The Modern Manager

Mamie Kanfer Stewart

Host Mamie Kanfer Stewart shares practical approaches to help you be a great manager.

  • 36 minutes 7 seconds
    316: How to Spot and Outsmart a Narcissist at Work with Rebecca Zung

    Are you struggling to deal with narcissistic personalities in your workplace?

    Working with a narcissist can feel like a never-ending battle. Their lack of empathy, manipulative skills, and constant need for admiration can easily create a tense atmosphere at work.

    So, how do you manage this type of toxic behavior and protect yourself and your team from the emotional turmoil brought on by a narcissist? Today’s guest might just have the best solution.

    Meet Rebecca Zung. Rebecca is a globally recognized negotiation and communications expert, as well as an attorney recognized by U.S. News. She is a bestselling author and the designer of the proven SLAY Method® for negotiating with narcissists.

    In this episode, Rebecca and I talk about the different types of narcissists at work and how to spot them, practical strategies to protect yourself and your team from their toxic behavior, how to win a negotiation with a narcissist, and much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (02:31) The different types of narcissists and how to spot them
    • (09:14) How to intervene if a team member shows narcissistic behavior
    • (13:43) What is narcissistic blindness and how to deal with it
    • (24:16) How to protect yourself and your team from a narcissist
    • (29:38) A great manager Rebecca has worked for
    • (32:26) Keep up with Rebecca
    • (34:18) [Extended Episode Only] The SLAY Method® and its applications when negotiating with narcissists
    • (41:16) [Extended Episode Only] Success story using the SLAY Method®

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here

    - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here

    Keep up with Rebecca Zung

    - Follow Rebecca on Instagram here

    - Subscribe to her YouTube channel here

    - Visit her website for more information here

    $1,000 Discount on Slay Certification Program

    Rebecca is offering a $1,000 discount on her Slay Certification Program to members of Podcast+. This one-of-a-kind coaching program equips you with the essential tools to help people effectively navigate narcissistic or difficult people by applying the transformative power of the SLAY® Method.

    To get this bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    23 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 30 minutes 50 seconds
    315: Be a Better Leader By Embracing Radical Humility with Urs Koenig

    As a manager, you are entrusted to lead and manage your team, but that doesn’t mean you’ll always get things right.

    When you have power and authority, it can be challenging to own your shortfalls and mistakes. After all, you are someone that your team members look up to. But our guest thinks otherwise.

    He believes that showing up with radical humility builds trust, fosters connection, and creates a psychologically safe environment. So, how do you practice humility as a leader?

    Today’s guest is Urs Koenig, a former United Nations military peacekeeper and NATO military peacekeeping commander. He is a highly accomplished ultra-endurance champion, a widely published professor, and a seasoned executive coach and keynote speaker with more than three decades of experience helping hundreds of leaders and dozens of executive teams unlock new levels of achievement across four continents. He is the founder of the Radical Humility Leadership Institute and speaks frequently on the topic of leadership to corporations and associations across the globe. 

    Urs and I talk about the importance of humility in leadership, emphasizing self-awareness, relational leadership, and a growth mindset.

    He also explains the need for modern leadership to depart from the traditional command-and-control model in favor of one that empowers team members and builds trust. 

    Plus, in the extended episode available to Podcast+members, Urs breaks down the five mental shifts that every leader must make and how to lead like a compass.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (02:03) What is radical humility, and why is it important?
    • (04:35) Leadership practices that were working before but not anymore
    • (06:55) How to encourage honest feedback from your team
    • (09:05) Mastering self-awareness to become a better leader
    • (12:27) The Ted Lasso technique explained
    • (18:38) The quickest way to build trust with your team
    • (23:17) The importance of building psychological safety and nurturing a fearless culture
    • (27:34) A great manager Urs has worked for
    • (28:44) Keep up with Urs
    • (29:05) [Extended Episode Only] 5 mental shifts that every leader must make
    • (29:58) [Extended Episode Only] How to lead like a compass
    • (37:12) [Extended Episode Only] A great example of when leaders lead with radical humility

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here

    - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here

    Keep up with Urs Koenig

    - Grab a copy of Urs book here

    - Follow Urs on LinkedIn here

    - Check his website for more information here

    FREE  Radical Humility NOW Leadership Prompts

    Urs is providing members of Podcast+ a PDF of the Radical Humility NOW Leadership NOW Prompts. These are exercises from the book that can help you apply Radical Humility in your leadership and life. 

