Travel Agent Chatter -- a Host Agency Reviews audio series -- talks about all things travel. Like what, you ask? How to start and grow your travel agency. Where other travel agencies have found success in marketing to clients. The slickest tricks travel agents use to find the best deals for their clients.
In episode 198, Steph Lee co-hosts with a longtime friend of the Friday 15, April Swales of Uniglobe Travel Center. They’ve got two especially in-depth questions, so have a look and tune in Friday 12 pm CST!
1. Do you have a good system for organizing all your travel BD contacts and promotional material of properties? I get overwhelmed with paper and business cards and even online and notes I still cannot seem to get a system in place for everything I receive. --- Sara R.
2. I am an IC with about 2 years in the business. I'm considering going out on my own because I'm not happy with my situation for many reasons. How do you know it's the right time to make this change? What do you see as the pros and cons of staying an IC and being independent? ---Anonymous
➡️ for e-business cards and sharing your info, gathering other e-business cards
➡️ to organize business cards and create e-business cards
➡️HAR’s list of travel agency CRMs
➡️Follow on Youtube: The BD School l
Process to measure business development
➡️Follow on Youtube: CEO Entrepreneur
Essential Functions of a Small Business: Creating An Organisational Structure For Your Business
➡️ for various business mentorship opportunities!
➡️A list of the different travel agent accreditation options.
➡️Top 10 benefits of using a host agency.
➡️ Host Agency Reviews’ Travel Consortia List
➡️ List of travel industry lawyers and contact information
➡️ Do you need a travel agent license/seller of travel registration?
➡️ Do travel agents need Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance?
➡️Ways to Contact April:
UTC Home
➡️Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!
In episode 197, Steph Lee hosts and Andavo Travel is our sponsor. (Thanks, Andavo!) Here's a taste of the questions she'll cover!
1. At what point should you LLC (so as to protect your assets), even if your income is not large yet? — Anonymous
2. How does a newbie travel advisor become a sub-agent? And where can a newbie find a mentor? —Diana B.
3. I always worry about being considered the Merchant of Record on flights and being on the hook for any refunds that are due the client while waiting on the airline to send the refund. Any thoughts? - Karen
➡️ What are the business structures options for my travel agency and the pros/cons of each?
➡️ List of travel industry lawyers and contact information
➡️Research reports covering the income growth for travel advisors as they gain experiences
➡️Join our industry association: ASTA (American Society of Travel Advisors)
➡️Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!
In episode 196, our very own Mary Stein co-hosts with the one and only Jenn Lee of Vacation Planners! Here’s the questions they’ll tackle this week!
1. Do you have a good system for organizing all your travel BD contacts and promotional material of properties? I get overwhelmed with paper and business cards and even online and notes I still cannot seem to get a system in place for everything I receive. - Sara
2. I am an IC with about 2 years in the business. I'm considering going out on my own because I'm not happy with my situation for many reasons. How do you know it's the right time to make this change? What do you see as the pros and cons of staying an IC and being independent? - Anonymous
3. Hey Guys! I'm wondering, What are some ideas for "Thank You" gifts for my clients that are traveling to All Inclusives? I feel like it's easy to do gifts on cruises, I'm just not quite sure what to do for my land vacations. Any ideas?") - Cindy
➡️ Host Agency Review’s Travel Agency Software Profiles
➡️Host Week 2023: EduSpot, Personality Selling - Gain CONTROL from the Beginning
➡️Top 10 benefits of using a host agency.
➡️Things to look for in your contract with your host agency (
➡️Advice on how to find the best host agency. (
➡️Brilliant Ideas to Surprise & Delight Your Clients, Host Week Eduspot Stephanie Gries:
➡️Ways to Contact Jenn Lee!
Vacation Planners Host Agency Reviews profile (
Vacation Planners website (
➡️Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!
In episode 195, we have a HAR Team special with Shayna Zand and Rita Perez! Here are the questions they’ll cover in this week’s episode!
