UNspoiled! Orphan Black

Natasha and Owen watch Orphan Black, both completely unspoiled, and discuss it one episode at a time!

  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Orphan Black S05E10- To Right The Wrongs Of Many
    It's been a long time since starting this series and there have been a lot of ups and downs with it, but I am still kind of in shock that it's over now. I wasn't sure how the show could possibly finish the series in a satisfying way when there were so many balls in the air for the second-to-last episode, but I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how it handled everything. There was one major, glaring thing that in my opinion didn't make a lot of sense, but honestly I'm still kind of okay with the fact that they decided not to deal with that.
    And yeah, I totally cried during the birth scene, and that's not really my thing at all, so good job, show.
    Thank you all for sticking with us and listening, and I hope you enjoyed everything. Hopefully you follow Maggie and I to our next UNspoiled! show together, covering Discworld, which we will be starting in about a month! Or of course you could check out Legion, which we're doing right now!
    Lots of love to our brothers and sestras out there. We'll be seeing you.
    13 September 2018, 11:30 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Orphan Black, S05E09- One Fettered Slave
    Welp, listeners, I'm a little bit baffled that the writers made the choices they did for this, the penultimate episode of the entire show. I really can't understand choosing to depict Helena with a child actor who is NOT Charlotte, I can't understand Helena's hair being eternally bleached forever after, and I can't understand the reason they decided to tell Helena's story NOW after all the time they've had along the way.
    That's not to say I hated this episode from beginning to end. Far from it, actually, because there are some majorly satisfying moments like when Helena bashes in Dr. Coady's face like a rotten pumpkin. Or like when Art shoots Simon in the Sinister Boardroom. Or even the weird one where Uncle Andrew pulls off his wig, which made me LOL.
    But if you'd shown me this episode and told me it was the second-to-last of the entire series I would have called bullshit. There's SO much left to wrap up, and I can't imagine that they're going to be able to manage it in just one more episode. I guess we will just have to wait and see!
    6 September 2018, 11:30 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Orphan Black, S05E08- Guillotines Decide
    Oh, listeners, I don't want to believe it's true. But I suspect it is.
    This damn woman Siobhan won't quit playing games with my heart. She makes me love her, then does underhanded shit behind Sarah's back time and time again, then does something totally badass and amazing and makes me love her again. This is her way. And this is just what she does in this episode.
    And then, she maybe dies.
    It's hard to know at the end of this episode. The camera makes it look like she's dead, but perhaps they get home just in time? Maybe she called the cops before getting inside? Maybe there's some other magical way she gets through this? *prays silently* Because I don't want to be around for Sarah and Fe finding out that S is gone, I really don't. That is going to be a shit show, all the more because Ferdinand is already dead so there's nobody to go after in revenge.
    Unless they decide to go after Rachel?
    Oh yeah, and Gracie dies. Bad luck, Gracie.
    23 August 2018, 11:30 am
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    Orphan Black, S05E07- Gag Or Throttle
    Listeners! It's time for what might be my favorite episode of the season thus far: the one where Rachel gets a fucking clue.

    It has certainly taken long enough for her to catch up with the rest of us in terms of understanding her place in this pyramid. And as a writer, when you wait this long to have a character to see the truth, you really run the risk of undercutting the level of satisfaction a viewer has when it finally happens. Thankfully, that's not the case here. I think part of that is due to us finally seeing what happened when she met up with Uncle Andrew, and part of it is that her turnaround is so severe and complete that you don't feel you've been ripped off.

    There are some other plot threads that I had believed dropped from the show that resurface in this episode, much to my surprise. Turns out that Mark is still alive, and he's still with Gracie, although the potential for him to glitch is hanging over them and putting a huge strain on their relationship. He's there to make a deal with Dr. Coady in exchange for some treatment, and it turns out that she wants some sperm to inseminate some of Kira's eggs in those 1,300 hopeful expectant moms who are standing by. YIKES.

    I hope you enjoy the show, and thanks so much for listening! See you next week!
    9 August 2018, 10:30 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Orphan Black- S05E06- Manacled Slim Wrists
    Y'all, why os Krystal my soul sister? I love her and her ridiculousness so much, and I want to be her bestie and go to spin class with her and have her do my nails. Like, that sounds like the best weekend.
    This episode certainly had its flaws, but overall I really enjoyed this one and it was so good to have a bunch of the plot finally start moving along. We find out what has actually been going on with Uncle Andrew (HINT: he's not 120 years old but he IS basically a vampire) and we get a bit of a showdown with Dr. Coady and Susan. The one mercy in this episode is that Susan doesn't have to watch Ira glitch out and die, but poor Ira though.
    Meanwhile our other buddies (namely, Cosima and Charlotte) make it off the island in a boat, and Uncle Andrew watches the whole place burn down while Mud discovers the truth about him and gets quite a murderous look in her eye. I really hope Mud kills him. I suspect she's going to die instead, though.
    Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you next week!
    2 August 2018, 11:30 am
  • 56 minutes 8 seconds
    Orphan Black, S05E05- Ease For Idle Millionaires
    Hey everyone! I'm back with the next Orphan Black episode and I have to report that it's one of the creepiest so far, mostly thanks to an insane formal dinner scene.

    This episode was a little heavier on the good than the bad versus some of the others this season. I really did enjoy the dinner scene and everything going on with Cosima, plus I am just so curious about what the hell Delphine is up to and how it ties into things with Felix and his sister. What the hell are they up to over there?

