The Obesity Guide with Matthea Rentea MD

Matthea Rentea MD

Matthea Rentea MD leads discussions on obesity and chronic weight management. Her guests range from experts in the fields that intersect with obesity and wellness, to individuals successful in their weight journey. She is a Board certified Internal Medicine and Diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine and founder of the Rentea Metabolic Clinic, a Telehealth clinic for residents of the state of Indiana and Illinois that helps comprehensively with weight management. This podcast is for information and education purposes only. No medical advice is being given. Please talk to your physician for what is right for you. 

  • 22 minutes 31 seconds
    Listener Q&A: Help! I’m Afraid to Eat Carbs After Keto

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    Today, we’re shaking things up with a different kind of episode. We’ve received a listener question that hits on a challenge many face: how to balance the urge for rapid weight loss with the realities of using weight loss medications and making sustainable dietary changes.

    Our listener tried Wegovy, turned to keto for quicker results, and is now using Zepbound while trying to figure out how to reintroduce healthy carbs. They’re seeing some success but are unsure how to manage these changes effectively. In this episode, we’ll tackle the challenges of chasing quick fixes and how this approach can complicate your weight loss journey. We’ll dig into practical ways to balance weight loss meds with dietary changes and offer advice on how to smoothly transition back to a more balanced diet. Tune in now to learn how to navigate these adjustments for long-term success without getting caught in the trap of instant results.

    Note: All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being given on this podcast.


    here to book a non-clinical 60 minute consultation call with Dr. Rentea

    Ep. 79: Think You're a GLP-1 Non-Responder? Address These Key Issues First

    Audio Stamps

    - Dr. Rentea addresses a listener’s question about weight loss with Wegovy and ZepBound, encouraging us to focus on monitoring weight loss as a percentage of total body weight rather than focusing on absolute numbers.

    - Dr. Rentea cautions against the rush to lose weight quickly, noting that extreme diets like keto are often unsustainable and create unnecessary fear of certain foods.

    - Find out the ‘smartest’ way to eat on Zepbound.

    - Dr. Rentea advises the listener to slowly reintroduce carbs, knowing that temporary weight fluctuations are normal.

    - We learn why moving away from an all-or-nothing mentality is key for long-term success.


    “When you look at body composition testing, people that are losing weight too quickly, they're usually losing a huge percentage of muscle.” - Dr. Rentea

    “We don't want to exceed 1 percent body weight loss per week, or 4 percent in a month.” - Dr. Rentea

    “When someone says, ‘I want to lose weight fast’, to me that's usually a massive red flag. Why? What's the urgency here? Most people have struggled with this for life.” - Dr. Rentea

    “You have got to get out of the fallacy thinking that the scale number at that moment is always accurate and the only truth.” - Dr. Rentea

    “What is going to work for you is going to declare itself with time. You're not going to get this answer overnight.” - Dr. Rentea

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    16 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 26 minutes 51 seconds
    The Power of Perspective: How Your Beliefs Shape Your Health Journey

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    Feeling stuck on your health journey? Maybe you don’t even believe it’s possible to achieve the outcomes you want? It’s easy to get bogged down by the numbers and let frustration and self-doubt take over. But here’s what all my long-term successful patients have in common: they believed it was possible from the very beginning.

    When setbacks occur or results aren’t immediate, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and question if it’s really worth it. So how do you start believing that something else *is* possible, even if you’ve never achieved it before? In this episode, we dive into the power of self-belief and its impact on your health journey. You’ll learn why focusing on what you want to achieve, rather than what you’re trying to avoid, is the key to maintaining progress. Plus, we discover how shifting away from a scarcity mindset and into a more abundant outlook can unlock your potential and drive lasting success—even when past struggles have made belief seem out of reach.


    Check out Dr. Ali Novitsky's Nutrition Training Program* for personalized, evidence-based strategies to optimize health and nutrition, featuring live Q&A sessions and bonus sessions with me!

    Sign up for my email list here to stay updated on the latest content and be the first to know about the next round of The 30/30 Program.

    *Note: This is an affiliate link. I may earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase, which supports my work and helps me continue sharing valuable content.

    Audio Stamps

    00:52 - Dr. Rentea highlights that believing in the possibility of achieving health goals is crucial for long-term success.

    05:43 -
    Dr. Rentea encourages us to focus on daily choices and continuous improvement, marrying the journey rather than fixating on specific goals like weight.

