UNscrupled! Alias

UNspoiled! Network

We have sassy gay hosts deconstructiing this beautiful mess of a show, and drag queens reading Sydney's looks to filth.

  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Rogue One LIVE @ LosCon 44
    Another year, another great LosCon!
    This time we covered Rogue One, and Money friggin loved it! Bitches hated it. So we are officially broken up for good again.

    Money was super into the stories of the heroes that don't get mdeal ceremonies, the ones who don't get remembered. Bitches thought it was trite and unecessary.

    Thanks again to LosCon for hosting us`!

    Come see us next year!

    29 November 2017, 8:00 pm
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    Christmas Bonus: DIE HARD
    Merry Christmas everyone! Have a special bonus episode! Can you believe Bitches has never seen Die Hard?
    25 December 2016, 10:41 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Rocky Horror Picture Show UNscrupled!
    OMG what a fun podcast this was!

    Bitches & Money slayed at this year’s LosCon! Join us for this adventure as Money finally consumes that piece of queer culture that he managed to avoid all these years!

    We talk consent, which of our college professors we slept with, and why toast is thrown at the screen. Also we diverge to talkl about Grease a bit.

    Have a listen, it’s super fun!
    30 November 2016, 8:44 pm
  • 1 hour 42 minutes
    1x22 Almost Thirty Years
    Sydney's Look: http://tinyurl.com/zfjgr2a This season has been a wild ride! Here we are, with Sydney tied to a chair, being interrogated by someone. Blood is dripping from her mouth as she faces her enemy. Her boyfriend is freshly dead, this time from drowning. So it turns out Will is still alive, and Bitches called that, like she did so other things. Sark honors his end of the deal and turns over the prisoner in exchange for the page and the ampule, despite the fact that Jack clearly violated the spirit of the agreement by exposing the page first. Sydney has to steal the page first,though, and she breaks into a secret SD6 lab off the coast of Santa Barbara- and gets caught on her way back by Dixon. He's had enough of her lies, and the question of exactly what he's going to do about it is still a mystery. Vaughn figures out what she's up to, and decides to go rogue with her. Their mission is to destroy The Man's facility while Jack is making the exchange. And Sydney dresses in a goth/punk getup just so they can take a shortcut through the bar . . . and Mocha and Vivica are LOVING it! This si what her fashion should be, now and forever. Things don't go as planned, though- destruction of the Mueller device makes the facility flood, and Poor Vaughn is trapped on the other side of the door. Syndey is captured trying to free him . . . Back in LA, Abby says she hasn't heard from Will in Six days. Will's editor says to run the story. And Sloane does what the Alliance asks of him, poisoning his wife. And The Man is revealed to be Irinia Derevko, aka Laura Bristow. It's beena  fantastic season! Thank you to Mocha and Vivica, thanks you to all of our fans, thank you to Natasha for having us! We'll see you next week for the first stab (haha) at Buffy the Vampyr Slayer!
    3 September 2016, 9:30 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    1x20&21 The Solution/Rendezvous
    Sydeny's Look: http://tinyurl.com/jd9h9rd Holy shit, listeners! It's getting real up in here! Francie is afraid of rats. Boy they need to give her something to do. Will gets back in the game after being told by mysterious voice man that Jack was the one who kidnapped him and holy crap did I just type those words together? What even is this show.? Oh god . . . Sydney's culturally appropriative costume. Can we not? Not even Drew Barrymore would put that monstrosity in Charlie's Angels. The rundown is this- the CIA makes a play to track Kasinaeu by offering up a second vial of Rambaldi fluid (eww) on the black market, and it's Sark who bites. Meanwhile, SD6 manages to track down Sark and show up at the "buy"- and shit goes sideways, fast. Sark gets captured by SD6 and Sydney nearly gets caught in blackface by her black partner. Awkward. Sloane's plan is to flip Sark, which it looks like he's up for, but Jack and a Methed-up will show up at the lounge where Sydney is undercover, and we get the greatest scream in television history. Poor Will has to be smuggled back into the States into a CIA safehouse, but not before he gives his notes to a friend at the paper, telling her to publish if he goes missing. Mocha and Vivica are really starting to warm up to Sydney's fashion choices- you can't go wrong with a corset. Come have a listen.
