The Fr. Mike Schmitz Catholic Podcast


  • 7 minutes 46 seconds
    Attn: Moms and Dads: You Don't Need to be Perfect to Get Your Kids to Heaven

    Calling all Moms and Dads! You might feel discouraged or frustrated as you parent and seek to keep your kids close to Christ.

    Today, Fr. Mike wants to share a word of encouragement with you! "Moms (and Dads), you're doing a great job!"

    You don't need to be perfect to get your kids to heaven. You must keep showing up and loving, and let God do the rest!

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    25 July 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 41 seconds
    Can't I Go Straight to Jesus? Do I Need the Catholic Church? [Fr. Mike Weighs In]

    Maybe you've heard the phrase before, "the middleman is a lie." Or maybe you've found yourself wondering why we have an institutional church as Catholics when the Scriptures state clearly that there is only one mediator between God and man, namely Jesus Christ.

    Today, Fr. Mike tackles this question and offers some guidance for those who may be tempted to get frustrated with the human and sometimes sinful element of the Catholic Church in its hierarchy and its members. Hint: It's another one of those "both/and" Catholic situations.

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    18 July 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 30 seconds
    How to Understand the Entire Bible Story... in 10 Minutes

    The Bible is the Word of God. It is a foundation of our faith. And it tells the story of the human race—a story that you're a part of. But... what exactly is that story? What's the narrative? If you only had 10 minutes to share it... what would you say?

    Ascension and Fr. Mike Schmitz—creators of the Bible in a Year podcast—teamed up to produce a beautiful, clear, shareable summary of the story of salvation: The Bible in 10 Minutes If you've never had the whole narrative summarized for you (or if you could use a refresher), this video will change your perspective on humanity's relationship with God.

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    11 July 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 27 seconds
    When Someone You Love Walks Away From God / Leaves the Church

    If you have a family member, friend, or loved one who is far from God, you're not alone. You're in good company—not the least of which is God the Father himself, who works so hard to unite us with himself. If someone you love has stopped going to Church, or isn't practicing the faith anymore, or hasn't yet said "yes" to Jesus to begin with, what is the best way to love them?

    Today, Fr. Mike has 4 simple things you can do to keep loving them on their faith journey, through all of the ups and downs. They're not easy to do, but they're always right.

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    4 July 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 58 seconds
    Do Catholics Believe in "Signs from the Dead"?

    Does a passing blue jay remind you of a deceased loved one? Does a specific number or color call their loss to your memory? Could they be speaking to you through these signs?

    Today, Fr. Mike opens up about navigating the loss of his own mother and finding hope and peace in the midst of that grief. The bottom line is, your loved ones can't cause these "signs" to happen—only God can work in nature in that way. But these unexpected occurrences can be a reminder to pray for your loved ones and to recall the gift of their lives.

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    27 June 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 56 seconds
    The Secret to Staying Happily Married

    We've got a "Marriage Pop-Quiz" for you! Would you ditch your spouse to catch a flight?

    Imagine you're traveling with your spouse. They go to the bathroom while you wait for your flight to board. But they don't come back. And you're going to miss your flight. Should you board it and ditch your spouse? What would you do in this situation?

    According to Fr. Mike, there is only one correct answer to this question. And the answer might surprise you.

    Today, Fr. Mike shares a funny story about an older married couple's problem when traveling together and his shock and surprise at the variety of responses he received when asking other married couples what they would do in this situation.

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    20 June 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 40 seconds
    How to Offer It Up

    Momma always said, "Son, you don't like something? Well, offer it up!"

    Today, Fr. Mike explores the traditional understanding of offering up your pain, embracing your suffering, and making sacrifices in the spiritual life.

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    13 June 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 19 seconds
    "I Go to Mass, but it Feels Like Nothing Changes"

    The sacraments that Christ gave his church are powerful. They are life changing. But... they are not magic.

    Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection makes salvation possible for all of us. But there is one key ingredient that only you can supply. Fr. Mike encourages you to give that key ingredient to God today.

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    6 June 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 37 seconds
    I Love Being Catholic. Here's Why.

    If you're truly open-minded, you can find some truth in most religions. You can find plenty of goodness and beauty as well. But where is the whole truth of God—the "fullness of truth"?

    Fr. Mike makes the case for Catholic Christianity, and why you should settle for nothing less.

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    30 May 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 50 seconds
    Do You Go to Hell If You’ve Never Heard of Jesus?

    When considering the people of the Old Testament before Jesus's coming, we might ask ourselves: "Are those without the knowledge of Jesus destined for eternal damnation?"

    And what about those who have never had an opportunity in our day and age to hear the name of Jesus and accept faith? "Where do they go when they die?"

    Today, Fr. Mike explores these tough questions, drawing on the sacred scriptures and the church's teachings on salvation.

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    23 May 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 7 minutes 3 seconds
    A Theology of Your Body

    Pope John Paul II said that what modern man needs—and is missing—is an "adequate anthropology", or, a full understanding of what it looks like to be human. Over the course of his pontificate, he gave it his best shot using the entirety of scripture, 2,000 years of church teaching, and the latest scientific understandings of the human person.

    Today, we call it the Theology of the Body. And it will change the way you look at yourself and your purpose in life.

    Fr. Mike Schmitz gives us an introduction to the Theology of the Body and invites us to his 4-part series diving deeper into these incredible mysteries. Sign up for the whole series for FREE here:

    Support The Fr. Mike Schmitz Catholic Podcast

    16 May 2024, 7:00 pm
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