    18:00 -
    Dr. Rentea walks us through an exercise to reflect on why we can achieve our goals, urging us to focus on our existing strengths and capabilities, and to believe in making small, daily progress.

    20:15 -
    We learn about the next round of Dr. Rentea’s 30/30 Program and Dr. Ali Nowitzki’s Nutrition Training Program (starting Oct 7th) with live Q&A, open to both patients and healthcare professionals.


    “You don't even need to do anything differently today other than believing that you can do it.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “Every day you get to decide what you want to be.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “Whenever I focus on the scale, I get zero traction.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “If you're not honoring your wins and the next steps you're taking, and believing it's possible, you're always in a place of scarcity, lack, and shame." - Matthea Rentea MD

    “It's so much more empowering when I think about what I do want versus what I don't want.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    9 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 58 minutes 20 seconds
    Is Your ADHD Brain Sabotaging Your Weight Goals? with Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    With almost one-third of Americans struggling with obesity, most of us recognize just how serious the issue is. What often gets overlooked, though, is the lesser-known connection between ADHD and obesity. In my practice, where about 60% of patients have ADD or ADHD, I see firsthand how ADHD complicates weight management. Impulsivity and erratic eating habits mean that people with ADHD may skip meals due to distraction, only to overeat later in the day, often reaching for high-calorie, quick fixes.

    In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh, who has navigated her own ADHD journey and now helps others thrive with the condition. Together, we dive into how ADHD affects eating behaviors and weight management, sharing practical strategies for managing weight effectively and exploring the impact of ADHD medication on appetite. While we focus on ADHD, the insights and strategies we cover are valuable for anyone looking to enhance their relationship with food and improve weight management.


    ADHD Live Coach Website

    Follow Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh on LinkedIn

    Beyond ADHD: A Physician’s Perspective Podcast

     Michell Clark's Instagram

    Audio Stamps

    01:40 - Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh and Dr. Rentea discuss how embracing personal challenges—ADHD for Mercado-Marmarosh and weight struggles for Dr. Rentea—has empowered them in their medical careers.

    13:38 -
    Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh digs into three practical strategies for managing ADHD: effective planning, using timers, and tools for emotional regulation.

    42:00 -
    Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh and Dr. Rentea discuss how ADHD medications can affect appetite and eating patterns and how GLP-1 medications can be effective in reducing urges and cravings.

    50:11 -
    Dr. Rentea shares her top three tips on managing weight with ADHD.


    “Embracing my ADHD was actually the best thing that I could have done for myself and for those around me because it gets you to realize that you're not broken, you just think a little bit differently.” - Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

    “About 60% of my patients have either ADD or ADHD.” - Dr. Rentea

    “A lot of people have this misconception that ADHD equals dumb or ADHD equals not smart or ADHD equals lazy.” - Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

    “A timer is your best friend, whether it's to initiate a task, whether it's to  try to complete a task, or whether it's just to give you awareness.” Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

    “Do what works for you because in the end, a lot of us don't ask or advocate for what we need because we're worried about what other people are doing in our clinic. Let them do them and you do you.” - Dr. Mercado-Marmarosh

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    2 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 10 minutes 32 seconds
    Collapsing Your Timeline: Achieve More by Giving Yourself Less Time

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    Are you giving yourself too long to achieve your metabolic health goals?

    Many people believe that giving yourself more time will make the process easier, but this often leads to procrastination and frustration. Your timeframe is likely longer than it needs to be, and it’s time to collapse it. To be clear, I’m *not* suggesting we rush fat loss itself. Instead, we’ll learn how setting shorter, focused deadlines can accelerate progress and improve results.

    In this episode, I’ll show you how collapsing your timeline can energize you, push you out of your comfort zone, and help you achieve more in less time. Join me to explore strategies for collapsing your timeline and making the most of each day. Plus, we’ll cover key questions to shift you into a get-it-done-today mentality!


    Stacey Boehman’s Make Money as a Life Coach® Podcast

    Audio Stamps

    01:08 -
    Dr. Rentea introduces the concept of "collapsing your timeline," which involves shortening the duration of the initial, challenging phase of a project to speed up progress and achieve faster results.

    03:50 -
    Dr. Rentea advises that to achieve faster progress, you should sometimes speed up your timeline rather than taking a slow, extended approach.

    05:30 -
    Dr. Rentea shares an example of how a patient improved by collapsing their timeline to meet dietary goals and address cravings.

