Iraki Nutrition Podcast

Iraki Nutrition

Iraki Nutrition AS is a Norwegian company that provides training, nutrition, education and consultation-related services to businesses and athletes.

  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Myoprat Episode 4: Karbohydrater
    Myoprat er en forskningsbasert podkast om trening, ernæring, kosttilskudd og andre temaer relatert til muskelvekst og fettforbrenning. Om du er opptatt av utholdenhetstrening har du kommet til feil sted. I denne episoden diskuterer Markus og jeg om karbohydrater. (02:10) Hva er karbohydrater? (05:30) Hvorfor har karbohydrater et dårlig rykte? (22:30) Karbohydrat behov ved ulike idretter? (38:30) Fordeler med karbohydrater for muskelvekst? (49:30) Timing og fordeling? (57:30) Oppsummering?
    23 August 2022, 7:42 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Episode 3: Treningsvolum
    Myoprat er en forskningsbasert podkast om trening, ernæring, kosttilskudd og andre temaer relatert til muskelvekst og fettforbrenning. Om du er opptatt av utholdenhetstrening har du kommet til feil sted. I denne episoden diskuterer Markus og jeg om treningsvolum. (01:35) Hva er viktige mekanismer for muskelvekst? (09:45) Hva er volum? (18:20) Hvor mange sett? (31:20) Hvor ofte bør du trene en muskel? (38:50) Hvor mange repetisjoner bør du trene med? (49:20) Hvor intensivt bør du trene?
    29 June 2022, 7:09 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Episode 2: Proteiner
    I denne episoden diskuterer Markus og jeg om proteiner. Noen av tingene vi diskuterer er: (03:14) Hva er proteiner? (08:25) Proteiner og nyrer (13:20) Hvor mye protein bør du spise? (24:40) Fordeling og timing (47:20) Proteiner og vegetarianere/veganere (52:10)Proteintilskudd (1:01:20) Oppsumering
    8 July 2020, 8:29 pm
  • 1 hour 47 seconds
    Episode 1: Muskelminne
    I denne episoden diskuterer Markus og jeg om muskelminne. Noen av tingene vi diskuterer er: (11:51): Hva er muskelminne? (23:30): Hvordan påvirkes myonukleider av alder og doping? (44:20): Hva har vi lært av korona? (48:30): Hva bør man gjøre? (53:40): Konklusjon
    30 June 2020, 8:52 pm
  • 46 minutes 25 seconds
    Episode 71: Broderick Chavez-Blood Work
    Broderick began training in earnest Christmas Day 1981 (10 years old), and was %100 committed to the lifelong pursuit of human performance from that moment forward! Every action and decision (good and bad) in his life has been made with that predication first. Over the last 30 years, He has competed on the national level as a Bodybuilder and Strongman and on the national and international level as a powerlifter. He completed a Bachelors degree in Biology with a minor in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Arizona in 1994 and have spent 1000’s of hours involved in sports lab studies and research projects relating to human performance and athletic sciences! On a coaching / consulting level he have assisted 100’s of athletes from the recreational to Olympic medalists. TeamEvilGSP has helped to produce more than a few IFBB Pro Bodybuilders and world-class powerlifters. In this podcast, Broderick and I discuss blood work. Some of the things we discuss are: (02:07): How often should you do blood work? (07:26): What is the first thing you look at when assessing blood work? (30:32): How can training potentially affect blood work? (40:46): What is the take home message?
    9 May 2019, 4:59 pm
  • 46 minutes 19 seconds
    Episode 70: Melina Magulas: Concurrent Training
    Melina Magulas has Master of Sports Science from the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences with specialization in exercise physiology and sports biomechanics. Her focused area of research as a part of a biomechanics group was on properties and training adaptations in the muscle-tendon unit system. Melina works in Oslo, Norway as an exercise physiologist and performance coach at Magnat Center, testing and training people ranging from the elite athlete to the patient. She also lectures at the Academy for Personal Training in Norway, and is responsible for endurance and physical activity and health. In this podcast, Melina and I discuss concurrent training. Some of the things we discuss are: (07:30) What is concurrent training? (11:00) How does endurance training interfere with molecular signalling that is important to muscle hypertrophy? (24:10): Is there differences in endurance exercises in regard to interference with resistance training? (36:25): If you were to do both, how can you structure it to make it not interfere with each other? (41:25): What is the take home message?
