Is it important to do your long run the day after your long rides? What are the best smart trainers for your budget and success. Should you refrain from sex before a big race? We get into all that and more, along with a pretty good tangent discussion about how to work on really understanding and executing your pace and effort. We look at technology and why it's for some and not others. We also look at what the greatest skill an endurance athlete can master.
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected] Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
The way we talk with ourselves matters. Today, we look how triathletes can get caught in a trap of doubt and negative talk for the wrong reasons. We look at healthy and productive perspectives, especially at this time of the year when training can be more difficult. We look at ways you can learn and build and have a great perspective on peaking at the right times. We’re capable of much more than we think and just because it doesn’t seem that way some days, we can’t let that narrative take over. Don’t always believe how you feel.
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
It's hard to pull logs out once they're on fire. Today, we looking at some parts of triathlon from a different perspective and finding your Real why. We talk about why burnout is usually a choice and how you can avoid it and attack triathlon from a long term perspective instead of a short lived dream. What is your real why? This is a great time to experiment with that notion. We get into re-thinking your strengths and weaknesses. Why we don't often give our bodies enough credit. The dirty secret of Ironman. And ask if you might be eating and drinking too much in races.
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected] Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
Not many notes today as Mike talks with Robbie about the loss of his dog. Mattie lived a good life and left behind a lot of lessons for all of us.
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected] Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
The saying goes, “new year, new me,” but should it be, “new year, real me?” Today, we look at goals from a perspective of picking ones that will actually align with who you are as a person and athlete. We talk about why being healthy is a great ideal, but it can also be vague without diving in a little deeper. We look at building a strong foundation as a person and how to spend time wisely in the right direction. Now is the time to eliminate the “fake goals” that have been creeping into your life, and truly uncover who you really are.
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
Happy New Year from C26!
Today we start with . . . Information, disinformation, and disorientation. That’s where we’re at, and today we look at the power of simplicity with triathlon training. Sometimes our highest priorities get left in the dust because we’re shellshocked by all the information. Most of the time you should go easy, some of the time you should go hard. Find what you love most and fall in line.
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
Let’s take a little look at your future. Are you training for the right why? Are you letting results drive the train or the process? Stimulate, don’t obliterate. Today, we talk about why it’s okay to just feel good and how you can compliment your state of wellness. We should be proving things to ourselves, not other people. What have you learned this year and how will you take that forward?
Note: We’ll be taking next week off so we wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for being a part of our journey!
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
Are you taking enough chances in training and racing, or do you like to play it safe?
Today we talk about self-experimenting within the plan. Testing your limits a little bit to unlock the same routine. We also look at how to analyze a regret and use it as a positive. How do you know what’s right? You have to explore a little on the journey.
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
One of our responsibilities as a triathlete and a human is to figure out things that work best for us. Stress affects us all differently and one way to deal with it is to not take ourselves so seriously. Life is all about making deposits and withdrawals, where is your energy going? A big part of this sport is believing we belong and nourishing our own box. The minute we get too rigid with ourselves, we’re losing the point. Every great swimmer, cyclist, or runner has their own form and approach. We have to carve our own way and define our own success. How do we get more comfortable in our own skin and the spandex we wear on top of it?
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
Modern life is loaded with inputs and sometimes we have to disconnect for our sanity. Today, we take a different perspective on the off-season. How can we get better without directly putting your energy into traditional triathlon activity? If you’re already jacked up about your race next Fall, you are probably running a little too rigid. There’s a time and place to sharpen the tip of the spear and starting now will likely lead to burnout. Give your mind and body some space to refuel with different angles that relate to your overall health and well-being. Relax and get back to your true center.
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
What are the little (but important) things that make us better athletes? Today, we look at how to work at training in a way that makes racing feel “easier.” We talk about going east and west to balance our perpetual north and south movements in triathlon. We get into the efficiency of movement and how to train in ways that make swim, bike, and run “click” in the mind. We talk about natural movement and how “thinking” can slow us down. It is often the little things that make you better than your opponent, and . . . can help make your training much more effective in the long run.
Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
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