The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

Matthew Leonard

Matthew Leonard: Prayer | Catholic| Spirituality | Scripture

  • 55 minutes 14 seconds
    139 How to Know if Your Spiritual Life is Healthy

    A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed on the EWTN show Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie about my discovery of the Catholic spiritual life a few years after I entered the Church.

    As a brand new Catholic, I didn't yet understand the incredible spiritual patrimony that was ours.

    But once I learned more about it...and began to practice it...that's when everything changed!

    And it was such a powerful conversation that I'm sharing it with you on the Art of Catholic podcast.

    You'll hear us talk about some of my story, as well as some spiritually crucial topics such as:

    • What a healthy interior life looks like for regular Catholics

    • The importance of community in our spiritual journey

    • The absolute necessity of authentic meditation

    • The role of spiritual direction

    • Practical tips on how to deepen your prayer life

    I'm so grateful to Jerry and Debbie and all the wonderful folks at EWTN for inviting me onto their show - and for graciously allowing me to share the episode with you on my podcast.

    If you want to hear a very practical discussion about how to make real spiritual progress, this episode is for you!

    25 July 2024, 7:22 pm
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    138 Isolation, Weakness, & Shattering the Lies We Tell Ourselves

    In today's Art of Catholic podcast, Matthew Leonard is joined by Catholic evangelist John Edwards, who shares stories and insights he's gained from guiding countless men to a deeper relationship with Christ.

    But don't think for a second this is an episode only for men.

    We hit topics that affect everyone like:

    • Shattering the lies we tell ourselves
    • Why isolation is the Devil's playground
    • The most pressing problem haunting men (Listen up, ladies! You need to hear this.)
    • The beautiful power of weakness
    • Why community is absolutely essential for men & women 

    This is a must-listen episode for anyone longing for the deep joy that comes from an intimate relationship with God and the mystical body of Christ.

    13 June 2024, 10:41 pm
  • 52 minutes 7 seconds
    137 From Megachurch to MegaCatholic & the Beautiful Power of Retreat

    Matthew Leonard is joined by Betsy Orr, Founder and President of The Retreat at Heritage, who shares her incredible conversion story and tells us all about how God led her to create this truly unique new retreat center focused on beauty and silence.

    🔵 Check out The Retreat at Heritage & book a spot at Matthew's retreat- "The Divine Whisper: Deeper Prayer & the Silent Embrace of God" from September 13 - 15, 2024:

    🟡 Grab Matthew's FREE guide to Catholic meditation, 8 Ways To Jumpstart Your Prayer Life:

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    🟢 Join Matthew on PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND in 2025:

    20 April 2024, 3:03 pm
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    136 Priest & Beggar: The Jaw-Dropping Story of Venerable Fr. Aloysius Schwartz

    Every now and then I come across someone or something in the Church that leaves me a good way.

    This is one of those times.

    If you've heard of Venerable Fr. Aloysius Schwartz, you know what I'm talking about.

    If not, prepare to have your mind blown.


    🟡 Sign up for my TOTALLY FREE Lenten series on the Mass:

    🔵 To learn more about the Sisters of Mary and make a difference visit Grab a copy of Priest & Beggar: The Heroic Life of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz

    🟢 Join Matthew on PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND in 2025:

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    12 February 2024, 11:42 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    135 The Dark Roots of Feminism & the War on Men

    🟡 Science of Sainthood Website:

    🔴 Sign up for my TOTALLY FREE Lenten series on the Mass:

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    After spending many months working very hard on a new liturgy series, I thought "Why not have a pleasant, light podcast to unwind a little?" 

    So I called my friend and Founder of Theology of Home, Dr. Carrie Gress, and said, "How about coming on the show and talking about your new book?"

    So much for unwinding. After all, her new book is titled The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us. It's all about how we arrived at this culturally dangerous place in which we now find ourselves, particularly in regards to feminism and society's bloodlust for the destruction of men.

    (And if you're a guy who said to himself, "Feminism? Dude, I'm out." Trust me, this topic has a massive impact on those of us who share the XY chromosomes.)

    Of course, feminism is a tricky word. Yes, we all agree that abortion-focused, radical feminism is wrong. But what about the "rest of it"?

    Because it seems that there are a lot of opinions on the various incarnations and iterations of the "feminist movement." Can it all be separated or is there a deeper problem?

    One way or the other, it's safe to say we're facing a societal crisis in regards to all of this.

    So in today's episode of the Art of Catholic podcast, we're going to peel back the onion a bit and discuss the shocking backstory of feminism (and where it's all going).

    Dr. Gress has done a massive amount of research into the little-known stories of the women (and men!) who shaped the movement, and its hidden roots in the French Revolution, Communism, and even the occult.

    This one is what you call an "eye-opener". (I think I'm ready for some more liturgy:).

    20 January 2024, 3:27 pm
  • 11 minutes 38 seconds
    134 The Terrible Sin of Telling the Truth

    If this Art of Catholic Podcast episode whets your appetite to learn more, click below to get access to all of the video courses included in the Science of Sainthood!

    🟡 Science of Sainthood Website:

    🔴 Watch the FREE Science of Sainthood Course: CATHOLIC MYSTICISM & THE BEAUTIFUL LIFE OF GRACE for FREE!

    🟢 Join Matthew on a 5 Star PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND

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    While most of us know we’re supposed to watch what we say, a lot of us haven’t yet realized that there are times when it’s actually a dreadful sin to tell the truth.

