Tandem Nomads - From expat partners to global entrepreneurs! Build a successful business and thrive in your global nomadic

Amel Derragui: Business & Marketing Expert.

From expat partners to global entrepreneurs! Build a successful portable business and thrive in your global nomadic life. In each episode you will find great ideas to build your own source of accomplishment, reinvent your career path through entrepreneurship, build a meaningful project or a successful portable business while making the best of your global nomadic life, for you and your family. Listen to inspiring stories and insights to turn your challenges into great opportunities! For more info and free resources go to www.tandemnomads.com and sign up to the newsletter!

  • 22 minutes 31 seconds
    How to be great at selling without being salesy

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    Becoming good at selling requires understanding the psychology of selling and the “sales cycle”, but also the process to help your clients know if your offer is the right solution for them.  Selling is about listening and asking the right questions.  In this episode I will share with you the 3-step process to be great at selling during a sales call or a sales meeting, without being pushy.   

    What you will learn:

    • The 3 steps to lead to a sale without being pushy 
    • The “coaching the sell” principal to be great at selling  
    • The questions to ask to help your clients make the right decision for them 

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    8 July 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 57 seconds
    Where are we now with AI and where are we heading?

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    Since the launch of Chat GPT, AI has become the buzz word everywhere.   But what should we really understand about AI today? How can we use it ethically to leverage our businesses? And how can we see it evolve in the future?  Helen Todd, one of the first thousand people to have created her own digital clone answers these questions for you.  https://youtu.be/rwv9kv9CT2A Helen Todd is the first resident in Cincinnati, OH, to digitally clone herself with a hyper-realistic avatar. She co-founded Sociality Squared, a social media agency established in 2010 in New York City, when social media was just emerging to help brands grow their businesses. She was at the forefront of a disruptive technology then, and now is leading the way yet again with Creativity Squared, a free weekly newsletter, podcast, and YouTube channel exploring how creatives are collaborating with artificial intelligence. Her new platform fosters critical discussions around A.I., like the future of ethical synthetic media exemplified by her digital avatar, Helen 2.ODD. It is important to remember that we are co-creating the new AI reality and that we have agency to shape it together to do good. Because it’s important to support artists, 10% of all revenue Creativity Squared generates supports ArtsWave’s Black and Brown Artist Program elevating underrepresented voices and bridging cultural divides through art.   Helen is an award-winning marketer, international speaker, and an advisor, mentor, and speaker for SXSW Interactive. She graduated from Xavier University and holds a Master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communication from Emerson College. 

    What you will learn:

    • How does AI really work and how to make sure that it is ethically used? 
    • How to leverage AI in your marketing efforts to save time and implement effective strategies? 
    • How to create a digital clone of yourself and serve your audience with it?

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    24 June 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 12 seconds
    How legitimate are you to position yourself as an expert?

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    Positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your field is key to attracting more of your ideal high-value clients, requesting the rates and fees you deserve, elevating your credibility and influence, and making a bigger difference through your work.  However, like many consultants, coaches, and service providers, you might experience feeling like a fraud or an impostor when trying to market yourself as an expert in your field.  Have you ever heard that nagging voice in your head saying, "But there's so much I still don't know! Who am I to call myself an expert?"  Positioning yourself as the go-to expert does not mean that you know it all!  In this episode, I'm going to break down exactly what qualifies as true expertise, debunk some myths and limiting beliefs that will stop you from positioning yourself effectively in your industry, and give you a four-step process to own your authority in an authentic way and with unshakable confidence. 

    What you will learn:

    • How to reframe the definition of “expert” and address the limiting believes that stop you from positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your field 
    • How to identify the signs and the areas that will allow you to claim your authority in an authentic way 
    • What strategies to implement to hone into your unique positioning and attract your ideal clients 

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    10 June 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 37 minutes 47 seconds
    Leaving well - Transitioning from a job to a business - with Naomi Hattaway

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    Resources Of This Episode:

    • Download Naomi’s guide to prepare your transition effectively: Click here. 
    • Take the quiz to know what your workplace transition archetype is: Click here.