    14 March 2019, 6:02 pm
  • 44 minutes 41 seconds
    Episode 69: Dr. Andy Galpin-Mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy
    Director of Education: Andy is a tenured Professor in the Center for Sport Performance at CSU Fullerton. He was born and raised in beautiful Rochester, WA and is a die-hard Seahawks, Huskies, & Mariner fan. RIP Sonics. As a youth, Andy played every sport at his disposal, excelling at Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Track & Field. While not playing, he worked at grocery stores, gas stations, hay fields, blueberry farms, and in the road construction business. It was during this time he discovered Strength & Conditioning. Andy took his limited talents to Linfield College to join their Football team and pursue a degree in Exercise Science. While he experienced great success in both (2004 National Championship and 2x Captain and immediate inductee into the "All Ugly" Team), the true reward of this time was the meeting of lifelong friend (Doug Larson). The two fed each other's pursuit of knowledge of human performance and led them to attend the University of Memphis for the Masters degrees in Human Movement Sciences. A bit of luck and excellent faculty mentoring led Doug and Andy to meet Mike Bledsoe and the man formally known as "Barbell Buddha" Chris Moore - all of which later led to the creation of the #1 Health & Fitness Podcast in the world Barbell Shrugged. It also marked the start of Andy's competitive Weightlifting (culminating in his 7th Place finish in the 2007 National Championships), Mixed Martial Arts, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu careers. Needing to know more about muscle, Andy spent 4 years studying the structure and function of human skeletal muscle at the single cell level, a feat which earned him a PhD in Human Bioenergetics in 2011. This also resulted in the friendship with frequent collaborator Dr. Jimmy Bagley and the ability to open up his own "Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory" at CSU Fullerton. He now focuses his attention on teaching classes (Sports Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, Designing Exercise Programs, Applied Strength and Conditioning, Athlete Assessment and Measurement, etc.) and running the BMEP lab (which studies the acute responses and chronic adaptations of human skeletal muscle in response to high force/velocity/power and fatiguing exercise from the whole body, down to the individual muscle fiber and even into the individual DNA. The team does this by taking muscle biopsies from non-athletes and elite athletes from different backgrounds (e.g. normal college student, MMA fighter, Boxer, Weightlifter, etc.) and use highly sophisticated laboratory techniques and equipment to address questions about single fiber "type", size, function, protein quantity, diameter, mitochondria, and myonuclear function. You can get all of our published research here. At heart, Andy is simply a story-teller and teacher. Follow Andy on Social Media: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook: Twitter: In this podcast, Andy and I discuss Mechanims for Muscle Hypertrophy. Some of the things we discuss are: (05:30): What are the different mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy? (08:30): What role does metabolic stress have for muscle hypertrophy? (13:30): Does muscle damage cause muscle hypertrophy? (27:30): Can you change your muscle fiber types based on how you train? (41:00): What is the take home message?
    31 January 2019, 9:27 pm
  • 49 minutes 33 seconds
    Episode 68: Dr.Shawn Arent-Nutrient Timing
    Shawn M. Arent, PhD, CSCS*D, FACSM is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Exercise Science and Sport Studies at Rutgers University. He is also the Director of the Human Performance Laboratory and Director of the Center for Health & Human Performance in the Institute for Food, Nutrition, and Health. Dr. Arent is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with Distinction with the National Strength and Conditioning Association and also a Fellow in the American College of Sports Medicine. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Virginia and both his MS and PhD in Exercise Science at Arizona State University. His research focuses on the relationship between physical activity and stress and the implications for health and performance, with an emphasis on underlying biological and behavioral mechanisms. His recent work has primarily focused on physiological responses to training-related stressors and their contribution to optimal performance and recovery. He is specifically interested in the potential efficacy of acute and chronic resistance training and nutritional supplementation for improving functional capabilities and mental health. Dr. Arent is on the national staff for the US Soccer Federation and works closely with a number of teams at Rutgers University.  He also provides performance enhancement advice for youth, high school, collegiate, and professional athletes in a number of sports, including soccer, football, wrestling, baseball, softball, gymnastics, rowing, equestrian events, and cycling. He has received research funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Life Fitness Academy, the Center for Obesity Research and Intervention, and various biotechnology companies.  His work has also received considerable attention by the popular media, including Shape Magazine, Men's Health, Prevention, and Self.  He is on the editorial board for Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Comparative Exercise Physiology, and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In this podcast, Shawn and I nutrient timing. Some of the topics we discuss are: (03:00): Is there a population where nutrient timing post-exercise becomes very important? (06:00): In recent years there has been some studies concluding that nutrient timing is not of great importance as long as total protein for the day is covered, or protein is consumed prior to exercise. What are your thoughts regarding these studies? (39:30): You and your group recently published a review on this topic. What was the conclusion in that review? (42:00): Is there other times except for peri-workout where it can be beneficial to focus on consuming sufficient amounts of protein? (45:40):What is the take home message?
