Soaring Child: Thriving with ADHD

Dana Kay

  • 38 minutes 35 seconds
    107: Primitive Reflexes in Kids with ADHD with Dr. Kaleb Scroggin

    What are primitive reflexes? What role do they play in ADHD symptoms? And can working on retained primitive reflexes really make that much of a difference in kids with ADHD? 

    Dr. Kaleb Scroggin joins this episode of the Soaring Child podcast to share more on this topic. Dr. Scroggin was born and raised in Savannah, Georgia where he currently runs his pediatric-focused Chiropractic practice. He was a high level athlete growing up where he was exposed to sports chiropractic and even went on to work with pro athletes in the NFL and MLB during his undergraduate and the first portion of his chiropractic schooling. 

    He was then exposed to the profound impact of working with children and the life changes that can happen when a child’s health is improved and restored. He immediately shifted from working with athletes and dove into newborn and neurodevelopmental health. From there he received a board certification in pediatrics and published a paper on balance and coordination in children with ASD, while running a practice and raising three beautiful children with his wife. Every day he is invigorated with the changes he sees in childrens’ lives.

    If you are curious to learn more about retained primitive reflexes, tune in to this episode! 


    Link mentioned in the podcast:

    Book a free call with my team: 


    Key Takeaways:

    [4:01] What are primitive reflexes?

    [8:21] What are retained primitive reflexes?

    [14:30] What should a parent do if they suspect a child has retained primitive reflexes?

    [22:02] Are there specific reflexes that are directly related to ADHD challenges?

    [30:16] Is there a time when it’s too late to fix these things?

    [37:00] Where to find Kaleb online


    Memorable Moments:

    ”Primitive reflexes are the major movers of your body from about 4 months pre-birth to about 4 months after birth, and their goal is to actually train your brain on what to do.”

    ”There’s about 14 different…primitive reflexes…that we check in our office on our new infant exams that should be there at birth.”

    ”There are some reflexes that are there starting at 4 months before birth and some that don’t come on until a few months after birth that help with different developmental milestones.”

    ”Movement is the #1 driver of brain development.”

    ”There’s a ton of infant reflexes that need to be integrated in order for that frontal lobe - the executive function - to have a good foundation to work.”

    ”You have to turn on the whole frontal part of the brain in the developmental order as a baby for the adult part of the brain to work appropriately.”


    How to Connect with Dr. Kaleb Scroggin




    Dana Kay Resources:





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    • Thriving with ADHD –


    • Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass -


    • ADHD Parenting Course –

    • ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    • Dye-Free for ADHD Course -

    9 May 2024, 3:00 am
  • 27 minutes 13 seconds
    106: How to Have a Non Toxic Summer with Dana Kay

    Summer is full of outdoor activities and memorable adventures. But it's also a time when our children are more exposed to various environmental toxins, like chlorine from swimming pools, chemicals in sunscreens, etc. These toxins can add a significant load to their bodies, exacerbating ADHD symptoms.

    In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, discover how to have a non-toxic summer (and how to safely and effectively detox from any toxins your child might be exposed to). 


    Links mentioned in the episode: 

    My favorite magnesium flakes: 

    My favorite HM-ET binder: 

    ADHD Fast Class: 

    Detoxification Episode - 


    Key Takeaways:

    [3:20] Common toxins kids are exposed to during the summer

    [7:20] Tips to make swimming less toxic

    [11:38] What to look for in a sunscreen

    [15:38] How parents can ensure a toxin-free environment at summer camp

    [18:14] Natural ways to support detoxification and reduce the impact of toxins


    Memorable Moments:

    ”During the summer, children are often more active and spend a considerable amount of time outdoors, which, while very beneficial for kids with ADHD, also increases their exposure to various environmental toxins.”

    ”Because children's bodies are still developing, they are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of chemical exposures. Their smaller size, higher rates of metabolism, and the fact that they're closer to the ground (where some toxins settle) further increase their risk.”

    ”Though chlorine isn’t ideal, there are things you can do to help your  kids detox those chemicals before and after swimming.”

    ”You can still use sunscreen but choose a cleaner brand and this will go a long way in reducing your child’s overall toxic load!”

    ”It’s much easier to limit a child’s toxic exposure when they’re at home with us under our supervision, but many of our kids will also be going to summer camps so we need to think about this too.“

    ”The goal is to support the body's natural detoxification processes, which include the liver, kidneys, digestive system, and skin, in a gentle and supportive way.”

