Brilliant Business Moms with Beth Anne Schwamberger

Beth Anne interviews Mom entrepreneurs who are succeeding in online business. Mom bloggers, Etsy shop owners, photographers, and designers are just a few of the brilliant business moms featured here.

  • 55 minutes 36 seconds
    226: How Continuing to Test and Tweak Ads Led to $15k Profit Months for Kati Kiefer of True Money Saver

    This podcast episode is for anyone who's tried Facebook + Instagram ads and just couldn't seem to make a profit. Kati Kiefer of has been in those shoes, but she's here to tell you that "you're only gonna fail if you give up."


    Kati struggled for the first 6 months of running Facebook ads.  She tested and tweaked all the things -- sales pages, ads, messaging, audiences... you name it.  Finally, she pivoted to a different upfront product -- a product that drew in a slightly different type of personal finance customer, that made practical, realistic promises to them, and... before she knew it, her ads were profitable!  


    Kati's been running with that same incredible offer for the last 2.5 years with her ads. She now spends about $500/day on her ads and consistently makes $400 in profits per day.  (Her Return on Ad Spend fluctuates between a 1.8 and 2.3).  But keep this in mind:  When Kati has a new ad to test, she spends just $25/day.  So you don't need to start out spending hundreds of dollars per day to see what works.  You can start slowly and build from there.


    Since building out her successful ads strategy, Kati has been able to drop so many other things off of her business list -- no Facebook lives, no constant posting on social media, no Facebook groups that need loads of interaction, no big affiliate promotions. Kati just runs her ad, does a few super simple product launches per year, has some great email funnels behind the scenes, and has a whole lot of fun enjoying time with her family (With 4 kids, 1 new grandbaby, and her own parents close by too, Kati's life is full of all the best things!)


    I'm so glad Kati didn't give up on ads, because they've given her a much simpler, more profitable business that fits around her beautiful life.  


    Some other things we discussed on this episode:

    - Why you need different angles to draw in your ideal customer

    - Why Kati ditched tedious product validation strategies and the super easy way she validates products and messaging now

    - Why Kati loves ads traffic even more than all the traffic she gets from Google

    - Why she keeps her business simple and how she still manages to make a great profit

    - Anndddd..... a super gross funny mom moment from Kati (and a similar one from me!)


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:

    27 June 2022, 8:55 pm
  • 47 minutes 12 seconds
    225: Refining Your Offers to Improve Facebook Ads Revenue with Jen McConaghie

    Is it still possible to make Facebook and Instagram ads work if you're a brand new business owner? Yes, it is! Today we’re talking to Jen McConaghie of This Time of Mine to find out how she did just that. All you need is a fabulous product to sell and some help along the way to craft an amazing offer. You need a swoon-worthy sales page, brilliant ad images, and just the right ad copy so you can find the right customers for your business.


    If you're a newer business owner, you will love hearing from Jen and even more experienced business owners will learn some great tips on how to reorder your offers and reposition them to make a perfect fit for your customers. It’s so exciting to see students make simple tweaks that positively affect their ads profits and their conversion rates. As you hear from Jen, you'll realize that she is someone who is going to continue to test and tweak - there is no giving up when it comes to Jen and her growing her business!


    Find the full show notes for this episode here: 

    21 June 2022, 7:30 am
  • 53 minutes 49 seconds
    224: Building an Amazing Membership Experience with Kelsey Sorenson

    Kelsey Sorenson of Wife Teacher Mommy has been a student of mine since 2016 when she bought my very first course on promoted pins. She was a new business owner at the time and that was the first online course she purchased to help her business grow. (I'm so honored to have been the first teacher she learned from online, and the growth Kelsey has experienced in her business since then has been incredible!)


    Kelsey then went on to take my Facebook Ads Intensive course and is also a valuable part of my membership community.  Kelsey is always growing and expanding her business -- whether with Facebook ads, new products, new full-time team members, or her new membership which is rapidly growing!


    Kelsey's membership, the Wife Teacher Mommy Club is an incredible, supportive community for teachers and homeschool moms where they get access to an INSANE amount of resources so they can teach well. Kelsey has done so much to make sure her membership is fun, positive, and feels like a party, but also provides the practical tools + life coaching support her club members need to succeed.


    I can't wait for you to hear all about the creative ways Kelsey adds value to her Wife Teacher Mommy club and all the ways she's grown her business over the years.  You'll hear about her journey from that very first digital product she created to now her enormous Wife Teacher Mommy Club (with more than 700 members!) a huge shop full of amazing resources, and three full-time employees.


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:

    15 June 2022, 7:30 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    223: How to Host a Wildly Successful (+ Profitable!) Online Event with Cori George and Angie Holden

    Angie Holden of The Country Chic Cottage and Cori George of Hey Let’s Make Stuff recently joined forces to host an online summit called Sublimation Camp. Cori and Angie spill the beans on what they did, how they coordinated it, hosting, marketing, what their tech stack was, and other tip and tricks of things they might do differently next time they host a large online event. We will also talk about conversion rates, percentages of affiliate sales, and how their Facebook ads went.  