➡️ Travel Agency Business Structures: How to Choose
➡️Previous Friday 15 where Steph and her co-host discussed LLCs and bank accounts:
Getting Set Up with LLC, Bank Accts, Etc. – Using Points for Clients? – Host Agencies Outside US? | Host Agency Reviews
Host Week Discussion with Stacey Cabell: Breaking Boundaries: How Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Can Transform Your Travel Business
➡️ HAR Resource on Selling Travel Full-time vs. Part-time:
➡️Travel Market Research Reports | Host Agency Reviews
➡️ (HAR’s course through ASTA. The Roadmap to Becoming a Travel Advisor.)
➡️HAR’s 7 Day Setup LITE is a free online course that helps you start your agency. It does not have support and takes you through resources to help you make things happen. (
➡️HAR’s 7 Day Setup Accelerator course with 70+ easily digestible videos, 48 exclusive resources, monthly live meetups with HAR team and others for support and accountability, + priority email support. (
➡️Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!
In episode 194, Steph cohosts again with Lori Speers of Levarte Travel! Here are the questions they’ll cover!
1. How do I deal with a client who is searching while I am researching and I feel like I am in a race to find the best deal or price? —Pamela C.
2. Hey Guys! I'm wondering, What are some ideas for "Thank You" gifts for my clients that are traveling to All Inclusives? I feel like it's easy to do gifts on cruises, I'm just not quite sure what to do for my land vacations. Any ideas? —Cindy W.
3. When changing Host agencies, is it possible to transfer clients and vendor information without doing it individually? As a courtesy, should I tell the agency that I am moving on to another agency? —Pamela C.
➡️Did you miss Levare’s Host Week interview? What did they answer for their Karaoke question?!?
➡️Travel agent guide to charging fees.
➡️WATCH: Host Week 2025 EduSpot: Redefining Value Beyond Commissions: The Case for Planning Fees in Travel, Ajanaclair Wise
➡️WATCH: Host Week 2025 EduSpot: Different Ways to Surprise and Delight Your Clients, Stephanie Gries, Travefy
➡️What to think about when switching host agencies.
➡️Host Agency Review’s Travel Agency Software Profiles
➡️Things to look for in your contract with your host agency
➡️ Virtual assistant companies: Lucia, 4TravelStaffing
➡️Read reviews and learn more on Levarte’s HAR profile!
➡️Check out Levarte’s new website!
➡️Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!
In episode 192, Steph cohosts again with Jennifer Dugan of Dugan’s Travels! Here are the questions they’ll cover!
1. Hi I’m a new independent travel advisor just getting ramped up and which CRM is recommended for CC payments- I would like my clients to pay directly using a CC or debit card. -Kevin Jordan
2. How in the world can we go through 30 hosts in detail with questions to finally decide 1 to sign on? I have already contacted an attorney to form the LLC before sign up with the host.
3. How do you assess how and what to charge for planning fees?
Host Agency Review’s Travel Agency Software Profiles
Travel Agency CRM List (with User Reviews (
Things to look for in your contract with your host agency (
Advice on how to find the best host agency. ( (Travel agent guide to charging fees.) (Podcast episode with an advisor who books air only and charges $50-500 fees per ticket.)
Travel market research report data on travel agent fee charging practices: what they charge for, how much, fee structures and more. (Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!)
In episode 191, Steph cohosts with Dave Meihoefer of TPI and they’ve got a ton of questions to cover, so make sure and ready up on ‘em in advance! Have a gander:
1. Hi Steph! I thought I had a rare name, but your podcast is making me feel like just another Stephanie! :). SO many Stephanies!!! We should start a club!
I have gone through the Accelerator Course, just going back and starting the business end of things - after 2 1/2 months of name searching, I feel like I can finally fill in the blanks! Thanks so much for all of your great podcasts and resources!!
