The Life Coach School Podcast

Brooke Castillo

  • 24 minutes 36 seconds
    Ep #525: Say vs. Hear

    How do you talk to yourself when you’ve done something wrong?


    Maybe you miss a putt in golf or you mess up at work.


    In these moments, it is so common to beat ourselves up. To get angry and berate ourselves as if that will ensure we don’t mess up again.


    However, most of the time, what we say to ourselves is not actually what we need to hear.


    In this episode, learn how to interpret what you really need to hear in tough moments in order to keep moving forward. You’ll hear how to be the best coach you can be to yourself, and how to provide the level of support you need to show up the way you want to.


    What You Will Discover:


    • Why it’s so common to beat ourselves up when we make a mistake.
    • What we think talking negatively to ourselves accomplishes.
    • One of the secrets to living a conscious life.
    • How to show up as the best coach for you.
    • An exercise to practice speaking to yourself the way you need.



    Featured on the Show:


    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    4 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 54 minutes 31 seconds
    Ep #524: Growth & Peace with Stacey Boehman

    Growth, whether it be personal or in our businesses, feels uncomfortable.


    It just does.


    Pushing your limits and seeing what you are capable of comes with some discomfort.


    However, some people don’t let themselves even attempt to grow because they’ve decided they would rather have peace over discomfort.


    My guest this week, like so many of you listening, was willing to disturb her peace in order to grow, and the results have been tremendous.


    Stacey Boehman is not just one of my favorite people on the planet, she’s also a Master Business Coach for life coaches with multiple highly successful programs. Her journey of going from selling mops in department stores to running an 8-figure business is insanely inspiring, and you can be sure that it came with a lot of discomfort along the way.


    Tune in this week as Stacey and I explore the choice many people think they have to make between growth and peace, and why hiding from your dreams doesn’t automatically mean you feel peace instead. We discuss the power of deciding to give something your all, how to handle the discomfort of growth, and we share our experiences of choosing to go all in on our businesses while balancing motherhood.


    What You Will Discover:

    How we reconcile the discomfort of growth and choosing it anyway. What peace means to us. Why the $100K mark in your business is likely the hardest you will ever work. Why Stacey says trying a little is a lot harder than trying a lot. Stacey’s insights on running a business post-partum. What helps Stacey get through the "river of misery."


    Featured on the Show:

    Stacey Boehman



    2k for 2k:

    200k Mastermind:

    2 Million Dollar Group:


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    Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email [email protected]

    20 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 21 minutes 6 seconds
    Ep #523: Busy Work vs. Result Work

    Newer entrepreneurs work just as hard as the more experienced entrepreneurs, but their results are not the same.




    Tune in this week to learn about the difference between busy work and result work and how you can start creating new results in your life. I encourage you to try new things, see what works and doesn’t work, and change directions if necessary. Remember, if you’re not winning, you’re learning!


    Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:


    If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached:

    6 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 46 minutes 9 seconds
    Ep #522: Take Back Your Brain with Kara Loewentheil

    If you are a woman who struggles with people pleasing, with making conscious decisions that are solely for you, with the idea of creating wealth, listen in.


    I’m joined by the one and only Kara Loewentheil, author of Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head--and How to Get It Out.


    In this fascinating conversation, Kara and I explore the ways men and women are socialized throughout history, how this socialization impacts how we show up in our lives, and what we can do to take back our brains.


    Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:


    If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached:

    23 May 2024, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 59 seconds
    Ep #521: How Thought Work Works

    Through the teachings of a lot of amazing leaders, reading all the self-help books, and my own introspection, I came to understand the importance of thought work.


    Through thought work, you can access your highest consciousness and make decisions that create the results you’ve always dreamed about. 


    In this episode, I share what thought work truly is, how it works, and how mastering it is one of the most freeing experiences a human can have.


    Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:


    If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached:

    2 May 2024, 9:00 am
  • 24 minutes 36 seconds
    Ep #520: 10 Years Proud

    The Life Coach School Podcast is turning 10. 


    This journey has been a testament to the power of consistency and re-deciding. 


    Join me as I reflect on the importance of acknowledging your progress, embracing change, and giving yourself permission to evolve. Plus, I'm revealing some exciting updates about the future of the podcast and how you can continue to grow with me.


    Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:


    If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached:

    4 April 2024, 9:00 am
  • 28 minutes 12 seconds
    Ep #519: Big Goal Fun

    How often do you find yourself setting a goal, and then not following through?


    Some people don’t even bother setting a goal in the first place because they just don’t believe they can truly achieve it.


    There is so much magic in the evolution that comes with working on a goal, and it all starts with a thorough cultivation of it. Find out why simply writing down your goal isn’t enough, why you might be getting discouraged by your dream, and how to experience the real magic of big goal setting.


    Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:


    Join me in Get Coached for a live, 3-day Big Goals workshop! Click here to plan your big, compelling goal with me:

    28 March 2024, 9:00 am
  • 25 minutes 2 seconds
    Ep #518: Walking

    One of the things that has helped me more than anything else during hard times is walking.


    Having a walking practice has brought me more peace and calm than I could have ever imagined, and I encourage everyone I know, including all of you, to start one.


    This week, hear all the benefits I’ve experienced from having a consistent walking practice, the types of walks my practice includes, and some tips for making the most of your practice.


    Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:


    Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you'll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Register for the Coachathon on April 2, 2024 in beautiful Miami, FL:

    Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami...?

    Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself, April 4-8, 2024. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here:

    21 March 2024, 9:00 am
  • 29 minutes 8 seconds
    Ep #517: Doing It Alone with Alessia Tenebruso

    For many people, especially women, the idea of spending time alone brings up uncomfortable feelings. 


    However, as my guest Alessia Tenebruso shares, the benefits of exploring yourself through alone time far outweigh the discomfort.


    If you’re curious about traveling alone, even if it’s just to your local hotel for a night, this episode is a must-listen. Alessia shares why the idea of solo travel is so intimidating, how to deal with the discomfort, and all the benefits you’ll experience when you do this for yourself. 


    Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:


    Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you'll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Register for the Coachathon on April 2, 2024 in beautiful Miami, FL:

    Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami...?

    Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself, April 4-8, 2024. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here:

    14 March 2024, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 53 seconds
    Ep #516: Business Emotions

    One of the best ways to build emotional strength is through entrepreneurship.


    You start doubting your doubt. You develop the courage to do hard things.


    And it all starts with feeling your feelings on your entrepreneurial journey.


    Listen in this week to hear the four most important negative business emotions to feel and the four most important positive business emotions to generate. Once you can master these emotions, your level of self-love, emotional strength, AND business success will amaze you. Tune in to find out how.


    Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:


    Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you'll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Register for the Coachathon on April 2, 2024 in beautiful Miami, FL:

    Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami...?

    Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself, April 4-8, 2024. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here:

    7 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 35 minutes 39 seconds
    Ep #515: Journal Coaching with Ashley R. Wright

    Writing down your thoughts is a powerful way to understand them and the effects they are having on your life.


    Sure, you could spend days thinking about a problem.


    Or you could write your thoughts down and find clarity, awareness, and healing in the process.


    Tune in this week as Journaling Coach Ashley R. Wright shares the power of journaling, the benefits of writing down your thoughts, and why doing so empowers you to free yourself from whatever is holding you back.


    If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached:


    Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:

    29 February 2024, 10:00 am
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