Happy Hour Hustle


You’re listening to 8THIRTYFOUR’s award-winning* podcast, The Happy Hour Hustle. We offer listeners the chance to experience the musings (or ramblings depending on how many glasses of wine she’s had) of the one and only, Kimberly J. Bode as she interviews notable clients, upstanding community members, and random passersby. Publishing a new episode the first and third Tuesday of every month.

  • 26 minutes 32 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #95: Renee Bauer

    Kim and Maddie sit down with Renee Bauer, author of She Who Wins and owner of Happy Even After Family Law. They talk about leadership, strength and what it takes to ditch your inner 'good girl.'

    6 March 2024, 1:32 pm
  • 31 minutes 47 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #94: What's New in Digital Marketing

    Are you up to date with Google's latest rollout? How is your business using AI? Did you hear what LinkedIn is doing now

    The digital team at 8THIRTYFOUR walks through the latest in the Digital Marketing space. 

    25 January 2024, 2:08 pm
  • 30 minutes 58 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #93: Let's Talk Crisis Management

    Big or small, every company faces a crisis at some point. How you handle it could mean the difference between irreparable reputation damage and moving forward.

    Kim and Maddie talk about what it takes to manage a crisis, who's done it well and the importance of making a plan.

    8 January 2024, 8:03 pm
  • 20 minutes 41 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #92: Inside Influencer Marketing (Part 2)

    We just could not get enough of our conversation Aly Zuiderveen and Chelsea Sinke, known by their usernames @helloalymay and @mygrandrapidslife.

    Hear what these Grand Rapids influencers had to say about their red and green flags, and where they think the influencer marketing industry is headed.

    15 December 2023, 5:39 pm
  • 30 minutes 33 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #91: Inside Influencer Marketing (Part 1)

    Is anything moving faster than the influencer world? Probably not. 

    We sat down with Aly Zuiderveen and Chelsea Sinke, known by their usernames @helloalymay and @mygrandrapidslife, for a look behind the curtains.

    Hear what they had to say about what marketers are doing right, what they're doing wrong, and much more in Part 1 of our deep dive into Influencer Marketing.

    7 December 2023, 7:57 pm
  • 15 minutes 19 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #90: Small Business Spotlight

    Here at 8THIRTYFOUR, we are all about supporting other small businesses. Because let's face it, we're badass.

    Ahead of Small Business Saturday, we talked to two small business owners here in Michigan (who happen to also be our incredible clients).

    Amy Sparks, president of Goldie, and Kelly Stroburg, publisher of nearlywed, share their stories of how they got started, and what it's like to be a small business owner. 

    22 November 2023, 3:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 3 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #89: How to Overcome Burnout

    Burnout has become a bit of a buzzword since the pandemic, but what is it really? Why do more women experience it? What can we do to overcome it? 

    Dr. Dominique Pritchett, a nationally recognized mental wellness strategist and keynote speaker at this year's Inforum Capstone Dinner, joined us to talk about how to break the cycle. 

    15 November 2023, 1:40 pm
  • 27 minutes 3 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #88: How a Government Shutdown Impacts Small Businesses

    Federal employees are not the only ones hurt by a government shutdown. Small businesses and government contractors are also forced to reevaluate when our lawmakers can't agree on a budget.

    Kim talks with Sue Tellier, the CEO of JetCo Federal, about how the looming shutdown is already impacting small businesses and what we can do about it.

    31 October 2023, 3:35 pm
  • 15 minutes 34 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #87: Power of Female Rage

    It's a core belief here at 8THIRTYFOUR... the future is female. And women are definitely having a moment. 

    From our changing representation in the media to female stars taking over the world (looking at you Taylor), we're talking about the power of women and the power of female rage.

    If you want to read more, make sure to check out our blog.

    13 October 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 48 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #86: A Guide to Summer in GR

    If you didn't already know, the 8THIRTYFOUR team loves a good drink... and patio... and rooftop... aaand the list goes on. In this episode, Derek, Emma, and Savannah sit down to chat about their favorite places to crack open a cold one and enjoy all the summer vibes. So, what do you say? Grab a drink and join us!


    If you want more recommendations, check out our blog on the Best Grand Rapids Dive Bars.

    18 May 2023, 9:21 pm
  • 29 minutes 56 seconds
    Happy Hour Hustle #85: SEO for Dummies

    When people mention SEO do you find your brain empty? We can help with that. 


    Emma sits down with Rowan, one of 8THIRTYFOUR's Account Managers and Knower of All Things, to discuss the basics of SEO... and a little bit more. From site ranking to keywords, we're covering all the bases.


    If you're still looking for more SEO knowledge after this episode, check out some of our blogs & recommended resources:

    7 April 2023, 7:16 pm
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