    ”Remember, small tweaks can make a significant impact.”


    Dana Kay Resources:





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    • Thriving with ADHD –


    • Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass -


    • ADHD Parenting Course –

    • ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    • Dye-Free for ADHD Course -


    2 May 2024, 3:00 am
  • 31 minutes 30 seconds
    105: An ADHD Teenager Shares His Success Story with Matthew

    One of the most common questions I hear from families is, "How can I get my child, especially a teenager, on board with these changes?" 

    If you have ever had that thought, then you definitely want to tune in to this episode. 

    Joining the show for  this episode is a special guest, a teenager named Matthew who has been working with his family to successfully reduce his ADHD symptoms so much that he has reduced his medication by 90%. 

    Matthew is a 17 year old student who is full of wisdom and insight for both kids on a similar journey and their parents. 

    Link Mentioned in the Show: 
    • Dye-Free for ADHD course -  

      Key Takeaways:

    [4:54] About Matthew

    [5:59] What led Matthew & his family to try natural strategies for ADHD

    [8:08] Matthew’s doubts

    [9:51] The success Matthew has felt since implementing natural strategies to reduce ADHD symptoms

    [16:19] How Matthew explains his diet to friends

    [17:41] How Matthew’s friends typically respond

    [19:31] What Matthew does when going somewhere that unhealthy snacks are offered

    [21:09] What motivates Matthew to stick to his dietary restrictions

    [22:14] The biggest struggle Matthew has faced

    [28:24] Matthew’s advice to other kids

      Memorable Moments:

    ”When my mom found this diet, it pretty much changed my life for the better.”

    ”This diet has made me decrease the medicine but still be able to focus…I’ve decreased my medicine by 90%…I don’t have low blood sugar anymore.”

    ”My taste buds have also changed during this diet.”

    ”My diet has been a positive influence on many people. In fact, my teachers will even come up with their meals and be like, ‘Look what I’m eating. I’m eating all these vegetables….' I’m known as the pepper boy at my school because every day I bring peppers.”

    ”Everyone knows that I have a diet, and no one judges me for it. In fact, I probably get more compliments than I do weird looks or anything.” 

    ”I have a community that accepts me.”

    ”Don’t be sad about what you can’t eat, but learn to enjoy what you can eat.”

    ”You can still have lots of friends even though you might not eat the same as them. If they’re good friends, they’re not going to leave you just because of what you eat.”

    ”It’s definitely worth it. 100%”

    ”Trust that the diet will make you the person that you want to be - for sure - because it made me the person I want to be.”

      Dana Kay Resources:







    25 April 2024, 3:00 am
  • 30 minutes 7 seconds
    104: Lyme Disease & Its Effect on ADHD with Heather Gray

    ADHD symptoms don't emerge in a vacuum, and they often have underlying hidden stressors, sometimes multiple, that need to be addressed. Without tackling these root issues, families find themselves stuck on an endless rollercoaster of symptom management. 

    One often overlooked stressor is Lyme disease. It’s known for its broad range of symptoms, including some of those that might mimic or exacerbate ADHD. 

    In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, meet Heather Gray. Heather is a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist and Bioenergetic Practitioner specializing in supporting clients with chronic and complex illnesses such as Lyme disease and similar diseases. She has 32 years of personal experience, and she understands the struggles of living with these conditions and is dedicated to helping others find relief.

    Her personalized approach as a practitioner, podcast host, and author has helped countless people reduce inflammation in the body and brain, improve gut health, and achieve optimal wellness.

    She helps her clients get to the root cause of their symptoms and helps them take control of their health journey. 


    Link mentioned in the episode: 

    Dye-Free for ADHD course - 


    Key Takeaways:

    [4:49] Heather’s personal journey with chronic illness

    [10:13] What is Lyme Disease & how do people get it?

    [12:53] How long does it take after getting infected that someone begins showing symptoms?

    [15:44] Symptoms of Lyme Disease parents should look out for in children

    [19:12] What happened when Heather was finally diagnosed with Lyme Disease

    [22:44] What a holistic approach to Lyme Disease looks like

    [26:54] Heather’s advice to parents if they think Lyme Disease might be an issue for their child

    [28:57] Where to find Heather online


    Memorable Moments:

    ”Lyme disease is the great mimicer.”

    ”One of the telltale signs is it’s got migrating pain.”

    ”It’s a tick, mosquito, any blood-borne carrying insect…it can be sexually transmitted and it can be congenitally transmitted.”