    07:42 -
    Dr. Rentea encourages collapsing your timeline by setting tighter deadlines and cutting out excuses to achieve results more efficiently.


    “The beginning of most processes are very painful. And so when you allow endless time, this pain is just prolonged and protracted. And sometimes it never gets better.” - Matthea Rentea MD 

    “We take as much time as we give ourselves.” - Matthea Rentea MD 

    “Sometimes it's not the most loving thing to say, ‘Well, I'm just going to see what's possible.’” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “What if you stopped giving yourself all the time in the world and success was the only option, but you had to do it in less time? How would you troubleshoot it?” - Matthea Rentea MD 

    “We need to get more focused on what is actually going to move the needle for me.” - Matthea Rentea MD 

    “You don't allow for all that extra noise because you're collapsing down your timeline.” - Matthea Rentea MD 

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    26 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 30 minutes 53 seconds
    Healthy Habits on the Go: Tips for Staying on Track When Life Gets Busy

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    Staying committed to your health goals can be tough when life is constantly throwing curveballs. Whether it’s a birthday party, a vacation, or a work event, there will always be something ready to challenge the habits you’ve worked so hard to build. So how do you give yourself a fighting chance to stay on track with your health goals when your routine is disrupted?

    In this episode, I’m sharing real-life examples of how I’ve navigated disruptions to my schedule, from work conferences to family vacations. Tune in now to hear practical tips on incorporating protein and fiber, staying hydrated, and adapting to new situations. If you want to ensure you keep your health on track no matter what life throws at you, this one’s for you!


    Ep. 64 - Breaking the Silence: Redefining Menopausal Care for Women with Obesity with Dr. Komal Patil-Sisodia

    My Doctor Started Me on a GLP-1: Now What? Podcast Playlist

    Audio Stamps

    04:40 -
    We hear about Dr. Rentea's shock at a recent conference's fat phobia and male-dominated, outdated views, strengthening her commitment to advocating for compassionate care.

    15:30 -
    We learn the importance of planning ahead for protein and fiber intake to maintain healthy habits during unpredictable situations like conferences, vacations, or social events.

    21:37 -
    Dr. Rentea shares her tips for maintaining healthy habits during activities like beach days or water parks.

    24:00 -
    Planning ahead, focusing on protein, fiber, and hydration, while staying flexible to maintain balance in any situation, will help you manage your health effectively, even during busy or unpredictable times.

    27:40 -
    Dr. Rentea shares a story about how different eating patterns affect people differently, underscoring the importance of finding what works best for you.


    “No matter what the scenario looks like, we can always find our belonging. We can always find the community. We can always find the people that are going to support us.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “At the Rentea Metabolic Clinic, we do not judge you. We do not shame you. We understand this is a chronic medical condition. Probably everyone that is helping you either has or currently does struggle with weight themselves.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “If we don't learn some healthy boundaries, some ways of giving yourself a shot at it, you always get derailed.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “If you are committed to your health, then you know that protein and fiber is going to be a big part of it.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “Give yourself a fighting chance at it. Be willing to be flexible. Bring some backup options with you if you need to, but be willing to be flexible with the fiber and protein.” - Mat

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    19 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 18 minutes 7 seconds
    Think You're a GLP-1 Non-Responder? Address These Key Issues First

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    Are you frustrated because your GLP-1 medication isn’t delivering the rapid results other people seem to achieve? It’s common to feel disappointed when your progress falls short of expectations. I know all too well the desire for that “magic” solution where all the challenges of obesity disappear overnight and you can achieve your goals effortlessly. Unfortunately, that’s not the reality for most people.

    In this episode, I’ll dive into why some people experience slower results than others and clarify why terms like "non-responders" or "hypo-responders" might not be helpful if you haven't first addressed key lifestyle factors like hydration, protein intake, and sleep. Join me as I break down the numbers for successful weight loss with GLP-1 medications, share real-life insights into medication effectiveness, and offer practical advice on how to make the most out of your GLP-1 medication.


    The Top 5 Mistakes That People Make When Starting a GLP-1

    Ep. 69 - BMI: Proof it Falls Short as a Measure of Health

    My Doctor Started Me on a GLP-1: Now What? Spotify Playlist

    Audio Stamps

    01:44 - Patients often feel frustrated with slow responses to anti-obesity medications because they aren't given clear expectations at the start.

