Embodying the Full Armor, Part 5, Helmet of Salvation and Throat Chakra Embodying the Full Armor
Helmet of Salvation // Throat Chakra
The Helmet of Salvation is worn on the head as a means to protect the entire face, mouth, eyes, ears, the entire head and the mind, which is vital for the protection of our thoughts, casting down strongholds and arguments contrary to the Lord (2 Cor. 10:3-5), as well as keeping our eargate/eyegate/mouthgate safe from the enemy’s attacks.
The Helmet of Salvation, as we previously read, protects our thoughts and the words that come from our mouth based on our thoughts and beliefs. This helmet keeps the mind renewed and set on God, as well as our mouth from speaking anything unwholesome. Our mouth is to be used for the building and edifying of Christ and one another. The mouthpiece is for clear communication and expression of our faith and identity in Christ.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words. Proverbs 18:21, AMP
The Throat Chakra is located in the center of the neck. It is related to communication and self-expression while corresponding to the thyroid, trachea, throat, mouth as well as the inner man and one’s creative identity. The Helmet of Salvation can also be related to the Crown Chakra and our intimate connection and relationship with each part of the Trinity. You want to protect your relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, as well as His Holy Spirit.
How can we hear from God if we do not take time to open our ears and listen? How will we know what to speak and share with others if we are not asking Him to put words in our mouth, show us the way, or speak into our hearts and minds? Along with the other pieces of the armor, we stand in our faith protected from fiery darts, able to safeguard and communicate our faith with others in a clear and objective manner.
Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David. Isaiah 55:3
Communication and spiritual protection are the common themes that run throughout the Throat Chakra and the Helmet of Salvation. Just as the Throat Chakra governs self-expression and clear communication, the Helmet of Salvation represents the safeguarding of one's thoughts and beliefs. Both serve to protect and empower one’s spiritual journey and promote a sense of divine guidance and purpose.
Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? Mark 8:18
Some will never be able to perceive what the Lord is saying and doing; they physically and spiritually cannot hear.
They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear, nor is there breath in their mouths. Psalm 135:16–17
The enemy attacks your throat like no other location. If someone told you as a child to only speak if you're spoken to, or you’ve learned that you have nothing important to say, perhaps you clam up in front of others, God needs you to start speaking up.
I realize that what I’m asking you to do can be extremely uncomfortable, but I would never ask you something that I haven’t done or that I don’t know intimately—your voice box can build the Kingdom and point to Christ; this is why it gets so attacked. You can also create healing songs, tonal sounds, and vibrations internally or bless a room full of people. It’s time for you to sing a new song, even if you consider it to be only a “joyful noise.”
God needs you to start speaking up.
2024 Copyright, Michelle Thielen, All Rights Reserved
9 July 2024, 7:27 pm