    To get this bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss

    16 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 31 minutes 22 seconds
    314: Practical Tips for Better One-on-One Meetings with Steven Rogelberg

    Have you ever felt that your one-on-one meetings aren’t as effective as they should be?

    Before you write them off your calendar, consider this: a Gallup study reveals that employees are three times more engaged when they experience regular one-on-ones.

    But let’s face it—one-on-ones take up a significant portion of your time. They aren’t as easy as asking your team members, “How are you?”. Fortunately, this week’s guest is here to help make your one-on-ones more valuable to you and your people.

    Meet Dr. Steven Rogelberg. Steven is an organizational psychologist and holds the distinguished title of Chancellor’s Professor at UNC Charlotte. His new book Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings was designated as a top 12 book by SHRM. He and his work have been featured on CBS Sunday, CNN, MSN, HBR, WSJ, and BBC World, to name a few. Adam Grant has called Steven the world’s leading expert on meetings. 


    In this episode, Steven and I explore the significance of one-on-one meetings between managers and their direct reports. 

    He shares the benefits of regular one-on-ones and offers practical, actionable tips to make these meetings more effective. 

    Plus, in the extended episode available to members of Podcast+, he discusses how these meetings can become an integral part of organizational culture and explains the powerful concept of skip-level one-on-ones.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (02:26) What is a one-on-one meeting?
    • (05:00) The manager’s role in facilitating these meetings
    • (07:02) Astounding benefits of conducting one-on-ones
    • (11:02) Effective questions to ask in one-on-one meetings
    • (20:59) Common mistakes managers make during one-on-ones
    • (23:19) How often and how long should you conduct these meetings
    • (25:44) The importance of connecting through meaningful conversations at work
    • (28:54) Keep up with Steven
    • (29:31) [Extended Episode Only] How one-on-ones can be a part of your organizational culture
    • (34:44) [Extended Episode Only] What you need to know about skip-level one-on-one meetings

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here

    - Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here

    Keep up with Steven

    - Follow Steven on LinkedIn here

    - Grab a copy of Steven’s book here

    FREE Guide Questions to Ask During One-on-One Meetings

    In lieu of this week’s episode, Mamie is providing members of Podcast Plus with a list of more than 30 questions to ask during your one-on-one meetings.

    To get this bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    9 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 29 minutes 28 seconds
    313: How to Build Strong Relationships and Connections at Work with Patricia Bathory

    As a manager, you have a lot on your plate. Investing in relational time can sometimes feel like a nice-to-have rather than a must-do. But making time to build strong relationships and connections at work should be your top priority. It’s the single most impactful thing you can do for your career. Why? Today’s guest explains it all.

    Today’s guest is Patricia Bathory. Patricia combines her roles as a seasoned psychotherapist and the founder of a thriving import/export business to offer unique insights into the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and leaders.

    Join Patricia and me as we talk about why investing in building strong workplace relationships and connections is vital, how to communicate expectations clearly, and the importance of empathy and understanding in the workplace.

    Whether you’re working with 5 to 500 colleagues, this episode is packed with insights on improving your relational skills even with people you may not necessarily like or agree with.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (02:05) Why invest in strong relationships at work?
    • (05:02) How to evaluate your workplace relationships
    • (06:18) Recognizing your “way” is just one of many
    • (11:13) The role of expectations in staying connected to people
    • (14:53) Tips for handling workplace conflict
    • (18:15) The art of seeing something from someone else’s perspective
    • (24:55) A great manager Patricia has worked for
    • (26:20) Keep up with Patricia
    • (26:53) Final thoughts
    • (27:36) [Extended Episode Only] What does it mean to be 50% of a relationship?
    • (35:21) [Extended Episode Only] How to cope with feelings of betrayal

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here

    - Grab The Modern Manager Skills Accelerator Bundle here

    Keep up with Patricia

    - Follow Patricia on LinkedIn here

    - Check out her other works here

    Get 10% off Connected: Building Relationships to Achieve Success and Make a Lasting Impact

    In Connected, Patricia Bathory reveals the importance of building a strong network of relationships (our village) to support us as we pursue our dreams. Drawing from her business experience, research into successful people’s relationships, and therapy practice, she shows readers how to master the art of connecting to lead healthier, happier, and more meaningful lives

    To get this bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    2 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 14 minutes 49 seconds
    312: 5 Delegation Tactics Every Leader Must Know

    One of the toughest transitions for any leader is moving from doing the work to leading others who do the work. 

