Fitness For Freedom Tips is a new type of fitness and health show. We deliver fitness tips that you can apply to your life right away in 10 minutes or less. Lets face it you’re busy and life pulls you in all directions. You want to be healthier, but living a healthier lifestyle is hard. It requires you to change and there is a lot of misinformation out there. We work hard to syphon through it to give you the most sound advice possible and set you up for the greatest chance of success.
Change is not going to be easy, you’re going to fail, but how you deal with that failure can make all the difference in the world. I’ve already covered a Growth or Be Better Mindset mindset back in Episode 84 - How to punch failure in the face today we’re going to focus on self-talk, with some growth mindset strategies intertwined....
10 Weeks to 10 Push-ups Fitness Challenge
Today is a must read episode, Atomic Habits: An easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. As soon as I listened to an interview with the author James Clear I knew I was going to read this book, agree with almost everything inside of it and make it a must read episode. The premise of the book is that changing small habits or small portions of your life produce very little change....
10 Weeks to 10 Push-ups Fitness Challenge
I usually like going to these events, I mean who doesn’t want to go to a function where you hardly know anyone and sit in a corner by yourself, while you use wheat thins to slowly shovel brie cheese covered in maple syrup and nuts one mouthful at a time, justifying each bite is okay because you have grapes on your plate. Sounds like a good Saturday night if you ask me......
10 Weeks to 10 Push-ups Fitness Challenge
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I used to hate fitness challenges - 30 Days of Plank, the 12 Days of Lunges, The Burpee Challenge, you know, the ones that periodically show up on your facebook or instagram feed or an over exuberant friend tells you about how they're doing it and it’s amazing and you should do it too. Yes, I find those people just as irritating as you do, but something has come up that is making me rethink how I feel about fitness challenges, which I will get to, but first I’ll talk about the reasons I don’t like them, because they still hold true...
10 Weeks to 10 Push-ups Fitness Challenge
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Last Wednesday night was Halloween and even though I’m generally anti-chips and chocolate bars, I try not to be anti-fun and recognize that getting dressed up and going to people’s houses, getting candy and chocolates is just that, especially for children and as far as I can tell mothers, at least in our house, so we participate in all things that Halloween brings.....enter debacle.
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About eight months ago I started working with a new client, a woman in her mid-50s who had just gone through several breast cancer surgeries and treatments. She’s in remission for now and wanted or wants to get back into shape again, to improve the mobility and flexibility of her shoulders and neck as well as increase her overall strength and muscle tone again.
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Topic suggestion from Krysta on our Facebook Page. I’d love to hear about set\rep amounts and the weight of the weights for different goals such as losing weight vs building muscle ... I’ve been told it’s different!
Thanks for this topic Krysta, it’s been a while since I’ve covered and although my views are more or less the same as they have been for the last 10 years, there are some differences, as well, I will talk about where the confusion comes from, so that as you the educated and informed consumer are going through the information you can draw your own conclusions or decide whether or not something is relevant to you. I will start with the reps for weight loss topic because it’s the most straightforward...
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Have you ever set a goal and then felt like you’ve fallen behind on achieving that goal?
It’s a phrase I hear all the time,
I’m behind on my weight loss goal…..
I’m behind on my training…...
I’m behind on my career…….
I’m behind…..I’m behind…..I’m behind…..I’m behind in life
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You are here (x). Your future self is there (y). How do you get from here to there without crashing and burning.
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Today is a must read episode Endure: Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance by Alex Hutchinson. Hutchinson tries to tackle this complex question, why is it that more people don’t die doing exercise or maybe put a different way, if you run a race and give it everything you’ve got and come in second by say 1 second, why are you still alive? I mean you still have energy left over, because you’re still able to walk around, you may be dehydrated, but you’re not so dehydrated that you’ve turned black and gaunt....
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Let’s picture this for a second, you’re in the gym you’re exercising, you do a bit of jump rope, then you quickly shift to lunges, then to a plank, you hop up into squats, then you hit the floor to do some push-ups, you’re working hard, you feel your heart pounding, you start to feel yourself sweat, you see a drop hit the floor and you think...
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