Build a Badass Business with Diane Sanfilippo

Diane Sanfilippo

Join Diane Sanfilippo - 2x New York Times bestselling author and serial entrepreneur - for business tips, advice, and motivation for emerging or existing business owners. You'll learn practical strategies from Diane as well as hear expert interviews with those who have had similar struggles and have found success.

  • 18 minutes 4 seconds
    #54: What I Can & Can't Teach You About Building a Successful Business
    • Follow whatever it is that you're passionate about and live your truth in that
    • There are not people who are sitting by who have been successful who want to spend every minute of their life telling you the steps to take because the truth is, nobody ever told us either.
    • If you want to be an entrepreneur, you cannot expect handholding every step of the way.
    • If you as the entrepreneur do not have self confidence, you're building a house on nothing.
    • Learning the strategies of what to put in place is not what’s going to give you long term success.
    • There is no such thing as perfect.
    • We have to do the things that we are most interested in. you can’t have a business because you think it will earn money.
    15 January 2016, 9:48 pm
  • 40 minutes 42 seconds
    #53: Building a Business from Scratch with the Merrymaker Sisters
    • Introducing our guest, the Merrymaker Sisters [1:18]
    • Making the decision to work solely on the business [7:12]
    • Streams of income as a blogger [13:02]
    • Selling a product before making it [17:20]
    • Future plans for the Merrymaker Sisters [23:46]
    23 December 2015, 5:53 pm
  • 9 minutes 55 seconds
    #52: Five Tips for Better Food Photos on Instagram
    • Garnish is important: It’s what takes a photo from being “ok” to looking that much more exciting, or a bit more thoughtful.
    • Choose a plate or a vessel that isn’t too big: Make sure that whatever you have is really full, because that’s what makes it look interesting and exciting.
    • Use natural light: If you’re wondering how to get the absolute best photos of your food, do not shoot them in the dark.
    18 December 2015, 5:35 am
  • 16 minutes 4 seconds
    #51: Blogging Etiquette Part 1
    • Ask for permission before you ask for forgiveness.
    • When in doubt, don’t.
    • If you saw it, and you tweaked it and put it on your site, it’s not yours.
    • Look outside of your direct community for inspiration, not inside of it.
    • It’s fair to be inspired; you can’t help be see something and like it and be inspired. Make sure you are not stealing; that you’re being inspired.
    • Don’t go pissing people off in your community; whatever your community is.
    7 December 2015, 10:09 pm
  • 12 minutes 27 seconds
    #50: Rant: If you don't have $25...then stop talking and get to work!
    • The more you complain about something, the more you put your time and energy and focus into it, the more that thing, if it’s positive or negative, will grow.
    • There’s no reason why anyone should not have $25 to buy something that they think they really need or could really help them.
    • Instead of coming to social media to talk about the fact that you can’t afford whatever it is; get to work! Get to work on your business. Why are you talking about it? Stop talking! Do something!
    • If you can’t afford $25 to spend on a book, and you have time to complain about it on social media, you're wasting your time.
    3 December 2015, 10:23 pm
  • 10 minutes 11 seconds
    #49: How to be more productive
    • One of the keys to productivity is getting to know yourself.
    • Getting to know yourself will make your life so much easier, and you’ll be able to accomplish the things you’re trying to accomplish in your business.
    11 November 2015, 4:53 pm
  • 11 minutes 42 seconds
    #48: Quick & Dirty or Slow & Calculated
    • You learn so much more exponentially when you're taking a quick and dirty approach to something, because it forces you to figure things out.
    • The value of the product that you’re selling really needs to speak almost for itself.
    9 November 2015, 9:50 pm
  • 13 minutes 33 seconds
    #47: Stop Criticizing & Start Creating
    • Respect the process and the journey.
    • Respect the individual and their experience.
    • Making a critical judgment and constantly finding ways to pick thinks apart shows very little respect for the person, both the process and the journey, but also the experience that a person has.
    4 November 2015, 10:00 am
  • 11 minutes 52 seconds
    #46: Design tools for non-designers & nutrition business systems


    1. If you’re inspired by something when you saw it, don’t look at it when you create whatever it is that you’re going to create.2. I would take your own lens, filter, experience; your own angle on things, and use that to filter what it is that you’re teaching.

    2 November 2015, 12:46 pm
  • 11 minutes 48 seconds
    #45: Is self-doubt holding you back?

    Topic1. You’re not that special. if you’re going through a struggle, someone else has too.2. If one person reads what you wrote, and their life is better for it, isn’t that enough? 3. If you’re in it because it’s a business, then your 'why' is kind of off.

    28 October 2015, 9:00 am
  • 57 minutes 48 seconds
    #44: Interview with Dan Antonelli, insights from 20 years in business

    Topics:1. Introducing Dan Antonelli [2:40]2. Hiring his first employee [10:34]3. The spirit of a good entrepreneur [22.24]4. How Diane started working for Dan [32:14]5. What Dan learned from Diane [44:37]

    26 October 2015, 9:00 am
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