    I'm less fond of the whole "escaped science experiment" plotline, because it's just so sensational and over-the-top, plus the show didn't give me much of a reason to sympathize with the creature dude and even when they did, it was almost immediately undercut by some violence on his part. Thankfully, it seems that plot thread is over and done with, and at least they made me feel something in his final moments, even though that had more to do with Cosima's proximity than the dude himself.

    Thanks for listening, and I will see you next week!
    26 July 2018, 11:30 am
  • 53 minutes 32 seconds
    Orphan Black, S05E04- Let The Children and Childbearers Toil
    Hello listeners! It's time for the next installment of Orphan Black, and I have to be honest...this season is kind of a disaster.

    I'm not really sure why the writers or producers or whomever thought that there wasn't already plenty to work with, but frankly they're throwing all kind of things into the pot that really don't need to be there, and which aren't going to have time to cook anyway. It's like having a lovely, complex soup bubbling away and then tossing in a bunch of chopped carrots only 5 minutes before you're going to serve it. Why would you do that?

    I'm not going to get into it too much here since we talk about it plenty on the show, but I would like to hear your thoughts once you got to this point in the show. How did you feel about it?
    12 July 2018, 11:30 am
  • 50 minutes 21 seconds
    Orphan Black, S05E03- Beneath Her Heart
    Hi everyone! Maggie and I are here to talk about an episode of Orphan Black that feels bizarrely out of place at this point in the show, and frankly was full of moments that I could have done without.

    The main focus on this episode is Alison, who for some reason is only now starting to deal with the guilt from watching her friend die and doing nothing to help. Now, don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Alison having a lot of guilt and regret surrounding that. In fact, she'd better, or else I'm asking myself what kind of psychopath she is.

    But let's be honest, how often do we as viewers even think about this anymore? That shit happened way back in the first season, we didn't know Aynsley that well, and the two of them really didn't seem to have a good relationship at all. There was no sense of loss when it happened beyond the horror of Alison realizing she'd let an innocent person die and that Donnie is the real monitor. So other than the confession at rehab, this whole thing is sort of shunted off to the side, Alison barely seems to think about it, and then suddenly there's a bunch of flashbacks about how close they were and how much guilt Alison is feeling, and I'm supposed to buy that?

    Nah, son.
    5 July 2018, 11:30 am
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Orphan Black, S05E02- Clutch Of Greed
    This episode had a welcome, albeit abrupt, resurrection of Kira's importance and powers. We've all known that there's something weird about Kira, and then the injury that Helena's "bebe" manages to just shrug off confirms that the clones' children (when they manage to have them) are not normal. There's something more going on with them.

    It's really hard to watch Sarah do absolutely everything within her power to get her daughter to safety and then have to turn around and put Kira into the hands of the woman who very nearly killed Sarah only a few days earlier. If that, has it even been days? I just hate to see that Kira is so willing to go, and I can't help but wonder if she doesn't have some resentment brewing towards her mom that makes cuddling up to her mom's enemy kind of satisfying. Because otherwise I just don't see this about-face happening the way it does.

    I guess we will see what happens! Just an FYI that in the coming weeks, Maggie and I will be recording Legion before Orphan Black, so the timing of episode release will be reversed on iTunes: Orphan Black will be coming out on Thursdays and Legion will be coming out on Mondays.

    Thanks so much for listening, and see you in a bit!
    25 June 2018, 6:03 pm
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Orphan Black, S05E01- The Few Who Dare
    Hello good people, and welcome to the first episode of the final season of Orphan Black. I really can't believe that we're almost done with this show, and I can honestly say I have no idea what's coming. We're in totally unfamiliar territory here with Mr. PT Barnum, and I can't imagine it's going anywhere good.

    So much happens this episode, it's hard to keep track. Sarah manages to get to the Revival village to save Cosima, only to find out Cosima doesn't want to be saved. Rachel decides she's going to work for the head of this circus and administers the cure to Cosima (OR DOES SHE????). Art gets a new partner who blackmails him into helping them find Helena, and holds him at gunpoint to blackmail Alison. Donny almost gets jumped, but gets saved by Helena (for the zillionth time) only to see that she's horribly injured and has a stick in her baby. And throughout all of this, the dudes back home are looking to anyone they can for help, and decide that maybe M.K. is their best option.

    There's just a ton happening and I'm worried about Helena's babies, I'm worried about Alison being locked up somewhere, I'm worried about Art and his daughter, I'm worried that Rachel tricked Cosima and that it wasn't the cure in that needle...I'm worried about SO MUCH. What is going to happen!?

    Thanks for listening, and see you next week!
    18 June 2018, 11:30 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Orphan Black, S04E10- From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths
    Okay, so I know that I'm supposed to be a feminist and everything, but the only thing I can say about Rachel's behavior in this episode is...bitches be crazy. And you know what? This bitch needs to die.

    I should have seen it coming that the only reason Rachel follows through on her agreement with Sarah in the last episode was so that she could get Evie Cho out of the way so that there was a place for her. DUH, Natasha! But nope, I didn't even really think about it. I just did what Sarah and everyone else did, which was assume that her follow-through meant she was on our side. Smdh. When will I learn?

    Let's face it, this season has been kind of a mess. But I will admit that despite all of that, I have been really entertained. I really hope that the off-the-wall shit just picks up in the final season, because you know what? Go big or go home. Let's just GET CRAZY, right? We had a dude with a TAIL in the first season, we have Rachel getting visions of swans in her robot eyeball, we have Evie getting taken out by a zap that activates the tendrils in a maggot-bot that's IMPLANTED IN HER FACE. We've already come this far. Let's just spend the last season indulging in every nutty thing the writers can imagine.

    Who's with me!
    11 June 2018, 11:30 am
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