Zen talks and discussions from the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo
This teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on November 3, 2023. Do’on Sensei begins with attention to an excerpt from The Pali Canon ("The Mind Unshaken"). She then discusses Master Honzhi's "The Practice of True Reality," and concludes with a teaching on Case 27 from the Mumonkan, "Not Mind, Not Buddha.)
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
This Teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on Oct 25, 2023. In this talk Do’on Sensei discusses the 26th case from the Mumonkan (aka The Gateless Gate) known as Two Monks Roll Up the Blinds.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
This Teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on Oct 11, 2023. In this talk Do’on Sensei begins with a reading from Shunryu Suzuki and follows with a discussion of the 25th case from the Mumonkan (aka The Gateless Gate) known as The Sermon of the Third Seat.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
This Teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on Oct 6, 2023. In this talk Do’on Sensei begins with a reading from Shunryu Suzuki and follows with a discussion of the 24th case from the Mumonkan (aka The Gateless Gate) known as Abandon Words and Speaking.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
 This Teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on Oct 4, 2023. In this talk Do’on Sensei discusses the 23rd case from the Mumonkan (aka The Gateless Gate) known as Huineng’s “Neither Good nor Evil”.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
This talk was given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on November 4, 2023. In this talk, Roshi first briefly discusses the benefits of Dharma Combat (a practice encountered at the end of each Ango) and how confronting our lives is a benefit to our practice. Roshi then discusses the churn and static of our lives, and how we practice toward Samadhi within it.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
This Teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on Sept 8, 2023. In this talk Do’on Sensei discusses the 22nd case from the Mumonkan (aka The Gateless Gate) known as Kasho and a Flagpole.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
This Teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on Sept 6, 2023. In this talk Do’on Sensei discusses the 21st case from the Mumonkan (aka The Gateless Gate) known as Unmon’s Kanshiketsu (aka Unmon’s Dried Shit-Stick).
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
This Teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on August 23, 2023. In this talk Do’on Sensei discusses the 20th case from the Mumonkan (aka The Gateless Gate) known as A Man of Great Strength.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
This Teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on August 9, 2023. In this talk Do’on Sensei discusses the 19th case from the Mumonkan (aka The Gateless Gate) known as Ordinary Mind is the Way.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
This Teisho was given by the Reverend Karen Do’on Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo on July 5, 2023. In this talk Do’on Roshi discusses the 18th case from the Mumonkan (aka The Gateless Gate) known as Tozan’s Three Pounds of Flax.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit buddhisttempleoftoledo.org.
Part of Reverand Do'on's Teisho on the Mumonkan series.
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