Light On Living with Lisa Berry

iOM Radio Network - OMTimes

Lights, microphone, and action!!! That’s right we’re putting the spotlight on what you need and want to hear about.

  • 56 minutes 21 seconds
    Amy Barroso - Using Colour To Enhance Your Life
    How You Can and Are Already Using Colour To Enhance Your Life with Amy Barroso

    Aired Monday, December 21, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

    It’s a Colourful Life and Amy has stepped into a fun role of teaching us how we can use colour in every area of our lives especially our careers!

    Amy Barroso, Enchanted Graphic Artist Colour Sage, Author and founder and creator of United Colours of Design Magazine shares with us how the colours we’ve been choosing have been contributing and reflecting both our challenges and successes through out our lives.

    Join us as Amy reveals the meaning and vibration of Colours and explains how colours can help uplift us in 2021!!

    “We are opening a deeper conversation about colour and how it impacts our designs, art forms, mood and journey on this planet!⁠” ~Amy Barroso

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    #AmyBarroso #UCoDMagazine #Colour #Design #ColourLover #Artist #Photographer #Astrology #GraphicDesign #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    22 December 2020, 12:05 am
  • 56 minutes 20 seconds
    Expect Miracles with Kelli Lee Sappenfield
    Expect Miracles with Kelli Lee Sappenfield

    Aired Monday, December 7, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

    Kelli Lee Sappenfield is a 5th generation metaphysician, Soul Evolution coach, spiritual visioneer, international speaker and author. She has recently moved back to the United States after living in Abu Dhabi. She believes that when you combine your spiritual growth with engineered steps you can achieve anything. Her own journey has been gaining the knowledge she was taught growing up in a metaphysical home, her two Near Death Experiences, and life altering spiritual experiences all while feeding her love to travel the world.

    You can learn more about Kelli Lee on her social media pages and here

    5 Essentials for Empaths:

    7 Tips to Creating New Pathways:

    Spiritual Power Hour:

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    #KelliLeeSappenfield #ExpectMiracles #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    7 December 2020, 11:06 pm
  • 56 minutes 20 seconds
    Loving Lulu with Awilda Prignano
    Loving Lulu with Awilda Prignano Aired Monday, November 30, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST “My Abuelita would share stories about her heritage and customs from her homeland, Puerto Rico. From her, I learned how to speak Spanish. Join me on my adventure with my Abuelita!”~ Awilda Prignano This is a story about a little girl named Lulu who spends a lot of time with her Abuelita while her Mom is at work. Lulu’s days are filled with activities such as listening to music, learning to cook as well as learning how to speak Spanish. Sometimes, she is able to help Abuelita take care of the babies. As time passes, Lulu notices changes happening and things just don’t seem the same with Abuelita. Join Lulu as she discovers the different ways there are to express and communicate love to each other in what we see, hear and feel. Awilda’s hope is that in sharing this story, the lesson will be embraced by adults as well as children. You’re Helping Part of the proceeds from the sale of Loving Lulu is donated to the Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA) — an organization committed to advocating for, educating and supporting those affected by Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) About Awilda Rivera Prignano Born and raised in the Windy City in the state commonly known as the Land of Lincoln, Awilda has always had a passion for writing and since childhood, dreamed of one day becoming a published writer. Her dream came true when she was published in the anthologies – Follow It Thru: Obstacles Equal Opportunities (June 2017), The Real Journey of the Empowered MomBoss (February 2018) and Your Shift Matters: Resistance to Resilience (November 2018). Besides writing, Awilda enjoys traveling and exploring new places. As a life-long learner, she will someday be embarking on an international adventure and will be living and working in different countries around the world. Awilda engages very easily with everyone she meets and her mission is to inspire through her storytelling, the values of love, kindness and compassion for others. To learn more, please visit Visit the Light on Living show page Connect with Lisa Berry at #AwildaPrignano #LovingLulu #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    30 November 2020, 11:48 pm
  • 56 minutes 20 seconds
    Dawn Bates - Why You Need to Share What Happened?
    Dawn Bates – Why You Need to Share What Happened?

    Aired Monday, November 16, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

    To help others understand that anything can happen to any of us at any time. None of us are immune. To help educate others and be prepared for the unknown. Mostly my guest today, Dawn Bates shares because she wants for us to protect ourselves from the harm caused by the State, which encompasses the police and social care system. She herself shares what her and her family went through with a deep knowing it needs to be shared.

    The work Dawn has done around the world in the arenas of cultural diversity, politics and leadership has not been palatable for many people, and then people wonder why there are so many problems in the world.

    Dawn asks:

    Is it the system which is flawed though? Or is it the people who work within the system?

    Both if you ask me.

    And here is why.

