Heart Soul Mind Yoga Podcast

Heart Soul Mind Yoga

I teach Holy Yoga in the South Denver Metro area. Each podcast is an audio recording of a devotion {or, as we call it in yoga, intention} woven into one of my Holy Yoga classes.

  • 9 minutes 28 seconds
    Extra Baggage
    Upon arriving at the airport in Phoenix to fly back home to Denver I was asked if I was interested in lightening my load at the curbside check in. It was well worth the extra money to unload my baggage right there rather than lug it half a block inside to the check in counter. My body was tired & I had dropped the prideful and stubborn nature I had at the beginning of the trip. I was all about unloading my bags full of useless items that I had never even unpacked, much less used, as fast as I could. I wasn’t about to carry them unnecessarily for even one more step. This is the invitation from Jesus this morning. He’s the skycap at the curb, offering to lighten your load right here, right now. Thanks to the cross, He’s already done the work of overcoming shame, guilt, anger, fear, regret, hurts that have morphed into bitterness and anger…you just have to be willing to accept His offer.
    20 June 2017, 10:38 pm
  • 9 minutes 34 seconds
    Each plant is created to flourish in a specific type of soil. And a flower will bloom if it’s root system is planted into it’s personal perfectly formulated conditions. We too were created to flourish in a perfectly specific type of soil. And let me tell you today...that perfect soil has nothing to do with your house, or your neighborhood, or your job, or your relationship status. The perfect soil you were created to be planted in is Divine Love. When you are rooted in His love you will naturally and effortlessly, begin to bloom right where you are planted.
    23 May 2017, 3:07 pm
  • 9 minutes 48 seconds
    Leaning Into God's Love
    I know that in less than a breath the floor will literally drop out from under me and I will fall. And so, quickly, I realize that I can’t depend on the floor. I realize that the only constant in that tube that will remain when I fall is the back of the slide. And so, you guys, I lean back into that slide so hard, willing myself to become one with the slide. I try to convince my brain that the thing that’s supporting me at this moment isn’t the floor which is about to literally disappear but what’s supporting me is that which I’m leaning into. I press every inch of myself into the back wall of my clear coffin and the floor drops out from under me and I fall.
    11 May 2017, 9:20 pm
  • 9 minutes 19 seconds
    Wrecked By Grace
    I almost let this list of disqualifications override the call on my life and when I talk to other men & women I learn that I’m not the only one who’s calling is threatened by shame. This is why some of my favorite stories in scripture are those that show God swooping in on the broken life of a disqualified person and doing mighty works in and through his or her life. One of these broken & disqualified people is an unnamed Samaritan woman who we know best as “The Woman at the Well”. Scripture never tells us her name, but she had a reputation & it’s likely that everyone in her village knew who she was.
    27 April 2017, 10:42 pm
  • 7 minutes 27 seconds
    The Pieta
    We still carry the image of God. We might be born into a sinful world and in need of repair but we still carry the image of God. The Pieta was damaged, but despite the damage, it is still The Pieta. Despite the damage to the sculpture the woman still bore the original image it was created to represent. Allow that to be your intention this morning, believing and embracing that YOU are made in the image of God. --- I teach Holy Yoga in the Denver, Colorado suburbs. You can find me across social media at Heart Soul Mind Yoga. My website is www.heartsoulmindyoga.com
    18 April 2017, 9:51 pm
  • 8 minutes 31 seconds
    That Easter Sunday, in 1991, to a 9 year old girl in San Diego, darkness represented work...weariness, and the light represented rest and worship. For all of humanity, in all of the world, that FIRST Easter Sunday...Resurrection Sunday, sunrise represented the end of work... weariness and the beginning of rest and worship. Join me for a Holy Yoga class in the Denver, CO area! Find my schedule at www.heartsoulmindyoga.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/heartsoulmindyoga Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/heartsoulmindyoga
    12 April 2017, 11:11 pm
  • 10 minutes 23 seconds
    Freedom, from.
    Harriet Tubman is quoted as saying: “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more, if only they knew they were slaves.” When I look back at my life during that time, I see that I actually wasn’t free at all. I was playing a part, pretending to be free...but actually I was a slave. I was playing the role of a free person when inside I was empty and tired and hopeless. If I could go back in time, I would cup my hands under my chin, look into my eyes and tell that younger version of myself that finding freedom in Christ doesn’t mean we are free TO sin, it means we are free FROM it.
    14 March 2017, 3:17 pm
  • 9 minutes 59 seconds
    Grace In Hustle Out
    Maybe you aren’t a runner but you can relate to this hustle. This constant jockeying for position, ping ponging through your own personal course, aware that you are spending unnecessary energy, yet unsure how to stop. I love this amazing quote by Elizabeth Gilbert: “Grace will take you places hustling can’t.” Today we’re going to unpack that quote a little bit in hopes of living under the promise of 2 Peter 1:2 “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.”
    1 March 2017, 5:52 pm
  • 7 minutes 55 seconds
    Ghosts, Mama! Ghosts!
    I can sympathize with my daughter. Sometimes what I mean to say & what I actually say are two totally different things... The Bible has a lot of words about words. Today, as we explore some of what God has to say, let’s set our intention on recognizing the power and the importance behind the words we choose. Find me on Facebook & Instagram! Search Heart Soul Mind Yoga Holy Yoga class descriptions and schedules can be found at www.heartsoulmindyoga.com
    20 February 2017, 9:09 pm
  • 2 minutes 31 seconds
    Save the Date! January 28th! You're Invited!
    Save the Date! I'm celebrating my one year anniversary of teaching Holy Yoga with a special class! We'll have LIVE WORSHIP, GIVEAWAYS, a GIFT for the first 20 students, and MORE! This will be a Slow Flow class accessible for all spiritual seasons & yoga levels. Arrive early to reserve your spot! When: January 28th yoga from 8:30A-9:30A Where: South Fellowship Church 6560 S. Broadway St. Littleton, CO More information can be found on: Facebook: www.facebook.com/heartsoulmindyoga Instagram: @heartsoulmindyoga
    23 January 2017, 10:43 pm
  • 6 minutes 38 seconds
    Beauty From Brokenness
    In the artistry of Kintsugi, there is no attempt at hiding brokenness, in fact, it’s just the opposite, there is this beautiful highlighting of the imperfections. The flaws are seen as a unique piece of the object’s history, adding to it’s beauty. The piece is believed to be more beautiful for having been broken. The artist makes no attempt at smoothly blending together the cracks….instead he illuminates them with precious gold. Kintsugi is the art of repairing but it’s also the art of understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. Because YOU have been repaired with precious grace and love and mercy, you are far more beautiful for having been broken.
    16 January 2017, 5:01 pm
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