    Yep, no joke. There’s lying through your teeth and then there’s “lying” through your truth.

    What am I talking about?

    Listen to today's episode to find out.

    28 September 2023, 8:17 pm
  • 13 minutes 40 seconds
    133 The Powerful Battle Plan to Bring Loved Ones Back to the Church

    If this Art of Catholic Podcast episode whets your appetite to learn more, click below to get access to all of the video courses included in the Science of Sainthood!

    🟡 Science of Sainthood Website:

    🔴 Watch the FREE Science of Sainthood Course: CATHOLIC MYSTICISM & THE BEAUTIFUL LIFE OF GRACE for FREE!

    🟢 Join Matthew on a 5 Star PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND

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    I’d bet my bottom dollar that you have a loved one or know people who have left the faith. Maybe it’s a spouse, children, friends, or whomever.

    It’s heartbreaking.

    They walk away from the very source of eternal life and we’re beside ourselves as to what to do.

    And the typical reaction is often to nag, cajole, and strategically place evangelistic books on the coffee table in a desperate effort to light a spark in the heart of the wayward.

    It rarely works.

    So what do we do? How do we get them back? How do we get them to desire divine life and return wholeheartedly to the sacraments?

    8 September 2023, 4:02 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    132 Catholic Psychologist's Take on Inner Healing & Forgiveness w/ Dr. Matthew Breuninger

    If this Art of Catholic Podcast episode whets your appetite to learn more, click below to get access to all of the video courses included in the Science of Sainthood!

    🟡 Science of Sainthood Website:

    🔴 Watch the FREE Science of Sainthood Course: CATHOLIC MYSTICISM & THE BEAUTIFUL LIFE OF GRACE for FREE!

    🟢 Join Matthew on a 5 Star PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND

    🔵 SUPPORT Matthew's work to spread the Catholic faith

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    We all need healing...every last one of us.

    And the latest Art of Catholic Podcast episode explores a bit of a different, but powerful angle on the topic that can make all the difference when it comes to healing deep emotional wounds and finding true freedom.

    Most Catholics are at least somewhat familiar with the idea of redemptive suffering.

    It's what your mom was referring to every time you stubbed your toe as a kid and she'd tell you to "offer it up." 

    Redemptive suffering takes place when we unite our own trials to Christ's through a simple act of the will and obtain graces for ourselves and others.

    But have you ever heard of redemptive healing?

    In my conversation with Catholic psychologist and Franciscan University of Steubenville professor Dr. Matthew Breuninger, we discuss what redemptive healing is and why approaching inner healing through a trusting relationship with God is the only way to make real progress.

    We also hit topics like:

    -The powerful role of forgiveness in healing

    -How suffering mistakenly becomes normalized

    -Why living for security robs us of freedom

    -The difference between pain and suffering

    -How we can experience freedom in Christ and still carry wounds. 

    So if you or anyone you know has struggled to heal from interior wounds, this is an episode you don't want to miss.

    31 August 2023, 7:09 pm
  • 49 minutes 12 seconds
    131 How Should Catholics Respond to AI?

    Is anyone else starting to get some Terminator vibes from the whole ChatGPT thing? Am I the only one who hears in their head an Austrian accent when reading back what it spits out?

    I’m kidding, of course....kind of :).

    I admit to sometimes asking, "What can this thing really do?"

    Because while I don’t think Artificial Intelligence is quite to the point where we need to start worrying about robot overlords, there are definitely some legitimate concerns when it comes to the ethics behind this new technology.

    So how should Catholics respond to AI? 

    🟡 Science of Sainthood Website:


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    7 July 2023, 12:06 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    130 How a Millennial Mormon Discovered the Catholic Church

    When I asked my parish priest who the new guy with the blond ponytail in our parish was, I had no idea his conversion story would be so compelling that I'd end up asking him to be a guest on the Art of Catholic Podcast!

    In fact, Stephen Johnson's entire life story is a fascinating journey, one that took him from the Mormon faith of his childhood through atheism, New Age beliefs, and Evangelical Protestantism, and finally home to the Catholic Church.

    And all this while serving in the military as an Air Force Pararescueman, one of the most intense special mission units in the Armed Forces!

    You've GOT to give this episode a listen.

    🟡 Science of Sainthood Website:


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    SUPPORT Matthew's work to spread the Catholic faith

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    🔵 NON-PROFIT 501c3 at

    ▶️ Please like and SHARE this video by clicking the SHARE button

    1 June 2023, 4:14 pm
  • 56 minutes 11 seconds
    129 The True Origin and Essence of the Catholic Mass

    Confused by (and tired of) all the arguments about the Mass? Join Matthew Leonard and liturgical theologian Dr. David Fagerberg as they lift the veil and reveal the deeper currents of the Catholic Mass.

    It's the beautiful essence of the liturgy that no one else is talking about...but they should be.


    🟢 Join Matthew on a 5 Star PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND


    🟡 FREE SCIENCE of SAINTHOOD VIDEO COURSE! Catholic Mysticism & the Beautiful Life of Grace - FREE! -

    (No credit card. No cancellation necessary. Just sign up and watch!)

    “There is NOTHING like this in "Catholic-land" online.” Dave


    🔵 (If you want free books and stuff) OR

    🔵 NON-PROFIT 501C3 at


    4 May 2023, 7:41 pm
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