    As with any organisation, it is made up of people, and people come with a whole heap of views, ideas, and opinions; which they gained from borrowed beliefs, values and their own experiences in life.

    Together these individuals create laws, rules and processes based on who they are, and what they think is best for others. How do these people know what is best for others though?

    Most of what these people know and understand comes from a text book and institutionalised brainwashing from the education system, which is propagated by a government who wish to remain in power and have control over the people.

    As a world leader in change, an author, a publisher, an author strategist, Dawn joins us today to educate WHY it’s important to share your story and the impact it can have! She demonstrates this by the transformational outcomes who many benefit from.

    Dawn Bates

    International Bestselling Author, Author Strategist & Leadership Coach,

    Publisher, Molecule Shaking Speaker, Location Free Ocean Nomad


    Email: [email protected]

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    #DawnBates #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    16 November 2020, 11:25 pm
  • 56 minutes 19 seconds
    Seth Leaf Pruzansky - The Fight to Enlight
    Seth Leaf Pruzansky – The Fight to Enlight

    Aired Monday, November 2, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

    He wrote the book while in prison about how a Modern Hemp Pioneer found healing and self-liberation after facing enlightening near-death experiences, severe childhood bullying, extreme opioid addiction, incarceration (for a non-violent marijuana crime), complete financial collapse, debilitating illness, countless heartbreaks – and how you can overcome any challenge you’re facing by discovering your own inner-strength and compassion for the world.

    That’s exactly what you’re going to hear about on today’s show. Lisa has chosen some of the deepest moments from the book, The Fight To Enlight, that Seth has written about and will not only read them aloud but will in turn ask you, the listener, some of the questions that helped Seth find the gift in living so that you may see the light that’s guiding you to your awakening.

    Connect with Seth Leaf Pruzansky at

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    #SethLeafPruzansky #TheFighToEnlight #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    2 November 2020, 10:44 pm
  • 56 minutes 20 seconds
    The Power of Connection Versus Control
    The Power of Connection Versus Control

    Aired Monday, October 5, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

    Conversations with Selena Ella Moon around connection to nature, specifically the beautiful elements of the earth; plants, trees, and animals gives us the opportunity to explore the power of control version connection and intuition.

    How can we really open our hearts and open our intuitive senses to go deeper and understand the fabric of life, vibrational essence of life at a deeper level?

    What does it mean to

    * Get Grounded

    * Go with the flow

    * Grow with Gentleness rather pushiness Is it control or connection that will allow for expansion, evolution, and raising vibration?

    How can we connect with nature by using our intuition not just to save,heal, and give but to learn and receive, and open up to allow the sacred information that we have been blocking from nature to reveal its secrets.

    Has the time of controlling, managing, and manipulating nature hurt our advancement?

    Can our intuitive connection breathe life back into our world?

    Selena shares her insight and intuitive messages from nature to assist and support us in opening our hearts, freeing ourselves from the control bubble and connecting with the magical experiences of life.

    About Selena

    Selena is an intuitive coach and transformational facilitator with a background in Psychosomatic Therapy, NLP and Energy Healing. Selena is dedicated both personally, and professionally to the journey of self-discovery, as she believes it is possible for the human race to evolve radically beyond our limitations by becoming self-aware. Besides being a facilitator of spiritual evolution for clients and event participants, Selena prioritizes practical applications to develop greater emotional awareness in people, by bridging the gap between spirituality and practicality. Selena can see emotional and spiritual root causes that create physical limitations, and assist people in transforming these blocks through quantum healing techniques. Selena is passionate about working with individuals who are ready to break through their own limitations and create substantial shifts in their lives.

    Connect with Selena at [email protected]

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    #SelenaEllaMoon #PowerOfConnection #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    6 October 2020, 1:33 am
  • 56 minutes 20 seconds
    Joanna Alexopoulos - Access and Activate Your Inner Light with Truth And Hope
    Joanna Alexopoulos – Access and Activate Your Inner Light with Truth And Hope

    Aired Monday, September 21, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

    Do you believe that a lifetime of disharmony could open your heart to compassion and unconditional love for our world?

    Headache, fatigue, nausea, brain fog, poor vision and shallow breathing plagued her existence, for four decades. Although she braved through life with faith and trust, Joanna did, however, eventually give up on life!

    It was in the fall of 2012 that she gave up and completely surrendered and accepted whatever God had in store for her.

    Joanna Alexopoulos’s spiritual awakening began at this time with connection with her spirit guides through mind to mind communication in the form of automatic writing. Her guides, in turn, lovingly paved the way for contact and communication with an even higher realm of consciousness, a collective of ascended masters, for the delivery of their wisdom through her book Awaken To Your Truth: The Time Is Now.

