Build your business with the wealthy house painter

Terry Begue

Whether you run a business, starting a business or just thinking about becoming an entrepreneur - this podcast is for you. Terry has spent a lifetime building a very successful business. He will share the strategies that took him from a starving painter, chasing all the low priced jobs - to a highly paid contractor. His passion is now to teach others in his own down to earth style.

  • 12 minutes 54 seconds
    TWHP - 0045: Get Comfortable being Uncomfortable

    Are you comfortable trying things which you may not like to do in your business?  Terry provides tips on how to jump into the “cold water” by breaking the safe habits in your business and get uncomfortable.

    2 January 2017, 10:00 am
  • 22 minutes 7 seconds
    TWHP - 0044: Goal Setting

    Do you set goals?  More importantly do you achieve them?  Terry explains the step by step goal setting process that has helped him accomplish some big things and which can help you achieve your goals.

    10 October 2016, 9:00 am
  • 17 minutes 9 seconds
    TWHP - 0043: Asking and Listening

    Do you ask questions?  Do you ask questions and then listen?

    Terry continues to talk about the importance of listening and taking it to the next level by combining it with asking questions to set you apart.

    3 October 2016, 9:00 am
  • 16 minutes 13 seconds
    TWHP - 0042: Listening!

    Do you listen? No really -  do you really listen? Terry explains why you can stand out even further from your competition by really listening to your customers.

    29 September 2016, 9:00 am
  • 15 minutes 36 seconds
    TWHP - 0041: Customers Buy You

    Why should your customers choose you over your competitors?  Selling is an essential skill to any business owner.  Terry talks about three key practices of sales to make sure your customers buy you.

    28 July 2016, 9:00 am
  • 16 minutes 53 seconds
    TWHP - 0040: Wow ability

    What do you do when your customers like you, trust you, and believe in you?  Terry gives many great examples of how you can win even more with them by using Wow ability.

    21 July 2016, 9:00 am
  • 17 minutes 20 seconds
    TWHP - 0039: Trustability

    Do you come across as someone with whom your customers will do business - or not?  Terry talks about the four C’s of the one ability which makes everything else easier - Trustability.

    11 July 2016, 9:00 am
  • 17 minutes 43 seconds
    TWHP - 0038: Believability

    Do your customers believe in your and what you can do for them? Terry discusses five ways you will come across as genuine to your customers and help you improve your second ability - Believability.

    4 July 2016, 9:00 am
  • 17 minutes 5 seconds
    TWHP - 0037: Likability

    What would it do for your business if every customer you work with likes you?  Terry starts to delve into why your demeanor, communications, relationships with customers come down to this critical ability - Likability.

    27 June 2016, 4:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 10 seconds
    TWHP - 0036: Introduction to the 4 abilities

    What are the critical abilities you need to succeed in your business?  What if someone who has walked the path before can distill them down to help you grow?  Terry introduces the concept of the 4 abilities which one needs for success.

    20 June 2016, 4:00 pm
  • 16 minutes 20 seconds
    TWHP - 0035: Networking

    What is the best way to market?  How many people do you know or know you and what you do?  Terry explains how networking could be great asset to marketing you business.

    2 June 2016, 9:00 am
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