Meditate With Max

Max Calabro

Free and simple guided meditations delivered twice a week.

  • 20 minutes 52 seconds
    #015: 20-Minute Breath/Body/Heart Meditation

    If you’ve tried out some of the 10-minute meditations, see if you can find twenty minutes for this sit. If it feels daunting to do that, notice where those feelings are coming from. Does it feel like you don’t have enough time? Are you worried you’ll get impatient? Is it just scary? Try it out, […]

    The post #015: 20-Minute Breath/Body/Heart Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    1 September 2017, 8:28 pm
  • 10 minutes 59 seconds
    #014: Sound Meditation

    Today we’ll explore the awareness of the sounds around us. Sound meditation can be one of the most soothing types of meditation (but don’t be discouraged if it is difficult!). Practicing meditations like this one regularly also make it easier to stay focused on other tasks (or other types of meditation) when distracting sounds are […]

    The post #014: Sound Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    29 August 2017, 7:15 pm
  • 10 minutes 9 seconds
    #013: Breath Meditation

    “Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” – Thich Nhat Hanh If you enjoy these guided meditations, please share them with friends, or rate and review them on iTunes! 10 minutes.

    The post #013: Breath Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    24 August 2017, 6:02 pm
  • 10 minutes 47 seconds
    #012: Hand Awareness Meditation

    By focusing awareness on the hands, we can calm the nervous system throughout the body. The fingers and palms are incredibly sensitive and there is nearly as much to explore in just the hands as there is in the whole rest of the body. It’s counter-intuitive, but it actually works. If you have an interview, […]

    The post #012: Hand Awareness Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    19 August 2017, 10:04 pm
  • 11 minutes 47 seconds
    #011: Heart Meditation

    In today’s heart-focused meditation, we’ll start by building some awareness through the breath. As we move toward the heart, we’ll practice self-compassion, spreading warmth and gratitude through the body, and gradually work on expanding those feelings to those around us. Often we feel guilty about showing ourselves compassion, however, it is necessary to support ourselves […]

    The post #011: Heart Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    14 August 2017, 5:54 pm
  • 10 minutes 52 seconds
    #010: Deep Breath Meditation

    In today’s practice we’ll get into some of the deeper parts of the breath, down in the lower lungs and belly. Most commonly when we observe the breath, we notice the sensations around the nose and nostrils, because it is the most obvious there. It can be informative (and fun!) to explore how the breath […]

    The post #010: Deep Breath Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    12 August 2017, 2:00 pm
  • 11 minutes 48 seconds
    #009: Belly Meditation

    We tend to hold a lot of tension and stress in the belly. In this practice, we’ll start to observe some of the sensations arising in the abdominal area. This observation allows us to begin to loosen some of the knots, creating space for calm and digestion. After the practice, take a moment to process […]

    The post #009: Belly Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    8 August 2017, 5:26 pm
  • 10 minutes 30 seconds
    #008: Breath and Heart Meditation

    Today’s focus will be on the breath and the heart. We’ll take some time to get settled into the body and the awareness through breath observation, then direct that awareness toward the heart to start to develop qualities of compassion and gratitude. If you find this to be helpful for you, please feel free to […]

    The post #008: Breath and Heart Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    4 August 2017, 7:58 pm
  • 9 minutes 35 seconds
    #007: Breath Meditation

    In today’s breath-focused meditation, we’ll get into the practice through some relaxation, then create a few minutes of space to start to develop a personal practice. This is meant to be approachable even if you’ve never practiced without a guide before. Often having some silence is deeply calming to the mind and body — other […]

    The post #007: Breath Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    31 July 2017, 11:22 pm
  • 10 minutes 57 seconds
    #006: Relaxation Meditation

    Today’s meditation focuses on relaxing the body and the mind. Relaxation techniques can be very helpful for preparing ourselves for any type of meditation. By themselves, they allow us to gain perspective during a busy day, or feel a little bit better in the midst of stress or anxiety. Enjoy! Subscribe, share, rate or review […]

    The post #006: Relaxation Meditation appeared first on Max Calabro.

    25 July 2017, 5:06 pm
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