    “My passion for helping people began as a journey in understanding myself. I pursued a quest for knowledge and growth, to find answers to my own pain and personal challenges, in an attempt to heal myself” ~ Joanna Alexopoulos

    We are so happy to have Joanna as a guest author on Light On Living here today and share with OMTimes Radio’s audience what she has learned.

    Joanna’s struggle was not new but her understanding of it changed her forever.

    Her awakening journey has helped her to learn about God, life, and the life beyond.

    Joanna is an open channel and attains universal wisdom and guidance from angels, spirit guides and ascended masters for the collective.

    She is an empathic intuitive, author, poet, channeler/messenger, spiritual mentor, reiki energy practitioner and motivational speaker.

    Joanna’s word is HOPE and her theme is “We are infinite beings of love and light, the divine truth of All That Is … the power by which all is possible.”

    Joanna makes her home with her family in Toronto, Canada, a large perennial garden, a Zen garden, and an extensive collection of nature and sky photography.

    Find out more about Joanna:

    Awaken To Your Truth: The Time Is Now

    Instagram: @joannaalexopoulos

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    #JoannaAlexopoulos #AwakenToYourTruth #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    21 September 2020, 10:37 pm
  • 56 minutes 22 seconds
    What Are You Pursuing During The Pandemic?
    What Are You Pursuing During The Pandemic? Aired Monday, September 7, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST Have you put vacations, trips, adventures and exploration on hold during the pandemic? It seems so many areas of our lives are getting the red light, but does it have to be that way? Travel and tourism is such an attractive industry as the expectation to be shown a new world, way, and experience as well as be introduced to new cultures and communities are a desired outcome. Meaningful travel experiences are about more than travelling afar , enjoying then returning. They are about creating an impact in how we feel about a new community, about deepening our commitment in how we show up in our current lives, and they offer us a way to expand our participation in being a part of leaving a legacy within an environment. Travel is about being able to tell stories of our best and worst memories to open the hearts and imaginations of those who are about to venture next. There are times in our lives when the borders of our options change. Accessibility might be restricted due to financial, health , or even our own belief in possibilities. My guest today is here to guide us and recommend some of the off the beaten path possibilities!!! Suzanne knows how to find the places for every age , every budget and places that provide family friendly fun. As a fiction novel author and passionate hospitality and tourism host Suzanne is on a back packing mission to help people with their life map so they don’t miss out on any attractions along their path. If you’ve been looking to enjoy a mini magical, natural, fill up your tea cup vacation Suzanne will be sharing about #Lake George and the sites It has to offer. Journey with us today at 12pm noon ET on Light On Living, OMTimes Radio. About Suzanne Suzanne LaVoie Sammon is a seasoned writer and traveler filled with a huge zest for her craft and life. She has served in multiple diverse industries, but her passion is for hospitality and tourism. Suzanne launched her first solo book(Knight Shift) in 2017 and is the first of a fiction series which was inspired by her personal and professional experiences (hospitality). The setting takes place in Suzanne’s favorite travel destination, Lake George, in upstate New York. Additional literary achievements include being a contributing chapter author for three compilations, including “Unsung Heroes: Deconstructing Suicide through Stories of Triumph”, “What’s Self-Love Got to Do with It?”, and “Your Shift Matters: Resistance to Resilience”. Suzanne has also contributed articles as a guest blogger for multiple digital magazines and websites, especially for travel and tourism. Suzanne serves in both traditional and freelance sectors. She continually volunteers in her community and virtually supports small businesses (especially within the travel and tourism industry) by sharing and promoting them on her social media platform, particularly throughout the pandemic. She has been a public speaker at various venues (both in-person and online). Suzanne’s passion and love for hospitality and tourism has called her to create her own online venture, which will be launched in early fall of 2020. Visit the Light on Living show page Connect with Lisa Berry at #Pandemic #SuzanneLaVoieSammon #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    7 September 2020, 10:21 pm
  • 56 minutes 46 seconds
    What’s Balance Got To Do With It - Cindy Klamn-Conway
    What’s Balance Got To Do With It – Cindy Klamn-Conway Aired Monday, August 17, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST Today’s episode in Beyond The Chapter Series shares proof of just how valuable a positive mindset can be. Having a positive mindset can help you do a lot of things and one of them is to improvise. How to improvise when you don’t have money, when you don’t have certain skills, when you don’t have the right tools or support, and Cindy, our author guest, took the very foundation of her positive mindset to improvise life’s basics functions such as going grocery shopping and making coffee to secure her future. After a severe car accident left Cindy with the new task of ‘learning how to do life’ all over again, even from the very bottom and wanting to end it all, she saved herself and her life by using her positive mindset and shares just how she did that so you can to. “Light Up, Spread Love”~ Cindy Klamn-Conway Cindy Klamn-Conway was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta by her father, Hank Klamn. Cindy had a very close relationship with her father that left lasting imprints on her heart. When she was thirty-five years old, Cindy and her husband packed up and moved to Calgary where they raised their three beautiful children. n her life, Cindy has faced many challenges, but never allowed fear to knock her down. She thrives on her strength and positivity to turn all situations into life lessons. She is a natural born Intuitive Spiritual Guide/Medium who chooses to use her gift to bring happiness and peace into the lives of others who may need support or answers in the darkest times of their lives. She brings a unique blend of passion, honesty, and equality that she spreads throughout her community and family. She embraces people without judgment, she accepts them as they are, and comes to them from a place of authenticity. Connect with Cindy: Visit the Light on Living show page Connect with Lisa Berry at #CindyKlamnConway #WhatsBalanceGotToDoWithIt? #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    18 August 2020, 1:32 am
  • 56 minutes 10 seconds
    Overcome Migraines Naturally with Susannah Juteau
    Overcome Migraines Naturally – What’s Balance Got To Do With It with Susannah Juteau

