I Am... With Jonny Wilkinson

Jonny Wilkinson + Mags Creative

The podcast explores the remarkable transformations taking place within individuals and their understandings of them. Speaking with pioneers and thought leaders around the globe, Jonny wishes to redefine concepts of health and well-being, performance, purpose, leadership, relationships and human potential. From fear to freedom, surviving to thriving, this series will see Jonny celebrating the exponential possibilities that arise when we are willing to challenge old conclusions and become interested in deeper dimensions of experience. All of this will be done through a lens of sport, spirituality, science and ultimately facing adversity and transcending limits.

  • 39 minutes 5 seconds
    I Am... On Change, Transformation and Evolution

    In this the final episode of the present series of the I AM podcast, Jonny and Sparks look into change, evolution and transformation. They explore what has happened within their own experience of life and what has really resonated from the guests and their messages over the last 20 weeks. An enormous thank you to all those brilliant people whom have come on the show and shared their powerful wisdom and to those amazing people whom have listened in and offered insignts too. You have all been a massive part of the journey. We are immensely grateful for you. Utmost respect.

    15 August 2024, 3:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    I Am... Jeff Foster

    This week’s guest and the final guest of the series is Jeff Foster, a very powerful and much needed voice in the world of meditation and shifting relationships with fear, doubt and other forms of resistance. Jeff shares his awakening experiences and focuses upon the immensity within vulnerability and within not knowing. He challenges the need we hold for guarantees and certainty in our lives and instead offers the opportunity of simply sitting and being with our thoughts and feelings as a way of coming to truth, beauty and deeper expressions of who we really are. As ever it’s about liberation, peace, performance and potential on the I AM and Jonny and Sparks really hope that you find the conversation enriching and enjoyable. For more on Jeff Foster go to www.lifewithoutacentre.com, visit his Jeff Foster Official YouTube channel or check out his fabulous books available everywhere.

    8 August 2024, 3:00 am
  • 51 minutes 32 seconds
    I Am... Labels

    As a professional in the world of sport it’s encouraged that we give everything and it’s easy to give everything for your goal. The shirt is bigger than who we are - we hear this all the time, but what happens when we forget how to take it off? That we can take it off? What happens when what we do and have done becomes who we are when our world changes?
    In this week’s Monday episode Jonny and Sparks dive into the liberation, the possibility and the power of transcending the definitions, meanings and labels we have attached to our experience and the identities we have bought into for ourselves that we can’t seem to see beyond. We hope you enjoy listening!! Let us know anything you want to share with us at [email protected]

    5 August 2024, 3:00 am
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    I Am... RJ Spina

    This powerful episode involves Jonny and Sparks exchanging with and hearing from RJ Spina, someone who healed themselves back to full health from a condition that doctors, neurosurgeons and specialists said could and would simply never be done. An intense spiritual awakening has connected RJ to the secrets and source of his own being and as a result he understands self-mastery, self-realisation, self-healing, manifestation, potential and just about anything and everything you might want to know about life and potential. Thankfully he loves to share it too. This hour is loaded with inspiring and mind opening wisdom that holds the key to transformation and growth beyond the boundaries of our imagination. Please enjoy and thank you for your tuning in.

    1 August 2024, 3:00 am
  • 40 minutes 44 seconds
    I Am... On Consistency and the Long Game

    In this episode Sparks and Jonny explore the importance of daily structure, routine and commitment and how it supports not just our health and longevity but also our creative power, our spontaneity, growth and opening. What helps us make those big changes? How do we stay on course with what is helping? And what helps us to know when it’s time to adapt and experiment? How do we ensure we get more years in our life and more life in those years too? We hope you enjoy. With utmost respect.

    29 July 2024, 3:00 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    I Am... Jeremy Utley

    Innovation and creativity specialist, facilitator of epiphanies and Director of Executive Education at Stanford d School Jeremy Utley joins Jonny and Sparks for a conversation all about finding amazing, game changing solutions to life’s problems through growth, liberation, courage and trust. With phenomenally powerful yet simple exercises and inspiring stories, Jeremy, co-author of the book “Idea Flow,” offers everyone the possibility to make that next leap in their thinking and transform their worlds. Enjoy!

    25 July 2024, 3:00 am
  • 43 minutes 1 second
    I Am... On Going from Logical to Magical

    In this episode Jonny and Sparks discuss how we might marry living both a logical, reasonable and safe life with experiencing an inexplicably, unfathomable and magical one at the same time. How do we take care of physical survival whilst still exploring the immensity of our true potential in every moment? 
    We hope you enjoy!

    22 July 2024, 3:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    I Am... Terri Cole

    This episode with mental and emotional health specialist Terri Cole covers a huge amount with regards to human potential and how we can experience it. An expert on boundaries, she speaks powerfully to Jonny and Sparks about how to become more ok with who we are, to speak our truth, live more authentically and enjoy deeper and more connected relationships. She certainly walks the walk too and her energy and insights make for a brilliant hour of listening and for a more empowered future for us all. We hope you enjoy!

    18 July 2024, 3:00 am
  • 41 minutes 48 seconds
    I Am... On Sleep

    This week’s episode has a first look at sleep and it’s power to unlock potential and deepen our experience of health and well-being. Jonny and Sparks look at some of the research around sleep upon health conditions. They also explore how we might better prepare for sleep, maximise it and also relate to it in a more open and inspiring way than just a means to escape and recover ready for the next day. We hope you enjoy it.

    15 July 2024, 3:00 am
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    I Am... Peter Ebdon

    Peter Ebdon was a world champion snooker player who now practices as an energetic healer. He has gone from conquering through competition to connection through deep compassion. What seems like an incredibly extreme transformation makes perfect sense when you hear his story. On this episode Peter tells Jonny and Sparks all about the fierce and intense world of snooker, his pain and suffering and his shift into helping others to heal. Peter trained at the College of Healing in Malvern and also coaches current top snooker players.

    11 July 2024, 3:00 am
  • 39 minutes 6 seconds
    I Am... On Imagination

    This episode is all about the sheer importance of the inner world and our incredible creative power.
    In this episode Jonny and Sparks explore the immense possibility in imagination, it’s overwhelming impact upon our life experience, our performance and our health. Why are we so much more creative, playful, spontaneous, energised and connected as children? Why and how do we give it all up to live such limited lives as “adults” in the “real world”?

    8 July 2024, 3:00 am
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