    ”Only 30% of people with Lyme Disease will get that bullseye [rash].”

    ”There’s lots and lots of components that go into who gets it and who doesn’t.”

    ”I can’t even count how many times I’ve been reprimanded…when really it was an inflamed brain and lyme disease, mold toxicity, and celiac disease this whole time.”

    ”What a blessing it was at 34 years old…to finally have a piece of paper that said…there wasn’t something wrong with me in the way that I was made to feel my whole entire life.”

    ”The CDC just recognized chronic Lyme Disease as a disease for the first time last year.”

    ”I’ve talked to so many people with autoimmune and Lyme and they just talk about having flares, like it’s a normal part of the disease, which you don’t have to have the flares if you address all the different areas that need to be addressed.”

    ”No matter how common a symptom may be, it is never normal. It is always the body’s check engine light coming on, and sadly too often we take something over the counter, which is like putting a piece of tape over that check engine light, and things just keep getting worse and worse…So pay attention to those symptoms.”


    How to Connect to Heather Gray




    Dana Kay Resources:








    International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD – 

    Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - 

    ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    18 April 2024, 3:00 am
  • 26 minutes 58 seconds
    103: Natural Solutions for ADHD - A Dietician & Gastroenterologist Weighs In with Donna Cipolla

    Donna Cipolla is a well-respected gastroenterologist with a career full of achievements. She’s also a registered dietician and a mom who is deeply invested in her child's wellbeing. Donna has a child with ADHD, and she went down the journey of trying to help her son naturally after he hit rock bottom as a college student. 

    In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, Donna shares not only her personal journey parenting a child with ADHD, but also her expertise as a medical doctor and the effectiveness of natural strategies for ADHD.


    Link mentioned in the show: 

    Thriving with ADHD book -

    Key Takeaways:

    [4:20] Donna’s personal journey with ADHD

    [6:43] The challenges Donna’s son faced as a result of his ADHD

    [8:45] Why Donna explored natural strategies for her adult son with ADHD

    [11:55] The connection between gut health and ADHD symptoms

    [14:46] How the medical community can incorporate more holistic principles into their practices

    [18:05] How Donna’s son is doing now

    [22:34] What Donna would tell skeptics


    Memorable Moments:

     ”I tried everything I knew as a physician…No one ever - ever - suggested any kind of dietary intervention.”

    ”I thought I was doing good - giving him a good, healthy diet, but little did I know until I got into your program that there was so much more to dietary interventions than just the things that I knew as a dietician to do.”

    As a dietitian and as a gastroenterologist…I’m well aware of the relationship between the brain and the gut interactions when it comes to gastrointestinal diseases...that same interaction affects the brain in terms of ADHD.”

    ”I was so frustrated as a dietician that the physicians did not appreciate the role of nutrition in preventing disease nor in treating disease and I thought, ‘Ya know, if I can become a physician, I can then write the diet orders and I can help thousands of patients with my expertise in nutrition to treat them.”

    ”As a patient, you turn to that doctor as the expert so somehow we have to get the word out there that nutrition, diet, and alternative methods are vital to the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD

    “My biggest regret is that I didn’t know sooner….My son, for 19 years, was on a path I thought was best, which was medication…How many years of his life did he lose because I didn’t know and try an alternative diet therapy?”

    ”You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”


    How to Connect to Donna Cipolla



    Dana Kay Resources:








    International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD – 

    Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - 

    ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    11 April 2024, 3:00 am
  • 31 minutes 25 seconds
    102: Artificial Flavors & Colors with Dana Kay

    Did you know that certain artificial flavors and colors could be influencing your child's behavior and focus? In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, we dive into the world of artificial flavors and colors. 

    Have you ever wondered why these synthetic additives are everywhere in our food? From why manufacturers prefer them over natural options to their significant impact on kids with ADHD, we're uncovering it all in this week’s episode.

    This is a conversation every family navigating ADHD needs to hear. We also explore the types of products most likely to contain these additives, arming you with the knowledge to make informed choices at the grocery store.


    Link mentioned in the episode:

    Dye-Free for ADHD:

    Our brand new course called "Dye-Free for ADHD” is finally here! 

    Have you ever noticed a spike in negative emotions and wild behaviors after your child eats a bowl of cereal or a handful of candy…

    Many parents have wondered - is there a link between ADHD symptoms, and diet?

    And can simple food swaps reduce ADHD symptoms in children? 