    Aired Monday, August 3, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

    Somewhat ironically, Susannah study of the brain seems to have foreshadowed her own health challenges, which resulted in a ten-hour brain surgery to remove a benign tumour the size of a ping pong ball.

    Post- surgery, she struggled for years with her mindset, energy levels, and constant headaches.

    Finally, after resigning from her job and moving to California, she began experimenting with therapeutic fasting. Sixteen weeks in, she was off her headache meds completely, back to her usual body weight,and energized like never before.

    Susannah Juteau, M.Sc., RD, is a registered dietitian who specializes in headache nutrition. She has a bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience and a master’s in Nutrition and Dietetics from McGill University.

    Today, she teaches others how to overcome their migraines naturally.

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    #WhatsBalanceGotToDoWithIt? #SusannahJuteau #OvercomeMigrainesNaturally #LisaBerry #LightOnLiving
    4 August 2020, 12:43 am
  • 44 minutes 50 seconds
    What’s Balance Got To Do With It? - Heather Andrews and Sarah Konelsky
    What’s Balance Got To Do With It? Beyond The Chapter Interview Series – Heather Andrews and Sarah KonelskyAired Monday, July 20, 2020 at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM ESTHow To WISELY Ask For Support When We Need Help The Most Beyond The Chapter Interview Series Episode Two brings a difficult and what seems like a challenging task of asking for help and support to light. These two authors share how asking for help was what they needed but in the beginning judgement, shame, expectations, and superhero syndrome kept them from being able to do so. Learning how to wisely reach out for help opened doors to overcoming a lot of pain and prevented living a future life full of resentments. When we don’t or can’t ask for help we end up writing our own story differently than we want. We lose connection, not just with loved ones and community but also we become disconnected from our passions, our purpose, and our selves. “By asking for help, often in non-conventional ways, I have learned to cope & restore my sense of balance” ~ Sarah Konelsky “Healthy balance comes from ongoing awareness of what you tell yourself in the story of your life” ~ Heather Andrews Whether you need help while caring for another; an elderly parent, children, someone with an illness or disease or even yourself needing support along life’s journey, today’s guests share the upside of asking for help and inspires listeners to imagine the lightness and ease of what support, guidance and help brings. Heather Andrews is a publisher, international best-selling author, and speaker. After writing her first book, Heather saw firsthand how stories foster hope and change lives. It became apparent to her that the process of writing and sharing compelling stories is a transformational one, for both the audience and the author. The profound healing that Heather both felt and observed after publishing her first book was a monumental sign. Through her own re-discovery of self-esteem and her journey to the realization of a deeper personal identity based on values rather than just a prestigious job title, Heather knew she needed to help others like her get their powerful stories in front of those who needed them most. Heather is a sought-after conference speaker who inspires audiences in her own direct and dynamic manner by sharing her challenges and survival strategies that continue to help her optimize adversity. A voice for self-discovery and fearless revitalization, Heather always makes a positive difference. Connect with Heather: Sarah Konelsky, a self-proclaimed prairie girl with an island heart, lives in Calgary, Alberta. Married to her best friend and high-school sweetheart, together they have raised two beautiful souls. Traveling and writing inspire Sarah to wander the globe, seeking experiences that engage her spirit in meaningful connection and personal growth. Her passion for Hawaiiana led to her becoming haumāna (a student) of the Aloha Music Camp, a project of the Mohala Hou Foundation “dedicated to promoting the (worldwide) teaching and sharing of Hawaiian music, dance, language and culture”. Her passion for pursuing personal excellence stems from creating the life she desires through the coaching and mentoring of Erin Skye Kelly and Associates, including her incredible Achievement Club team. In October 2018, Sarah was gra
    21 July 2020, 12:49 am
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