Live Your Happy NOW! Conversations to open up and live an authentic, happy and fulfilled life.

Veronica Parker

Live Your Happy NOW podcast with Veronica Parker gives us a sacred space where we can connect and truly show up as we are. It is not about pretending to be happy all the time and hiding fears, sadness or negative thoughts. It’s about embracing it ALL. It’s learning to choose your happy even in the midst of challenge, doubts and struggles.

  • 27 minutes 34 seconds
    177. I never did this before! What is your Everest?

    Have you ever chosen a gynourmous goal and you had no idea how you were going to get it done?

    A year ago, I chose to participate in an amazing endurance event organized by 29029 and I discovered what it takes to climb my Everest. 

    Tune in to this engaging episode and find out:

    *What is 29029?

    *What does it take to choose & commit to BIG goals that make you uncomfortable?

    *How do you move beyond pain and limitations?

    *How do you include your body in your choices?

    *What is Access Bars?

    *Who is Colin O'Brady?

    *What can you choose to be the change you desire to see in the world?

    More info:


    12 hour walk

    Access Bars

    Check out Veronica's upcoming trainings & sessions


    17 September 2024, 1:05 pm
  • 29 minutes 57 seconds
    176. What can YOU choose in 2024 that you never DARED before?

    What if you didn't have to make resolutions this year?

    What if instead you could tap into the energy of what you really really really would like to manifest and actualize this year?

    What if all the problems, patterns, and programs of the past didn't have to be carried over into the now?

    Tune into this magical episode where Veronica takes you on an energetic journey to let go of the past and start choosing and creating this brand new year from your power, presence and possibilities.

    Would you like more?

    Join us on January 10th, 2024 for a dauntless masterclass via Zoom: What can you dare choose in 2024? It's only $25 if you register by January 8th. $69 after that.

    To check out other workshops and book your private sessions, please visit:

    So, what are you going to choose right now?

    Would you be willing to help Veronica reach over 100,000 people worldwide with this podcast?

    Would you be willing to share this episode, subscribe in Apple Podcast and gift us 5 glittering stars?

    Thank you for being you & sprinkling your magic in the Universe!

    6 January 2024, 5:36 pm
  • 26 minutes 7 seconds
    175. What if you could change your body with ease? With Dr. Glenna Rice

    What if it didn't have to be as hard to change your body as you think?

    Join Veronica Parker as she interviews Dr. Glenna Rice~ Doctor of Physical Therapy, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, 3 Day Body Certified Facilitator and Creator of EMT (Energetic Manual Therapy).


    *What questions can you ask to create with your body?

    *What is pain?

    *How to debunk an important fascia myth

    What else is possible for you and your body that you never considered before?

    Join Dr. Glenna in her upcoming EMT Intro online  

    and her upcoming EMT training in NYC Dec 15-17- No Pre-requisites or prior experience required!

    How does it get even better than this?

    Please share this episode, subscribe to Live Your Happy NOW! and give us *****stars.

    Thank you for playing and creating a different future on the planet!

    13 November 2023, 8:05 pm
  • 8 minutes 45 seconds
    174. Are you tricking yourself into not trusting you?

    What if you could treat yourself into knowing what you know and trusting you?

    Hop on your broomstick and explore questions and possibilities to claim the power and trust in you!

    Want more? Join Veronica in a Masterclass to discover what you are truly capable of being, choosing and receiving!

    Please subscribe, share and review!

    Thank you for being you & creating a different world of possibilities!


    31 October 2023, 2:45 pm
  • 16 minutes 57 seconds
    173. Are you hiding you & your gifts? Turn on your inner magic!

    What super powers & psychic abilities do you have that you might be hiding and you have never acknowledged? Tune into this enchanting episode where Veronica shares: *What are entities? *What is Talk to the Entities? *What could be keeping you from unleashing your inner magic and powers? *What capacities do you have with entities? *A special message from your inner fairy…

    The Great Reset with Dr Dain Heer Invoking your Witches' Eye! Gift Class

    Embracing & Activating Your Inner Magic Class

    Talk to the Entities Training

    Please subscribe to Live Your Happy Now and share with at least 5 friends! Leave us a magical and amazing review!

    Thank you for being your amazing self!

    29 September 2023, 6:05 pm
  • 20 minutes 18 seconds
    172. Are you willing to bare it all?

    How often do you create walls and barriers to protect yourself from getting hurt?

