The Wellness Mama Podcast

Katie Wells

The Wellness Mama Podcast is a weekly series covering the topics of holistic health, real food, stress, sleep, fitness, toxins, natural living, DIY, parenting, motherhood, and other health tips to give you actionable solutions to improve your family’s life! Brought to you by Katie Wells of

  • 29 minutes 3 seconds
    The 8 Paths to Emotional Resilience & How to Rise with Ryan Pink Langford

    Episode Highlights With Ryan

    • We're operating in a way that is not according to our design and how this is impacting our mental and emotional health drastically 
    • 61% of people say they are depressed, anxious, or lonely 
    • Why we are in a global emotional recession
    • We have an exploding population of therapists, but we aren’t seeing a change in the underlying problems
    • His incredible journey to healing and the tough lessons he learned along the way
    • How do we change our emotional experience and what are the parameters that actually move the needle 
    • The answers are always internal and in alignment with our design — we are our own healers
    • What are the 8 paths for emotional healing and resilience 
    • The natural sequence our bodies, minds, and hearts want to go through to build emotional health and resilience
    • We are wired for healing and the sticky things that can get in the way
    • How to set the environment for healing 
    • What DEAP is and how it can help shift emotional experience 
    • Why we often aren’t intentional about how we approach our nervous system and how we can increase our capacity by being aware and intentional about this
    • Ways to expand the capacity of the nervous system 
    • How to remind your body of it’s ability to shift between sympathetic and parasympathetic 
    • What the RISE program is… and how to do it with me! 

    Resources We Mention

    25 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 50 minutes 35 seconds
    Meet Me In the Middle: Parenting, Entrepreneurship, and Balance With Gary Vee

    Episode Highlights With Gary Vee

    • How he feels he was perfectly parented and the things his mom did that made the biggest difference
    • Why this led to a book called Meet Me in the Middle 
    • It stands out to him that his mom found balance and how this impacted him
    • How his mom helped him feel capable and remarkable but didn’t create delusion or entitlement
    • What inspired him to write this book and expand into the children's world 
    • His definition of success — peace of mind 
    • Ways to integrate balance and accountability with our kids
    • Start with parenting, not looking for external validation from the outside
    • What things do we push our kids toward that are based on positive validation for ourselves
    • Surprising things he found out from the 15- to 25-year-olds that message him
    • What you cheer for is what they strive for
    • His mom gave the most positive reinforcement when he was nice
    • Be very thoughtful about what you cheer for
    • Hurting from losing is one of the great foundational blocks of human development
    • A parent's job is to eliminate indifference 
    • Do you want to avoid judgment? Stop deploying it

    Resources We Mention

    24 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 27 minutes 53 seconds
    6 Ancestral Secrets and How to Apply them to our Lives with Holistic Hilda

    Episode Highlights With Hilda

    • The best health hacks in life are free
    • Ancestral wisdom trumps modern technology
    • How 6 ancestral secrets can boost your energy and vitality
    • Easy ways you can incorporate these secrets into your daily life
    • Ways to show your kids that these secrets are important instead of just telling them
    • How the work of a dentist from the 1930s can (and should) change your approach to diet
    • The benefits of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet (hint: not kale or goji berries)
    • Reasons why community is important and ways to seek it out or ideas to create your own

    Resources We Mention

    23 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 39 minutes 46 seconds
    Lessons in Health from Indigenous Populations Around the World With Hilda Gore

    Episode Highlights With Hilda Gore

    • Her amazing experiences with visiting and studying indigenous populations around the world
    • How Dr. Weston A. Price inspired her work and her experiences
    • Why technological community can’t replace the importance of in-person community 
    • The happiest people she's met around the world and the surprising things they had in common
    • Stories from her trips to Cuba, Peru, and Ethiopia and how these experiences shifted her life
    • The recurring theme of gratitude in these beautiful people around the world
    • Loneliness is worse than smoking, but how to build a community 
    • What she learned from the Maasai tribe 

    Resources We Mention

    22 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 32 minutes 38 seconds
    Bioidentical Hormone Replacement & Navigating Menopause After Breast Cancer With Dr. Jenn Simmons

    Episode Highlights With Dr. Jenn Simmons

    • Her very personal experience with hormone replacement and breast cancer
    • How she was trained believing that hormones caused breast cancer 
    • What she learned instead and her massive paradigm shift 
    • How her mindset changed with her own symptoms and when she actually dove into the research
    • The real data on hormones causing cancer and why we’ve been told the wrong thing
    • Estrogen does not cause breast cancer — the truth is much more nuanced than this 
    • When you don’t have estrogen, your body starts to deteriorate significantly 
    • Women who are on hormone replacement and get breast cancer actually have better outcomes
    • The same number of women die of a complication of a fracture as breast cancer each year, and hormones help protect the bones
    • 2-3x more women die of heart disease than breast cancer and BHRT helps protect the heart
    • We need to unlearn what we think we know about hormone replacement and learn the proper benefits

    Resources We Mention

    18 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 36 minutes 32 seconds
    A New Method of Breast Cancer Screening & Prevention with Dr. Jenn Simmons