This question doesn't really pertain to me now, but when looking to the future, in my successful advisor life, what is the benefit of leaving a host agency and going on my own? Will I be a host agency lifer? Or is there a pot of gold on the other side? Just curious, cheers-
Another One of those Stephanies
2. Hi Steph, listener & big HAR fan here from Belgium, Europe!
Don't know if this has already been asked, but couldn't find it straight away in the archives 😉
Here is my question:
"How would you deal with clients who are travelling and complaining about every minor detail, going from "the gym was only open for 1 hour" (though the sign & website says from 6am to 7 pm), "the room was cold but they wouldn't turn on the heating" (even though it was already on), "breakfast is too British", "restaurant prices were too Western, not to Indian standards" (in a Michelin star restaurant in India), ... They are driving the local rep up the wall, nothing seems to suit them, they've been given free upgrades etc, but when confronting them personally, they're telling a completely different story than the local agency is.
I'm worried it's some sort of strategy, to get a reimbursment or discount for their next trip, but don't want to fall for this.
How should one handle this professionally without risking getting bad reviews and knowing they got everything they requested at time of booking and more.
They are also seasoned travellers so shouldn't be a case where they came unprepared.
Any thoughts, insights?
Kind regards,
3. Hi Friday 15! I'm a school teacher and will be starting part time until I retire in 2-5 years. During the summers I have tons of free time but if I have clients on a trip during the school year how will I be available to them? For example if a problem arises and they need me to rebook something / advocate for them with a supplier, etc? Teaching is not like some jobs where you can just duck away from your desk for 15 minutes randomly in the middle of the day to take a phone call. When I'm at school I'm very much in a "school bubble" that nothing can interrupt.
I guess the main "questions behind my question" are, how realistic is it to successfully do this as a side hustle while teaching, and for how long? How much will I be able to take care of my clients (or how much of that will actually be needed) during the school year?
---Alissa B.
HAR’s 7 Day Setup Accelerator course on how to start your travel agency!
Top 10 benefits of using a host agency.
Travel Agency Accreditation
Do You Need A Travel Agent License?
Travel Planners International HAR profile with user reviews. (Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!)
In episode 190, Steph Lee and Sheila Folk of Travel Industry Solutions go deep this week with questions on suppliers and seller of travel rules! Here are the questions in their entirely:
1. I have signed up with _____ as my host agent. Being very new to travel of this form, I feel I am learning a lot of the marketing. I know it is important but I’m not learning the program for the booking part and am getting frustrated. I must be missing something.
Ok sorry for the rant.
The question is: is it the suppliers that provide the software on the booking? I am going in the direction of cruises. Let me know. —Deborah M..
2. I have been looking into host agencies and trying to find the right solution for my situation. I am hoping you could provide a little clarity with your expertise. I want to join a host agency with the hope that someday I can live wherever I want for up to 6 months out of the year. I currently live in Ontario, Canada and ideally when I retire I would like to continue my travel sales. I want a portable business. Is this possible with residency restrictions?
In reading more about "Seller of Travel" rules, my understanding is that in Ontario you need to be TICO certified to sell travel in Ontario. But you can only sell travel to Ontario residents and you must be an Ontario resident. Which I assume means even if my main residence is Ontario, if I'm visiting Italy for 3 months, I cannot continue to sell travel to Ontarions while staying in another country for several months out of the year?
So as I started to look into this issue, I found that the US is a little more lax, but there are still a few states that require certain licensing like Florida, California, Hawaii etc. So if I wanted a portable business would the solution be to connect with a host agency that is US based and accepts Canadians also, so that while I am living abroad I have the freedom to sell travel products to US residents without restrictions of licensing or where I live for a few months of the year? —Patti
HAR’s travel industry conferences and events calendar with over 100+ events!
Do you need a travel agent license/seller of travel registration?
Canadian Regulations for Travel Agencies in a Nutshell
ACTA - Association of Canadian Travel Agencies and Advisors
Host Agency List with hundreds of hosts and reviews from their travel advisor members.