    How often do you create separation from others in order to not be rejected?

    Tune in to this engaging episode where Veronica bares it all and shares with you different possibilities with relationships.

    Would you like to choose more?

    Check out upcoming events

    Access Bars training in NYC

    Would you be willing to subscribe, rate and leave a review for Live your happy now?

    Would you be willing to share this episode with at least 10 friends?

    Thank you for being so different and for changing the world!

    You are deeply adored!!! 

    30 May 2023, 4:31 pm
  • 16 minutes 49 seconds
    171. What reality can you create for you that seems almost impossible?

    How many times do we go into the limitations of the past to try to create the now?

    What if we didn't have to choose that?   What if NOW you could access a different space that was never available before?   Tune into this engaging episode and discover empowering tools to dare choose more   More upcoming choices with Veronica:   Join a GIFT energetic session to melt limitations and access your WOW:   The Foundation training with Karla & Veronica   Introducing the Symphony in NYC   Access Bars Certification Training   Happiness Amplifier   Thank you for contributing to reaching at least 500,000 listeners by: subscribing to Live Your Happy NOW!, Leaving us 5 stars and a glowing review.   Thank you!!!!!!!!!!   Thank you for not letting your head get in the way of you changing the world!!!    
    17 April 2023, 3:00 am
  • 13 minutes 59 seconds
    170. What have you decided happiness is that it actually isn't?

    How many presumptions, definitions and conclusions have you made about what happiness is and what is not?

    What if you didn't have to define it and instead you could choose it?

    Tune in to this engaging episode where Veronica shares energetic tools and questions to change your reality with happiness.

    Join Veronica for a GIFT ZOOM live and/or listen to the recording: If you are happy & your know it!

    Register HERE:

    What would it take for you to choose to BE happy no matter what?

    Please subscribe, share and give Live Your Happy NOW! 5 stars

    Thank you for being you!!!!

    20 March 2023, 2:32 pm
  • 22 minutes 52 seconds
    169. F@$K the Forbiddens! with Veronica & Sara Ozer Yardeni

    What have you been told it's forbidden for you to be and do?

    What forbiddens are stopping you from creating the the life you truly desire?

    What if you never had to let anyone or anything stop you anymore?

    Join Veronica & Sara in this energetic episode where they share their experience with letting go of forbiddens.

    Tune in for an irresistible invitation for more...

    Would you like to join Veronica & Sara's upcoming class:

    F@$K the Forbiddens - Call 2

    Join Sara on her free zoom on 12/15 @8am EST: Awaken your healing energy!

    Last Access Bars Training of 2022 with Veronica: 12/16/22. Sign up here!!!

    Please share this episode, subscribe to Apple Podcast, Leave 5***** and a glowing review.

    Thank you so much for being you!

    13 December 2022, 8:22 pm
  • 17 minutes 16 seconds
    168. How to stop fear & choose unexplored possibilities

    Have you ever had the sense of fear or doubt as you are about to choose something different or embark on a new adventure?

    Tune into this explosive episode where Veronica shares powerful & pragmatic tools to:

    *Empower you to stop fear on it's tracks

    *Let go of doubts

    *Release anxiety

    *Choose a brand new possibility!

    *Have way more fun!

    Please subscribe, leave a review and gift us 5**** on Apple Podcast.

    Check out upcoming trainings and sessions with Veronica!

    Thank you!



    18 November 2022, 1:56 pm
  • 21 minutes 38 seconds
    167. What choices can you make to be the leader of your life? What can horses teach you?

    What are you actually saying? What are you actually choosing?

    Tune in to this energetic episode where Veronica shares what she learned from the Conscious Horse, Conscious Riding training and being with horses.

    *What choices can you make to become the leader of your life?

    *Is it possible for your children to listen to you and do what you want?

    *How to communicate congruently with everyone in your life?

    *How can you be more present now and let go of the limitations of the past?

    *What choices can you make to become the leader of your life?

    *What possibilities do you have to have more confidence in yourself & trust your choices?

    *What if you never had to judge yourself again?

    Check out Veronica’s upcoming trainings & join us!

    Choice of Possibilities Class with Gary Douglas

    Would you be willing to share this episode, subscribe, leave a great review and 5 amazing stars on Apple Podcast?

    25 October 2022, 1:33 pm
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