    As a manager, it’s still expected that you’ll roll up your sleeves and get work done. However, as your role grows more complex, it becomes clear that effective leadership means empowering your team to take on more of those tasks.

    Delegating, however, isn’t as simple as it seems. 

    Managers, often former high-performing contributors, can find it frustrating to hand off responsibilities, especially when the results don’t meet their expectations. 

    When this happens, the issue isn’t usually with the team member but with how the task was delegated. So, how do you delegate effectively?

    Today, we will break down the 5 S’s of delegation and explain how each method ensures your team members are in the growth zone for optimal performance. I’ll also share real-life examples of how I delegate tasks to my team and in the extended episode available to members of Podcast+, I share a bonus delegation tip that has made a huge difference in my workflow.

    Are you ready to master the art of delegation?

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (01:13) What I realized about delegation
    • (01:55) The Set Free approach explained
    • (07:36) Discussing the Sandbox method
    • (09:12) How does the Safety Net approach work?
    • (10:34) Using the Scaffolding method to delegate tasks
    • (11:54) The Sectioning approach to delegation
    • (12:39) Can you combine any of these delegation approaches?
    • (13:09) [Extended Episode Only] Bonus tip for effective delegation

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here
    - Grab The Modern Manager Skills Accelerator Bundle here

    FREE Delegation Workbook

    To help you take steps to delegate more responsibilities and to delegate more effectively, members of Podcast+ get the delegation workbook which recaps these five approaches and provides tips or suggestions for how to use each one.

    To get this bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    25 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 36 minutes 28 seconds
    311: 5-Step Powerful Framework for Mastering Project Management with Kory Kogon

    When you think of project management, what first comes to mind?

    For many folks, it’s associated with getting certified to lead the execution of major projects. You can even hold the title of Project Manager in some businesses!

    Yet, much of what all managers do–setting goals, creating plans, managing teams–is essentially project management. 

    We’ve quietly slipped into the project manager role, just without the official title. However, working intuitively in this capacity can lead to challenges. Today’s guest is here to set us on the right path toward project success.

    Meet Kory Kogon. Kory Kogan is FranklinCovey’s vice president of Content and Senior Consultant. She is the co-author of Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager and has appeared as an expert on TODAY, MSNBC’s Your Business,,, and 

    She is also one of the authors of the following FranklinCovey work sessions: The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity®, Project Management Essentials for the Unofficial Project Manager™, and Presentation Advantage®. Kory brings more than 25 years of business expertise, from frontline positions to an executive team member.

    In this episode, Kory explains how intuitive project management skills from our personal lives can be applied in professional settings. She emphasizes the importance of combining value, people, and process for project success, shares a practical 5-step framework for effective project management, offers tips to keep projects moving forward and on track, and much more.

    Join the conversation now and discover how to elevate your project management skills!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (01:50) Why we’re all unofficial project managers
    • (04:14) Project management in an organizational setting explained
    • (08:13) The project management success formula
    • (10:52) 5-step framework for effective project management
    • (13:29) What does the scoping process look like?
    • (20:56) Real-world example of poor scoping
    • (24:26) Tips to keep projects moving forward and on track
    • (31:01) A great manager Kory has worked for
    • (33:29) Keep up with Kory
    • (34:45) [Extended Episode Only] The power and components of Gantt charts
    • (42:34) [Extended Episode Only] How to keep your project plan relevant and effective

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here

    Keep up with Kory Kogon

    - Follow Kory on LinkedIn here

    - Grab a copy of her book here

    FREE Copies of Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager 

    Kory is providing 2 copies of Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager to members of Podcast+. To win one of these copies, you must enter the drawing by July 10th.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    18 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 27 minutes 51 seconds
    310: How to Get Through A Stressful Conversation with Candice Elliott

    Dealing with stressful conversations is never easy; whether you’re telling a client the project is delayed or relaying a bad performance review to a team member. But as managers, we can’t just avoid these conversations.

    Putting them off may protect us from our vulnerabilities, but they actually get in the way of having authentic and productive conversations with our teams.

    So, how do we navigate the emotional rollercoaster of a stressful conversation? How do we make sure they actually lead to something positive? Today’s guest will walk us through how we can engage in difficult conversations most productively.

    Joining me today is Candice Elliott. Candice is a Fractional CHRO and HR Mentor for business and non-profit leaders. She focuses on the intersection of public health, organizational and community development, helping leaders foster cultures of healing where they and their teams can thrive. 