    If you are considering leaving your current position to start a business, doing it intentionally and mindfully is key to assuring that you put all the chances on your side for a successful transition.   Change is different from transition. With transition we have control over how we decide to show up.   In this episode, Naomi shares with you how to prepare effectively this transition, show up as a true leader towards the team you will leave behind, and ask for what you need to begin this new chapter of your career with confidence and alignment with your values.  Naomi Hattaway is the author of the book and host of the podcast Leaving Well. She is an expert guide to organizations and individuals who are ready to do better when it comes to navigating workplace transitions. Through her Leaving Well framework, she offers clarity, tools and practices that stick, and guidance that supports a diverse client portfolio.  

    What you will learn:

    • Different types of transition when leaving a job to start a business 
    • Intentional actions to show up as a true leader towards the team and the peers you leave  
    • Tips to set the right expectations and effectively communicate your needs to your management

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    27 May 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 21 minutes 51 seconds
    How to be taken seriously as a coach and stand out from the crowd

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    If you are a coach or a consultant, it is time to address the big elephant in the room:   When you tell people what you do, do you often feel they are checking out of the conversation or, worse, secretly rolling their eyes? It is painful to admit but unfortunately all too common. There are many reasons for this reaction, but the good news is that you can change it! Coaching is a tool, not a business.   In this episode, I share with you how to stand out from the crowd, change people’s perception of your work, and consistently attract your ideal clients with your coaching or consulting business. 

    What you will learn:

    • Why coaches and consultants are often not taken seriously and struggle to make real money with their business. 
    • What you should do differently to stand out from the crowd and sell your services effectively. 
    • Real-life examples from my clients who managed to position themselves as the go-to expert in their field and turn those rolling eyes into sparkling eyes, eager to know more.    

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    22 April 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 42 seconds
    The journey to becoming the go-to expert in your field

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      You do not need to know everything about business to get started and position yourself as the go-to expert in your field.   You do not even need to have something to sell to get started!  The key is to be passionate about the change you want to see. Then, put one foot in front of the other to create that change. This is exactly what Furkan did.  In this episode, she shares how she went from feeling frustrated by not seeing enough women like her in the Tech industry to launching her business and becoming the go-to expert in her field in less than two years.  You become a reference in your industry when you support and surround yourself with experts who share the same mission. Furkan Karayel is multi award winning diversity and inclusion speaker and author of the best selling book “Inclusive Intelligence: How to be a Role Model for Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace”. Furkan lectures at the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Master’s program at Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology. She is a board member for Women For Election, which supports women to succeed in Irish Politics. Her passion is leveraging women-in-tech leadership, diversity and empowering female founders globally.  Furkan founded Diversein.com after 10 years of software engineering experience in multinational tech companies in Ireland. She has been honored with “Speaker of the Year”, “Diversity and Inclusion Role Model in Business”, “Trailblazer” and “Inclusive Leadership Development” Awards. Additionally, Furkan is an active speaker at international events where she shares her learnings about experiences of the tech world as a woman, her recommendations for inclusive leadership and the power of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 

    What you will learn:

    • The journey from seeing a problem to turning it into a business 
    • The learning curve when not knowing where to start  
    • The strategies to position yourself as the go-to expert and gain visibility

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    8 April 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 21 minutes 35 seconds
    Subliminal messages that affect your business without you even knowing

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    We all know how mindset is key for business success.   Your behavior in business and life is indeed directly influenced by a whole range of beliefs, thoughts, and values that you have, which are formed from childhood but also throughout your life.   In this episode, we will focus on the invisible messages that you are consuming in your daily life that are impacting your mindset and how you show up in your business, without you even knowing.   Be in control of how you show up in your business by CHOOSING the subliminal messages you consume Discover the four areas of your life where you are consuming messages that are influencing you daily, and how you can consciously choose to consume the messages that will allow you to show up to your full potential in your business. 

    What you will learn:

    • The meaning of subliminal messages  
    • The influence of the messages we consume on our mindset   
    • The four areas of life where you need to consciously choose the messages you consume

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    25 March 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 39 minutes 28 seconds
    Making yourself and your business a priority without overwhelm – Emily Rogers

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    How can you create consistency in your business and commit to all the daunting tasks when so much is happening in your life?   Emily Rogers shares the shifts she has made to grow her business, without sacrificing her well-being and her family time.  She has become a pro at managing her time effectively and being intentional about her quality time with her loved ones. She only works the necessary hours and spends most of her time with her girls.  When things are aligned with who I am and my strengths, everything grows with more ease.  Since she has pivoted her business, defined a clear strategy and committed to implementing it consistently, she has seen her business and revenue grow year after year.   Emily Rogers is an award-winning transition and leadership coach and the founder of the Leap to Lead. She helps women who want to take the next step in their career, or their lives gain clarity and put in place an action plan to make it happen. She also works with organizations who want to turn their employees into true leaders that will move the organization forward. 