    17 January 2019, 2:50 pm
  • 55 minutes 43 seconds
    Episode 67: Professor Don Layman-Protein Metabolism
    Dr. Donald Layman is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Layman served on the faculty at the University of Illinois from 1977 – 2012. Dr. Layman is recognized for research about protein and amino acid metabolism, nutrition for athletic performance, obesity, diabetes and cardiometabolic health. Dr. Layman has over 100 peer-reviewed publications. He has received numerous awards for his research and nutrition teaching. Dr. Layman served as Associate Editor of The Journal of Nutrition from 1989 through 1993; and he currently serves Associate Editor of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior and on the editorial boards of Nutrition & Metabolism, and Nutrition Research and Practice and is a consultant to numerous food companies and commodity organizations. Dr. Layman earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemistry at Illinois State University and his doctorate in human nutrition and biochemistry at the University of Minnesota. Twitter: @donlayman In this podcast Professor Layman and discuss protein metabolism. Some of the things we discuss are: (02:25): How do we define a high protein diet? (06:45): Is there a difference in protein requirements between genders? (08:45): As we age, should we adjust our protein requirements? (15:25): Could you explain what the leucine threshold is and its activation of the mTOR pathway? (35:50): What is AMPK and how does it affect muscle protein synthesis? (41:08): What role does BCAA have on MPS and are there any benefits of supplementing the diet with BCAA? (46:35): Could you explain what a refractory period is? (53:29): What is the take home message?
    29 November 2018, 1:55 pm
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    Episode 66: Dr.Layne Norton-Why Diets Fail
    Dr.Layne Norton completed his PhD in nutritional sciences under Professor Donald Layman at the University of Illnois. As a competitor Layne was a pro bodybuilder who has more recently achieved large success in powerlifting, winning USAPL nationals in 2015 before going onto win a Silver medal at 2015 Worlds in the 93kg class, breaking a squat world record at the time. Layne puts out content and provides coaching via his site BioLayne Links Website: Ebooks: Instagram: @biolayne Twitter: @biolayne YouTube: Facebook: In this podcast, Layne and I discuss why diets fail. Some of the things we discuss are: (12:39): Do we have a weight loss problem? (22:27): What is the self-defence system? (35:51): Fat cells theory and obesity improvements. (44:01): What is the 5% of successful dieters doing to keep the weight off? (56:40): What should you do after a successful diet in the transition phase and going forward? (1:05:49): What is the takehome message?
    31 October 2018, 6:55 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Episode 65: Dr.Mike Israetel-Fat Loss for Bodybuilding
    Dr. Mike Israetel holds a PhD in Sport Physiology and is currently the Head Science Consultant for Renaissance Periodization. Mike was formerly a professor of Exercise and Sport Science in the School of Public Health at Temple University in Philadelphia, where he taught several courses, including Nutrition for Public Health, Advanced Sports Nutrition, and Exercise, Nutrition and Behavior. He has worked as a consultant on sports nutrition to the U.S. Olympic Training Site in Johnson City, TN and has been an invited speaker at numerous scientific and performance/health conferences, including nutritional seminars at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid, NY. A co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, Mike has coached numerous athletes and busy professionals in both diet and weight training. Originally from Moscow, Russia, Mike is a competitive bodybuilder and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu grappler. In this podcast, Mike and I discuss fat loss for bodybuilding. Some of the things we discuss are: (03:20): How big of a deficit do you usually recommend during a fat loss fase? (13:30): How would you adjust training volume and intensity when diet fatigue starts to build up? (24:30): What is the longest you recommend people running a fat loss fase before they take a break? (38:00): Fasted cardio is popular amongst bodybuilders. Do you think they provide any benefits? (46:20): What strategies do you recommend to keep hunger in check? (53:40): Are there any supplements that can be of benefit when trying to lose bodyfat? (57:00): What is the take home message?
    19 October 2018, 12:39 pm
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