel SO passionate about: how to *decide* and work to believe that you are worthy of love and belonging. This is a theme that comes up with almost all of my clients. And it is a theme that has come up in my life time and time again. I know what hating yourself feels like, because I did it for years. BUT, I also now know how to pull myself out of it. So join me as I share the steps I take, along with some thoughts I think, to overcome the internal bully and release your inner hype girl. I hope this resonates with you so much, and that you’re able to start treating yourself the way those who love you immensely do. You deserve that. Can’t wait to hear what you think! See you insideđź’Ą Website: Email: [email protected] IG: @ashliemolstad

    4 April 2024, 7:01 am
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