    04:00 -
    When starting GLP-1 medications, aiming for a 5% weight loss in 12 weeks ensures continued insurance coverage and effective results.

    08:28 -
    Dr. Rentea shares the maximum percentage of total body weight to lose per week when starting GLP-1 medications like Wegovy or Ozempic.

    10:45 -
    If you're not losing at least 5% of your body weight in the first 12 weeks on GLP-1 medications, Dr. Rentea advises you to evaluate key areas of your lifestyle and habits to improve results.

    14:13 -
    Dr. Rentea shares an example of how convenient options can help maintain nutritional goals.


    “A lot of people think that they're going to start and it's just like fireworks and everything's going to be amazing.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “From a weight loss standpoint, on average we're going to look for at least 5 percent total body weight reduction within the first 12 weeks.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “The max percentage that we want you to lose total body weight per week would be 1%.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “We don't need to wait for week 12 to know that there's an alarm going.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “We cannot say that you're a hypo-responder if you're having a bunch of processed food, if you're not hydrating, if you're not moving, if you're not taking your sleep seriously. These things matter.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    12 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 29 minutes 44 seconds
    Why Getting Back on Track Feels Hard (And How to Make It Easier)

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    Today, we’re diving into a topic that hits home for me and many of my patients—getting “back on track.” I’m not a huge fan of this term because it implies everything has gone awry, which often isn’t the case. But there are definitely times throughout the year when certain areas aren't as optimal as they could be, and I need to refocus my efforts.

    In this episode, we’ll take a positive psychology approach, encouraging you to focus on the healthy habits you’re still maintaining, even if you have drifted “off the wagon” a little bit. Plus, I’ll share the two essential things you need to do to successfully realign yourself with your goals. (Hint: it’s easier than you think!)


    Register for The 30/30 Program Now!

    Episode 74 - Low-Hanging Fruit: The Key to Breaking Fat Loss Plateaus

    Audio Stamps

    00:57 - Dr. Rentea shares a listener's review appreciating the podcast's real-world weight loss advice and positivity, which helps listeners mentally get back on track without feeling judged.

    03:50 -
    We learn about the 30-30 Program, a four-week course focused on breaking old habits and embracing change to overcome weight loss plateaus. (Registration is now open, and the course starts on September 1st!)

    08:00 -
    Dr. Rentea reminds us that getting back on track means building on what we've learned, rather than starting over completely.

    12:50 -
    We hear Dr. Rentea’s personal experience of recently getting back on track.

    15:36 -
    Dr. Rentea emphasizes that to get back on track, you need to keep things simple.

    22:30 -
    We discover the power of setting a simple daily goal and using “bumper rails" to keep yourself aligned with your values and assess if your approach is working.


    “When you're not doing great, your first instinct is to entirely check out.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “The one thing that we just need to drop is that you're starting from the beginning.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “It feels so much better when I'm doing the things that I know really support me and help me.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “You need to keep it simple. You need to allow yourself to be able to actually get these things done.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “If you were to start the practice right now of asking yourself every single day, ‘What is my health goal?’, you would end up in a radically different place in life in a year or two from now.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “What's your bumper rail system that keeps you grounded to your values?” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “What is it that's simple and easy for you? The 1 percent upgrades matter, they add up over time, they allow you to start to get back to feeling like you have control.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    5 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 47 minutes 48 seconds
    Stylist Secrets: Mastering Shapewear, “Trouble Zones”, and a Clutter-Free Closet with Lora LaPratt

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    Do you find yourself feeling uninspired by your closet each morning? You want to look stylish and feel good … but without all the effort? I was in the same position before I was introduced to today’s special guest, personal stylist Lora LaPratt. Like many of you, I believed a stylist wouldn’t be able to help someone in a larger body. But those assumptions could be holding you back from looking and, most importantly, FEELING amazing in your own style.

    My goal with this podcast is to empower you to move beyond size and understand that your worth isn’t defined by it. That’s why I’m thrilled to welcome Lora to today’s show, to share her expert insights into creating a wardrobe that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Lora is committed to getting to know her clients personally and helping them express their unique style based on their interests, body shape, coloring, and lifestyle. She believes that comfort and happiness are the keys to great outfits, and she’s a big fan of high rise trousers! Ready to upgrade your closet game? Let’s dig in!


    Follow Lora on Instagram

    Visit Lora’s Website

    Register for The 30/30 Program Now!

