The Zen Mountain Monastery Podcast

Zen Mountain Monastery

Teachings and interviews from one of the West's most respected Zen Buddhist monasteries & training centers.

  • 46 minutes 15 seconds
    Seeing For Yourself
    Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi - ZMM - 9/8/24 - Live words in Zen practice are at the center of koan practice, emerging from deep inquiry but not bound by the conceptual, thinking mind. No matter what your practice—breath, “just sitting” or koans—using meticulous effort in your practice develops the concentration necessary for deep realization. Let go of everything, open the door and put on your straw sandals, and then travel some more. - From the Book of Serenity, Case 89 - Dongshan's "No Grass"
    19 September 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 41 minutes 48 seconds
    The Bodhisattva’s Practice
    Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi - 8/31/24 - From the Book of Serenity, Case 99 - Yunmen's "Bowl and Bucket" - Striving to realize our true nature, without tying ourselves into knots of grasping, are skills we have to practice. Being able to investigate where we stick to our habits and confusion is to help us develop concentration. As Shugen Roshi says, with the essential skills of mindfulness and concentration we can discover who “this unbounded one” really is, and then we can really be of benefit in the world.
    14 September 2024, 4:30 am
  • 42 minutes 19 seconds
    “The Bodhisattva Path and The Paramitas” – Fall 2024 Ango Opening Talk at ZMM
    Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi - 9/1/24 - Shugen Roshi introduces the theme of the Ango: "Going Straight on an Ever-Twisting Path: The Bodhisattva Path and The Paramitas."
    1 September 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 47 minutes 29 seconds
    “Going Straight on an Ever-Twisting Path” – Fall 2024 Ango Opening Talk at ZCNYC
    Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - 9/1/24 - Hojin Sensei introduces the theme of the Ango: "Going Straight on an Ever-Twisting Path: The Bodhisattva Path and The Paramitas."
    1 September 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 44 minutes 43 seconds
    Wrong, Wrong
    Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi - ZMM - 8/25/24 - From The Blue Cliff Record, Case 98 - T'ien P'ing's Travels on Foot - Cause and effect are fundamental teachings of the Dharma: the dependent arising of all phenomena, and the karma of cause and effect. So how can the practice of seeing our minds as they function—creating realities by grasping at what we want or don’t want—become something we stop stumbling over? When we let go and see things as they are, we begin to practice the true freedom of mind: to act in accord with compassion and wisdom.
    25 August 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 5 seconds
    A Shift in Perspective
    Degna Chikei Levister, MRO Senior Lay Student - ZCNYC - 8/25/24 - Chikei talks about the subtle shift in perspective brought about through her Zen practice and the big difference that has made in her life.
    25 August 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 48 minutes 14 seconds
    Lonely—Alone—No Reference Point
    Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZCNYC - 8/18/24 - A Hidden Lamp Story: "The Old Woman's Relatives" - Hojin Sensei looks into loneliness... How do we understand it, respond to it? What's at the root of it? Can we experience the richness of it?
    18 August 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 28 seconds
    Pivoting On Suffering
    Prabu Gikon Vasan, Senior Lay Practitioner - 8/18/24 - The Buddha’s early teachings often focus on the nature of suffering to help us become aware of the ways that this state is created by our thoughts, words and actions. With a deeper understanding of how this process repeats itself, as senior lay student Gikon says, we can pivot, making real change by turning our thoughts, words and actions in the direction of freedom from suffering and it’s causes.
    18 August 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 51 minutes 45 seconds
    Guarding Introspection
    Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi - ZMM - 8/11/24 - Habits of mind, which in the beginning of practice seem untameable, can be grounded through awareness, and that’s just the start of learning to be at ease with the mind. We come to appreciate our own ability to settle and to realize our capacity to experience the inherent steadiness of mind. With help from Shantideva and the contemporary Buddhist monk-scholar Anālayo, Shugen Roshi outlines ways to practice, and seeing into the nature of all reality.
    11 August 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 43 minutes 20 seconds
    Your Mind is At Rest
    Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi - ZMM - 8/4/24 - From Master Wu-men's Gateless Gate, Case 41 - Your Mind is At Rest - Shugen Roshi brings the teachings of Bodhidharma to life in this talk on zazen practice as a kind of inquiry that is free of concepts, ideas and analysis, and is rather a direct experience of one’s awakened mind—your mind at rest—which is just your natural mind illuminated and at ease. 
    8 August 2024, 3:13 pm
  • 45 minutes 4 seconds
    Feeding Not Fighting: Meeting Machig Labdrön
    Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZCNYC - 8/3/24 - Hojin Sensei offers the wisdom of Machig Labdrön, a Tibetan teacher who lived between the eleventh and twelfth centuries. From an adept at a very young age, to motherhood, to teacher, to establishing the practice of Chöd, her life and teachings have been a great source of inspiration, as Hojin enthusiastically shares with the sangha.
    3 August 2024, 7:30 pm
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