    What you will learn:

    • The real reason why creating consistency in the business is so hard 
    • The key foundations to be effective in business without sacrificing other life priorities 
    • The necessary shift to reduce overwhelm through a new learning curve

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    11 March 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 22 minutes
    The one critical decision to attract clients

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    Choosing the right marketing strategy to attract clients can be a daunting task, especially for solopreneurs and small business owners with limited resources.  Once these strategies are defined, implementing them consistently becomes another struggle.  However, being strategic is key to getting results and building a profitable business. You need to proactively decide which resources you are ready to invest in to attract clients consistently.  To grow your revenue, you must invest in the right strategies, either with TIME or MONEY. There are no other ways to get results.

    What you will learn:

    • The key decision needed to achieve results with your marketing.
    • The only two resources available to consistently implement your strategy.
    • A method to measure the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.

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    26 February 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 39 minutes 59 seconds
    The influence of your subconscious mind on your business

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      Fear, overwhelm, procrastination and the inability to make decisions are often the symptoms signaling that something is stopping you from creating the results you want in your business.   Sometimes, it is simply the results themselves, or lack of results, that will indicate it is time to THINK and behave differently to bring your vision to reality, and make the big impact you want to see.   As soon as you start recognizing how your subconscious mind influences the way you show up in your life and your business, you will open the door to many opportunities for change and transformation.  There were two major moments in my entrepreneurial journey where I felt stuck. It is only when I realized how my subconscious mind what was holding me back that I could start addressing the real issue and making the transformation I needed.   Take back the control of your subconscious mind to drive the results and the change you want. One of the tools that I used was hypnotherapy, with the support of the certified hypnotherapist Penny Chiasson.  I invited her to debunk some of the myths around hypnotherapy, and share her expertise on how you can gain control of your subconscious mind to create the results you want.  Penny Chiasson is an award-winning Board Certified Hypnotist, #1 International Best Selling author and hosts the Penny, On Your Thoughts podcast. She is a Certified Professional Hypnosis Instructor, contributes to two industry journals and sits on the advisory board of the International Association of Hypnosis Professionals.  For 25 years, Penny worked as a nurse and nurse anesthetist. During that time, Penny learned of the power of the mind to heal the body through hypnosis. In 2019, Penny walked away from healthcare to focus her attention on creating a unique and individualized approach to help others achieve personal success by healing their relationship with themselves. Penny has worked with leading coaches, influencers, CEOs and business leaders in 23 countries on 6 continents. 

    What you will learn:

    • How the subconscious mind influences the way you show up in business 
    • How to gain awareness of your thoughts and debunk your limiting beliefs 
    • What hypnosis is and how it can help free yourself from what is holding you back

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    12 February 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 37 seconds
    Finding the time for your marketing activities

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        Finding the time, motivation, and energy to be consistent with your marketing activities on top of your clients’ projects can be a real challenge. Tune into this episode to uncover the shifts you can make to increase your visibility without overwhelm and attract new clients more regularly. 

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    As a solo entrepreneur, self-employed service provider, or small business owner, it can be a real challenge to find the time, motivation, and energy to prioritize your marketing activities, as well as other tasks like bookkeeping.  As long as you have clients coming to you through word of mouth, things might seem fine. However, as soon as the influx of clients slows down, you might suddenly feel the urge to focus on your marketing.  The key to consistent growth is shifting your focus from being just a service provider to being a business owner  The problem is that you can only see results from your marketing efforts when you are consistent with them over a certain period of time.  In the long run, not implementing a marketing strategy will hinder your business growth and keep you stuck in the hamster wheel.  So, how do you break out of this vicious circle and make your marketing activities a priority in your business without feeling overwhelmed and jeopardizing your clients' projects? 

    What you will learn:

    • The mindset shift to prioritize marketing activities 
    • The three-step flow to stay consistent with your marketing without feeling overwhelmed

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    29 January 2024, 9:00 pm
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