Roaming Yogi Guided Meditation Podcast

Natalie Perez

Guided meditations to bring more mindfulness and awareness to your life. Helping you to be your best self and live your best life. Brought to you by Natalie Perez - a yoga teacher teacher who helps others make yoga + meditation a part of their lives by bringing it into their homes.

  • 18 minutes 44 seconds
    Manifesting Through the Chakras Meditation
    For this meditation, I’m inviting you to think of an idea or goal that you want to work on; that you want to bring to life. This idea has been floating out in the cosmos; in the realm of universal consciousness. In this meditation, we’re going to take this idea or goal down through each of the chakras, moving from the realms of imagination and expression (the upper chakras) down into the realms of physicality and experience (the lower chakras). You can read more about the manifestation current (and about how I manifested my idea of traveling the world) in this blog post:
    30 June 2019, 11:11 pm
  • 16 minutes 9 seconds
    Summer Solstice Guided Meditation
    The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. On this day, the sun burns brighter and longer than on any other day. This makes it a time to celebrate into your inner fire - your own little piece of the sun burning brightly inside. This is the fire that nourishes your hopes and dreams. The same way that crops could never grow without the Earth’s sun, your life would shrivel and shrink without your inner fire. The summer solstice is also a time to let go of what no longer serves us. To place those things in the fire and release them. In this guided meditation, you will set an intention for the coming months, and begin to let go of anything standing in your way of manifesting that intention.
    24 June 2019, 1:29 am
  • 13 minutes 40 seconds
    Chakra Balancing Meditation: Via the Liberation Current
    In this mediation, we’re moving from the root chakra to the crown chakra, bringing balance to each chakra as we move our way up towards liberation; towards freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of imagination, and freedom to connect with universal consciousness. It’s pretty heady stuff, but don’t you worry, we’ll start right here on earth, with the root chakra. You can read more about the liberation current in this blog post:
    13 June 2019, 4:27 pm
  • 9 minutes 45 seconds
    Crown Chakra Guided Meditation
    The crown chakra, also known as the sahasrara chakra, is the seventh chakra in the chakra system. The crown chakra is our chakra of consciousness. It is our gateway to universal consciousness, connecting us to higher power and to all other living beings. You can read more about the sahasrara chakra in this blog post:
    9 June 2019, 10:04 am
  • 12 minutes 15 seconds
    Third Eye Chakra Guided Meditation
    The third eye chakra, also known as the ajna chakra, is the sixth chakra in the chakra system. The third eye chakra is our chakra of intuition, wisdom, and inner knowing. It represents our ability to listen to our instincts. You can read more about the ajna chakra in this blog post:
    2 June 2019, 9:26 pm
  • 11 minutes 10 seconds
    Throat Chakra Guided Meditation
    The throat chakra, also known as the vishuddha chakra, is the fifth chakra in the chakra system. The throat chakra is our chakra of expression, communication, and truth. It represents our ability to stand up for ourselves; to speak our truth, and to listen to others’ with awareness and compassion. You can read more about the vishuddha chakra in this blog post:
    25 May 2019, 3:51 pm
  • 11 minutes 30 seconds
    Heart Chakra Guided Meditation
    The heart chakra, also known as the anahata chakra, is the fourth chakra in the chakra system. The anahata chakra is our chakra of love, compassion, kindness, and joy. It represents our ability to make give and receive love in a healthy way. You can read more about the anahata chakra in this blog post:
    19 May 2019, 1:32 pm
  • 10 minutes 40 seconds
    Solar Plexus Chakra Guided Meditation
    The solar plexus chakra, also known as the manipura chakra, is the third chakra in the chakra system. The solar plexus chakra is our chakra of self-esteem, personal power, and willpower. It represents our ability to make decisions confidently and to believe in ourselves. When the solar plexus chakra is out of balance, you might feel a bit arrogant or like your ego is getting the best of you; or you might feel a bit stuck or down on yourself, depending on whether it’s overactive or underactive. You can read more about the manipura chakra in this blog post:
    13 May 2019, 8:16 am
  • 10 minutes
    Sacral Chakra Guided Meditation
    The sacral chakra, also known as the svadhisthana chakra, is the second chakra in the chakra system. The svadhisthana chakra is our chakra of identity, creativity, and sensuality. It represents our ability to play and go with the flow of life. When the sacral chakra is out of balance, you might experience feelings of greed or restlessness, or you might feel a bit lackluster and lacking creativity, depending on whether it’s overactive or underactive. You can read more about the sacral chakra in this blog post:
    5 May 2019, 12:05 pm
  • 12 minutes
    Root Chakra Guided Meditation
    The root chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra, is the first chakra in the chakra system. The first chakra is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. It represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. When the root chakra is out of balance, you might feel a sense of restlessness or a sense of lethargy, depending on whether it’s overactive or underactive. Whether overactive or underactive, grounding practices that connect us to the earth (like this meditation) are the perfect way to bring some balance back to your root chakra. You can read more about the Muladhara chakra in this blog post:
    27 April 2019, 4:29 pm
  • 10 minutes 38 seconds
    Grounding Meditation For Times Of Travel
    This is a guided meditation for grounding your energy around times of travel. To be grounded is to feel stable. To feel safe and steady. To know that you belong and to feel secure in your belonging. Grounding is important because it’s the foundation we need in order to work on any other aspects of ourselves. It’s difficult to tap into creativity or compassion when we feel unstable. It’s hard to speak our truth or follow our intuition when we feel insecure. Travel can have the effect of ungrounding us. Of making us feel scattered and out of sorts. Grounding practices like this guided meditation before, during, or after travel, can help us to reconnect with ourselves.
    19 April 2019, 6:44 pm
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