    In this episode, Candice walks us through the four Fs of stress responses. She also discusses the importance of creating a safe work environment through trust and relationship-building, plus helpful physical techniques to release stress and much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (01:58) The four Fs of stress responses
    • (05:43) Helpful tips to keep your stress response from sabotaging your conversations
    • (08:48) Is taking a break advisable when in a stressful conversation?
    • (13:06) What does a freeze response look like, and how to manage it?
    • (18:16) The importance of building trust and meaningful relationships
    • (24:17) Physical techniques to release stress
    • (25:06) A great manager Candice has worked for
    • (26:21) Keep up with Candice
    • (27:32) [Extended Episode Only] What to do when someone you’re speaking with becomes defensive?
    • (34:57) [Extended Episode Only] How to handle difficult conversations in a team setting

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here

    Keep up with Candice Elliott

    - Follow Candice on Instagram and LinkedIn

    - Visit her website for more information here

    Free 45-Minute Burnout Buster Consult

    Candice is offering members of Podcast+ a free Burnout Buster Consult. During this 45-minute session, you’ll identify the most impactful next step you can take toward preventing burnout for you and your team.

    To get these guest bonuses and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    11 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 28 minutes 58 seconds
    309: Proven Meeting Strategies That Boost Productivity with Yari Ising

    Meetings are an important part of how we collaborate, but too often, they feel more like a waste of time rather than a productive engagement.

    How often have you left a meeting feeling like you’ve lost time and momentum? Our guest has found a way to reclaim your time and make every meeting count.

    Today’s guest is Yari Ising. Yari is the founder of The Ising Agency, a firm offering operations, recruiting, and admin support for stretched-thin in-house teams. With over 10 years of experience leading teams, she has seen firsthand the common blindspots that managers have, along with what employees need most from managers.

    Yari reveals her “unusual” yet proven strategies and practices that have helped her team and clients improve their meetings and get more done. We explore the benefits of no-meeting days, the exit strategy, and more meetings dos and don’ts.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (01:17) The problem with having full days of meetings
    • (03:12) How to stop the cycle of endless unnecessary meetings
    • (08:33) A healthy way to implement no-meeting days
    • (10:08) Benefits of no-meeting days
    • (12:59) How to design meetings that work best for your team
    • (15:00) The graceful exit strategy
    • (19:14) How to keep your team members up-to-date when they aren’t in a meeting
    • (22:00) Meeting dos and don’ts
    • (25:20) A great manager Yari has worked for
    • (26:17) Keep up with Yari
    • (27:20) [Extended Episode Only] The essentialist approach to meetings
    • (30:19) [Extended Episode Only] Helpful tools for effective meetings

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here

    Keep up with Yari

    - Follow Yari on LinkedIn here

    - Check more of Yari’s works here

    Free Workshop Handout for Optimizing Meeting Participation

    Download my workshop handout for optimizing meeting participation. You’ll learn how to decide who should be engaged before, during and after a meeting, how to engage them, and how to make the shift from everyone being invited to engaging people appropriately at each stage.

    To get these guest bonuses and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    4 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 38 minutes 14 seconds
    308: 3 Cs to Building a Winning Team with James Scouller

    Teamwork makes the dream work. But does it?

    Most of us believe that being a team means nurturing teamwork, embracing camaraderie, and supporting each other emotionally. However, these factors, although very important, aren't essential for every type of team. Today’s guest will unpack what makes a team and how to build a strong one.

    Meet James Scouller. James is an executive coach, thought leader, former CEO, and expert in building teams. He is also the author of the trilogy How to Build Winning Teams Again and Again and Again, the first series of handbooks to explain the psychology, principles, and road maps behind team success.

    Known for his expertise in leadership and team dynamics, James discusses what truly defines a team, highlighting his 3 Cs model–Commit, Combust, Combine–and how it builds winning teams. 

    He also provides real-world examples of different types of teams at work, explains how managers can support their teams through the stages of effective team formation, emphasizes the importance of trust and clear unifying goals, and much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (01:26) What makes a team?
    • (02:18) Pseudo teams vs. performance teams
    • (07:47) What does a “real” team look like in the workplace?
    • (11:24) Determining the right type of team for your work
    • (16:44) Building a winning team using the 3 Cs
    • (30:16) How to encourage people to prioritize the team first over personal needs
    • (32:12) A great manager James has worked for
    • (35:09) Keep up with James
    • (36:43) [Extended Episode Only] The dual forces concept and how it disrupts team formation
    • (42:43) [Extended Episode Only] Tips for helping team members with their mindset and behavioral shift
    • (44:39) [Extended Episode Only] How to craft a positive narrative for your team