    Jockey shapewear

    Audio Stamps

    02:27 - Lora LaPratt shares her background as a personal stylist, helping clients of all sizes and budgets feel confident and their best every day.

    06:45 -
    Dr. Rentea asks Lora what people should look for in a stylist to ensure they have a positive experience.

    12:00 -
    Lora discusses her approach when clients are on a weight loss journey but are unsure about investing in themselves as their size might change.

    15:09 -
    Lora shares the three most common trouble zones people face—stomach, arms, and thighs/hips—and offers tips for how to navigate these challenges.

    23:15 -
    We hear Lora’s thoughts on Spanx and shapewear.

    34:55 -
    We hear about Lora’s process for getting rid of clothes.

    41:43 -
    Dr. Rentea explains how Lora transformed her travel experience by creating a personalized lookbook with outfit ideas.


    “It is overwhelming. And I take all of that scary stress out of it and just make it a really fun, enjoyable, but also renewing. I always say it's like a workout mentally and physically.”  - Lora LaPratt

    “My advice is to dress for the body that you have now.” - Lora LaPratt

    “It is mind blowing how dressing correctly for your body, you can look in the mirror and look like you instantly lost 20, 30, 40 pounds.” - Lora LaPratt

    “When it comes to the stomach area, which is everyone's biggest issue, the trend of high rise is  such a game-changer for so many people.” - Lora LaPratt

    “One of the

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    29 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 13 minutes 54 seconds
    Mastering Maintenance: 3 Strategies for Long-Term Success

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    We've all heard the saying, "Losing weight is easy, but keeping it off is hard," and it can feel pretty discouraging. If you've put in the hard work to transform your body and mindset, you might be worrying about how to tackle the maintenance phase. Should I stop or decrease my medication? What changes should I make to my routine?

    In this episode, I break down what maintenance really looks like. We’ll cover three key areas: building a sustainable routine, using a "bumper rail" system for accountability, and making regular check-ins to stay on track. Plus, we’ll clarify how medication fits into your maintenance plan and when you might need to make changes. Join me now to feel confident about your next steps and learn how to keep your progress going strong!

    Audio Stamps

    00:57 - Dr. Rentea addresses one of the most frequently asked questions from patients about how to navigate the maintenance phase of treatment.

    01:57 -
    We hear the importance of maintaining sustainable habits developed during weight loss and avoiding practices that are not enjoyable or sustainable long-term.

    05:52 -
    Find out how a “bumper rail system” can help manage weight maintenance by effectively  addressing small fluctuations.

    07:52 -
    Maintenance requires ongoing effort and awareness. Dr. Rentea suggests regular check-ins and adjustments to stay on track.

    09:43 -
    Dr. Rentea discusses medication strategies for weight maintenance.


    “What you're doing on the way down, you've got to keep doing it.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “The people that are successful long term, they're creating processes and systems, they're starting small scale enough, they keep adding things, and it's not a ton of effort. Otherwise they wouldn't keep doing it.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “For maintenance, you have to keep those things up. It might change the way in which you do it, but in some capacity you still need to do it.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “One of the things I really want to recommend is that you don't do things you're not willing to stick to.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “Our body gets smart to the changes that are happening. Just because you're in maintenance doesn't mean that there might not be more effort required at different times.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “There needs to be continued awareness. If you look at the national health registry, people that kept their weight off for 10 plus years are in some capacity tracking their weight.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    “You've got to love what you're doing because you have to keep doing it and then be willing to switch it up a little bit.” - Matthea Rentea MD

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    22 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 46 minutes 52 seconds
    Why You Binge and How to Stop with Jane Pilger

    Send a Text Message. Please include your name and email so we can answer you! Please note, this does not subscribe you to our email list, it's just to answer if you have a questions for us.

    The most common type of eating disorder in the United States, binge eating disorder (BED) often triggers intense feelings of shame and thrives on secrecy. Jane Pilger understands firsthand the emotional and physical turmoil caused by BED—her first binge left her feeling broken and ashamed, marking the beginning of a cycle of overeating and restriction that lasted for over 25 years.

    In this episode, Jane shares her personal journey of overcoming BED, showing that no matter how long you’ve struggled, you can learn the strategies, tools, and mindset you need to create peace and freedom with food. Drawing from her own recovery and extensive coaching experience, Jane digs into the 8 reasons why people binge eat, practical techniques to manage urges, and key strategies to promote the self-awareness and compassion that will help you heal your relationship with food.


