From Anxiety To Love with A Course in Miracles

Corinne Zupko

Undoing Anxiety with A Course in Miracles

  • 42 minutes 8 seconds
    Suicidal Ideation, Depression and A Course in Miracles with Lorri Coburn

    In today’s episode, I’m interviewing Lorri Coburn. Lorri struggled with suicidal ideation for decades, and in this podcast, she’s going to share her story with us. 

    Naturally, this episode comes with a CONTENT WARNING as we’ll be discussing details of Lorri’s journey with suicidal ideation, her plans for her death, but also her healing and recovery. 

    You’ll hear in Lorri’s journey that she received the clear message that death is not the way out and that our task is to accept our true identity while IN the body. Lorri points out that there are many passages in A Course in Miracles that speak to how death is not the way out. And she shares how our mind goes with us after we die so you have to be willing to change your mind while in the body.

    This episode is raw and real and Lorri’s story also shows us that although A Course in Miracles teaches that healing can happen in an instant, for many of us, myself included, healing is often experienced as gradual. Lorri’s journey of healing depression and suicidal ideation was a process that took place over a number of years. 

    If you are struggling with suicidal ideation, there is help available. You can go to your nearest emergency room. If you’re in the USA, call 988 for the Suicide and Crisis LIFELINE or go to to connect via chat. 

    If you’re outside of the USA, go to your nearest emergency room or you can find a suicide hotline via (If this link changes, please search the internet for a suicide hotline in your country). 

    You are worth the effort it takes to heal.

    Lorri Coburn is a psychotherapist, spiritual coach, author and you can find her at

    Find the show notes and resources discussed at:

    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.

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    12 January 2023, 3:07 am
  • 19 minutes 34 seconds
    35: Feet on the Ground and Fingertips in Heaven

    A Course in Miracles teaches that we are not our bodies. While this is true, it can be tempting to take this teaching and unintentionally misuse it. We might think that we need to detach ourselves from our bodies and from others, but this only leads to unhealthy denial. Instead, we awaken THROUGH the body when it is repurposed by Spirit.

    In A Course in Miracles, there is a quote in the Urtext and CE editions that references the 20th century psychic and astrologer, Jeane Dixon. In the Course, it says, “Actually, Jeane Dixon was right in her emphasis on “Feet on the ground & fingertips in the Heaven"... Many people knew exactly what she meant, so her statement was the right miracle for them.”

    In light of my recent mystical experiences, which were very much facilitated by having my "feet on the ground," I share five points in this episode about what this Jeane Dixon quote means to me.

    Find the show notes at:

    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.

    Find all of the resources we talk about on the show notes page. 


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    14 December 2022, 3:09 am
  • 25 minutes 17 seconds
    34: How I Met Our Divine Mother

    In today’s episode, I share one of the most meaningful spiritual experiences I’ve ever had. During the summer of 2021, while in the midst of an intense period of pain, I was introduced to our Divine Mother while sitting in my backyard. 

    While I feel that God is Mother AND God is Father, right now, I’m having a total love affair with the feminine side of God, a part that has been out of my awareness for most of my life.

    In today’s podcast episode, you’re going to hear about:

    • My experience of Jesus introducing me to his/our Mother in my backyard
    • The synchronous events that led me to find an image of Her in a tree in my backyard
    • The value of darkness
    • My pattern of going through a major upheaval every 12 years
    • How the earth itself has risen in my awareness as a “brother” (a being just like you and me onto which we project all sorts of things)
    • How our bodies are of the earth and our minds are of God
    • and more…

    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.

    Find all of the resources we talk about on the show notes page. 


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    9 November 2022, 2:35 am
  • 45 minutes 34 seconds
    33: The Black Madonna with Rev. Celeste Frazier

    Today we have a very special guest, Reverend Celeste Frazier, who will be introducing us to the Black Madonna, our Divine Mother. The Black Madonna is a force and cannot be contained to one identity. She is Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mother Earth, the ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis and more. The Black Madonna is the energy behind every page of A Course in Miracles.

    Reverend Celeste is an inspirational speaker, teacher, healer, counselor, podcaster of Mystic Magic, and author of multiple books. Her latest book is called, “Common Miracles, Frequent Illusions.” You can connect with Reverend Celeste at:

    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.

    Find all of the resources we talk about on the show notes page. Visit:

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    23 October 2022, 3:09 am
  • 26 minutes 15 seconds
    32: Falling Apart May Be the Way Through

    Typically we try to hold it together. But sometimes we have to let it all fall apart for something new to emerge. During my tumultuous year of 2021, I came to terms with strong guidance that I was being asked to let A Course in Miracles go. Being that ACIM is my spiritual foundation and I’ve been studying it my entire adult life, letting go was scary as heck. But one thing I’ve learned in my 25+ years of being a Course student is trust. So I let go.

    While I fell into a temporary crisis, the key word is temporary. The bottomless chasm I stepped into was not bottomless. Help showed up in both physical and non-physical forms. And I see now that letting go of A Course in Miracles was necessary for something new to emerge through me.