    The answer to both of these is, yes…

    And in this brand new Dye-Free for ADHD course, you’ll discover exactly how to go dye-free the easy way! 


    Learn more here -


    Key Takeaways:

    [3:52] What are artificial flavors and colors, and why are they so prevalent in our food?

    [9:19] Why do manufacturers use artificial flavors instead of the real thing?

    [9:54] How artificial flavors & colors can affect kids with ADHD

    [16:40] What types of products have artificial flavors and colors in them?

    [24:07] How to avoid artificial flavors and colors

    [25:01] Brands that often avoid artificial flavors and colors


    Memorable Moments:

    “For families of kids with ADHD, understanding the potential impact of these artificial ingredients is crucial in managing symptoms and promoting a more balanced and focused state of mind.”

    ”Artificial colors, also known as food dyes, are chemical substances developed in laboratories. They're used in a wide array of foods to enhance appearance, making them more visually appealing.”

    ”Artificial flavors, similar to artificial colors, are chemical compounds created in laboratories.”

    “Unlike natural flavors that are derived from actual food sources, artificial flavors are synthesized to mimic natural tastes. These flavors are engineered to replicate the taste of fruits, nuts, spices, and other natural foods.”

    “Artificial flavors are often complex mixtures of numerous chemicals.”

    ”Here are some common terms indicating artificial flavors or colors: Artificial Flavors, Artificial Colors, Synthetic Flavors, Artificial Flavoring Substances, Synthetic Food Coloring.”

    ”Studies have illuminated a concerning link between artificial additives and ADHD symptoms.”

    ”In Britain, food is made with real ingredients, while in America, chemicals are often added with no warning label. This needs to change. American consumers deserve the same consideration as those outside the USA.”

    ”When chemicals are added to food, we should be informed. It's baffling that the United States continues to allow ingredients that are not even food, contributing to staggering health issues.”

    ”Artificial flavors and colors are everywhere. Even a lot of things that are clear or white in color have dyes or flavors in them.”

    ”My best tip is to eat fewer processed foods as these additives are always in processed foods and to read those labels.”

    “My rule of thumb is, if you can’t pronounce an item, put that item back on the shelf. The shorter the ingredient list, the better.”

    Dana Kay Resources:








    International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD – 

    Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - 

    ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    4 April 2024, 3:00 am
  • 45 minutes 14 seconds
    101: Breathwork for ADHD with Sachin Patel

    ”When we change the way somebody breathes, we change their entire health.” -Sachin Patel

    In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, discover how breathwork can help children with ADHD thrive. Sachin Patel,  father, husband, philanthropist, functional medicine practice, success coach, speaker, author, breathwork facilitator, and plant medicine advocate, joins the show. 

    He is dedicated to raising consciousness and activating the inner doctor in everyone through lifestyle changes and breathwork. He is the founder of the Living Proof Institute and has been at the forefront of the patient-centered healthcare revolution through his Perfect Practice mentorship program.

    Tune in to learn more about breathwork and breathing for the brain, which is a critical aspect of supporting not just our children with ADHD, but also ourselves as parents and caregivers.


    Links mentioned in this episode: 

    ADHD Symptom Reduction Tool - 

    3m nose tape – 

    Chin straps to close the mouth:

    Nose salve – Nasya Oil - 

    Nasal strip – 

    The Ultimate Breathwork Bundle -


    Key Takeaways:

    [3:25] What inspired Sachin to get involved in breathwork

    [12:19] How does breathing affect our children

    [17:12] How do we breathe properly?

    [25:20] What parents can do if their children breathe through their mouths

    [35:05] The relationship between breathwork and mood and behavior

    [42:57] Where to find Sachin online?


    Memorable Moments:

    ”When we change the way somebody breathes, we change their entire health.”

    “The average person is unconscious about how they breathe, and it’s something that we do 23,000 times a day, whether we like it or not. And air, believe it or not, is the thing that we consume the most. The average person, the average adult, consumes about 30 pounds of air a day.”

    ”How we breathe plays a huge role in our immune health, plays a huge role in our energy levels, plays a huge role in how well we detoxify and eliminate toxicity from our body. In fact, 70% of the toxins in our body are actually eliminated through the lungs.”

    ”It’s a very sophisticated instrument of healing, and it’s also very simple. We’re already doing it. We just need to draw our consciousness to it and then make the minor adjustments and shifts so that now we are breathing in a way that prioritizes our health.”

    ”Our breath overrides the brain…How our children breathe and how we as adults breathe is super informative to the nervous system, to our cellular respiratory system, and also to our behavior as well.”

