Join Kate Thomas & Heather Christopher for Travel Pro Theory. This is the true story of two travel professionals with over 20 years of experience. Find out what happens when we air the behind the scenes. We want to provide a place to get ideas, actionable items, support, bring light to industry issues. And of course, some solid laughs about our failures + crazy client stories.
Wrap up of the pod as we know it <3
I hope to continue to hang with all of you @travelprotheory on IG and of course, my fav place to connect is in The Digest so sign up and I'll see you there!
Its our 2nd to last episode peeps, if you have enjoyed the ride on this pod I invite you to come and join me over in The Digest, where the fun is just getting started. DM me @travelprotheory for details.
Guys if you haven't yet, jump over to TPT and sign up for The Digest.
The pod is winding down, so hope to see you in The Digest for all the juicy content to come.
Quick announcement -- want to introduce you to TPT: The Digest. It's where all Travel Pro Theory content is moving to for a low subscription price of $5/month and you can try it out for $1 your first month. Meaning, we're coming to the last weeks of the pod. All content will be moving there, and delivered straight to your inbox twice a month.
Then into this episode on the ever evolving topic of boundaries
Should you come to your DMC with itinerary ready?
Or let them do the heavy lift on planning?
Listen and find out!
I was asked if it's better pricing if a client comes to me directly vs coming to me via an advisor. Listen in to find out the answer.
Have a Q? Send you question over via instagram, see you there!
Going over what I talk about on Travel Pro Theory vs my supplier business North + Leisure on Instagram
As always if you have questions DM me @travelprotheory
It's a two for Tuesday this week friends!
Listen in for tips on training a VA or IC, and how to tell prospective clients your expectations are WAY off base
Loving these eps? Leave a review on iTunes
Know your talking points and also know when to walk away.
Send your Q's to @travelprotheory on the gram
Juicy one! Hear what red flags I look for when working with a traveler OR a travel advisor.
Have a Q for the pod? DM @travelprotheory
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