12-step recovery for those of us who live or have lived with alcoholism or addiction.
In our ongoing journey through the 12 Steps of Al Anon, we arrive at Step 7, which encourages us to humbly ask our Higher Power to remove our shortcomings. While succinct in its wording, this step is profound in its demands and implications. It challenges us to embrace humility, not as humiliation, but as self-acceptance...
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In the whirlwind of life's trials, how can we turn tragedy into comedy? This question is at the heart of Liz C's journey as she navigates her role as “Addiction's Little Sister.” Her story, a tapestry woven with laughter, resilience, and hope, offers a unique perspective on finding light amidst darkness. Liz's story begins in...
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In the journey of recovery, reaching Step Sixmarks a pivotal moment of transformation. This step, as we examine in our recent conversation between Spencer and Ufasaha Y, asks us to become “entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.” It holds a promise of change through surrender and faith, allowing us to...
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Today, Shannon and Spencer dig deep into the question, how do we learn and grow to love ourselves? In the pursuit of learning to love ourselves, we may have faced emotional challenges and societal pressures that obscure our self-worth. We might begin by reflecting on childhood experiences that shaped our perceptions and beliefs about ourselves....
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In our shared journey through the twelve steps, Step Five is an essential turning point towards self-awareness and personal freedom. This step—admitting to God, ourselves, and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs—offers us an opportunity to break free from the self-imposed chains of shame and secrecy. As we work this Step, we...
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Our recovery journey requires courage and self-reflection, especially when we encounter Step 4: “Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.” Eric and Spencer relate our experiences, insights, and the profound transformation that accompanies Step 4, as described in the reading from the book “How Al Anon Works.” Taking a moral inventory may seem...
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Approaching the Twelve Steps from a secular viewpoint can present challenges, particularly with Step Three, which traditionally involves turning one's will and life over to the care of God. Spencer and Marilyn explore how we have navigated these waters while remaining respectful to their own beliefs as atheists or agnostics. Founding a Secular Al Anon...
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Retirement can be an exciting yet challenging phase of life. It brings forward new experiences and demands a blend of anticipation and adaptation. The principles and tools garnered through our journeys of recovery can play a pivotal role in navigating these changes. Mary H. shares insights into her retirement process and how recovery has helped...
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Recovery can challenge us to transform our spiritual and religious understandings and underpinnings. For many, especially those emerging from rigid religious backgrounds, rediscovering or reimagining one's higher power becomes a transformative step. In this episode, Sara delves into her personal journey of redefining her higher power, lending an inspiring narrative to those struggling with similar...
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Step Three states: “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” We’ll be delving into this step, discussing its essence and sharing personal experiences. Step Three comes after acknowledging the hope for a saner life (Step Two). This step is about making a...
The post Letting Go and Trusting: Exploring Step Three – 416 appeared first on The Recovery Show.
Spencer opens the discussion by reiterating Step Two: “[We] came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” Bruce notes that their discussion is a reflection of their personal experiences.. Personal Narratives of Insanity and Restoration Both Spencer and Bruce share their personal stories, highlighting their past struggles and how...
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