    27 August 2016, 9:30 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    1x18&19 The Masquerade/Snowman
    Sydney's Look: http://tinyurl.com/hj3kta9 An exciting pair of episodes! Bitches & Money discuss the ramifications of Sydney getting some use out of her dusty-ass vadge. It goes about as well as it did last time. Yes, he's dead, but this one had it coming. Don't put your dick in crazy, listeners! Sydney has a blast from her past, as her college boyfriend resurfaces in the douchey-persona of Noah Hicks. Turns out he didn't do the fade away like she thought way back when, he actually went into deep cover. They reconnct and immidiatly get to bonin'. She can't trust him, but she doesn't care, because he's the one that got away. And when he says that they should run away together and live on a beach, she almost takes him up on it. Sloane is still reeling from his wife's rapid decent toward the abyss, bu he stil finds time to use Sydney's desire to find her mother as leverage to have her owe him- something you really should think twice about. Jack was never good at dealing with feelings, so he's ordered to see a CIA psychiatrist. She calls him on his stoic manner, and he sets a follow-up appointment. Progress, sort of? Vaughn makes a trip to Italy to meet with one of the Snowman's victims and try to get a lead on how to track him down. And that's all we really see from him. Will & Francie play Xbox and accuse Sydney of having an affair. Yeah that's all they really do these days. Come listen in as we discuss Sydney's extremely poor decisions!   iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unspoiled!-alias/id1125835044 RSS Feed: http://unspoiledalias.libsyn.com/rss Moist Mondays with Vivica Montenegro: https://www.facebook.com/events/598408550333912/ Ethereal Dollhouse with Mocha Fapalatte: https://www.facebook.com/events/1098115653616028/
    20 August 2016, 9:30 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    1x16&17 The Prophecy/Q&A
    Join Bitches & Money as we dive into . . . a clip show. Really, J.J. Abrams? Sydney doesn't have much going on at SD6 this week, it's all about her being interrogated by her own government, so an essential Alias-ness is gone from these two episodes. The revealed page says that Sydney is a dangerous woman who will render the greatest power unto utter desolation, and because this is the U.S. government we are talking about, the only logical assumption is that it's the Unite States and Sydney is too dangerous to be free. Money mansplains a popular James Bond conspiracy theory- which ties into the Michael Bay movie The Rock, and to our current adventure with Sloane, where a guy who may or may not be a former member of MI6 maniupaltes him into murdering and old friend of his. Francie has a crush on pre-rape Kobe Bryant, Will ran out of milk. Which stands to reason, he lost his haribrush years ago. Also they watch the news together.  Things are starting to get hot, and we have some more clues as to what Rambaldi was up to. Join us!
    15 August 2016, 9:30 pm
  • 1 hour 33 minutes
    1x14&15 The Coup/Page 47
    Sydney's looks: http://tinyurl.com/zyls9pd Not as good as the last pair of episodes. We go off on a few tangents here. Money REALLy hates the following things (in no particular order): Banana Now & Laters, cantelope, and Clint Eastwood. Seriously, he's a garbage person. Sydney finally decides to be a good friend to Francie, stopping her from getting married to Charlie at the last minute. But being a good friend and doing right by your job are often mutually exclusive. Bitches thinks she made the wrong choice. Money thinks friendship is more important, especially since Francie is a goddamn saint for putting up with Sydney's dramatic, selfish ass all these years. Will is going deeper into his own spy game, sneaking into a building and stealing some data, where he manages to dig up the name Alain Christophe, a former CIA operative who retired ten years ago. Then Jack kidnaps him, beats the shit out of him, and threatens to kill everyone. WHich is unsurprising- except, if Jack is trying to scare the shit out of Will . . . who is the voice on the phone? The Man has managed to take down FTL, the leader of K-Directorate, and likely the vice-leader as well. But Sydney manages to steal the Rhambaldi journal that Anna got from her way back when. Then she has to steal a page from SD-6- one that has her face on it, in invisible ink. Join us as we dive into the really WTF episodes. iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unspoiled!-alias/id1125835044 RSS Feed: http://unspoiledalias.libsyn.com/rss Moist Mondays with Vivica Montenegro: https://www.facebook.com/events/1039948972761807/
