Design Your Dream Life With Natalie Bacon

Natalie Bacon

  • 32 minutes 4 seconds
    From Type-A Lawyer To Calm Mom: My Journey To Balance And Patience In Motherhood

    As someone who always was Type-A, career driven, and "alpha female" I didn't know it was possible to shift into being a calm, patient, grounded mom. This podcast is all about my journey to do just that—going from masculine to feminine energy and how it's impacted my personal and professional lives. 


    You'll learn tools to have more patience in motherhood and stay calm with life feels chaotic and there are a million things on your to-do list. 


    If the career-oriented "doer" energy comes more easily to you, this podcast will help you calm down, become more patient, and still be able to access the ambitious part of you that you love. 


    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

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    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    4 September 2024, 6:00 am
  • 29 minutes 8 seconds
    Marriage Mindset During Motherhood

    If your marriage is going OK but you feel like it could be better, this podcast is for you. In it, you'll hear from a member of this community who parents differently than her spouse, who gets annoyed and irritated at him, and wishes there was more romance. 


    You'll learn over seven tools to help you increase intimacy, navigate different parenting styles, and improve your marriage so it's thriving instead of just surviving. 



    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

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    Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here:

    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    28 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 26 minutes 57 seconds
    10 Mindset Shifts For Moms

    Motherhood is sink or swim. That's why you need a strong mindset. Without it, you'll find yourself frustrated, overwhelmed, yelling more than you want to be, and feeling like you're at the effect of your life. 


    In this podcast, you'll learn 10 mindsets that disempower you and how to turn them around into empowering mindset shifts that will help you show up as the mom you want to be!


    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

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    Follow Natalie on Instagram:

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    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    21 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 27 minutes 20 seconds
    Transitions, Routines, And Back To School

    Back to school season can come with a lot of overwhelm, anxiety, and exhaustion. Navigating routines, schedules, changes, shopping, planning, and the newness of it all can put a lot of pressure on moms to figure it all out and "do it all." 


    In this podcast, you'll learn how to shift your mindset about transitions and back to school, as well as planning strategies to help you more effectively create routines that actually work for your family.


    The chaos of the transition doesn't have to dominate back to school season! You can feel empowered and confident through it all. That's exactly what you'll see how to do in today's episode. 


    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

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    Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here:

    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    14 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 25 minutes 39 seconds
    How To Help Your Anxious Child

    This time of year is filled with transitions, new routines, and changes. It's the perfect set up for anxious because of so many unknowns.


    If you have a child who's feeling anxious this podcast will help!


    It's not the traditional advice you'll get from other experts. My advice is all within your control and will help you help your anxious child from the inside out.


    You'll get four specific steps to help your child stop struggling with anxiety so they can feel more confident navigating their biggest challenges.


    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

    Join the Mom On Purpose Membership:

    Follow Natalie on Instagram:

    Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here:

    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    7 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 23 minutes 7 seconds
    When You're Not The Mom You Envisioned

    Whether it's yelling at your kids, feeling exhausted all the time, or something else—it's likely that motherhood looks a lot different than you thought it would.


    In this podcast, you'll hear from a member of this community who struggles with patience, yelling, and connecting with her kids. She feels like she's failing as a mom and could do so much better.


    I offer real tools that you can apply in your every day life as a mom so you can stop feeling like you're failing and starting living a reality that is even better than what you're experiencing right now.


    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

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    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    31 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 26 minutes 55 seconds
    When You Don't Like Playing With Your Kids

    Your kids want to play with you, and you don't want to play. Enter the mom guilt. Followed by the negative self-talk that you should want to play with your kids, and you would'd a better mom if you did.


    While all this negative brain chatter seems reasonable (your kids are just asking to play with you after all!) there is a better way of approaching this topic of not wanting to play that can put you at ease and help you navigate these situations so you show up as the mom you want to be.


    In this episode, you'll learn how to stop struggling with play, drop the mom guilt, and show up for your kids exactly how you want to during playtime.


    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

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    Follow Natalie on Instagram:

    Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here:

    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    24 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 39 minutes 16 seconds
    How To Be A Calm Mom With Michelle Grosser

    Showing up as a calm mom has as much to do with your mindset as it does with what's happening in your body—your nervous system to be exact. 


    In this podcast, you'll hear from Michelle Grosser (of who is a professionally trained coach, attorney, pastor, nervous system fitness expert, and mom of two girls.


    Michelle shares her personal experience over-working and what it took for her to become a calm mom. Now, she helps other moms do the same.


    You'll learn what it means to regulate your nervous system and practical steps you can get started with to become more calm in your everyday life.


    This episode is a must-listen for over-achieving moms who struggle to stay calm. 


    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

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    Follow Natalie on Instagram:

    Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here:

    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    17 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 28 minutes 49 seconds
    How To Handle Hard Moments With Kids

    We've all had our fair share of hard moments with kids, am I right? I know I've definitely been there, and instead of feeling completely lost and frustrated, I use the tools I teach to help me navigate tricky situations.


    In this episode, you'll hear from a mom struggling with her kids not listening and fighting. You'll get tools to help you navigate these hard moments so you can show up as the mom you want to be. 


    This means you'll learn how to stay calm and handle the challenge without yelling and while still holding boundaries. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or exhausted, you'll be able to feel confident, calm, and connected.


    This is a must-listen for difficult situations with kids of any age.



    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

    Join the Mom On Purpose Membership:

    Follow Natalie on Instagram:

    Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here:

    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    10 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 32 minutes 7 seconds
    Navigating Money As A Family

    Navigating money yourself is one thing, but add in a spouse and kids and money goes to a new (and more complex) level. In this podcast, you'll learn strategies and tools to help you change the way you think, feel, and act with respect to money, so that you create more of what you want with money.


    You'll learn how to tackle teaching your kids about money as well as what to do with challenges in your marriage related to money.


    If you want to improve your family's money, this episode will help you do just that!


    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

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    Follow Natalie on Instagram:

    Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here:

    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    3 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 24 minutes 57 seconds
    Vacations And Travel With Kids

    Family vacations are stressful when you're traveling with kids. The change in routines, parenting in public, transitions, and uncertainties all add to what can make for the vacation feeling not even worth going on.


    In this podcast, you'll learn tools to help make traveling with kids easier. Tools including: 

    • What to do about feeling anxious 
    • Changing your self-talk
    • Instilling confidence in your kids
    • How to think about your kids
    • Navigating transitions
    • How to stop "shoulding" on yourself
    • Parenitng in public
    • How to get excited about your travels


    This podcast will help you show up more confident and excited about your upcoming family vacations!


    Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be:

    Join the Mom On Purpose Membership:

    Follow Natalie on Instagram:

    Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here:

    Get full show notes and more information here:

    Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)

    26 June 2024, 6:00 am
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