    The premiere Sublimation Camp was massively successful! Over 44,000 people signed up for the summit and more than 1,000 of those purchased the all-access pass. Listen for all the details about creating this wildly successful and profitable event!


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:

    6 June 2022, 7:30 am
  • 1 hour 35 seconds
    222: How to Revive your Ads Post iOS Update with Corina Holden

    Facebook ads are not dead! We’ve had to change our strategies after recent changes such as the iOS update but for business owners who are willing to test and pivot, ads can still be profitable.


    Corina Holden of Frump Fighters is one business owner who has successfully changed some of her ads strategies and is now bringing new leads and sales to her business once more.


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:

    26 May 2022, 7:30 am
  • 50 minutes 14 seconds
    221: Launching a New Business Using Facebook Ads with Heather O’Donnell

    Have you ever considered just starting from scratch? Ditching your current blog and heading in a new direction? A combination of factors led Heather O’Donell of Happy Humble Home to do just that. 


    The pandemic and a tricky pregnancy forced Heather to pause her blogging business. When she came back six months later, she decided to use her experience as a Kindergarten teacher to start something new instead of continuing down the personal finance blogging path. Taking everything she had learned in four and a half years of blogging plus everything she had learned in the Facebook Ads Intensive, she started Kindergarten Ready Skills. In just ten weeks, the growth of her new business had surpassed that of her prior business and just continues to grow by leaps and bounds.


    Starting over isn’t always the best idea because you’re losing all the momentum you’ve gained. But if it’s truly what you want to do, you should go for it. All your education and life experience up to that point can propel your new venture forward even faster than before.


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:

    27 April 2021, 7:30 am
  • 55 minutes 23 seconds
    220: Combining Traditional and Self-Publishing to Get the Best of Both Worlds with Brittany of Equipping Godly Women

    Today we are talking about all things writing, book marketing, and strategy with author Brittany Ann. Brittany’s latest book is Fall in Love with God’s Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women. This is her first traditionally published book but she also has several self-published books as well.


    Brittany loves marketing and has found several strategies to combine traditional and self-publishing to boost her profits while also expanding her impact on the community. There are pros and cons to both types of publishing but Brittany has managed to find a combination that gives her the best of both worlds.


    For example, Brittany used a free online conference to help launch her book and grow her email list at the same time. She also self-published a workbook to go along with her traditionally published book. Find out how she did it and get even more tips and information about the publishing world in this episode.


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:


    13 April 2021, 7:30 am
  • 54 minutes 33 seconds
    219: Helping Mompreneurs Get Organized using Trello with Maia Xiong of Business Mom Collective

    If you’re a busy business mama, then I’m sure you know all about having a million things to keep track of for your business (and your personal life too!). Maia Xiong of the Business Mom Collective started using Trello to keep her own business organized but soon realized she could help other busy business moms too and The Mompreneur System with Trello was born.


    In this week’s episode, we are talking to Maia about having the important foundations in place before starting to run Facebook Ads.  Your sales page needs to touch on your customer’s pain points and it absolutely needs to have customer testimonials. Once she had all the pieces in place, Maia was able to scale her business using ads -- and help more mompreneurs beat overwhelm in the process!


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:

    30 March 2021, 7:30 am
  • 34 minutes 8 seconds
    218: Sales Page Secrets Part 1: The ONE thing your sales page must have in order to convert well!

    You probably already know that having a dedicated sales page helps increase your sales. You can go in-depth about your product there, telling all about its features and benefits. But is your sales page working as well as it can? Would you like to have more conversions? More sales?


    Over the years I have discovered a few secrets that can bring an ordinary sales page to the next level, bringing people more happy customers.  The first secret? Customer testimonials. Listen to hear what I’ve discovered about how to get more customer testimonials and how to use those testimonials to your best advantage.


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:

    17 March 2021, 7:30 am
  • 41 minutes 51 seconds
    217: Growing a Business through Inspirational Prints with Pratima Aravabhoomi

    Pratima Aravabhoomi of Craft Street Design has always been inspired and encouraged by printed quotes in her home and after a particularly hard time in her life decided to build a business to share the transformative power of words to spread kindness and love.


    She started out selling her prints in person at small local yoga shops but knew that she needed to sell online in order to scale and grow the business. She sells on Etsy, Amazon Handmade, and her own website. Her business grew even more when she added Facebook Ads to the mix!


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:

    9 March 2021, 8:30 am
  • 54 minutes 23 seconds
    216: Turning Her Sanity-Saving Freezer Meal Plan Into a Profitable Business Using Facebook Ads with Rachel Fairchild of This Crafty Home

    Rachel Fairchild of This Crafty Home started her blog as a hobby but decided to grow it into a business after having children. It took her awhile to find her niche but now she is growing her business with Freezer Meal products. You won’t want to miss how she found her passion and then grew her audience using Facebook Ads.


    Find the full show notes for this episode here:

    16 February 2021, 8:30 am
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