    6 August 2016, 9:30 pm
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    1x12&13 The Box
    Quentin Tarantino! Yes, the best Gen-X director out there makes a guest appearance on these two episodes! SD6 is under attack, a crew of QT, a hot Asian lady named Toni, and 5 mooks with bad hair invade the office with guns, kill the security guards, and make Sydney crawl around in the ducts to save her colleagues. Meanwhile, Will tries to back out of his investigation, only to be pulled back in by the daughter of one of SD-6's victims. Bitches has to let go of her theory that Jack is the man leading Will on his investigation, since he was stuck in an elevator while Will was having the conversation. Very little Francie this week, as she sits at the kitchen table and does wedding planning all by herself. Why does she have no friends? But nothing is more interesting than watching QT's character unravel, revealing just how fragile masculinity really is. We get some wicked shade from Arvin Sloane, who is having none of Cole's shit. Even while being tortured with an Indian food and Red Bull enema. Join us!
    30 July 2016, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    1x10&11 Spirit/The Confession
    Sydney's looks this episode: http://tinyurl.com/zacltbe Bitches was right and Money has had enough with all the lies. Yes, Jack has not been honest with Sydney about her mother, but, well, this is Alias, and if these spies had something close to actual healthy relationships with anyone in their lives, there wouldn’t really be a show to watch. But neither of our gay cohosts are feelings these episodes. Hasan is just . . . filler. He’s not even an appetizer, because those are usually fried and tasty and you can dip them in ranch dressing or marinara sauce. He’s the plot equivalent of a banana Now & Later. We do get some nice family moments, where Syd and Jack work together and realize how much they mean to one another. Even though jack is a ruthless bastard who sets up an innocent man to be tortured to death in place of Sydney. Bye, Russick, we never got to really know you. The queens are NOT having this week’s looks, either, so that’s why we put Marshal wearing the sunglasses in the banner. But Betelgeuse hat is a line that we will use quite often. Also, “Legally Bland”. Will does some stuff, too. Francie only exists to shoot some side-eye. But Sydney’s mom was a KGB assassin. This family puts the fun in dysfunctional. iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unspoiled!-alias/id1125835044 RSS Feed: http://unspoiledalias.libsyn.com/rss 4th Sunday with Mocha Fapalatte:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1230409427003379/ Moist Mondays with Vivica Montenegro:  https://www.facebook.com/events/109772212796234/
    23 July 2016, 8:30 pm
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    1x08&09 Time Will Tell/Mea Culpa
    Sydney's looks for this epsiode: http://tinyurl.com/j7hsaao I believe the drag queens maybe built a time machine, set fire to that green dress, murdered and dismembered the costume designer, and taken over, because Sydney looks SO much better this time! Francie thinks she's in a multi-cam sitcom, Will thinks he's on an Aaron Sorkin drama- and Sydney thinks she's James Bond . . . all are wrong. As were viewers- there's some Indiana Jones level shit going on now. Just picture Indiana Jones wearing heels and we're here.   Anna is back, and Bitches is drooling for at least one orifice because of that. It ends up getting Dixon shot, though, so maybe Sydney was right all along about trying to read him into the situation. Will looks like an asshole in front of his boss (and he is) but he finds something very suspicious in Eloise Kurtz's car.   Also, Sydney is the worst friend ever. Why do Francie and Will hang out with her? Sloane suspects she may be the mole, but executes an odd bluff to call her on it. Luckily Jack sees through this. But Sydney also finds some Cyrillic codes in her mother's old books, prompting her to believe Jack may have been (or still is) a traitor to the U.S.   Join us! We're fucking funny. My mom says so. iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unspoiled!-alias/id1125835044 RSS Feed: http://unspoiledalias.libsyn.com/rss Moist Mondays with Vivica Montenegro: https://www.facebook.com/events/919261364839475/ Requiem with Mocha Fapalatte: https://www.facebook.com/events/1230409427003379/
    16 July 2016, 4:00 pm
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