    Episode Highlights With Dr. Jenn Simmons

    • The downfall of imaging as breast cancer prevention is that this is really just early diagnosis and not prevention
    • Far beyond cancer, there are a lot of benign changes in the breast that can cause stress for people
    • Why screening doesn’t improve outcomes as much as we once thought
    • No matter how many women we screen per year, the exact same number die of breast cancer and present with aggressive disease
    • Statistically, mammograms don’t save lives or breasts and just have increased the risk of mastectomy 
    • How mammography may actually contribute to breast cancer
    • Mammography - if you screen 2,000 women, you can potentially save one woman but cause 10 who didn’t need it to be treated for breast cancer
    • The new type of imaging that is radiation-free and lower risk with better resolution and results 
    • How absurd it is that we are using a method that causes cancer to screen for cancer

    Resources We Mention

    17 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 32 minutes 3 seconds
    Why Biohackers Are Wrong, Slowing Aging, & Decoding DNA With Kash Khan

    Episode Highlights With Kash Khan

    • The problem with biohacking and why he doesn’t like that word either
    • Why I personally prefer bio-love or bio-alignment and working with my body
    • Most bankruptcies are due to healthcare cost
    • The real story of aging and how inflammation is connected
    • Everyone needs to focus on reducing inflammation
    • The foundational things that are helpful for all humans and from which we can build based on understanding our own genetics 
    • Why he starts with the mind and executive function for lasting health changes
    • The body is very simple: you're either in fight or flight or rest and recovery
    • What the epigenetic imprint of trauma is and why this is important to address
    • The science of how trauma affects us even at a gene expression level
    • They haven’t dealt with a single person who has a chronic condition that didn’t have some level of trauma and gut issues
    • Why sunlight is so important and how sunlight affects genes
    • Every enzyme we need for vitamin D is found in magnesium
    • Genetic testing is not the answer, programs and understanding are the answers

    Resources We Mention

    16 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 39 minutes 24 seconds
    The Gaslighting in Female Healthcare & Finding Your Own Answers With Kash Khan

    Episode Highlights With Kash Khan

    • Why medical gaslighting is a real problem in medicine 
    • The real reason women and men aren’t medically the same and why this is empowering 
    • Looking at what biology is broken and genetics vs the symptoms to get real answers
    • Functional genomics vs genetics and how to understand your genes in a way that benefits you
    • Why genes are not our destiny and how we can work with our genes for better results
    • The genes they look at that make the biggest functional difference
    • Only 5% of the US is actually metabolically healthy right now 
    • The genetic factors that affect metabolism and hormones
    • How functional genetics relates to chronic disease and inflammation
    • Women put an average of 500 chemicals on their bodies per day
    • It takes an average of 26 seconds for something to get through the skin and into the blood
    • General things we can all avoid for better health
    • Insights are useful, but data is useless without the personal experience side
    • Learning how to know what is wrong and how to fix it based on your genes 

    Resources We Mention

    15 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 31 minutes 56 seconds
    Deep Dive on Air Quality & How Free to Improve Yours Immediately With Mike Feldstein

    Episode Highlights With Mike Feldstein of Jaspr

    • The reason indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air
    • How poor air quality can cause inflammation 
    • Humans breathe about one credit card worth of microplastics per week, and what this does to the body
    • 100% of all homes tested positive for microplastics in air
    • How we can get oxidative stress and accelerated aging from bad air quality 
    • Why we don’t have the same biosensors around air that we do around food and water
    • We adapt very quickly to air and this is why we get “nose blind” to smells 
    • How drastically air quality can impact sleep and performance
    • Why sleep is the number one reason people use his air filters
    • Most people have horrible air in their bedrooms and usually more pollen in bedrooms than outside!
    • What level you want to see on an air filter for good indoor air quality 
    • The Jaspr doesn't use WiFi or Bluetooth and there are no EMFs
    • A huge list of tips and tricks to improve indoor air quality for free related to cooking, products we use, etc
    • Why Jaspr is made with steel and not plastic 

    Resources We Mention

    11 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 34 minutes 46 seconds
    You Are What You Breathe: The Biggest Unknown Health Factor with Mike Feldstein

    Episode Highlights With Mike Feldstein

    • We breathe so much more than we drink or eat, so air quality can be much more important than even food quality 
    • We breathe 11,000-15,000 liters of air per day
    • Air is one of our most essential health factors, and we can only go minutes without air
    • Why Mike carries a CO2 monitor, and when CO2 levels can affect performance 
    • What to do about high CO2 levels
    • Why heat might not be the reason you feel fatigued in the sauna
    • His fascinating background in catastrophic disaster remediation 
    • How Jaspr came to be and why it outperforms other filters

    Resources We Mention

    10 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 32 minutes 4 seconds
    Light, Mitochondria, DNA: Sunshine is the Only Way With Dr. Courtney Hunt

    Episode Highlights With Dr. Courtney Hunt

    • We evolved under the light of the sun to take code/energy from the sun 
    • Light is a symphony of information for our bodies
    • How light can help us reverse age
    • It is all coded into our bodies; how to send your body the right signals
    • How sunrise and sunset are natural sources of red light
    • When you get enough red light you burn through sugar faster and have better blood sugar control
    • Carbs are free radicals when we eat them all the time
    • The real reasons morning sunlight is important 
    • Reasons to have low light in your house at night
    • You have a pharmacy in your brain that responds to light
    • What to know about low vitamin D and why it is seasonal and cyclical 
    • How light improves mitochondria and how to get the right light exposure
    • We don’t have to lose mitochondrial density as we age
    • Your skin is one of your biggest organs of detoxification and when we wear sunscreen, we block important pathways and the right interaction with light

    Resources We Mention

    9 July 2024, 9:00 am
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