Better Every Day

Rootworks, LLC

It’s astounding what one positive action or change—big or small—can do for a business. Improve staff morale, enrich the client experience, turbo boost operational efficiencies. All possible when firm leaders acknowledge issues and commit to making change…to getting a little better every day. In this modern-day fireside chat-esque podcast, Darren Root, CPA and 30+-year firm owner and serial implementer of change, strives to incite self-assurance and inspiration in accounting professionals who are ready to embark on their own transformational journey to build a Modern Firm™.

  • 31 minutes 23 seconds
    Givers, takers, grandmas, and the thing we all crave - episode 101
    John and Darren have an emotional and honest conversation about optimism, leadership generosity, and the things we all crave.
    24 January 2025, 2:38 pm
  • 37 minutes 41 seconds
    EPISODE 100! BE BOOK REVIEW - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Episode 100
    John and Darren celebrate the 100th episode of The Better Everyday Podcast with a review of the book that started it all... Steven Covey's 7 Habbits of Highly Effective People.
    3 December 2024, 2:33 pm
  • 32 minutes 36 seconds
    The mental health Tsunami, John's mom, and dealing with anxiety in the workplace - Episode 99
    Join Darren, John and special guest Claudia Mitchell for a helpful and uplifting conversation about the mental health crisis in America and the hope we have for it getting better.
    4 November 2024, 3:19 pm
  • 39 minutes 19 seconds
    BE BOOK REVIEW - The Untethered Soul: The Journey beyond Yourself by Michael Singer
    Join John and Darren for the first BE Book Review.  We're beginning with one that changed our lives... The Untethered Soul: The Journey beyond Yourself by Michael Singer

    The chapters of this book are nothing but mirrors for seeing your ''self'' from different angles. And though the journey we are about to embark on is an inner one, it will draw upon every aspect of your life. The only requirement asked of you is the willingness to honestly look at yourself in the most natural, intuitive manner. Remember, if we are seeking the root of ''self,'' what we are actually seeking is you. As you read through these pages, you will find that you know much more than you thought you did about some very deep subjects. The fact is, you already know how to find yourself; you have just gotten distracted and disoriented. Once refocused, you will realize that you not only have the ability to find yourself, you have the ability to free yourself. Whether you choose to do so or not is entirely up to you. But upon completion of your journey through these chapters, there will be no more confusion, no more lack of empowerment, and no more blaming others. You will know exactly what must be done. And should you choose to devote yourself to the ongoing journey of self-realization, you will develop a tremendous sense of respect for who you really are. It is only then that you will come to appreciate the full depth of meaning in the advice: ''This above all: to thine own self be true.''
    16 October 2024, 12:59 pm
  • 26 minutes 34 seconds
    The Bear, unreasonable hospitality, and the tension between technology and customer relationships - Episode 97
    Join Darren and John for a deep conversation about what all small businesses can learn from the restraunt business.  It's more important than every to both leverage technology and build deep relationships with customers...and here's why!
    27 September 2024, 3:05 pm
  • 29 minutes 53 seconds
    Goat tracks, homeostasis, flux and lessons horses - Episode 96
    John and Darren get deep into the biological and evolutionary reasons for change.  
    28 August 2024, 1:56 pm
  • 28 minutes 31 seconds
    Hustle culture, boundary anxiety and your 4000 weeks - episode 95
    Join Darren and John for a introspective conversation about what we do with our days that turns into a counseling session for John and some practical advice from Darren.
    10 July 2024, 1:58 pm
  • 26 minutes 27 seconds
    Sammy Terry, planned resentments, unequally yoked, and defining respect - episode 94
    John and Darren talk deeply about relationships and what humanity has learned about respect.
    3 April 2024, 12:58 pm
  • 27 minutes 25 seconds
    Flame fanners, emotional intelligence, chaos, and the origins of hallelujah (episode 93)
    John and Darren take a more than usual somber tone in a candid conversation about the chaos around us and the things that help us cope and lead in the midst of if.
    27 October 2023, 12:13 am
  • 22 minutes 51 seconds
    The ancient art of brain untangling, purple bubbles, alignment, and your daily reset (episode 92)
    Darren and John get personal about their daily habits of trying to reset their brains. From descriptions of daily meditation to recaps of the real world struggle to keep first things first, John and Darren hope to inspire you to create a habit of a daily reset.
    6 October 2023, 3:25 pm
  • 23 minutes 56 seconds
    Timeless fedoras, Ralph Lauren, and livin’ the dream (episode 91)
    Darren and John make it personal. Discussing what keeps us from our dreams, what we're scared of, and how to get what we're looking for out of our lives.
    26 September 2023, 1:44 pm
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