    Why Do I Binge Quiz

    What to Do After a Binge

    Overcome Binge Eating with Powerful Questions:

    The Binge Breakthrough Podcast

    What is the difference between binge eating and overeating?

    The Power of the Pause

    Audio Stamps

    02:34 - Jane shares her background and the reason she got into coaching around binge eating.

    - Dr. Rentea asks Jane to explain the difference between binge eating and overeating.

    - Jane talks through the eight primary reasons why people binge.

    22:15 - We learn why Jane’s approach does not focus on eradicating binge eating altogether, but on separating the behavior from your self-worth.

    31:38 - We find out about Jane’s "pause with permission" technique as a way to interrupt urges and calm the nervous system during moments of potential binge eating.

    36:47 - Jane discusses how visualization can improve responses after binge-eating episodes

    39:00 - We learn how binge eating often stems from various forms of disconnection and the key to overcoming this.


    “I have come to discover just how common binge eating is, but because there's so much shame, nobody is talking about it.” - Jane Pilger

    “We can separate the behavior from you as a person. This isn't about you as a person. You are not a failure. You are not broken.” - Jane Pilger

    “As soon as we get out of shame and judgment, we can open up to awareness, to curiosity and compassion.” - Jane Pilger

    “That unbearable feeling will pass. We often have this sense that, ‘No, it doesn't go away unless I eat.’ It's like we have this thought error that food is the only thing that makes it go away. And actually, it will pass on its own.” - Jane

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    15 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 51 seconds
    Low-Hanging Fruit: The Key to Breaking Fat Loss Plateaus

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    Have you ever felt stuck in your weight loss journey, convinced that one particular issue is holding you back? Whether it's the late-night chocolate cravings or skipping workouts, many of us tend to fixate on the one issue we believe is the barrier to our progress. After coaching many people with this mindset, I've learned how crucial it is to take the blinkers off and identify all the other areas where you can make small improvements that will help you break through plateaus.

    Think of it like picking apples in an orchard—you start with the ones within easy reach. Instead of aiming for the top of the tree, focus on the low-hanging fruit first. Simple changes such as increasing water intake, choosing better-quality foods, or enhancing your sleep routine can make a huge difference. If you're feeling stuck in your fat loss journey, stay tuned to learn how to make these manageable adjustments that will pave the way to achieving your goals.


    Podcast Playlist: My Doctor Started Me On a GLP 1 and Now What?

    Audio Stamps

    01:22 - Instead of fixating on one problem, Dr. Rentea suggests exploring multiple areas for potential improvement when facing a fat loss plateau.

    04:20 -
    Dr. Rentea challenges listeners to confirm if they are truly experiencing a plateau and, if so, to evaluate their readiness for further changes.

    06:17 -
    Listeners find out about a practical task to help them rethink health challenges and identify new ways to make improvements.

    11:05 -
    Dr. Rentea reminds us that implementation of new strategies isn't always easy, comparing it to a recent experience in her business. Persistence and adaptation is key.

    12:35 -
    Dr. Rentea discusses key areas to focus on for optimizing health including hydration, nutrition, movement, sleep quality, and stress management.


    “Do you actually have the mental capacity to do more right now? Because we're going to have to change something.” - Dr. Rentea

    “Anytime you want to break a habit, you want to do something different, you want to switch up your routine in some way, it's going to be an energy expenditure.” - Dr. Rentea

    “There is always more that you can do.” - Dr. Rentea

    "These things start to add up and they matter with time. If you make the bar low enough, the lowest hanging fruit, you will actually take action on it." - Dr. Rentea

    “I'm going to have a brainstorming session and write down all the things I can do. Then I'm going to figure out what's actually easy on that list and I'm going to take action on that.” - Dr. Rentea

    “It's so painful when you do something new. It doesn't mean that you're not going to be able to achieve these results or that your body's not capable of it.” - Dr. Rentea

    “Remember, we're going to keep it easy. We're going to keep it simple. You're going to pick one thing. You're going to do the 1 percent upgrade.” - Dr. Rentea

    “Once you start to look for small little improvements and thin

    All of the information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only. Please talk to your physician and medical team about what is right for you. No medical advice is being on this podcast.

    If you live in Indiana or Illinois and want to work with doctor Matthea Rentea, you can find out more on

    8 July 2024, 9:00 am
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