Mind Body Alignment

Tessa Romero

This is a place for women to come together and not only understand who we are, but how to become exactly who we want to be without fear of judgment or failure. Mind Body Alignment is filled with the skills and tools necessary for us to get there!

  • 18 minutes 37 seconds
    114. Over Your Due Date? Five Helpful Perspectives!

    Just know that my water broke as I wrote the fifth perspective into the notes of my phone! I've got the birth story of my fourth sweet baby coming soon!

    Use these five perspectives if you are nearing or go over your "due date" or guess date! Baby is coming soon either way, let's make sure you feel your best with a great mindset and vision.

    Learn to write a better mindset following the Alignment Journaling Course with me.

    1 August 2024, 7:04 pm
  • 29 minutes 15 seconds
    113. Overcoming People Pleasing In Your Pregnancy and Labor

    When you choose to view all that is happening as something that you need, you start learning A LOT very quickly.

    I completely thought I was in labor and called our family 2.5 hours away so they could be there for it, only to have every contraction stop by 11:00 pm! I felt so disappointed and like I had let everyone down or wasted their time... which is NOT how I want to spend the last bit of my pregnancy.

    Fortunately, I have more tools and landed on three refreshing perspectives that lifted me up by the very next morning. I'm opening up and sharing those with you here so that people pleasing tendencies are something you can actively work on overcoming too!

    Let's stay connected on Instagram

    and start your journaling practice with me following my proven method!

    17 July 2024, 4:09 pm
  • 21 minutes 54 seconds
    112. Keeping Enthusiasm Flowing At the End of Pregnancy

    You're feeling tired, hormonal, uncomfortable and excited. There's a lot going on during the last bit of pregnancy before welcoming your baby!

    Let's make sure your mindset is in a strong place to be of service to you and your family! This one question will invite a whole new perspective into the mix that increases your intentionality and accountability- even in the last bit of pregnancy!

    Let's connect on Instagram :)

    Completely overhaul your mindset in motherhood here.

    10 July 2024, 11:00 am
  • 17 minutes 20 seconds
    111. Perspective When Your Expectations Go Unmet

    I don't want my first thoughts to be negative and swimming in the "happening to me..." mentality. Yet, sometimes they are.

    Here's a question I ask myself that lifts me up and out of that victim mentality and sets me on the high road of being who I WANT to be, no matter where I go or who I am with.

    This one might feel challenging to take in so know

    1. I LOVE YOU and all people in your life and mine.

    2. We are meant to be challenged.

    3. If it feels hard it's probably because you need to do it.

    Give this a try and reach out to us at [email protected] for personal coaching options and episode requests!

    Tessa ✨

    27 June 2024, 5:06 pm
  • 26 minutes 42 seconds
    110. Right Behavior, Wrong Attitude. Improve Your Seamless Service

    It seems a bit odd to me that when I share about serving seamlessly, the biggest objections that come up against it are fear based thoughts around "doing too much."

    Doing too much for our kids, spouse and others.

    Seamless service is not about doing everything for someone else. It is taking opportunities to serve others well when and how you can. To see a need and fill it with the same attitude you want your kids to have when they see a need to fill.

    We need the right attitude married to our behaviors!

    Enjoy this episode to nudge your perspective into new open territory that breathes life and change into your attitude.

    For additional resources, start the 24 Days To A Renewed Mind video coaching guide I created for YOU to have a better overall mindset as you begin this work with me.

    All my best,

    Tessa Romero

    20 June 2024, 4:55 pm
  • 24 minutes 16 seconds
    109. "Trust That It Will Rain" The Faithful Thought Of Motherhood

    How will I get my kids to listen. 

    How will I get them to get along with each other. 

    How will they be okay in the world we have today? 

    How will I know I did right by them?

    Trying to control "how" and "when" will leave you swimming against a raging current of negative thoughts. It's completely hopeless and exhausting.

    Today we are unpacking the faithful thought "Trust that it will rain." As well as what it would look like as a journaling prompt with several examples.