    In this podcast, I sum up my experiences, lessons learned and examine the stages in the development of trust. And in case you're wondering, ACIM is still very much a part of me.

    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.

    Find all of the resources we talk about on the show notes page. 


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    12 October 2022, 1:56 am
  • 16 minutes 33 seconds
    31: The Thinning of the Veil - Land as a Portal to the Past

    Sometime in 2019, I started getting a very distinct sense of a vast energy moving “behind the scenes.” I experienced weeks of a magnetic pull to rest, sometimes outside on the ground, though I wasn’t tired in a usual sense. It’s almost as if there was so much shifting, my body needed time to adjust.

    During the summer of 2020, I began having experiences that I couldn’t explain. I was drawn to a state park in New Jersey and experienced a “thinning of the veil.” I became obsessed with visiting this park as frequently as I could as it transported me to a different lifetime. Tune into this episode for the full story.

    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.

    Find all of the resources we talk about on the show notes page. 


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    28 September 2022, 3:11 am
  • 12 minutes 16 seconds
    30: A New Beginning

    I've been completely overloaded with new learning, new language, new experiences, new divine relationships, and a new way of being. While it has taken time for these new lessons to settle into my body and my mind, I'm thrilled to begin sharing them with you, starting with this episode!

    Today I'm giving you an overview of what has transpired since my last episode. I have over 200 voice notes on my phone documenting unexplainable experiences, and I'm strongly called to share some of these experiences with you as I evolve as a student of A Course in Miracles. Today's episode sets the stage for the additional podcasts to come.

    Thank you for your support and for joining me on this journey!

    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.

    Find all of the resources we talk about on the show notes page. 


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    26 September 2022, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    29: The body does not have to die

    A Course in Miracles is leading us to awaken FROM the dream of this world, not just IN it. This episode is a replay of a gathering where we contemplated one of the deepest teachings of A Course in Miracles, the idea that the body does not have to die. The mind that projects the body can simply stop projecting it, so the body can leave through light instead of death. This is an idea that is not exclusive to A Course in Miracles.


    This session is co-facilitated by kironJ Gardner, Nouk Sanchez and Corinne Zupko.


    Each teacher begins with a brief sharing, we hold a silent contemplation on the idea, and then the session is opened for participants to share their experiences.


    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.


    Find all of the resources we talk about on the show notes page. 


    Love this episode? Leave your comments in our Facebook Group!

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    11 June 2020, 2:50 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    28: Get serious(ly happy) about healing anxiety

    This. Conversation. Rocks.

    I was recently a guest on “Align with Laina,” a show about ordinary people who have spiritual awakenings. The show is hosted by Laina Orlando, a fellow student and teacher of A Course in Miracles. 

    Our conversation was so uplifting, so deep, and so healing, that I felt moved to share the replay with you for this episode. 

    We chat about all things anxiety:

    - My journey of healing

    - Shifting from curious to serious as a spiritual student

    - Laina’s journey with her son’s drug addiction

    - Coronavirus

    - Life cannot be destroyed despite what the body’s eyes show us

    - How challenges can be looked at as adventures.

    - And more

    Get your pen and paper ready to take notes! This conversation is packed with insights and takeaways.

    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.

    Find all of the resources we talk about on the show notes page. 


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    7 May 2020, 12:00 am
  • 26 minutes 47 seconds
    27: Miracle Worker Tools for Coronavirus Anxiety

    Due to Coronavirus, the majority of people now know what intense, overwhelming anxiety feels like. It sucks! And yet a divine opportunity exists. Instead of anxiety keeping us identified as bodies that are subject to the “laws” of the world, when we allow anxiety to be repurposed, it can be a means through which we wake up to the truth of who we really are. 


    In this episode, I share three tools that have truly helped me ground into love during this current pandemic:


    1. It is time to stop being only willing. It is time to use your will.
    2. Use your will to see the light beyond the form.
    3. Your task is to master love, not fear.


    Tune in for details on how to work with these three tools.


    Find all of the resources I talk about on the show notes page at:

    Love this episode? Leave your comments in our Facebook Group!

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    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.

    21 April 2020, 3:49 pm
  • 49 minutes 17 seconds
    26: Anxiety Tools with Dr. Bob Rosenthal

    Dr. Bob Rosenthal is back on the show to talk about anxiety. He has a lot of experience working with anxious patients from his role as a psychiatrist. He also brings the unique perspective of A Course in Miracles, having studied it for over 40 years. Due to everything going on with coronavirus, we decided to make our interview happen sooner rather than later!


    In this episode, you’ll hear our ideas about A Course in Miracles, coronavirus, and anxiety. Dr. Bob gives us some very practical takeaways.


    Dr. Bob Rosenthal is the author of “From Loving One to One Love: Transforming Relationships through A Course in Miracles,” and he is the co-President of the Foundation for Inner Peace. 


    DISCLAIMER: This show is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical or mental health advice or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or licensed mental health professional to discuss your healthcare concerns and treatment.


    Find all of the resources we talk about on the show notes page. 


    Love this episode? Leave your comments in our Facebook Group!

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    31 March 2020, 10:00 am
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