Human Design with Jenna Zoe

My Human Design

Becoming who you came here to be

  • 28 minutes 11 seconds
    Realigning Our Friendships + Relationships

    In this episode, we discuss the people pleasing and fears of rejection that skew all of our relationships, and why we simply cant afford to be partaking in those types of energies anymore. We deserve to all feel love and belonging, but in order for everyone to have it, we each have to reorder our corner of what and who truly feels right for us and be brave enough to tweak how we show up for the rest.

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    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    10 December 2024, 11:00 am
  • 29 minutes 9 seconds
    What is 'Spiritual Awakening'

    In the next few years, the numbers of people having spiritual awakenings is going to skyrocket. If you are someone who is already on the journey, we have an important role to play and a duty to get our attitude towards other people in our lives ‘waking up’ as right as possible. Time to get our heads in the game so we can assist in this massive shift.

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    To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE

    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    3 December 2024, 11:00 am
  • 31 minutes 30 seconds
    Perpetuating Our Own Conditioning

    When we take full responsibility for something, we get given full power to change and transform it. Yes, we were all conditioned out of our Real Selves at some point, but it is us who are keeping that persona going today.

    In this episode we talk about how to release it, and why it matters beyond just our individual experience. A person being their real self is a ripple of alignment that creates smoothness in everyone else’s life they touch - but also vice versa. In order to be a force of good in the world, we just have to be our organic, un-thought-through, persona-free Self.

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    To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE

    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    26 November 2024, 11:00 am
  • 35 minutes 56 seconds
    Right Place, Right Time - Your Human Design Environment

    Some places have the power to pull us into alignment, and other places can do the opposite. Human Design says that we can measure what yours is. And When you’re in your right Environment, you activate the power of right place, right time - you are quite literally making it easier for synchronicity, opportunity, and destiny find you- because it knows where to find us.

    Learn about your Environment now on the 'Human Design' app:

    Download the 'Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google Play

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    To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE

    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    19 November 2024, 11:00 am
  • 36 minutes 9 seconds
    Unlocking Your Genius

    We put so much pressure on ourselves to have clarity. But what if that zone of not having clarity just yet is actually laden with magic, and doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong?

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    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    12 November 2024, 11:00 am
  • 31 minutes 31 seconds
    New Paradigm Politics

    Today is a charged day; and a very confusing, overwhelming one. So we dedicate this weeks episode to be a hand you can hold, to re-centre us back to what we really need to be doing - our own consciousness and elevation. No matter what the outcome, our inner work is the same. Here’s to our Rising 💗

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    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    5 November 2024, 11:00 am
  • 32 minutes 24 seconds
    Parenting in the New Paradigm

    I recently talked on my stories about how our kids are under more pressure and workload than we grown ups are, and how unaligned the school system’s burdens are for these children now - and Ive never received more resounding replies to anything I’ve put on my stories than this. This tells me the schooling system is up for major reinvention - and it’s us who are going to champion what the new one looks like. Let’s talk about it

    For more tips on Parenting based on your child's design you can explore our full library of tips on the My Human Design app by category - under each Energy Type there are tips specific to parenting. If you have parenting questions be sure to submit them to Ask Jenna, we answer 5 new questions a week.

    To watch Jenna's course on Parenting with Human Design click HERE

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    To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE

    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    29 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 37 minutes 3 seconds
    Learning to Love Your Emotions

    When you learn about your design it's easy to think that it must be easier to have a different design than yours. In this episode we break down the emotionals vs non-emotionals and how common it is to imagine the other camp have an easier time than we do - and what to do to start accepting, and then loving, the one you are.

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    To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE

    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    22 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 22 minutes 55 seconds
    Childhood Wounds

    Abandonment, Trust Issues, Not feeling seen - theres a reason why we all contend with these things. What if we all HAVE to address these themes as part of being human? What if the first time we feel someone temporarily leave, whether we are 4 months or 40 years old, that awareness of a human potentially leaving is a feeling we HAVE to feel at some point in our lives, so that we feel that pain of a lack of togetherness. If we are here to create love and belonging, a fear of abandonment makes sure we are more ride or die and less conditional in the way we treat others. Trust issues make us discerning about who we let in, and make us be honest and intentional with our own words.

    My point is, we all choose to come up against these wounds as part of the journey of learning to be more loving humans, and that we will feel them somehow, somewhere along the way, no matter how great or terrible our parents or our paths might be. And maybe thats a beautiful thing, especially if we become the kinds of people who learn how to alchemise them into the love we know we are capable of.

    Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google Play

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    To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE

    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    15 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 33 minutes 24 seconds
    Law of Attraction and Human Design

    We can manifest anything we want - but trying to feel joy and abundant when you feel far away from it is hard. Whereas when you become your Real Self, your life starts to align itself without you ‘trying’ to manifest anything - and what appears in your reality is far more wonder-full and delightful than you ever could have asked for or imagined anyway. The best part? You witness your dreams as your Real Self, having loved who you became along the way. And you realize, that was the ultimate manifestation of them all.

    Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google Play

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    To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE

    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    8 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 40 minutes 42 seconds
    Anxiety, Surrender, And Not Losing Hope

    In todays episode, we discuss and reframe some topics that we’re all feeling right now. Go easy on yourselves if you feel like these are top of mind for you, because we’re all here to break them down together, holding hands as we go. We love you. Here’s to your Rising

    Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google Play

    Get your free Human Design Chart on our website

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    To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE

    To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE

    1 October 2024, 11:00 am
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