    Truly, this fresh perspective has been shedding layers of fear and anxiety for me and I know this sweet relief is too good to keep to myself.

    Let me know where you're at and what you need so I can create episodes just for YOU. Reach out with what you'd love to hear next at [email protected]

    You're a treasure in my life,

    Tessa Romero

    13 June 2024, 4:52 pm
  • 30 minutes 54 seconds
    108. 4 Ways To Speak Life Over Your Kids

    Is your mind ranting and raving about how "disrespectful" and "selfish" or "anxious" your kids are? Time to change that with this podcast episode!

    You can find the MOMMY Mindset Course mentioned in this episode! This is incredibly sustainable work to do and I have it all prepared for you to thrive with in that course.

    Calm your mind and feel renewed when you implement these four simple ways to speak life over your kids- no matter their behavior or the circumstances.

    Follow along with Tessa on Instagram

    Reach out for personal and small group coaching to [email protected]

    5 June 2024, 8:06 pm
  • 29 minutes 13 seconds
    107. Mindset When Your Baby Screams On A Plane

    On a recent family trip I got to take the role of "that mom" on an airplane. The one that holds a screaming baby while battling the negative thoughts in her head, swimming in the victim mentality and even making a snarky comment to her husband.

    That was me AND I didn't let it end there.

    I'm sharing the mindset I used to practically realize where my thoughts were at and what I needed to do instead so I could be who I want to be no matter where I am or who I am with.

    This is completely possible for you, too!

    If you're noticing a lot of negative thoughts in your mind then you need to use Alignment Journaling to set them straight on a proactive and consistent basis!

    28 May 2024, 4:31 pm
  • 27 minutes 58 seconds
    106. "What Do You Think Mommy Should Do?" Choosing To Teach When You Feel Like Reacting

    Have you ever had a "I'm going to spray him with the hose! That'll teach him..." kind of moment where you feel so, so frustrated at the choice your child made and the reaction is to do something that could be pretty mean?!

    I have, that's what I'm sharing here today.

    The mean and negative thoughts that swirled my mind.

    The complete urge to grab my son and spray him down.

    The clear display of anger on my face.

    All of that going on and what I chose to do instead that I hope plants a seed in your mind and more hope in your heart for what is possible for YOU and YOUR motherhood.

    This is good work we are doing.

    If you need MORE help getting your mindset into a place that can slow the moments down and see your actions aligned with the mother you want to be, then you need to journal.

    Use the Alignment Journaling Course to start a daily 5 minute practice that equips you to do better than before.

    All my best,

    Tessa Romero

    15 May 2024, 7:25 pm
  • 21 minutes 57 seconds
    105. Creating The BEST Mother's Day With These 3 Steps

    "How do you have a strong mindset on Mother's Day when _____?"

    I asked this question to my community and the answers came flooding in ranging from "it's just like every other day" to "you still do everything you normally do" and "my MIL makes it all about her."

    I've got your back annnd your mind with these 3 key steps that will be a game changer for you! Well, it's really 4 steps because we needed to lay a good foundation first!

    Take in this episode and get your very special Mother's Day ready to be unforgettable and truly restorative for you and your sweet family!

    I'm cheering you on today and everyday.

    Tessa Romero

    8 May 2024, 10:56 pm
  • 30 minutes 46 seconds
    104. Mom Guilt Leaving Your Kids and Parenting WITH Your Spouse

    This episode is packed with helpful perspective about leaving your kids while you go on a trip and more perspective to get you parenting with your spouse.

    If you've ever cringed at your spouse parenting different from you or swore you need to do everrrrything the same as each other AND felt angry when that doesn't happen- this is for you.

    Email [email protected] with the subject "coaching" if you are looking to join one of our small group sessions or 1:1 coaching spots for the remainder of 2024! We'd love to get the whole 12 week framework and tools into your mind and home.

    Stay connected on Instagram @tessaromero_

    I referenced journaling as I prepared to come home. I use the Alignment Journaling method in all of my entires. You can now get the kids companion journal "Raising Writers" completely free when you join the course!

    30 April 2024, 3:53 pm
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