The Daily Motivation

Lewis Howes

The stories you tell yourself on a daily basis determines the person you will become.The good, the bad, the negative, the positive, the uplifting, the draining – they’re all part of the equation. But YOU are the author of your life story – so, what story are you writing? Top Podcaster & Best-selling Author Lewis Howes brings you the The Daily Motivation Show, where you’ll hear from industry-leading experts, you’ll learn proven principles, and you’ll discover life-changing ideas that will help you get motivated and STAY motivated.

  • 7 minutes 16 seconds
    Stuck in Negative Emotions? Do THIS to Finally Heal & Change | Dr. Joe Dispenza EP 618

    Dr. Joe Dispenza explains that when people can no longer numb their pain or run from difficult emotions, it creates an opportunity to truly change by observing their thoughts and responses. He discusses techniques to rewire thinking through meditation in order to heal from disease, break negative patterns, and embody desired states of being. Dr. Dispenza emphasizes the importance of rehearsing new emotional states while eyes are open to turn them into automatic habits, as belief shapes biology. Ultimately, he conveys that mastering and sustaining higher frequency emotions leads to transformation in both health and life.


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    18 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 8 minutes 58 seconds
    From DRUGS to MEDITATION: My Journey of HEALING & Finding INNER PEACE | Yung Pueblo EP 617

    Yung Pueblo explains that unprocessed emotions accumulate density in our minds, perpetuating suffering until we acknowledge them through practices like meditation to find clarity. He shares how 10-day silent retreats revealed techniques to heal his mind and create inner harmony, also gradually transforming the dominance conflicts in his relationship into more conscious communication. Yung Pueblo describes harmony as a peaceful, calm state where we maintain composure even amidst life's inevitable friction by smoothing out the ego's roughness through self-awareness. He emphasizes that lifelong healing grants us the capacity to cultivate an inner sanctuary of tranquility, no matter what storms might surround us externally.


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    17 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 7 minutes 24 seconds
    Why HAPPY Couples CHEAT: The Surprising TRUTH About INFIDELITY & How to Reignite PASSION at Home | Esther Perel EP 616

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    Renowned relationship expert Esther Perel challenges the notion that affairs only happen in troubled relationships, revealing that even people in happy partnerships can stray. She explores the dual perspective of infidelity, highlighting the betrayal and hurt it causes, but also the underlying longing for emotional connection, intensity, and a sense of aliveness that drives people to seek affairs. Esther emphasizes the importance of understanding the different versions of oneself that emerge in various relationships and the need to integrate these parts for personal growth and relationship satisfaction. Through her insightful analysis and thought-provoking questions, Esther invites listeners to examine their own relationships and the role they play in creating desire and maintaining a sense of curiosity and exploration with their partners.

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    16 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 8 minutes 46 seconds
    SOG EP 1612 BONUS: Neuroscientist: “I’ll Tell You What I Do!” Do THIS Every Morning to MAXIMIZE Manifestation! Dr. Doty

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    Dr. James Doty joins Lewis to discuss the power of manifesting and the role of fear in limiting our potential. Dr. Doty shares his personal journey of achieving material success but feeling unfulfilled, emphasizing the importance of shifting focus from selfish desires to serving others. He explains the difference between "hedonic happiness" and "eudaimonic happiness," highlighting how true contentment comes from living with purpose and compassion. Dr. Doty provides valuable insights on overcoming insecurity, shame, and the "not enough" mentality to unlock our highest likelihood of manifesting our best lives.

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    15 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 7 minutes 8 seconds
    The SECRET to Achieving the IMPOSSIBLE: Set GOALS You Have NO IDEA How to Reach (Yet!) | Bob Proctor EP 614

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    Bob Proctor shares his invaluable insights on setting ambitious goals and navigating the path to success. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing dreams that seem impossible, trusting that the way will be revealed as you take action. Bob draws from his own remarkable journey, from humble beginnings to building a global company, and highlights the transformative power of mentorship and continuous learning. Through his wisdom and infectious enthusiasm, Bob inspires listeners to embrace their full potential and fearlessly chase their wildest aspirations.

