Mastering Coaching Skills

Lindsay Dotzlaf

Continued learning for the always-growing life coach.

  • 25 minutes 8 seconds
    195. Why You Arenā€™t the Perfect Coach (And Thatā€™s Okay)

    The concept I'm sharing is super simple. However, every time I talk about it, it blows my clients' minds, changes the way they coach, and even helps them talk about their coaching in a totally new way. I see coaches all over the industry who think they need to be amazing at everything. But understanding the truth will change everything.


    Discover how to identify what you're best at as a coach, and how to leverage the things you're really good at to make a bigger impact in the lives of your clients. I discuss how I see coaches getting stuck in the things they're not great at, and you'll learn how to break out of this trap.


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    23 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 49 minutes 53 seconds
    194. The Future of Your Coaching Business

    Whether youā€™re a newer coach who started your business in the last couple of years or a seasoned coach finding that certain things are no longer working for you, I notice changes within the industry that might be fueling your experience. The truth is, all businesses and industries go through ups and downs, and I hope this episode gives you the clarity you need to use this time to reimagine the future of your business.


    Hear my thoughts on the current state of the coaching industry and how all of us are being called to step up and reinvent certain pieces of our businesses. Learn about my brand-new business mastermind experience, where I help you build a business that energizes you and aligns you in a way to deliver to your clients, maybe in a way you arenā€™t right now.


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    16 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 17 minutes 58 seconds
    193. 2 Things Nobody Tells You About Failure

    I recently did an interview for a colleague of mine, Jasmine Myers. She's been a business coach for a while now and she's interviewing tons of businesswomen. She asked me a question, and the answer has been on my mind ever since. She asked what's one secret I would share that has made my business successful. My answer was: you need to be able to fail.


    Tune in this week to discover how to use failure to actually move you forward as a coach. I share why this isn't about just getting back up and trying the same thing over and over, discuss what failure really means, and you'll learn the truth about failure and how to use it as a tool to make you a better coach for your clients.


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    9 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 12 minutes 19 seconds
    192. The Power of Asking ā€œWhat Do You Want?ā€

    What do you want?Ā Maybe you notice yourself making decisions out of obligation and not questioning it, but dreading everything you do. Iā€™m calling myself out too, because sometimes, we forget that the first step to moving forward is to stop and truly think about what we want.


    Learn why asking yourself, ā€œWhat do you want?ā€ is one of the most powerful questions we can ask ourselves and our clients. Iā€™m inviting you to experiment with all the options available to you and showing you how sitting with the discomfort of not knowing what you want can be transformational for your life and business.


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    2 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 18 minutes 5 seconds
    191. How to Create Effective Coaching Processes: Avoid These 5 Mistakes

    Whether you've been coaching for years or are just feeling out how you want to operate as a new coach, it's important to have a clear, simple, repeatable coaching process. Avoiding the five mistakes I'm sharing today will help you create an effective process that you can follow with all your clients.


    Tune in to learn why an actionable coaching process is vital for any coach and how to start simplifying your process, avoiding the common mistakes other coaches have made.


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    25 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 18 minutes 55 seconds
    190. Thought Interruption: Taking Control of Your Default Brain

    Thought interruption is a coaching trick that helps you pause and question those default thoughts. If you find yourself spiraling in negative thoughts that arenā€™t serving you, but they happen so often that they feel like the universal truth, this is the simple redirection you can practice that will change your entire life.


    Learn what the trick of thought interruption entails and a specific example of it in practice. Hear why itā€™s worth starting with a thought that doesnā€™t bring up a ton of heavy emotion, and how, once you master this skill, youā€™ll be able to use it with your clients in your coaching sessions.


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    18 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 27 minutes 45 seconds
    189. How to Get Your Genius Out into the World

    Whether you're working on a new project in your coaching business, or you're helping your clients keep themselves on track with projects in their coaching practices, this episode is for you. This isn't about just finishing a project, but it's about embracing the clarity and growth available when you truly apply yourself to making your project the best it could possibly be for your clients.


    Discover why having a specific project you're working towards in your coaching business changes literally everything. I discuss why it doesn't matter how your project starts out, or even how it finishes, but you'll learn how overcoming the challenges you'll face along the way allows you to grow as a coach and create truly phenomenal results for your clients.


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    11 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 31 minutes 52 seconds
    188. Processing Emotions: The What, Why, and How

    When big emotions come up for us, we often tell ourselves something along the lines of, ā€œI donā€™t have time for this,ā€ especially if it happens out in public or around other people. It might present as heaviness or tightness in your chest, a catching in your throat, or that feeling that youā€™ll cry if someone just glances your way. The truth is the emotion will bubble up and spill over into your life if you donā€™t address it, and thatā€™s why Iā€™m guiding you through this process today.


    Learn what processing emotions means, and how practicing it creates self-awareness, self-trust, and self-safety. Iā€™m showing you what processing emotions might look like in real time, my favorite, simplest way to process my emotions, and how you can help your clients navigate their big emotions.Ā 


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    4 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 25 minutes 18 seconds
    187. When Saying ā€˜Nopeā€™ Feels Bad

    It may feel great to you to opt out of doing certain things. For me, this list includes cold plunges and scheduling early morning meetings. However, what do you do when you say you donā€™t want to do something, but you want the result it could create for you? This is the piece most people arenā€™t willing to dig into, and Iā€™m showing you how to start today.


    Discover what to do when you want a particular result but experience resistance to the activity, method, or strategy. Learn what happens when youā€™re unwilling to explore your reasons, why we tend to stay steadfast in our unwillingness, and one question to help you start the exploration process.


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    28 May 2024, 5:00 am
  • 31 minutes 33 seconds
    186. The Coachā€™s Guide to Protecting Your Energy

    How do you manage your energy in your coaching practice? I often talk about tips for improving your coaching skills, but this week's episode is focused a little more on the practicalities of actually running your coaching practice. Of course, your energy ultimately affects how you show up as a coach, so it's really a vital lesson in coaching skills too.


    Discover why sometimes you're on and sometimes you're just off. Learn why it's not always your thoughts that are responsible for your lack of energy, why it's vital to have a contingency plan for when your energy is feeling off, and I'll give you tips you can implement right now so you can keep showing up the way you want to in your coaching practice.


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    21 May 2024, 5:00 am
  • 10 minutes 59 seconds
    185. One Question to Future-Proof Your Business

    If you find yourself saying, ā€œItā€™s not working,ā€ whether in relation to trying various things to get your business gaining momentum, or in relation to something that was previously successful in your business that has now stopped working, this episode is for you. Thereā€™s one powerful but uncomfortable question you must ask yourself in this situation, and Iā€™m offering it to you in this episode.


    Learn one question that will help you make the necessary pivots or changes your business needs. Hear the importance of learning to evolve as an entrepreneur, how you might be unwittingly ignoring the issues youā€™re facing, and how to come up with a new plan if what youā€™re currently doing isnā€™t working.Ā 


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    14 May 2024, 5:00 am
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