Travel Industry Solutions website
Read reviews and ask questions on Travel Industry Solutions’ HAR profile. (Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!)
In episode 189, Steph Lee and April Swales of Uniglobe Travel chat on our first barrage of 2025 questions from all you lovely people! Here's a taste, make sure and tune in on Friday!
1. I plan to continue working at my current job and want to start my travel agency in the new year. Do you have tips on how to juggle two jobs and make sure I get back to my clients quickly when I have another day job? I don’t want to lose any future clients but can’t afford to not work. —Katee R.
2. Our family of 3 takes a cruise every winter with 3 other families. I am the organizer. Would it be worth it for me to become a travel agent? What kind of savings can I access and how much would it cost to become a travel agent? —Jen R.
How much do travel agents make?
How much does it cost to become a travel agent or start a travel agency?
Information on travel agent income over time.
Host Agency Review’s Travel Agency Software Profiles:
Do Travel Agents Need Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance?
A List of 200+ Travel Agent Rates in 2024
Explaining Travel Agent Commissions [Infographic + Charts]
Host Week 2025! | Host Agency Reviews
UTC’s Host Week interview will be Wednesday, 1/29/2024 at 11 am !
Uniglobe Travel Center | Host Agency Reviews
UTC Home (Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!)
In episode 188, Steph Lee and Jennifer Dugan of Dugan’s Travels cover some great questions this week, including how long it takes to get started as an advisor and how OTAs affect travel advisor business. Here are the queries in detail:
1. Hi, I have been listening to the Friday 15s this month, thank you for all the information. What's the typical timeline from starting as a new advisor to becoming profitable? —Anonymous
2. I’m exploring a career as a travel advisor and am seriously thinking about starting my agency in 2025 after Host Week. I’m worried about competing with and Expedia. How do those companies affect an agency’s business model and ability to compete? –Anonymous
How much do travel agents make?
How much does it cost to become a travel agent or start a travel agency?
Information on travel agent income over time. (3 ways travel agents save you money that OTAs can’t)
Using a travel agent vs. booking online?
Internova North American Traveler Insights report (Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!)
In episode 187, Steph Lee and Jennifer Dugan of Dugan’s Travels discuss a variety of topics this week, including E&O Insurance and when it’s a good idea to get your own IATA number! Here are the questions in all their glory:
1. I would like to hear the Pros and Cons and the best strategy on choosing a supplier for E&O insurance. –Diane D.
2. Hello! I came across a blog and wanted to reach out as I am becoming more and more confused as I search. I am a 1099 contractor under a company with an IATA # I've been using to sell travel for approx 10 years. But my main business is wedding planning. I would like to earn commission on my hotel room blocks at 100%. For many reasons, but most hotels are capped at 7% so I am not gaining anything with my current travel partners volume. I do still want to sell travel under his IATA for Sandals, and most other trips that I book with TOs and benefit from higher commissions due to volume I would not have on my own.
I do not sell air. Can I/ Should I get my own IATA # to book the hotels and non volume commission bookings and keep 100%. If so, can I continue selling under his IATA (I have my own IATAN card under his number for my own personal travel perks).
Or is there another accreditation I could use just for hotel commissions (mostly Hilton and Marriott). I was reading about clia and arc and true... etc. I don't need a complex answer. But I'd love some direction. Thank you very much in advance! –Anonymous
Do Travel Agents Need Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance? (
What Is An IATA Number? (And How Do You Get It?) (
What is a CLIA Number? CLIA vs. ARC and CLIA vs. IATA (
Travel Agency Accreditation Options [Infographic + More] (
Belonging to more than one host agency: The pros and cons. (
Things to look for in your contract with your host agency (
Use HAR’s commission plan calculator:
More on host agency relationships (and more) in our Hosted Travel Advisor Report.
Do Travel Agents Need Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance? (
Dugan's Travels LLC | Host Agency Reviews (Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!)