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    14 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 8 minutes 32 seconds
    SOG EP 1611 BONUS: How to LOVE Without Being Taken Advantage Of & Why TOXIC Relationships Can Feel SAFE! w/ Teddy Swims

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    In this raw and deeply personal conversation, Teddy Swims, the rising R&B sensation, lays bare his journey of self-discovery and healing. With disarming candor, he recounts the pivotal moments that shattered his world, leaving him grappling with profound insecurity and self-doubt – a battle exacerbated by societal pressures and his own inner critic. However, Teddy's story takes an uplifting turn as he finds an unlikely mentor in wrestling legend Diamond Dallas Page, who not only guided him toward physical transformation but also instilled the courage to love and accept himself fully. Teddy's vulnerability is a powerful reminder that even in our darkest hours, the path to self-love and resilience is never out of reach.

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    13 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 8 minutes 58 seconds
    How to DISCOVER Your Life's PURPOSE: The 5-7 Year Journey to MASTERING Your Passion & BECOMING Your TRUE Self | Rob Dial EP 612

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    Rob Dial shares his wisdom on finding one's passion and purpose in life. He emphasizes the importance of constantly trying new things and pursuing activities that bring energy and fulfillment, even if they don't immediately translate into financial gain. Rob encourages listeners to focus on mastering their craft and finding joy in the journey, trusting that opportunities for monetization will follow. Through his own personal anecdotes and the inspirational story of Jim Carrey's transformative role as Andy Kaufman, Rob reminds us that we have the power to shape our identity and live a life true to our passions.

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    12 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 8 minutes 59 seconds
    Your THOUGHTS Create Your REALITY: ALIGN Your Mind & Words to MANIFEST Your Dream Life! | Lisa Nichols EP 611

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    Lisa Nichols delves into the profound impact of our thoughts and words on shaping our lives and achieving our purpose. She emphasizes that our lives are a physical manifestation of our inner dialogue, and that aligning our thoughts, words, and actions is the key to unlocking our full potential. Lisa shares practical strategies for overcoming fear and doubt, such as quantifying the cost of inaction, reframing failure as an opportunity for growth, and setting milestones to stay accountable. Whether you're feeling stuck or uncertain about your path, Lisa's insights will inspire you to embrace your purpose and take bold action towards your dreams.

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    11 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 9 minutes 6 seconds
    The 3 FOODS to AVOID at ALL COSTS: ELIMINATE Chronic Illnesses & UNLEASH Your Body's Healing Power! | Anthony William EP 610

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    Anthony William, also known as the "Medical Medium," shares shocking revelations about the foods we should avoid to maintain optimal health. With the guidance of the Spirit of Compassion, Anthony exposes the hidden dangers lurking in our everyday diets, particularly eggs and dairy products, which he claims feed harmful pathogens and contribute to various chronic illnesses. He explains how these foods, once considered healthy and nutritious, have been manipulated by dark forces within the pharmaceutical industry, leading to widespread suffering and mysterious symptoms. Discover the surprising truth about what you should and shouldn't eat to protect yourself from debilitating conditions and unlock your body's natural healing potential.

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    10 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 6 minutes 36 seconds
    The Entrepreneur vs. The Intrapreneur: UNLOCK Your Path to MASSIVE WEALTH & SUCCESS (Without Taking ALL the RISK!) | Patrick Bet-David EP 609

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    Patrick Bet-David shares powerful insights on the differences between being an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur. He breaks down the key characteristics that define each role, highlighting the unique sacrifices and skill sets required to thrive as either an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur within an established organization. Patrick illustrates his points with captivating real-world examples, from the success stories of Bob Iger at Disney to Steve Ballmer at Microsoft, demonstrating the immense potential of both paths. Listen to the whole episode discover which route aligns best with your goals and learn how to strategically position yourself for success in your chosen career trajectory.

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    9 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 6 minutes 31 seconds
    SOG EP 1609 BONUS: A BOXING ICON'S Passion: Unraveling the Unbreakable Bond with Canelo Alvarez

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    Canelo Alvarez, the legendary Mexican boxer, opens up about the immense love and pride he feels for his home country and its people. He shares his journey of becoming a father at the young age of 17, which forced him to take on adult responsibilities and work three jobs while pursuing his boxing career. Canelo credits his unwavering determination and the lessons learned from his family, particularly his grandmother, for his success in and out of the ring. Through his heartfelt reflections, Canelo reminds us of the power of love, hard work, and the unbreakable bond between a fighter and his family.

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    8 May 2024, 7:00 am
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