All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri


  • 18 minutes 29 seconds
    When You Feel Overwhelmed

    How do you respond when you feel overwhelmed in life? You don’t have enough time, enough sleep, enough resources. Or perhaps, you feel like you aren’t enough. What do you do in these moments? Dr. Edward Sri shares the good news found in this Sunday’s Gospel regarding how God responds when we are overwhelmed.

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    God can always provide for what we lack.

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    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    23 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 20 minutes 41 seconds
    Is Marriage Only Second (or Third) Best? (with Fr. Gregory Pine)

    Is it better to enter the priesthood or religious life than it is to get married? Dr. Edward Sri is joined by Fr. Gregory Pine to discuss what the best way is to accomplish holiness, and ultimately, sainthood. They offer simple and straightforward advice for discernment and living out your particular vocation.

    Snippet from the Show
    That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. (Litany of Humility)

    • For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    16 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 19 minutes 39 seconds
    How to Approach Jesus like St. Peter

    What can you learn from the life of St. Peter? Dr. Edward Sri shares this special episode while on location in Rome, Italy at the Basilica of St. Peter. He provides an overview of some of the significant architectural aspects of the square and the basilica. He also looks at the life of St. Peter to help each of us understand how to approach Jesus and allow him to heal us.

    Snippet from the Show
    Trust that God can change you like he changed St. Peter.

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    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    9 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 16 minutes 33 seconds
    The Importance of Rest and How to Attain It (with the Sisters of Life)

    Do you find time to truly rest? Is it challenging to allow yourself moments of leisure? The lives of most people are very busy and full of noise. However, it is essential in our relationship with God to find moments of rest. Dr. Edward Sri is joined by Sr. Marie Veritas and Sr. Ann Immaculée of the Sisters of Life to discuss the importance of rest and how to build it into your daily life.

    Snippet from the Show
    Leisure and rest are not a luxury but a necessity.

    • For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    2 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 25 minutes 10 seconds
    Becoming God’s Masterpiece

    What do you give the majority of your time and attention to? God desires to shape us into our best selves. He wants to sanctify us. Dr. Edward Sri discusses how God sees beyond our sin and weakness and wants to shape us into his masterpiece. However, unless we give our time and attention to this goal, he cannot be the center of our lives. Dr. Sri provides examples of what God desires to do in our lives and what sorts of things frequently get in the way.

    Snippet from the Show
    If Jesus is at the center of our lives, our souls will be well-ordered.

    • For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    25 June 2024, 6:00 am
  • 24 minutes 54 seconds
    Are You Dependent on Worldly Comforts?

    The secular culture accepts and even encourages an unbridled pursuit of pleasure. This attitude is so prevalent that it can seep into the lives of Christians. Do you ever find yourself dependent on some sort of comfort or small enjoyment in order to feel happy? Dr. Edward Sri discusses how what we listen to, what we watch, our particularities can affect our soul’s capacity to hear the voice of God and truly live the Christian life.

    Snippet from the Show
    What we listen to, what we watch can crowd our souls and leave less room for the voice of God.

    • For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    18 June 2024, 6:00 am
  • 23 minutes 25 seconds
    What Do You Seek?

    What do you seek in life? There are many different things to seek throughout life: a career, a relationship, or simply a good cup of coffee. However, what is the most important thing you can seek in life? Dr. Edward Sri walks through every person’s desire for happiness and explains how the void within us can only be filled by one thing.

    Snippet from the Show
    “What draws us to the goodness within something is ultimately something of God’s own goodness and beauty.”

    • For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    11 June 2024, 6:00 am
  • 22 minutes 55 seconds
    How to Respond When the Church Lets You Down (Part 2)

    Do you ever feel helpless in the face of the challenges within the Church? Challenges within the Church are not new to this generation or even this century. There have always been crises within the Church. So, how does God work through these crises? Dr. Edward Sri examines some of the past crises of the Church and highlights the good that has come from them. He offers encouragement for anyone feeling discouraged in the current times.

    Snippet from the Show
    “Stand confident in the theological virtue of hope.”

    • For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    4 June 2024, 6:00 am
  • 26 minutes 43 seconds
    How to Respond When the Church Lets You Down (Part 1)

    What do you do in the face of concerns over the state of the Church? There are problems in the Church on the parish level all the way to the Vatican. So, how do we understand these problems and what role do each of us play in truly reforming the Church? Dr. Edward Sri weighs in on this topic and offers his advice on how to respond to it.

    Snippet from the Show
    The most important spiritual battle to fight is the one within our own souls.

    • For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    28 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 22 minutes 11 seconds
    What Does It Mean to Be "Open to Life"? (with Beth Sri)

    Should we be open to having another child? This is a question that many married couples face throughout their marriage. Having children requires a lot of sacrifice. However, the Church and experience teaches us about the “supreme goodness” of having children. Dr. Edward Sri is joined by his wife Beth Sri to discuss the discernment process of having children and some practical tips to aid you in the process.

    Snippet from the Show
    Children are meant to bring a husband and wife into deeper unity.

    • For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    21 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 20 minutes 14 seconds
    Learning Salvation History at the Basilica of St. John Lateran

    Join Dr. Edward Sri on this special edition episode from the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, Italy. Dr. Sri guides listeners through the center aisle of the basilica and explains the magnificent artwork found there. He reveals the significance of the Biblical scenes depicted and emphasizes the importance of understanding both the Old and New Testaments.

    Snippet from the Show
    “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” -St. Jerome

    • For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

    Support All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

    14 May 2024, 6:00 am
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