    “The easiest analogy I can give to people is that the breath is like the steering wheel of the nervous system. So are we breathing in such a way that it’s steering us in the right direction or are we breathing in such a way that it’s steering us in an undesirable direction.”

    “We want our nervous system to match our desired state, and our nervous system is steered by our breath.”


    How to Connect to Sachin Patel




    Dana Kay Resources:








    International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD – 

    Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - 

    ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    28 March 2024, 3:00 am
  • 32 minutes 54 seconds
    100: The Most Effective Natural Solutions for ADHD with Dana Kay

    If you could only choose three things to focus on to reduce ADHD symptoms naturally, what would they be?

    In this week’s episode of the Soaring Child podcast, Dana Kay, holistic health and nutrition practitioner, answered this question. 

    If you’re just starting out, she shared 3 beginner strategies. 

    If you've been doing this for a while and feel like you've got a grasp on the beginner strategies, she shared some intermediate strategies. 

    Finally, if you consider yourself an expert, she shared the top strategies for experts as well. 

    These strategies are the pillars that can make a significant difference in the life of a child with ADHD.

    So, whether you're just starting out on the journey or you're looking to refine your approach, this episode is for you! 


    Links mentioned in the episode: 


    Key Takeaways:


    [3:18] The Top Areas to Focus on - Beginner Level - Diet, Supplements, Exercise

    [14:22] The Top Areas to Focus on -  Intermediate Level - Functional Lab Testing, Targeted Supplementation, Optimizing Detoxification

    [24:42] The Top Areas to Focus on - Advanced Level - Dietary Flexibility, Maintenance Supplements


    Memorable Moments:

    ”Diet is the foundation of any plan to reduce ADHD symptoms naturally. The food we consume plays a crucial role in how our bodies and brains function.”

    ”Supplements should never be considered the be-all and end-all for ADHD support. As I say often, you can’t supplement your way out of a poor diet. BUT, in conjunction with dietary changes, supplements can be very beneficial.”

    ”Research shows that taking probiotics can help support that gut-brain connection. But, the problem with a lot of probiotics is that the strains don’t survive digestion.”

    ”Functional lab tests can uncover underlying issues that might be contributing to ADHD symptoms, such as nutrient deficiencies, parasites, leaky gut, food sensitivities, mold, etc.”

    ”Our bodies are constantly exposed to toxins, and for children with ADHD, reducing this toxic burden is really important.”

    ”It is impossible to get rid of all toxins from your life, so that’s why it’s important to optimize detoxification.”

    ”Once you're in the thriving phase, it's important to reassess the supplements your child is taking. Maintenance supplements are about supporting ongoing health and preventing regression.”


    Dana Kay Resources:








    International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD – 

    Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - 

    ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    21 March 2024, 3:00 am
  • 22 minutes 16 seconds
    99: How to Read Nutrition Labels with Andrea Daigle

    Ever glanced at a food label and felt like you needed a degree to understand it? There is definitely A LOT of information on food labels that can make it tricky. 

    But, reading food labels is crucial, not just for those with dietary restrictions, but for anyone aiming to make healthier choices. From 'natural flavors' to hidden sugars, what's on the label can often be surprising.

    Andrea Daigle joined this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, sharing invaluable insights on navigating the maze of food labels. Whether you're trying to cut out certain ingredients or just want to eat cleaner, Andrea's tips and tricks are a game-changer. 


    Link mentioned in the episode: 

    ADHD Fast Class - 


    Key Takeaways:

    [4:26] Why we need to read food labels

    [6:11] Where to start with reading food labels

    [9:39] Common foods that often have hidden gluten and dairy in them

    [14:14] How to read the labels on eggs

    [16:48] How to read labels for proteins like beef, chicken, and seafood


    Memorable Moments:

     ”We need to read every single label, and it can be a bit tedious, but eventually, you’re going to get the hang of it.”

    ”Now more than ever, it is so important to read labels because there are so many chemicals, additives, and quite frankly just nasty ingredients that are being put into our foods."

    ”The key is, you want that list to be as clean as possible. A good rule of thumb here is, if you don’t know what it is, we probably shouldn’t be eating it.”

    ”The end goal here is to know what each and every ingredient is, for you to be able to pronounce it, and that list shouldn’t be very long.”

    ”The gold standard is to look for pasture-raised eggs with grade AA rating with the organic label.”

    ”When you’re looking at beef, you want organic, grass fed beef.”

