The Power of Your Personal Vibration with Penny Peirce
Air Date - 17 October 2024
According to best-selling author Penny Peirce, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. A simple shift in frequency can change a mood of depression to one of peace, anger to stillness, and fear to enthusiasm. Learning to manage our own energy state can put us on track with our destiny. We have a choice about the way we feel and what our life can be. By learning to use frequency principles—methods based on the way energy actually functions—we can keep our energy level high and productive, receive subtle information directly from the environment via “empathic resonance,” and quickly free ourselves from negative or low vibrations. Join Sandie and Penney Peirce this week and discover how to use intuition and sensitivity techniques to access the knowledge contained in your body and energy field to improve troublesome relationships and materialize and dematerialize the “stuff” of your life.
Penny Peirce is a gifted clairvoyant-empath and visionary and one of the pioneers in the intuition development movement. She is a popular author, lecturer, counselor, and trainer specializing in intuition development, inner energy dynamics, expanded perception, personal transformation, and dream work. She has worked in the US, Japan, Europe, South America, and South Africa since 1977, coaching business and government leaders, psychologists, scientists, celebrities, and those on a spiritual path about the hidden dynamics of what makes for true success. Her books include The Intuitive Way, Be the Dreamer Not the Dream, Transparency, and Leap of Perception, to name just a few.
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18 October 2024, 1:50 pm