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here

    Keep up with James

    - Follow James on LinkedIn and Twitter

    - Grab a copy of his book here

    - Visit Leadership Mastery Suite here

    3 Exclusive Bonuses For Podcast+ Members

    James is providing 3 amazing bonuses to members of Podcast+:

    • A PDF download of his “Rapid Team Rater” tool, which lets you assess your team within 10-15 minutes using a framework based on the Seven Principles team building model. 
    • An entire folder consisting of James’ sophisticated suite of tools called “Team Fixer”. The tools help you figure out your team’s top psychological issue and then zero in on the actions you’ll need to apply.
    • A free hour of consultation with James, where you can use the Rapid Team Rater tool to discuss the specifics of your team.

    To get these guest bonuses and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    28 May 2024, 9:00 am
  • 36 minutes
    307: How to Make the Transition Into a Manager Role with Eric Girard

    Do you feel overwhelmed as you step into your first management role?

    Climbing up the corporate ladder can be exciting, but research shows that transitioning from an individual contributor into a manager role is one of the most challenging and stressful periods in a person’s career.

    Many new managers don’t easily make the psychological transition from an individual contributor paid to perform tasks to a manager entrusted with achieving results through others’ efforts. But that’s exactly what we need to do.

    Meet Eric Girard. Eric is the CEO of Girard Training Solutions and the author of Lead Like a Pro: The Essential Guide for New Managers. He has over 30 years of experience helping improve the performance of managers and employees. He specializes in the development of new managers, focusing on their successful transition to their new role and on their team management skills.

    Eric and I talk about the key skills and mindset shift that new and not-so-new managers need to succeed in building a strong, thriving team. 

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (01:53) Biggest challenges new managers run into
    • (03:31) What’s the job of a manager?
    • (06:28) How to coach someone to navigate their own challenges
    • (08:46) Why managers need to learn to delegate
    • (11:10) How new managers can build trust with their team
    • (17:35) The four different stages of team formation
    • (20:35) Tips and tricks for navigating through all the four stages of team formation
    • (25:00) How managers can help their team members work through times of change
    • (30:05) A great manager Eric has worked for
    • (33:50) Keep up with Eric
    • (34:43) [EXTENDED EPISODE ONLY] A new way of using the SWOT analysis to help yourself and your team become better
    • (40:32) [EXTENDED EPISODE ONLY] How to effectively set goals as a team 

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    Keep up with Eric:

    - Follow Eric on LinkedIn here

    - Join Eric’s Lead Like a Pro Workshop here

    - Grab a copy of his book, Lead Like a Pro here
    - Build your team’s skills here

    Giveaway: 4 Copies of “Lead Like a Pro”

    Eric is giving away 4 signed copies of his book, Lead Like a Pro: An Essential Guide For New Managers. This book is your roadmap to becoming a successful manager people will want to work with. As Eric explains, anyone who wants to thrive in a new management position, get the most from their teams, and contribute to their organization’s success must transform themselves from an individual contributor who can manage tasks into someone who’s great at managing people.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    21 May 2024, 9:00 am
  • 10 minutes 48 seconds
    306: 4 AI Tools for Modern Managers to Skyrocket Your Productivity

    Have you tried ChatGPT yet?  

    AI is taking the business world by storm and AI tools have now become an integral part of daily workflows. While many businesses are already discovering ways to adopt and leverage AI, a lot of managers I speak with aren't sure how to take advantage of it.

    In this week's episode, I share my list of top picks of innovative AI tools that can dramatically boost your team's productivity. From AI-driven task generators that simplify project planning to advanced writing tools that improve your writing and communication skills, I have it all covered just for you.

    Whether you're a seasoned team manager or just someone looking to elevate your skills with AI, this episode is packed with information.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    • (00:00) Intro
    • (00:46) Take advantage of task generators
    • (02:20) Leveraging AI writing tools
    • (03:58) How AI-powered meeting notes work
    • (06:39) Boost productivity with task planners
    • (08:41) Reminders when using AI tools
    • (10:20) [Extended Episode Only] My #1 AI productivity tool 

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here 

    - Visit my website for more here

    My Personal Task Management System (Behind-the-Scenes)

    Members of Podcast+ get a behind-the-scenes look at my personal task management system where I share all my tips and tricks for how I capture tasks, plan my day, and use Asana and Akiflow to keep myself organized and on track.

    To get this bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

    14 May 2024, 9:00 am
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