    ”For chicken, we’re going to look for pasture-raised organic chicken.”

    ”For seafood, wild caught is best.”

    ”The only ingredient in your proteins should be the protein itself.”

    How to Connect to Andrea Daigle

    Free call:


    Dana Kay Resources:








    International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD – 

    Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - 

    ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    14 March 2024, 3:00 am
  • 39 minutes 45 seconds
    98: Mom Guilt with JoAnn Crohn

    Many parents, moms especially, experience parental guilt. This is particularly a struggle for moms of neurodiverse children who experience challenging behaviors. 

    In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, JoAnn Crohn joins the show to discuss the important topic of “mom guilt.” JoAnn is a parenting educator and life coach who helps moms feel confident in raising empowered kids while pursuing their own goals. She’s a speaker, author, and the host of the No Guilt Mom podcast. She appears in national media. She’s the founder of the company No Guilt Mom, and she specializes in helping moms move from martyr to model. She is the perfect guest for the topic of “mom guilt.” 

    If you have battled guilt as a parent, this episode is a must-listen! 


    Link mentioned in the show: 

    ADHD-Specific Parenting Resource - 


    Key Takeaways:

    [5:40] Where does “mom guilt” come from?

    [9:49] Mental habits mom need in their lives to combat guilt

    [25:29] Tips for getting kids with ADHD to do chores

    [33:08] Tips for finding joy as moms

    [37:44] Where to find JoAnn online


    Memorable Moments:

    ”Children have challenging behaviors all the time,  even if you’re not dealing with neurodivergence or ADHD. There are things that set us off as parents, and it goes back to how we view the situation.”

    ”As moms, everyone is so hard on ourselves. We are constantly berating ourselves.”

    ”All these things we say to ourselves, we would not accept anyone else saying to us.”

    ”This constant flow of insults really affects our mood and really brings us down, so the first thing I would suggest is to start looking to see, ‘What am I saying to myself?’”

    ”If we give ourselves that self-compassion…that is such a big help against that guilt that we feel every day.”

    ”A lot of the guilt also comes from trying to do it all.”

    ”We have issues asking for help…so much so that we would rather do it ourselves than ask for the help when doing it.”

    ”If you have another adult in the home in addition to yourself, there is no reason you should be doing all the work.”

    ”It’s never going to fix the situation if you don’t let people experience the natural consequences.”

    ”Am I going to be resentful and angry if I do this right now? If the answer is yes, then I don’t do it, and I let natural consequences take its course.”

    ”Guilt never goes away; you just get better at handling it.”


    How to Connect to JoAnn Crohn: 

    The No Guilt Mom Podcast:   

    JoAnn on Instagram: 

    Dana Kay Resources:








    International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD – 

    Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - 

    ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    7 March 2024, 3:00 am
  • 23 minutes 49 seconds
    97: Exercise for ADHD with Dana Kay

    We often hear about the challenges that come with ADHD, but what’s not always talked about is that there are natural, fun, and effective ways to manage these challenges. Exercise and sports can be transformative for kids with ADHD. 

    In this episode, we're going to explore how exercise and sports can not only boost physical health but also bring remarkable benefits to the cognitive and emotional wellbeing of children with ADHD. Discover how exercise can enhance focus, reduce impulsivity,  improve mood, and even improve self-esteem. 


    Link mentioned in the show: 

    Book a free call with my team at 


    Key Takeaways:

    [3:10] What research tells us about the benefits of exercise for ADHD

    [7:43] Guidelines for how much exercise kids need at various ages 

    [9:14] Fun, creative ways to incorporate exercise into your daily life with your family

    [17:47] Ways for preschoolers to get exercise

    [18:26] Ways for school-age kids to get exercise 

    [18:52] Ways for tweens/teens to get exercise


    Memorable Moments:

    "From enhancing focus and reducing impulsivity to improving mood and self-esteem, the impact of regular physical activity is profound.”

    “Not only can regular physical activity help in managing symptoms like impulsivity and attention difficulties, but it can also play a role in improving cognitive functions and even brain structure.”

    "Just like everything in life, the way you approach physical exercise is all about sure to frame physical pursuits as something fun and never a chore."

    "To encourage exercise as a family, plan unstructured activity into your family time."

    "If you make it a priority, your kids are more likely to do the same. Make it a habit to incorporate physical activity into your day, every day.”


    Dana Kay Resources:








    International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD – 

    Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - 

    ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –

    29 February 2024, 3:00 am
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