Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

Maggie Sterling

  • 26 minutes 29 seconds
    239 - Resolving Conflict In Close Relationships

    Are you struggling with disagreements in your relationship? This episode dives into how to handle conflicts with your partner without trying to change them. Learn why your thoughts about your partner matter more than their actions, and discover practical ways to improve communication. We share personal experiences and strategies that have helped us resolve conflicts faster and more effectively. Find out how to create a stronger, happier relationship by focusing on what you can control – your own mindset and reactions.

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    26 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 37 minutes 54 seconds
    238 - Why I Don't Tell People What To Eat

    In this episode, Maggie explains why she doesn't provide meal plans or tell people exactly what to eat for weight loss. She discusses the drawbacks of following strict diet rules and why it's more important to focus on reducing overeating. Maggie introduces her new app, Ditch Your Diet, which helps users plan and track their meals without restrictive guidelines. She emphasizes the importance of meeting yourself where you are and making small, sustainable changes rather than following someone else's idea of the perfect diet.

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    19 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 56 minutes 39 seconds
    237 - Embracing Your True Self in a Judgmental World [Part 2]

    Continuting the conversation from last week, we continue to dicuss how to live more authentically and not let other people's opinions about you get to you. We also answer a lot of questions around this subject that were submitted via Instagram.

    12 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 27 minutes 52 seconds
    236 - Embracing Your True Self in a Judgmental World [Part 1]

    Maggie and Ryan discuss the importance of living authentically, even when others disapprove. They explore how past experiences and family expectations can make it hard to be your true self. They share personal stories about overcoming the need to please others and explain why it's okay if some people don't like you. This episode will help you understand why changing yourself for others doesn't work and how to start living more authentically.

    5 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 20 minutes 55 seconds
    235 - Controlling Thoughts That Control You

    Ryan and Maggie discuss how negative thoughts can snowball and impact mood, decisions, and behavior. They share personal experiences with recognizing low moods and stopping unhelpful thought patterns. The hosts explore techniques for catching negative thoughts early and choosing not to engage with them. They also touch on how mood affects reactions to situations and food choices.

    21 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 22 minutes 22 seconds
    234 - How To Stop Thinking About Food

    In this episode, Maggie discusses how constantly thinking about food and wishing those thoughts would stop actually makes the problem worse. She explains that the more attention and emphasis we put on these food-related thoughts, the more we amplify them. Instead of fighting or trying to change these thoughts, Maggie suggests allowing them to pass without engaging with them, as thoughts will naturally come and go if we don't feed into them. By focusing our attention elsewhere and holding these thoughts lightly, we can reduce their power and frequency over time.

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    14 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 25 minutes 36 seconds
    233 - Negative Body Image

    Are you struggling with negative feelings about your body? Do you find yourself constantly frustrated, disappointed, or even disgusted by your appearance? You're not alone. In this episode, we dive deep into the spectrum of body discontent and explore practical strategies for coping with these difficult emotions. We discuss the mental and emotional toll of hating your body and share insights on how to navigate this journey towards body acceptance. If you're ready to find peace with your appearance and break free from the cycle of negative body image, this episode is for you.

    Vibe Club

    Ditch Your diet App

    7 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 25 minutes 59 seconds
    232 - Your Goal Shouldn't Be Weight Loss

    Are you tired of setting weight loss goals, only to find yourself back at square one? In this episode, we dive into the reasons why focusing solely on losing weight may be holding you back from lasting success. Discover the critical habits and mindset shifts that matter more than the number on the scale. Learn how to fuel your body and create sustainable change for long-term results. If you're ready to break free from the dieting cycle and embrace a healthier relationship with food and your body, this episode is for you.

    Vibe Club

    Ditch Your Diet App

    31 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 15 minutes 26 seconds
    231 - Why Your Brain Justifies Overeating (And How to Stop)

    In this episode, Maggie and Ryan discuss the common excuses and questions people ask themselves when justifying overeating, such as "Who cares?" and "Does it even matter?" They explore how these thoughts, often disguised as rhetorical questions, can lead to a cycle of overeating and disappointment. Maggie emphasizes the importance of being honest with yourself and acknowledging that if you're constantly struggling with these thoughts, then it does matter. She provides strategies for breaking the pattern, including setting reminders, bringing awareness to your habits, and challenging the lies you tell yourself. Ultimately, the key to overcoming overeating is recognizing that these small moments of justification can have a significant impact on your mental health, self-trust, and weight loss goals.

    Vibe Club

    Ditch Your Diet Planner App

    24 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 22 minutes 11 seconds
    230 - What To Change When The Scale Isn't Going Down

    In this episode, Maggie and Ryan discuss what to do when the number on the scale isn't moving. They explain that the real reason most people aren't losing weight is because they are overeating, often in small ways they may not even realize. Instead of drastically cutting calories or eliminating food groups, they recommend focusing on reducing the extra snacks and unintentional eating outside of meals. By paying attention to hunger cues and planning ahead, you can identify and reduce the overeating that is preventing weight loss.

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    17 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 26 minutes 11 seconds
    229 - Tips For Listening To Your Higher Brain Over Your Habit Brain

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of slowing down and tuning into your body's signals when trying to lose weight. Your habit brain may be telling you to react quickly and eat, but your higher brain knows what you truly want. To listen to your higher brain, create pauses between urges and actions, and consider tools like timers, reminders, or journal prompts. Recognize that the work may feel challenging at first, but gets easier with practice. Finally, regulating your nervous system through exercises like deep breathing or walking can help you better connect with your higher brain and reach your goals.

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    10 May 2024, 8:00 am
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